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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Learning Shapes!

Grade level: Kindergarten

Students will be able to differentiate between two-dimensional shapes.
Students will be able to name two-dimensional shapes.
State Standards:
1.G.4 Identify and name two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus,
trapezoid, and circle).

Context: This lesson is a kindergarten math lesson about shapes. I am teaching this lesson
because it is important to gain the fundamentals of learning shapes, as they will continue to be
used in higher education. Before this lesson, students will likely have known a few basic shapes
such as a square and a circle. After this lesson, students will be able to identify different shapes
such as a hexagon and a trapezoid. Students will use technology as well as hands-on activities in
order to comprehend this concept.
Data: The students will be placed into three different groups. These groups will be extremely
knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and unknowledgeable. These will be based on the pre-
assessment that will be given to the students as they enter the classroom. This assessment
covered the general questions about shapes and had an area for students to add any additional
information they may know. After the assignment, I will use a post assessment to ensure that the
effectiveness of this grouping is beneficial.
Introduction: Paper, Pencil, Smartboard
Teacher directed: Smartboard, expo marker, white board
Collaborative: Shape game (wooden shapes), mini white board, expo marker
Independent: Paper, pencil

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction ( 10 minutes):
Students will walk into the classroom and pick up a piece of paper on their way in. They
will place their bookbags on the back of their chairs and sit down in their seats. On the smart
board, there will be a colorful background with “Learning Shapes” as the title. I will explain that
students will start by looking at their sheet of paper and labeling the shapes that are listed on the
sheet. I will let the students know that they may not know everything on the pre-assessment and
that is okay. I will give them the remaining seven to eight minutes of the introduction time to
complete this assignment. Once they have finished completing their pre-assessment, I will ask
them to turn it into my desk.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): I will ask all students to sit down at their desks and to pay
attention because the lesson is beginning. At this point, I will refer to the smartboard and I will
present a slideshow. Each slide will show a shape and I will ask students to raise their hands and
state what shape they think is, correcting them if they are wrong. This will give the students the
basis of what they need for their collaborative assignment. I will then tell the students to stay
with their table as we will begin the collaborative assignment shortly.

Collaborative (10 minutes): I will hand out mini white boards to each group and one
expo marker. I will assign one student out of each table to be the leader. Following this I will
pass out wooden shapes, and explain the assignment. When I ask the students to display a
particular shape, they will be able to use multiple senses in order to use their best guess to
determine what shape I am displaying with their group.

Independent Digital (5 minutes): After the collaborative stage, I will give each student a
tablet from the cart and let them all watch a video covering all the shapes.

Closure (10 minutes): I will ask all of the students to place their tablets back in the cart. I
will ask them all to go back to their seats and then ask them to do a post assessment. If they feel
great about learning shapes, I will give them a thumbs up. If they feel semi-confident, I will tell
them to give me a neutral thumbs up/down, and if they do not feel good, I will tell them to give
me a thumbs down. This is a quick and effective way to gain an understanding for how confident
the students are.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)
(Multimedia 1): I decided to use a youtube video about shapes because it is often easier
for students to comprehend a concept if the concept is put into a song. The shape song is
effective for students to understand. I think this form of media is simple but will be
beneficial to students

(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc: The second
form of multimedia I used was a slideshow I will be designing. This slide show will be
colorful and use contrast. It will have the basic shapes and descriptions on the slideshow.

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