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Write a reaction paper about the talk “How the Media Affects the Youth” by Oda Faremo
Lindholm. Your reaction paper must have a title, an introduction, a body paragraph (1 main
argument with 2 examples), and a conclusion.


Oda Faremo Lindholm talks about ‘How Media Affects Youth’ Explains a pressing
problem affects our society as a youth in our country. I am related about her topic all
about media. I found her point and enlightening and concerning all the expertly explain
the consequence on too much media influence in this reaction paper I will examine
Lindholm’s main point. which is supported by two strong examples and include my own
thoughts and this issue.
Lindholm’s Argues that media can affect youth’s Behavior, Attitude, and way of Living
too much use of media can cause addiction. Youth’s started to get familiar of using
media in very early age. They easily be attracted or be hooked up by Gadgets.
Lindholm’s Highlights the role of media in gender norms and terms of Tv
shows, movies, and specially advertisements. media can help youth to boost their
personal confidence and of the example of this is media unrealistic
beauty standards this can cause body issues and body image problems in youth in
media. Another example is body portrayed in media this can cause discriminations in
young youth in media.
In Conclusion Oda Faremo Lindholm with her talk ‘How Media Affects Youth’ give us a
lesson that media continues to be a instruments of sexualization and gender
stereotypes and its negative effects on youths. Parents and government must guide the
youth through a better media influence. For them to be safe and away from negative
effects of media. In this simple way we can help our youth to be better and successful
youth they can be.

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