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Annotated Bibliography: The Minorities' Struggle of Mental Health

Nathan Zopf

Department of English, University of Arizona

English 109h: Honors English

Ms. Kelli Lycke Martin

October 1, 2023


Barnett, J. (2023, February 15). “enough: Black mental health” extended interview | therapist

Jay Barnett inspires community to heal. YouTube.

- This interview talks about how it is to grow up in a low income community/ African

American community with a mental illness. The audience for this interview was anyone

watching the news broadcast. The purpose, was to help show people that it is ok to talk

about your feelings, and that it does infact save lifes. The context of this interview

focuses mainly on Jay Barnett’s childhood. I think this source was pretty credible because

it is coming straight from Jay Barnett, about his childhood. The most important part of

this interview was that it shows how little people know about therapy in certain cultures.

Bates, R. A., Singletary, B., Yacques, A., & Justice, L. (2020). Sleep and stress in mother–toddler

dyads living in low-income homes. Developmental Psychobiology.

- I am going to use this article to prove how important therapy is for low-income homes. It

will help me show why my topic is an issue. This article is about a case study that shows

how children growing up in lower-income homes have a harder time getting sleep. This

article is for people that would benefit from the case study, such as therapists. It’s purpose

is to shine light on the struggles of growing up in a low income family. In this article the

context is mainly the findings of the case study, which is that kids in low income

communities is prone to getting less sleep. They then start to explain that lack of sleep

can cause stress and anxiety. This article is very credible as it was published as a medical

research article, by the four doctors that conducted it. The most helpful peice of this

article is the fact that it proves there is a need for therapy in low-income households.

Bekere, & Tlale, L. D. N. (2019). Counseling needs and the benefits of counseling for students in

schools. Gender & Behaviour (Volume 17.2 pp. 12809-12817)

- I am going to use this article to help show why we need therapy. It proves the importance

of therapy wether you are mentally ill or not. We all go through stressors in our life that

deserves to be talked about. I think the audience for this is people who don’t understand

why schools have counsilors. To help those people understand why it is important. The

purpose of this article is to show everyone the struggles kids go through, and also help

whoever reads this understand kid’s bad behaviour. The context of this article is mainly

how children act out, then how counseling can help the students. I think this article is

very credible, the article is basing its facts on several different case studies. I think what’s

most interesting about this article is that fact that this kind of research exists. Growing up

I never felt like there was studies to help students in school.

Boat, Wu, J. T., & Institute of Medicine. Board on the Health of Select Populations. (2015).

Mental disorders and disabilities among low-income children. (pages 451-473)

- This article is very important as it exposes the issues kids have in low-income areas, and

that the lack of therapy is exposing those issues. I highlighted the last section of the book

because it shows multiple graphs and data points of research. This entire book exposes

the raw data that low income children are more likely to have mental illnesses. I think the

main audience for this book is therapists, and doctors. It talks about how life in the low

income housing is, and what issues come with it. The purpose of this book is to expose

the “secrets” of low income families. The context of the pages I highlighted is mainly all

of the data they used to write the book. The credibility of the book seems great, I believe

they found these numbers themselves. I think what was most important in this book was

the fact that half of the people that ask for government aid, is disabled, most being

mentally disabled.

Chiles, A. (2023, September 13). Therapy has one big flaw, as I’ve seen for myself. but I know

how to fix it | Adrian Chiles. The Guardian.

- This article says that therapy is too expensive but that Adrian Chiles has a solution. The

article talks about how everyone needs therapy, but only certain people can afford it. It

then talks about a possible solution, however I don’t see the effectiveness of it. I think the

audiness for this article is other therapists, as Adrian is one himself. The purpose of this

article is to shine light on a possible solution to the issue. The context in this article is

mainly about Adrian’s own opinions on the issue. For that reason I’m not sure if this is a

credible source.

Hill, A. (2021, May 27). In-depth: Why many minorities skip therapy and a new bill trying to

change that. ABC Action News Tampa Bay (WFTS).

- In this interview, Yorelis Apolinario talks about why she thinks minorities don’t reachout

to seek help from therapists. ABC news covers this story, and talks about how a new bill

might help this issue. I think the purpose of this article is to make people vote for the bill

that was coming out. The audience is American citizens. The context of this article

includes the interview with Yorelis, as well as information about the new bill. I think the

source is still credible, even though they are talking about a new bill. I think the most

important thing to take away from this is that minorites only make up about a third of the

total amount of people who see therapists.

Laurenz, L. (n.d.). 9 affordable therapy options for 2023. Healthline.

- This popular news source talks about nine different examples of low cost therapy. The

audience is people whow may not have a lot of money, or healthcare to cover the total

cost of therapy. I think the purpose of this article is to get people to use one of the nine

ways, however down towards the bottom it does try and explain why therapy is so much.

The context is just that, half of it is explaining the cheaper ways of therapy, and the other

half is trying to explain why it is so expensive. I’m not sure how credible this source is,

as the company might have made money off the people that used one of the nine cheap

therapy options. I think the most important thing is that there are options that are cheaper

than your traditional therapy.

Lauretta, A. (2023, June 30). How much does therapy cost in 2023?. Forbes.

- This news article breaks down the average cost of therapy in 2023. I think the audience

for this article is anyone in America, that is trying to figure out what therapy would cost.

I think the purpose of this article is to show how crazy expenisive it is. The context

includes the average cost per session, it also talks about how there is very little health

insurance plans that actually cover the price of therapy. I think the source is pretty

credible, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to be bias, and it seems to be mostly facts. I

think the most important part of this article is that an average appointment costs 100-200

dollars. That means at the bare minimum, once a month treatment, will cost you 1,200

dollars a month.

Phillips, B. (2014). In P. Wennberg (Ed.), The Importance of Therapy Motivation for Patients

With Substance Use Disorders (Vol. 51, pp. 555–562). essay, The American

Psychological Association.

- This article is a supporting article of how therapy can be beneficial to everyone. In this

article it talks about the importance of psychotherapy for people that struggle with

substance abuse. I think the audenice for this article is anyone who is interested in the

findings. This article is a case study, with most of the context being the case studies

findings to support their theory. I think the purpose of the article is to show how much

therapy can help people maintain strong when trying to overcome a challenge. This

source is very credible as it is an entire case study, that shows all of the findings it found.

The most important thing about this article is the fact that people in therapy did

substantionally better in staying sober than people without it.

Ross, B. (2023, July 25). Therapists raise awareness of mental health care disparities in minority

communities. WBAL.

- This news article helps explain why the mental health crisis is happening. It explains how

common mental illness is as well as it explains why there still is a lack of people getting

help. The audience for this news article is again, the American people. I think the purpose

of this article is to show that you aren’t alone, as well as why we feel the way we do

about therapy. The context is about the data they have collected, as well as some of the

reasons people won’t get the help they need. I think this source is somewhat credible, it

does use fact and reasoning, however I have never heard of this news station before. I

vthink the most important thing from the source is that 1 out of every 5 Americans is

suffering from a mental illness.

SaMya Overall, K. L. (2023, August 17). The struggle to find a therapist who looks like you in

Detroit. Outlier Media.

- This article talks about the struggle to find a therapist that looks like you. In other words,

someone who knows the struggles you have been through. The audience for this article is

anyone who feels like they are not able to connect with people that aren’t similar to them.

The purpose is to shine a light on yet another issue people have with finding the right

therapist. The context of this article is mainly data they have found or come up with. I

think this sight is credible it shows the data they are referring to as well as has people

speaking from experience. I think the most important thing about this article is it shows

that even if therapy was lower cost, it still doesn’t mean everyone will choose to use it.

YouTube. (2020, September 8). Growing up poor in America (full documentary) | frontline.


- This documentary is about what it is like to grow up in a lower income community. The

audience for this documentary was anyone who watched it. It’s purpose is to shine light

on the life of children that were less fortunate than the majority. The context is mainly

focused on three different families, and their daily lifes. I think this source is very

credible because it isn’t trying to push anything onto the viewers, and is coming straight

from the source. I think the most important info is when they are interviewing one of the

kids, he admits that whenever he is sad, he keeps it in because he doesn’t want to make

his mom upset.

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