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1. Conflict bw 510 & construction code?

1- API-510
2. Authorised inspection Agency?2- 510 code 3.1.4 authorized inspection agency.
3. The maximum gauge pressure permitted at the top of a pressure vessel in its operating position for a
3.what is MAWP? designated temperature.
5. Within this document, testing generally refers to either pressure testing,
4.who is responsible for IOW? 4. Owner& User whether performed hydrostatically, pneumatically, or a combination
hydrostatic/pneumatic, or mechanical testing to determine such data as material
5.what is testing according to 510? hardness, strength, and notch toughness.
6.Before perform inspection what is need to get ? 6. Permission from operator person, permit
7.Internal inpsection performed by who ? 7. Inspector 8.A condition where a pressure vessel has not been prepared for an
internal inspection. See on-stream inspection. An inspection performed
8.When onstream inspection is performed? from the outside of a pressure vessel while it is on-stream using NDE
procedures to establish the suitability of the pressure boundary for
9.who verify thickness report data? 9. Inspector continued operation.
10.whom to consult short term corrosion rate differ from perviously identified rate ? 10-Ccorrosion spec list
11.If external covering is good condition is need to remove? 11. No
12.if linning bulges or crack what need to do ? 12- Remove portion the small particular area
13.ACFM used to detect?13. Surface breaking area and conductive (in both magnetic & non magnetic materials
14.who is reponsible for extentsion of PMI On existing equipment? 14.Owner User
15.if vessel installed prior 1999 what code is used?15.Applicable construction code & ASME-CODE-VIII DIV-1
16.what is seen on accessible flange face ? 16.Distortion & condition Gasket seating surface area.
17.when pneumatic test performed what is need to verify ? 17.Personal property and risk.
18- internal insp interval= 1/2 reaming life & 10
18.calculation based on onstream internal & external inspection ?years which is less
External insp inertval = 5 years or less
19.whom to consult when ST VS LT corrosion rate differ? With RBI Added-10 years
20. What are the method to identify probable corrosion rate ? 20-API-510 7.1.2 Page-42 pressure relieving device inspected? 21-Pop pressure test & as received pressure.
22- pit depth= 1/2x required thickness or 50 %of required thickness shall not exceed
22.calculation on pit evaluation? 23-A. for vessels with inside diameters less
than or equal to 60 in. (150 cm), one-half the
23.local thinning area designated length? vessel diameter or 20 in. (50 cm), whichever is
24.what formula will be use if corroded area on centre of head? less. B. for vessels with inside diameters
greater than 60 in. (150 cm), one-third the
25. What is joint efficiency used for type 1 &2 ? 25. SEC-VIII DIV1 UW 12 vessel diameter or 40 in. (100 cm),
26.extended match on approvals?26. 510code engineer and inspector. whichever is less.
27.who designated hold point during repair or alteration ? 27-Inspector
28. Who approve nozzle installation ? 28-Engineer
30- 510 Code
29.welding repair material are according to ?29- Applicable construction code.
33, a) The repair thickness shall not be more than 50 % of the required thickness of the
30.drag nd drop on permanent repair? base metal (this excludes corrosion allowance). B) The thickness of the repair weld shall be
increased by a ratio of minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal and minimum
31. Drag nd drop on flush patches?31 510code . specified tensile of the filler metal used for the repair T= d X S BASE/S FILL
32.distance bw adjacent fillet weld patches sum? 34-the joint efficiency is less than 1.0, an independent calculation using the appropriate
32. D= 4 underroote Rt
33.thickness of repair sum ? weld joint factor (typically 1.0) can be made. For this calculation, the surface at a weld
includes 1 in. (2.5 cm) on either side of the weld (measured from the toe) or twice the
34.when E-1 will be used (joint efficiency for FFS)? required thickness on either side of the weld, whichever is greater.
35.preheat temp according to what code is used? 35-AS PER APPILCABLE CONSTRUCTION CODE , QULIFY WPS
36.CDW what is the temperature of weldment heated nd time period for SMAW ? 36. For welds made by SMAW, after
completion of welding and without
allowing the weldment to cool below
37.when is pressure test required ? 37. Alteration , major repair, inspector the minimum preheat temperature,
38. Amine stress corrosion inspection method? 38. WFMT, ECT, ACFM the temperature of the weldment shall
be raised to a temperature of 500 °F ±
39.caustic corrosion prevented through in steam generating equipment ? 50 °F (260 °C ± 30 °C) for a minimum
period of two hours to assist
40-Increasing the chromium content
40.sulphidation resistance increase through ?significantly increases resistance to outgassing diffusion of any weld metal
hydrogen picked up during welding.
41. HTHA resistance improved through ? 41.Resistance to increases with and increase in 39.In steam-generating equipment,
the alloy content, primarily the Cr and Mo caustic corrosion is best prevented
42 .at what temp brittle fracture occur? content, of a steel. through proper design.
43.prevention of CUI ?43. While closed cell foam glass materials. 42.Below Charpy impact transition
44.Refractory degradation detect by what NDT? 44. IR (Infrared technique.)
45.caustic concentration of NAOH at 30% at some temp what is need to do ?
46.surface preparation method for caustic stress corrosion cracking?46. Depend on specific technique.
47.suspectability materail of chloride scc? 47.All 300 series SS are highly susceptible.
48.PT standard temp ? 48. 40 F -125 F ( 5C -52C
49. On the film with F latter.
49.location marker on radiography where will be placed?
50.IQI selected based on ? 50. Weld metal thickness + Reinforcement

51.what is cause for rejection of excessive backscatter ?51. when latter B appear light image.
53. Corrective procedures should be
52.PT used to detect what are the things? 52.Surface utilized when metal temperatures (typically above
53.At what temp above correction factor required according to 510 ? 150 °F [65 °C]) impact the accuracy of the
thickness measurements obtained
54. Max temp difference between calibration block & Part temp? 54. 25F
55. Max area of intrest for gamma ray ? 55. 4 MAX (2-4 )
56.what is arc blow ? 56.arc blow -The deflection of an arc from its normal path because of magnetic forces.
57. What electrode is used in heated oven after removal to reduce exposure? 57.E-7018 Low hydrogen
electrode, low damped electrode.
58.VT inspection person test how long once ? 58. 1 year.
59. Butt weld applicable method ? 59.api577 table -4 . RT,UT, PT,MT, VT,ET, LT.
60.preheat of carbon nd low alloy steel ? 60-Slow down cooling rate, reduce tendency of hydrogen induced cracking minimize burn through what size electrode use? 61. Electrode dia 2.4 & heat input limit.
62.high sulphur crude oil bring what type of corrosion ? 62.Sulfidation corrosion.
63.POR ND WPS thickness range?
64. Tensile strength value checking on POR?
65.WPQ Qualification on WPS & PQR? avoid second time PWHT ?
67. Without impact test material sum?
68. Shell thickness sum? pressure sum?
70.elliposidal & pressure sum ?
71.pneumatic test pressure sum?
72. Inspection of rupture disc?72. Media build up corrosion and damage. (media = deposit)
73.pilot operated valve ?

Additional Questions: API 510 Exam on 12 Jan 2022

1. Outside of Ellipsoidal Knuckle area corroded, The centre portion of head which API-510 7.4.6 B
formula use for calculation? (Ellipsoidal, Tori spherical, Hemispherical, Cylindrical)
2. Some vessel exempted in accordance with the criteria in ASME Code Section VIII,
Division 1 Should be considered for Inclusion based on Risk ? API-510 1.2.2 2nd Para POF.
3. Which code recommended practice for Material Verification Program? COF
4. AEU Exchanger? (Floating head, No Floating Head, Fixed tube sheet) Floating Head
5. What Is Arc Blow? API-577
6. Design Temperature? API-510 3.1.17 The temperature used for the design of the pressure vessel per the applicable
construction code
7. Inspection Plan Definition? API-510 DEF 3.1.36 A strategy defining how and when a pressure vessel or pressure-relieving
device will be inspected, repaired, and/or maintained
8. What is Testing? API-510 3.1.72
9. What is Transition Temperature? API-510 3.1.74 The temperature at which a material fracture mode changes from ductile to
10. Who is responsible for implementing and executing an effective MOC process that
reviews and controls changes to the process and to the hardware? 4.1.3 owner user
11. Who should Implement and Maintain IOWs? API-510 4.1.4owner user
12. Who shall maintain certification records of the examiners employed, including dates
and results of personnel qualification? EXAMINR Employer 4.5.3
13. Before starting Inspection activities ? obtain permission from operating personals
14. If Lining appears bulged ? personals
to remove deposits or linings to perform adequate inspections
19.CMLs may be eliminated or the number significantly reduced when the probability and/or consequence of failure is low (e.g. clean
noncorrosive hydrocarbon service). In circumstances where CMLs will be substantiallyreduced or eliminated, a corrosion specialist
should be consulted.

15- API-510 & 2 When on-stream inspections of the pressure boundary are specified, the
appropriate NDE techniques shall be specified to detect the damage mechanisms and their associated
flaw types identified in the inspection plan. such inspection may be conducted either while the vessel is
15. What is On-Stream Inspection? depressurized or pressured.

16. Who approved Nozzle?(Only Inspector, Only Engineer, Inspector or Engineer,

Inspector and Engineer) only engr
17. What is PT temperature? 40 Degree F to 125 Degree F
18. How to Prepare CUI Inspection Plan? the inspector should consider the area that is more susciptable to CUI In
19. Which may be eliminated ?
20. PT which defect detecting?( Crack, Pin Hole, Porosity, Subsurface Crack) subsurface
21. How to find refractory or lining ?(RT, UT, WFMT , IR) IR
22. How to do surface preparation for caustic stress corrosion cracking ?(Low water
blasting & Grit , High pressure & Grit, Grit & Power Bruss, Grit & Policing) Depending upon Tech
23. Corrective Procedure should utilize which temperature?(125F, 149F, 150F,175F)
24. When Presser test Must be applied?(After normal repair, Repair, alteration or
Repair, if the inspector believes that one is necessary ) 24.alteration or Repair
25. MAWP definition ? Maximum Gauge pressure permitted on the top
26. When Pneumatic test shall consider by engineer before conducting test? personal & property Risk
27. If pressure vessel component experience accelerated corrosion or should fail
because an incorrect material was inadvertently substituted for the specified
material ? Further material Verification by Inspector
28. Weld and Heat affected zones are often inspected for ? corrosion & Surface Specified cracking
29. Accessible flange face should be examined for ? Distortion & condition Gasket seating surface area.
30. Flange fastener should be engaged if the lack of complete engagement ?not more than one thread
31. The marking on a representative sample of newly installed fastener and gasket
should be examined to determine ? to determine wheather they meet material spec
32. Flange in high -Pressure and/or High -Temperature services that have been boxed in 510- 5.11.5
or leaked on-stream during the previous operation run should special attention to ? Insp &
33. If both the ownership and location of vessel are changed? internal/external insp maintenance
34. External inspection should? (Answer: Ladder, Staircase, Platform)
35. Non-continuous for internal Inspection? the number of years of actual sevice instaed of calender years
36. On Stream Inspection in Lieu of Internal Inspection? (Must be read all rules)
37Each zone may be treated independently. . Each zone shall be inspected based on the
37. Multi Zone Vessel? interval for that zone.
38. Each repair organization shall have ?38 fully documented training 39 that does not exceed 10
39. Pressure -relieving device shall be tested and inspected at interval that ? yers for non fouling and 5
years for typical service
40. Deferral proposed new due date would not increase ? 10 percent of the inspection Interval or 6 month whichever is
41. Short term VS Long Term shall be determined By ? (Examiner, Corrosion Specialist,
Inspector and Corrosion Specialist or Inspector) 41.Corrosion or Inspector
Specialist, Inspector and Corrosion Specialist

42. When evaluating Shot term and Long term corrosion rate as part of the data
assessment ? 42. insps in consulting with corrosion specialist
43. How to determine Probable corrosion rate ? ( Four Method)
44. If Probable corrosion rate an on-stream determination shall be? (There is one option
show after 1000 hrs and second option after three to six month so don’t choose
45. Evaluation of locally thinned area ? (two rules remember, one question close book
and for calculation open book)
46. One question form average thickness six rules API book page no : 44 and one for
Rule : the surface shall not have sharp / no cyclic / min reading 15 no / no thk reading 50 percent of t
calculation) Req
47. Evaluation of Pitting? (one question for objective and two question for calculation)
no pit depth shall exceed half of the T required / 2: sum of
the dimension of two pis shall not exceed 2Inch /3: Area 7
Aq Inch out of 8 Inch Dia
surface is away fr the weld / 1 inch or two time of
thk which is greater
48. One question Joint efficiency ? (Option must be choose either side of weld 1Inch or
twice the required thickness whichever greater )
49. Evaluation of existing equipment with minimal documentation for Type 2 Butt weld?
(They are Given Valve like 1.0, 0.55, 0.65 and 0.70) UW12 VIII DIV1 0.65
50. Owner user shall maintain Permanente Recorded will be ? throughout the life of
51. The inspector may give prior general authorization (Not for pressure test, Not for
routine repair) Limited Repair OR PWHT
52. Chapter 8 API book Page no 48 page very important two question close book and
two question open book )
53. All repairs and alteration to pressure vessel shall be performed by repair
organization in accordance with ? 53. applicable principles of the ASME Code or the applicable construction or
repair code and the equipment specific repair plan
54. Before any Repair or Alterations are performed, all proposed methods of design, Inspector or
executive, materials, welding procedures, NDE, and testing shall be approved by ? Engineer
55. Who shall approve all specified repair and alteration work designated hold points
after completion pf work? only insp
56. Temporary repairs may remain in place for a longer period of time only if evaluated,
approved, and documented by ? insp & engr
57. Drag and Drop Temporary Repair? lap band / perm repair 5 typs / fillet weld patch / approved by insp &
58. Drag and Drop Permeant Repair ? engr
59. Filet welded patch shall have rounded comers with a minimum radius of ? (1in, 2in,
3in, 1 1/2in) 59- 1 INCH

60. Temporary repairs using fillet-welded patches shall be approved ? insp & engr
61. Calculate distance between the toes of the fillet weld? d= 4 underoor Rt
62. Non penetrating nozzles may be used other than crack? Api510 when the design and method of attachment comply with
the applicable requirements of the appropriate code. Permanent repair

63. Permanent repair shall be five rules API Page No 51 (A to E points) 63. Api5 10
64. Insert Patch ? (A to C points)
65. Filler metal strength for overlay and repair four points in Closed book Question like
using Except conditions
66. Repair depth calculations using with formula T fill = d X S base /S fill 67.Appl Consr Code or wps
67. Preheat Temperature used in making welding repair shall be accordance ?
68. A preheat of 300 °F (150 °C) or higher, as specified by specific welding procedures, is
68. Preheat temperature shall be ? maintained during welding. a) The weld area shall be preheated and maintained at a minimum
temperature of 300 °F (150 °C) during welding.
69. P5 material review should consider factor such as the reason for to stress corrosion
cracking? (Ans is PHWT Required-Open Book Questions) PWHT
70. CDW deposited methods shall be used ? half bead & temper bead
71. For welds made by SMAW after completion of welding to and without allowing the
71-the temperature of the weldment shall be raised to a
weldment a temperature shall be ? (Ans is : 500 0F + 50 0 F) temperature of 500 °F ± 50 °F (260 °C ± 30 °C) for a minimum
period of two hours.
72. Which electrode required backed at Oven ? (7010, 7018, 6010)
73. A rerating shall be performed in accordance with requirement’s ? vessel construction code
74. Which one excluded in ASME SEC VIII Div 1 but included in API 510? vaccum flasher or fire process
75. Three to four sum for T Required and calculate Pressure ? tubuler heater

76. Find out Not normalized SA516 Gr 60 thick 1.125 which temperature without impact
77. Find out ellipsoidal head T required given some value ?
78. One or two question find the MAWP given detail like 100ft tower 100 psi at Top
calculate what is bottom pressure?
79. Lighter Image of B and darker background of radiographs ? reject
80. IQI shall be selected on ? weld metal thk + reinforcement
81. Maximum intensity of Gama rays? 4 MAXIMUM
82. Maximum Gauge range shall not greater than ? 4 times of test pressure
83. Bend test acceptance range ? shall not exceed 1/8 inch or 3mm
84. If welder fail in Pipe radiography so how many length required? (Carefully read
question and Answer little bit different) 6+6 = 12 inch for two coupons
85. Some PQR, WPS and WPQ given find out some questions like Below in My exam
a. Welder qualified in above 1inch and unlimited range, welder can weld Nozzle
minimum dia. min-1 Max - Unlimited
b. Given tensile test is accepted or not?
c. Qualified range in WPS is Correct as given PQR?
d. How many tensile test required given range? qw-451
86. Open Book Questions : UT Compatible for which joint ? api-577 Table-4 Butt corner Tee
87. Open Book Questions : how can determine the weld Preparation angle prior to
welding? Ans : Bridge Cam Gauge
88. For Burn through two questions API 577 Para. Page 110. electrode size=2.4/limit the
heat input
89. What is reason of spring failure (Corrosion) Closed Book
90. Open Book: Spring insusceptible application for ? (Material Strength, Hardness and
Heat Treatment-API 577 Page 28 last Para. Second Last Line)
91. Pressure -Relief valve should be braced and shipped ? Closed Book api-576 page -28
92. When pressure relief valve premaintenance documents and proper handling
procedure should be completed ? Closed Book before it IS leaving the valve shop, before & after
93. Open Book : The Block Valve on the inlet and outlet should be opened and locked ?
93.576 6.2.5The block valves on the inlet and
(Ans: Or Car Sealed in the position) API 576 Page 42 Point H first Line) outlet should be opened and locked or car
sealed in that position
94. When PRV valve received in shop which test first will do? As received or Pop
95. Drop and Drag Rupture Disk Holder should be inspected for (Media Build up,
Corrosion and Damage) Open Book
96. How to check interna Refectory Lining from inside(UT, RT, WFMT and Light Hammer
97. Amine cracking is foam of ? ASCC /Alkaline Stress Corrosion Craacking
98. How to Inspect Amine stress corrosion Cracking ? Closed Book wfmt/ECT/ACFM
99. Open Book : Drop and Drag Brittle facture Critical Factor ? Point A. 1,2 and 3.
100. In High-Solution-strength caustic Temperature above ? 170F (75) -General corrosion CS
101. Caustic corrosion is best prevented through ? through proper design
102. Caustic corrosion cracking how to inspect UT-
103. Chloride stress corrosion cracking which material most susceptible? 300 Series
104. Nickle alloy material how many nickel content ? Greater than 30 percent
105. Increasing oxygen content tends to increase carbon steel ? Close book corrosion rate/cooling
106. Corrosion Under insulation Critical factor ? Open Book op 106 Temperature, duration of wetting, design of the
insulation system, insulation type, and environment are critical
107. How to Inspection erosion corrosion? Point A,B,C factors.
107- UT, RT , GWD
108. HTHA best Mitigation which alloy ? (Ans Chromium and Molybdenum) 108- Using alloy steels with
chromium and molybdenum
109. How can Provide additional Information on rate and extent of Damage ?
Corrosion Coupon (HCL Corrosion) stregedly based corrosion coupon or probe Strategically placed corrosion probes and/or corrosion coupons can
provide additional information on the rate and extent of damage.
110. Mechanical Fatigue Critical Factor ? Point A & B 110. API571 3.43.3
111. How to mitigate Mechanical Damage ? Ans Good Design Close Book 111-The best defense against fatigue
cracking is good design.
112. How to inspect Mechanical Damage ? Closed Book by WFMT
113. Strategically placing continuous corrosion monitoring in the system?
(Corrosion Coupons, UT, MT & RT) 113-Strategically placed corrosion probes and/or corrosion coupons can provide additional information on the
rate and extent of damage.

114. Sulfidation of iron based alloys beings metal temperature above ? 500 114 Sulfidation (H2-free) of iron-based
alloys begins at metal temperatures above
115. Sulfidation is most often in the form of ? General Uniform Thining 450 °F (230 °C) but normally only becomes
a practical concern above 500 °F (260 °C).

116. Wet H2S welds in carbon steel should be controlled to Produce weld
Hardness less than? 200 BHN 115-Depending on service conditions, corrosion is most often in
the form of uniform thinning but can also occur as localized
corrosion or high-velocity erosion-corrosion damage.

Remaining some of Calculation as Mock Up questions Paper

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ASME Section -5

1. who is responsible to ensure that the examination equipment being used conforms to the
requirements as per asme section 5-code user (T-130) cold shot

2. Ndt pt methods for detect defect-cold shut (table A -110)

3. Densitomer calibration standard-national standard (T-262)

4. Iqi section method-(base metal,reinforcement)drag &drop question (T-276.2 a)

5. What hole type iqi show for 1.125 inch-(source side-30)table T-276

6. Multi directional technique-at least two nearly perpendicular directions (T-756.2)

7. Ammeter tolerance deviation- +\_ 10 (T761.1)

8. Dry magnetic technique qualified for overhead position-any other position (I-730)


Design temperature definition-ug20(cv)

2)one shell thickness calculation ((OB)

3)ellipsoidal head thickness calculation (OB)

4)hemispherical pressure calculation (OB)

5)hydro test calculation ((OB)

6. pneumatic test calculation (OB)

7. UW-12 what type joint (single welded with backing strip left in place-type 2)(OB)

8. Uw-12 (joint is type 1 but no rt taken,then what effeciency we can give-.70)((OB)

9. Uw-33 (offset for A category joint thickness 1.125”-1/8 in)(OB)

10. Uw-40 pwht overlap (5ft)(OB)

11. Uw-52 spot radiography

12. UCS-5(carbon content not exceed.35%)(CB)

13. UCS-56 (p3 material repair depth-5/8”)(OB)

14. UCS-66 (sa 516-60-curve C-2f impact test extemption)(OB)

15. What is the minimum hydro test temperature-10f+mdmt(cb)

ASME Section -9

1. essential variable is change- mechanical properties will affect (QG-105.1)

2. One pqr review relatef to tensile strength

3. One wpq review related to welder diameter qualifications range

4. One wps review related to gtaw essential variable for gas change

Api 577

1. 10.7 hardening (200bhn for c-mo steel)

2. 10.7 (hardness table all value-extension matching)

3. Ultrasonic temperature range (25f)

4. The ablity of material to absorb energy-toughness

5. Not require for ut system check-change in ambient temperature) temperature


1. pilot operated pressure valves generally used-where a low differential exists between the normal and
set pressure of the valve (4.4)

2. Which causes of many of the difficulties encountered with pressure relief valve-corrosion (5.1.1)

3. Mechanical faliure of the spring,which causes-uncontrolled valve opening (5.3.1)

4. Pop test pressure-150% of cdtp (

Pressure relief valve visual onstream inspection-may problem with operating conditions (9)
Api 572

1. defect definition (3.1.9)

2. Design temperature (3.1.10)

3. On the processing stream and its contaminates or corrosion level inspection-rate of damage (6.2)

4. Breathing air should two independent air sources (8.1.2)

5. Damaged bolts to should check using a small ball peen hammer

6. External inspection starts with ladders,stairway,(9.3.2)

7. Hot spot developed-9.3.14(jaya kandan sir highlighted,multi response questions)

8. Deaerators in boiler feed system’s can be suspectible to cracking from a corrosion fatigue mechanism


1. amine stress cracking will come for which material (sa 516 gr 70-non phwt)

2. Atmospheric coorsion at which temperature not come-250f

3. Caustic corrosion prevention method (proper design for steam generating equipment)

4. Caustic scc-which material more resistant-nickel based alloy

5. Chrloride stress corrosion cracking (which material affect more-304 ss)

6. Chloride stress corrosion cracking (surface preparation-polishing)

7. Corrosion under insulation (SS temperature range (140-350)

8. Corrosion under insulation (prevention-closed foam material)

9. Erosion/corrosion-(appearance-grooves,gulies,waves)

10. Hcl corrosion (dew point corrosion)

11. Hcl corrosion (affected equipment-crude units)

12. Mechanical fatigue (wfmt-for best detect sub surface cracks)

13. Sulfidation-(appearance-uniform thinning)

14. Brittle fracture-(critical factor-material toughness)

15. Cooling water corrosion-(ERW carbon steel may suffer sever weld and or heated zone corrosion in
brackish water)

16. Sohic most often associated with weld ments

17. HTHA-(affected material-c-.5 mo)

API 510

1. asme extempted vessels are using api 510 based on probability and consequence of failure (1.2.2)

2. If conflict between api 510 and asme 8-should follow api (1.1.1)

3. CML definition (3.1.6)

4. Authorized inspection agency-drag and drop (3.1.4)

5. Defect definition (3.1.15)

6. Mawp definition

7. Engineer responsible (4.2)

8. Minimum content of inspection plan (multi)

9. Risk based inspection around 4 questions (5.2)

10. Communication (5.3.3)

11. Metallurgical change (drag &drop questions)

12. A primary goal for iternal inspection- cannot be found damage by monitoring cml (

13. Internal need not be removed (

14. Deposit removal should consult-corrosion specialist (

15. Internal lining removal if vessel are bulged or cracked (

16. External inspection give attention to weld attachment (

17. Short terms long terms change discussed with corrosion specialist

18. The owner responsible for ut person trained or not

19. Cui austentic ss temperature (140-350)

20. Cui maybe perfomed inside but often highly localized and difficult to detect (

21. Operator should inform to unit inspector if any up normal conditions (5.5.7)

22. Cml conducted represent number (6.6.2)

23. Localized corrosion-ut scanning (

24. Thinnest or average (

25. Cml eliminated-consequse and probably failure is low (

26. Field metallographic replication

27. Acoustic emissions (

28. Doubling problem ut (

29. Before hydro test should check supporting structures (5.8.5)

30. Pneumatic test risk-potential and property risks (5.8.6)

31. 2inch test temperature-10f+mdmt

32. If incorrect material found- inspector shall consider the need for further verification (5.9.1)

33. Accessible flange face-distortion and seating surface

34. Pressure vessel shall be inspected by inspector at the time of installation (

35. Internal field inspection not required if manufacturers data report available (

36. If both owner ship changed (

37. Rbi not exceed not 10 years 6.3)

38. External inspection calculation

39. Internal inspection calculation

40. Vessel not continuous service if not properly protected-internal corrosion (

41. Onstream inspection (multi)6.5.2

42. Prv max inspection interval-the device perform reliably in the particular service conditions (6.6.3)

43. Prv inspection-5 years (

44. Inspection deferral to be documented if inspection due date exceed (6.8)

45. Corrosion rate calculation

46. Remaining life calculation

47. Remaining corrosion calculation

48. When evaluating corrosion rate consult with corrosion specialist (
49. Statical analysis may not be applicable to vessels with random but significant localized corrosion

50. Ffs analysis average thickness range (

51. milti choice question

52. When performing average near nozzle-within the limits of the reinforcement (

53. Evaluation of pitting 8in diameter circle for not exceed 7in2(7.4.3)

54. Two thirds smts for design stress (

55. Weld joint factor 1 if joint away from weld joint 1in or 2t

56. Evaluation of existing equipment with minimal documentation (prepare design parameters and
prepare drawings perform design calculation-multiple choice(7.7)

57. Authorization for asme div 2 for repairs (8.1.2)

58. Material for known weldable joint (8.1.5)

59. Temporary repairs documentation-multi choice (

60. Distance between fillet patch calculation

61. Fillet welded patch min radius 1in (

62. Lap band joint efficiency.45(

63. Penetrating nozzle as permanent repair other than crack (

64. Permanent repairs (drag and drop questions-excavating a defect and repair,weld over lay)

65. Repair depth calculation (

66. Api 2201 when making on-stream welds

67. Preheat temperature accordingly with the applicable code and qualified wps

68. Preheat temperature (300f)

69. Preheat distance-4in or four times of material thickness (

70. E7018-h8 need bake-out(

71. Prior to welding do either mt or pt (8.1.8)

Previous Year Paper
1- For the external inspection of an insulated vessel, where the removal of insulation a wet
service the condition of the insulation system shell be observed at lease every:

A: 6 Year.
B: 1 Year.

C: 5 Year.
D 10 Year.
REF –API-510 (6.3.1)

2- Repair of a pressure vessel that comply with ASME code section viii Division 2

The appropriate of a:
A: Pressure vessel inspector .
B: Pressure vessel Engineer.
C: Pressure vessel Engineer and a corrosion specialist .
D: Pressure vessel Engineer and a Pressure vessel inspector.

REF- API – 510 (8.1.2)

3 Except under insulation, which of the following is the lowest temperature
Which atmospheric corrosion would not be expect to occur:

A: 120 F ( 49 C )

B: 125 F ( 52 C )
C: 250 F ( 121 C )
D: 300 F ( 149 C )
REF- API – 571- Atmospheric corrosion ( f)

4- What is the maximum interval of visual on stream inspection of pressure relieving

A: Every Turnaround
B: 3 Year

C: 5 Year
D: 10 Year
REF-API -510 (6.3)
5- When should temporary repair be removed and replaced with suitable requirements.

A: The next time the unit is shut down

B: At the next available maintenance opportunity
C: If the vessel is rerated to a higher pressure or operating temperature
D: when performing alteration that may affect the integrity of the repair
REF-API-510 ( Topic temporary repair

6- Before starting any vessel inspection and maintenance activities, Personal should
Action perform to work in the vicinity from:

A. The facility supervisor for which the vessel is located

B. pressure vessel engineer
C. The operating personal responsible for the pressure vessel
D. the maintenance foreman in charge of the process unit

REF-API - 510 (5.3.3)

7- Corrosion is suspected under beneath refectory lining the refectory can be removed to allow
further inspection or ?

A. Ultrasonic thickness scanning may be made from external metal surface

B. Profile radiography of the metal surface is a good alternative
C. Hammer testing may be used to indicate the metal thickness
D. A through visual inspection is considered sufficient

REF-API-572 (9.4.7)

8- Above which temperature would a correction adjustment typically be applied when measuring
the ultrasonically.

A: 100 F ( 38 C)

B: 150 F (65 C )

C: 212 F (100 C)

D: 300 F ( 149 C)

REF-API – 510 (

9- the pressure gauge installed for convenience in the hydrostatic testing of a vertical pressure

vessel the s 125 FT ( 38100 mm) in overall length. The first is the top of the vessel 45 FT

( 13716mm) from the top and read 169.5 PSIg ( 1168 MPA) The third is 100 FT ( 30480 mm )

From the top end read 193.3 PSI ( 1.334 MPA ) What is the pressure of top.

( 1ft of water = o.433 PSI ( 1000 mm of water = 0.00981 MPA ).

A: 140 psig (0.96 MPa)

B: 150 psig (1.03 MPa)

C: 189 psig (1.03 MPa)

D 204 psig (1.40 MPa)

10- when a deferral of inspection due date is necessary for equipment with RBI interval risk
assessment should be update to determine:

A: If additional inspection will be needed at the new inspection date

B: The next inspection interval

C: The change in risk that may exist by not doing the planned inspection

D: Mitigation steps necessary to avoid

additional damage
REF-API – 510 ( 6.7) para 3

11- When conducting internal inspection if the lining appear damage or corroded the following
should be performed:

A: Internal PT examination should be applied to determine what type of corrosion occur

under in lining

B: External WFMT examination technique shell be use to inspect the condition of the
base metal

C: Remove small portion of the lining to investigate the condition of the lining and the

The vessel surface beneath

D: Install additional lining material over existing damage lining

REF-API- 510 ( )

12- Welding scattered pit in the shell of the pressure vessel may be ignore if three condition are
meet. Which of the following is one of these condition:

A. No pit depth is greater then one half of the vessel wall thickness including the corrosion
B. The total area of pit deeper then the corrosion allowance d0es not exceed 7in²
C. ( 45.2 cm²) within any 8in² (20.32 cm ) diameter circle
D. The sum of the pit diameter along any straight line with in 8in diameter (20.32 cm ) circle
does not exceed 5in (12.70 cm)
E. The vessel is remaining life more the ten year.

REF-AP!- 510 (7.4.3)

13- A pressure relief valve remove from service for shop overhaul has been tested to determine the
as received PoP pressure . The initial PoP pressure is higher the ( CDTP ). The next inspection
should be to:
A: Recalibrate the test gauge

B: declared the test failed

C: test the valve second time

D: modify the service interval


14- Weld and heat affected zone are often inspected for:

A: Hydrogen Blistering

B: Corrosion

C: Temper Embrittlement

D: Graphitization


15- A vessel is inspected after a four year of service and the thinnest part of the shell is found to be
1.360 in (34.5 mm). if the original thickness was 1.438in (35.5 mm) and the minimum required
thickness is 1.232in (31.3 mm) what thickness of material is available for the remaining
corrosion allowance:

A: 0.064in ( 1.6 mm )

B: 0.078in ( 2.0mm )

C: 0.128in ( 3.2 mm ) remaining CA =To-Tr

D: 0.206in ( 5.2 mm )

REF-API-510 (7.2.1)

16- Liquid penetrate examination on both side of a furnished single v weld can detect all of the

A: cold shut

B: surface crack
C: surface porosity

D: underbead crack

REF-ASME V ( T-620 )

17- A pressure vessel is deeply corroded but not through its wall. A full circumferential band is
intended to serve as a temporary repair. The repair band material is not suitable for direct
contact with the contained fluid. Is this repair acceptable:

A: yes if an appropriate corrosion allowance is provided

B: No under any circumstance

C: yes as long as it is replaced in the next schedule turnaround

D: No, unless it is approved and documented by a pressure vessel engineer and the

authorized pressure vessel inspector.

REF-API-510 (

18- Corrective action for a welding nonconformance upon:

A: The nature of the non conformance and its impact on the properties of the weldment

B: The quality control system in use at the facility

C: weather the defect are crack-like consist primary or rounded indication

D: weather the defect could cause equipment failure or leaks

REF-API-577 (4.5)

19- With carbon and low alloy steel material CUI is usually in the Form of:

A: localized corrosion

B: Stress corrosion cracking

C: Microbiological induced corrosion

D: Galvanized corrosion

REF- API 571 ( ) api 510

20- Brittle fracture of a component is directly related to:

A: Material toughness

B: Number of thermal cycle

C: Tensile strength

D: long term overstressing

REF-API-571() API 577 10.4.4

21- Rapture disk might suitable be used:

A: when the discharge from valve must be applied remote point

B: To protect the upstream side of a pressure relief valve against corrosion

C: in an incompressible service where quick blow down is needed

D: on stream boiler drum and superheater

REF- API – 576 ( 4.10 )

22- HCL is most often associated with :

A: High temperature corrosion

B: Dew point corrosion

C: Near surface blisters in carbon steel

D: Pitting attack in nickel base alloy

REF- API - 571 (

23- A person responsible for determining if a hydrostatic test must be performed after repairing
pressure vessel is the:
A: Pressure vessel engineer

B: Owner/user

C: “R” stamp holder

D: Api authorized inspector

REF- API – 510 (

24- Spring in pressure relief valves typically failed:

A: Tensile over load

B: Creep

C: Erosion

D: corrosion

REF- API – 576 ( 5.3 )

25- rerating a vessel shell be in accordance with the requirement of the :

A: Engineer

B: construction code

C corrosion specialist

D: fitness for service calculation

REF- API - 510 ( 8.2 )

26- POP testing as a received condition or pressure relief valve in acid, caustic, toxic service can be
accomplished by what method:

A: using the lifting leaver on the valve while under nitrogen pressure prior to removed

B: carefully removing a solid fouling material that may effect the POP pressure

C: utilizing a test stand but onsite in the area where the valve is installed
D: lightly cleaning the valve with water prior testing

REF_API – 576

27- After being in service for 5 year a 14ft. (4.267 mm) (seam to seam) vertical vessel has a
measured thickness of 0.82in.(20.8 mm) over the entire length of the cylindrical shell. the measure
inside diameter is 38.13 in. ( 968.5 mm). the material of construction was originally 0.875in .( 22.2mm)
thick with an allowable stress of 17500 psi( 120.6 MPa) was fully radiographed and was design for a
pressure of 600psi(4.13MPa), including static head.

Assuming a corrosion rate of 0.018 in/yr.(0.4572 mm/yr) and a required thickness of 0.545in.

(13.8 mm), what is the interval for the next internal inspection.



B: 9.1 YEAR

C: 10 YEAR

REF-API – 510 ( CHAP 7 )

28- A new replacement vessels maximum allowable working pressure is 150 psig

( 1.03 MPa ) at 300F ( 149 C ) the allowable stress is the same at this temperature as the hydrostatic test

Temperature . the operating pressure is 140psig ( 0.96MPa).the minimum design metal temperature is
20F (-6.6C ).the appropriate post fabrication hydrostatic test pressure is:

A: 128 psig ( 1.25 MPa )

B: 195 psig (1.34MPa)

C 210 psig (1.44 MPa)

D: 225 psig (1.55 MPa)

REF- API -510 (

29- Before a hydrostatic pressure test it is most important to:

A: Consider the design of the supporting structure

B: rope of the perimeter of the vessel at the distance of 25ft

C: perform a preliminary examination for leaks at 110% of design pressure

D: perform additional nondestructive examination to ensure that there is no brittle


REF- API – 510 ( )

30- what is the remaining life of a vessel corroding at a rate of 0.017in (0.432 mm ) a year

When the next inspection measurement was 0.638in ( 16.205 mm ) and the minimum required
thickness is 0.513 in( 13.030mm).

A: 3.67 year

B: 7.35 year

C: 10 year

D: 14.7 year

CR= 0.017 , Ta= 0.638, Tr= 0.513

REF – API – 510 (CHAP 7)

FORMULA RL=ta-tr/cr

31- The installation of a fillet weld patch on the exterior of a pressure vessel shell in most
cases require that the

A: shell material is free of defects using magnetic particle testing

B: rerating name plate is correctly stamped and install

C: now fillet weld patch plate not be installed on top of existing fillet welded patch.

D: efficiency of the attachment weld is identical to that of the original fabrication

REF- API-510 (

32- Design temperature , per API 510 is used for:

A: the maximum temperature expected during the lifetime of the pressure vessel

B: the temperature used in the code calculation of the pressure vessel

C: the average temperature of the process fluid through the vessel

D: the higher of the inlet and outlet process temperature

REF – API – 510 ( )

33- pressure vessel engineer should be regarded as:

A: A person who is responsible for rerating and repair of pressure vessel

B: A person who design and oversees fabrication of pressure vessel before they are placed
in service

C: A person who has knowledge and experience in corrosion damage mechanism,

metallurgy material selection and corrosion monitoring program.

D: A person who , through consultation with other is a composite of all entities needed to
asses technical requirements for pressure vessel.

REF- API -510 ( 3.1.57)

`34- the ability of a metal to absorb energy and deform plasticity before fracturing is known

A ductile-to-brittle transition

B plasticity

C Tensile strength

D Toughness

REF-API-577 (10.4.5)
35 MAWP for cylindrically shell of pressure vessel under determine by :

A API 510


C ASME Section II, Part D.

D ASME Section VIII, Subsection C.

REF-API-510 ( 7.3)

36 The inspector needs to replace a nozzle on a vessel that is in-service. The design of the
replacement nozzle shall employ what strength factor?

A The same allowable stress criteria as used for the vessel design

B Two third of the yield strength specified in the ASME Code

C The allowable stress in the current edition of the construction code

D One quarter of the maximum tensile strength specified in the ASME Code


37 Important information for probability of failure assessment for risk-based inspection(RBI)

will chek the

A Equipment failure data

B likelihood of an ignition source

C probability of rupture verses leak

D probability of experiencing extended downtime

REF-API-510 (5.2.2) last line

38 As a minimum an, ultrasonic instrument should be checked with a calibration standard at all
of the following time except
A when the ambient temperature changes

B when malfunctioning equipment is suspected

C at the beginning and end of each examination

D When examination personal are changed.

REF-ASME section 577 (

39 When planning pressure vessel internal inspection, the first step is to

A review the previous record of the vessel to be inspected

B review the likelihood of damage mechanism

C ensure that an authorized inspector is available

D ensure that an entry permits are in place

REF-API-510 (5.3.5)

40 what is one advantage of internal rotary UT over electromagnetic inspection method for
tube inspection of heat exchanger bundles?

A Rotary UTs will generally provide the most quantitative information

B electromagnetic methods typically require more technician knowledge and skill

C electromagnetic method are slower than rotary UT method and thereby cost more

D Rotary UTs generally do not need as through bundle cleaning as electromagnetic methods


41 the two most important alloying elements for prevention of high-temperature hydrogen
attack at

A manganese and nickel

B chromium and molybdenum

C nickel and chromium

D carbon and molybdenum

REF-API-571 (

42 what is the term used to describe ac condition that will designate reject ability of a weld

A Defect

B Blemish

C Flaw

D Discontinuity

REF-API-510 (

43 during repairs of alteration of pressure vessel, the inspector shall verify that all new
materials are

A consistent with specification

B incnformance with API 577

C subjected to 100% verification checking

D examine in accordance with API 578

REF-API – 510 (5.9.1)

44 all of the followings are suitable for determining the thickness of a part except

A ultrasonic shear wave

B profile radiography


D ultrasonic “A” scan

REF-API-510 ( A) API 577,9.9

45 the next inspection interval for vessels in corrosive service should be determine by
calculating the remaining life of

A the shell and heads

B the interval components

C all nozzles

D the limiting components

REF-API-510 (5.6.2)

46 According to API 510 how many thickness measurement should be taken on a pressure
vessel during internal or on stream inspection

A A representative number that will establish areas of corrosion

B at least one on each nozzle and two on each head and shell section

C at least one adjacent to each girth weld

D four point on the shell, one on each head and one on all major nozzle

REF-API-510 (

47 the methodology for radiographic examination of welded joints can be found in

A ASME, Section 8, DIV.1

B ASME, Section IX

C ASME, Section V

D API 510, Section 5


48 the minimum required shell thickness for a 50 psig (345kPa) pressure vessel for a given
material without corrosion allowance is based on

allowable stress relief valve setting pressure loading international pressure

number of stiffening ring diameter

Drag and drop all that apply


49 an inspector potential task prior to welding include all of the following

A identifying and clarifying inconsistencies with standards codes and specification


B identifying and clarifying missing details and information

C identifying and clarifying missing weld sizes, dimensions, tests, and any additional

D revising the weld design based on knowledge of anticipated problems

REF-API-577 ( 4.2.1)

50 the API inspector shall

A be directly involved in field inspection activities

B NDE examiners hired to take measurements and conduct tests

C maintain certification records of examiners

D enter all inspection data in to the record system

REF-API-510 (4.4)

51 API 510 allows a statistical analysis of ultrasonic thickness data to assess

A. Creep damage
B. Vessel with random but significant localized corrosion
C. The number of condition monitoring locations (CMLs) required
D. Corrosion rates and remaining life

REF-API-510 (

52 while performing a magnetic particle examination, the best result are achieved when the
lines of flux

A. At 45 to the discontinuity
B. Parallel to the discontinuity
C. Created around the discontinuity
D. Perpendicular to the discontinuity


53 weld buildup for purpose of the restoring base metal thickness involves the use of weld
metal having

A. The same P number as that of base metal

B. Similar composition to that of base metal
C. A higher carbon equivalent to that of base metal
D. Identical F number and A number as the base metal


54 when performing a weld repair on a section of stainless steel weld overlay on is carbon steel
vessel the hydrogen service, which of the following is most important

A. Magnetic particle testing of overlay

B. Brinell hardness testing of overlay
C. Outgassing of base metal
D. Impact testing of base metal

REF-API-510 (
55 accessible flange face should be inspected to determine

A. Metal specification
B. Correct dimensions
C. Environmental cracking
D. Gasket seating surface condition

REF-API-510 ( 5.11.2)

56 A primary goal of the internal inspection is to

A. Evaluate the condition of protective scale within equipment

B. Identify deposits or buildup that could replace equipment effectiveness
C. Confirm that trays, bubble caps, or other internals are functioning appropriately
D. Find damage that cannot be found by regular monitoring of external CMLs during on stream

REE-API- 510 ( PARA 2

57 A new pressure vessel corrosion rates to be based of the following measurement taken from a
similar vessel after 6 years of the same service:

Item Original thickness Measured thickness

Shell 1.5in. (38.10mm) 1.430in.(36.32mm) CR
Top head 1.25in.(31.75mm ) 1.173in(29.79mm) CR
Bottom head 1.50in.(38.10mm) 1.434in.(36.42mm) 0.011
Nozzle 1 0.875in.(22.23mm) 0.700in.(17.78mm) 0.029
Nozzle 2 0.3125in.(7.94mm) 0.250in.(6.35mm) 0.0104
Nozzle 3 0.6785in.(17.46mm) 0.622in.(15.80mm) 0.00941

The controlling corrosion rate that will determine the inspection interval is.

A. 0.012 in/yr (0.297 mm/yr)

B. 0.029 in/yr (0.742 mm/yr)
C. 0.128 in/yr (3.251 mm/yr)
D. 0.292 in/yr (7.417 mm/yr)

REF-API- 510 ( 7.2) ?


58 A vessel has an actual thickness of 0.500 in (12.70mm) an original thickness of 0.606in

(15.37mm) and a minimum required thickness of 0.425in (10.80mm). the vessel is corroding at 0.015
in/year (0.380 mm/year). What is the remaining life of the vessel?

A. 2.5 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 12 years

REF-API-510 ( 7.2)

59 Pressure-relief valves are considered stuck if they fail to pop at the inlet pressure of what
pressure of the CDTP?

A. 103%
B. 110%
C. 125%
D. 150%

REF-API-576 ( (PAGE 41 LINE 5)

60 which of the following may be used as permanent repair for damage other than cracks?

A. Non-penetrating nozzles
B. Lap band repairs
C. Fillet welded patch
D. Fiberglass reinforced patch

REF-API-510 (

61 in conducting a risk base (RBI) identifying and evaluating potential damage mechanism

A. Shall be conduct by an authorized pressure vessel engineer

B. Shall be conduct by an authorized pressure vessel inspector
C. Is an important step in assessing a type of a pressure vessel failure that could occur
D. Is an important step in assessing the probability of a pressure vessel failure

REF-API-510 ( 5.2.2)
62 when performing local post weld heat treatment (PWHT) in lieu of a 360 bending PWHT when
maintain ptre heat temperature must be maintain during welding

A. 150F(66C)
B. 200F(93C)
C. 250F(121C)
D. 300F(150C)

REF-API-510 (

63 Which of the following best describes how to establish the inspection interval for pressure vessel

A. Following the requirement of the manufacturer of the device

B. Inspect and service the device whenever the vessel is scheduled for inspection
C. Do not allow the interval to exceed 10 years
D. Considered the performance of the device in the particular service concern

REF-API-510 ( 6.1)

64 preheat temperature use in making welding repair shall be in accordance with the

A. Procedure qualification record

B. Applicable code and owners specification
C. Applicable code and qualified welding procedure
D. Qualified welding procedure and the owners recommendations

REF-API-510 (

65 in conducting a risk base inspection (RBI) identifying and evaluating potential damage mechanism

A. Shall be conduct by an authorized pressure vessel engineer

B. Shall be conduct by an authorized pressure vessel inspector
C. Is an important step in assessing a type of a pressure vessel failure that could occur
D. Is an important step in assessing the probability of a pressure vessel failure

REF-API-510 (5.2.1)
66 according to API standard 510 flush (insert) patches must

A. Have a minimum 1 in (25mm) radius corner

B. Be greater than 2in (50mm) from a weld seam
C. Be greater than 4 in (100mm) in diameter
D. Be 100% ultrasonically inspected

REF-API-510 (

67 when evaluating existing equipment with minimal document what is the maximum joint efficiency
that can be used for seamless shell head or nozzle when the extent of radiography performed is

A. 0.55
B. 0.65
C. 0.70
D. 0.85

REF-API- 510 (7.7) PARA 3 LINE 11

68 API 510 code who is responsible for weld quality of welder and welding procedure

A. The individual welder or welding operator

B. The repair organization
C. The welding inspector (CWI) assigned to the job
D. The contractors quality control inspectors

REF-API-510 (

69 unless justified by risk base inspection (RBI) assessment an external inspection on an above ground
vessel shall be performed

A. At every turnaround
B. When operational change occur
C. At the lesser of either 5 years or at the same interval as the required internal/onstream
D. At the lesser of either 5 years or at the quarter corrosion rate life

REF-API-510 (6.5)

70 a vessel has a measured head thickness of 0.875 in (2202mm) and a required thickness of 0.563 in
(14.3 mm). if the corrosion rate is 0.019 in/yr (0.4826 mm/yr) what is the interval for the next internal
inspection of the vessel
A. 4.1 years
B. 8.2 years
C. 10.0 years
D. 16.4 years

REF-API -510 (

71 a risk base inspection (RBI) assessment for the internal are on-stream inspection shall be invested
and approved at intervals not to exceed a maximum of

A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. 15 years

REF-API-510 (

72 when performing vessel repair which of the following does not qualify as an API 510 repirs

A. Owner/user shop
B. Contractor chosen by the owner/user
C. ASME U stamp holder
D. ASME VR stamp holder

REF-API-510 ( 3.1.62)

73 what is the main reason pressure vessel should be inspected at the time of installation

A. To verify that the vessel is safe to operate

B. To verify that the vessel has been fabricated according to specification
C. To look for corrosion/cracking that may be present before operation
D. To check for correct dimension and placement of nozzles

REF-API-510 (6.2.1)

74 if the remaining life of the vessel estimated at 3 years an external inspection shell be performed

A. 1.5 years
B. 2 years
C. 3years
D. 5 years

REF-API-510 (

75 the inspector in consultation with whom should determine when it is necessary to remove deposit
or lining to perform adequate inspection

A. A corrosion specialist
B. The inspection supervisor
C. A pressure vessel engineer
D. A NACE coating inspector

REF-API-510 (

76 external inspection of a vessel reveals that the anchor bolts are corroding which of the following
test would best determine the overall condition of the bolting

A. Radiography
B. Hammer testing
C. Scrapping rust from a nut
D. Visual inspection

REF- API.572( 9.3.4)

77 Which of the following non destructive examination (NDE ) method is most likely to detect a sub
surface lamination in a pressure vessel

A. Ultrasonic API 572,

B. Magnetic -particle
C. Dye- penetrant
D. Eddy- current [REF-API-510 (]
78 in according with API 510 temporary repair may remain in place for longer period of time when

A. The approval of a jurisdiction is received

B. Approved and documented by the inspector
C. Evaluated, approved and documented by the engineer and inspector
D. A mandatory date for installing permanent repair has been include in the documentation

REF-API-510 (

79 in risk base inspection (RBI) risk or managed primarily through

A. Consequence assessment
B. Repair and replacement
C. Management of change
D. Inspection activities

REF-API-510 (3.1.66) last line

80 a pneumatic test

A. Is generally less risky than a high pressure hydrostatic test

B. Is the same as an air test
C. May cause potential risk to personal and property
D. Is perform in four step increases

REF-API -510 (5.8.6)

81 which of the following are considered permanent repair of a corroded vertical shell section

Excavation and blend grinding weld overlay Replacement of damage area

Fillet-welded patch with rounded corner

Drag and drop all that apply [REF-API-510 (]

Excavation and blend grinding weld overlay Replacement of damage area

82 …….. provide the controls that are necessary when contract inspector used to supply inspection ….
the site

A. The local jurisdiction

B. The owner user inspection program
C. That the contract company supervisor on site
D. The maintenance engineering organization

REF-API-510 ( 4.4)

83 for vessel whose remaining safe operating life is estimated to be only 5 years the next external
inspection shall be before

A. 2 years
B. 2.5 years
C. 4 years
D. The vessels full life has expired

REF-API-510 (6.4.1)

84 if corrosion under insulation damage is found the inspector

A. Should inspect other susceptible areas on the vessel

B. Shall remove half of all damage insulation for inspecting the vessel wall condition

B. Should remove the damage insulation plus a minimum one foot around all nozzles
C. Should use acoustic emission testing to locate damage areas

REF-API-510 (

85 inspection for corrosion under insulation shall be consider for externally insulated austonatic
stainless steel vessel operating between

A. 10 F and 350 F (-12C and 175C )

B. 32F and 212 F (0 C and 100C )
C. 140F and 250 F (60C and 121C)
D. 140F and 350F (60C and 175 C) [REF-API-510 (]

86 unless justified by RBI an on stream inspection cannot be substituted for an internal inspection for

A. Where the corrosion character of the content has been established by at least 5 years of the
same service
B. Operating at temperatures below the creep rapture range
C. That have a non integrally bonded liner
D. Where the size or configuration makes vessel entry impossible

REF-API-510 (

87 prior to using preheat or controlled deposition welding as alternatives to post weld heat treatment
(PWHT) a metallurgical review shall be conducted by a/an

A. Pressure vessel engineer

B. Corrosion engineer
C. Experienced PWHT contractor
D. Authorized pressure vessel inspector

REF-API-510 (

88 according to ASME code section ix essential welding procedure variable are those in which a change
in a variable

A. Will not affect the mechanical property of the weldment

B. May be made in the WPS without requalification
C. Requires requalification of welding procedure
D. Requires post weld heat treatment of the weld

REF-API-510 (

89 What is the quality assurance

A. All nondestructive examination (NDE) activities apply to a pressure vessel during fabrication
and/or repair
B. All planned and preventative action required to determine if a pressure will meet requirements
C. All nondestructive examination (NDE) activities applied to a pressure vessel during required
inspection activities
D. A list of all the quality control and nondestructive examination (NDE) procedure that are
required for an in service inspection.

REF-API-510 (3.1.59)

90 brittle fracture usually occurs only at:

A. Elevated temperature where there is a high stress concentration

B. Temperature below freezing
C. Temperatures below the charpy impact transition temperature
D. Temperatures above the charpy impact transition temperature
REF –API-571 (

91 which of the following is most susceptible to chloride stress corrosion cracking ?

A. Non stress relieved admiralty brass U-bends

B. Inadequately heat treated 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo low alloy steel
C. Non stress relieved 304 stainless steel
D. Non-postweld heat treated carbon vessel.

REF-API-571 (

92 Rerating calculation shall be performed by the manufacturer or which of the following ?

A. Owner/user engineering g experience in pressure vessel design

B. Owner/user registered professional engineer
C. API authorized pressure vessel engineer
D. ASME credited repair organization

REF-API-510 (8.2.1)

93 according to API 510, pipe cap over pressure vessel damage

A. Can only used if the cap has a thickness corresponding to XXS or greater
B. May be used as permanent repairs for other than crack when the design and method of
attachment comply with the applicable construction code
C. May be used only as temporary repair until permanent repair can be effected at the next
available maintenance opportunity
D. Are prohibited as a means of temporary or permanent repair

REF-API-510 (

94 a plant engineer would like to increase a vessel operating temperature by 100F(38C ) the vessels
name plate state a maximum allowable working pressure of 250 psig( 1.7 MPa) at 650F (343C ) and the
current operating temperature is 600F ( 315 C ) what is the first step in increasing the operating
temperature ?

A. Perform calculation to is sufficient determine if the vessel thickness

B. Determine a new corrosion rate of the vessel
C. Perform an internal inspection of the vessel
D. Determine if the pressure relief device will be suitable at the new temperature

REF-API-510 ( CHAP 7)

95 if a pressure vessel component should fail because an incorrect material was investigated suitable
for the specified material the inspector shall:

A. Remove the vessel fabricator from the list of approved suppliers

B. Apply API 578 for material verification on other pressure vessel
C. Consider the need for further verification of existing material
D. Require 100% PMI test verification of all other components in the vessel

REF-API-510 ( 5.9.2)

96 on in service vessel if there is a conflict between requirement of the ASME code and the API 510
code, which should take precedence ?

A. ASME Code
B. API 510 Code
C. Most stringent code
D. Applicable code as determined by authorized pressure vessel inspector

REF-API-510 (1.1.1)

97 Fillet-welded patches may be used as

A. Temporary repair when approved by the API authorized inspector

B. Permanent repair when approved by pressure vessel engineer
C. Temporary repair when approved by the API authorized inspector and pressure vessel engineer
D. Permanent repair when approved by the API authorized inspector and pressure vessel engineer

REF-API-510 ( PAGE 47

98 the required thickness of a pressure vessel component is defined as the

A. The thickness at which it is unsafe for continued service without risk assessment
B. The thickness at which the component must be replaced
C. The minimum thickness based on the design code calculation including required corrosion
D. The minimum thickness based on the design code calculation not including required corrosion

REF-API-510 (3.1.63)

99 image quality indicators are selected based on

A. Thickness of material being radioghraphed

B. Specified quality necessary in the weld
C. Film speed selected for the job
D. Size of penetrameter hole


100 for localized corrosion , it is important that examinations are conducted using

A. Scanning methods
B. Digital thickness measurements
C. Electromagnetic techniques
D. Ultrasonic shear wave techniques

RER-API-571 (3.14.7)

101 an inspector finds a thin area in the shell of pressure vessel. The corroded areas is a groove above
the demister pad. The groove crosses a longitudinal butt weld seam. When evaluating the required
thickness of shell more than 1 in. (25.4 mm) away from the longitudinal butt weld the joint efficiency to
use is.

A. 0.70
B. 0.85
C. 0.90
D. 1.00
REF-API-510 (7.4.5)

102 a written material verification programmed indicating the extent and type of PMI is to be as
outlined the API document?

A. 510
B. 572
C. 577
D. 578

REF-API-510 (5.9.1)

103 which of the following correctly describes alterations?

A. Alteration has design implications beyond the scope of the existing data reports
B. Alteration are defined by the requirements of jurisdictional authorities
C. Adding a reinforced nozzle to either head of the vessel is always an alteration
D. Major repairs are always considered alteration, while routine repairs are not considered

REF-API-510 (3.1.1)

104 which of the following may be used to establish the maximum allowable worksing pressure for
continued use of a pressure vessel without rerating?

A. Original code of construction

B. Original edition of API 510
C. Latest edition of API 510
D. Latest edition of ASME Code, section IV

REF-API-510 (7.3.1)

105 the inspection plan shall include as a minimum

A. Description of the extent and location of inspection and NDE
B. Identification of next inspection data for each inspection type
C. Description of the surface cleaning requirements needed for inspection
D. Identification of inspection tasks and scheduled required to monitor damage mechanism

REF-API-510 (5.1.3)

106 what is the remaining life of a vessel corroding at rate of 0.021 in/yr (0.533 mm/yr) whwn the
inspection measurement is 0.638 in (16.2 mm/yr) and the minimum required thickness is 0.4375 in (11.3
mm) ?

A. 2.39 years
B. 4.78 years
C. 9.55 years
D. 10 years REF-API-510 ( 7.2.1)

107 when condition monitoring locations ( CMLs ) are substantially reduced

A. A records of two consecutive CML measurements shall be used to justify the change
B. A vessel engineer should be consulted
C. A corrosion specialist should be consulted
D. Approval of authorized inspector is required

REF-API-510 (5.6.3)

108 the pressure vessel record need not contain which of the following?

A. The name of person who performed the inspection

B. Thickness measurement
C. Documentation of ultrasonic testing calibration
D. Design calculation

REF-API-510 (5.3.5)

109 an external inspection of a pressure vessel should begin with

A. A quick examination of attached piping for deformation
B. Ladders, stairways, platforms, or walkways
C. External paint and insulation
D. Nozzles and manways

REF-API-510 (

110 the pressure vessel is in noncontinuous service. While out of service vessel is isolated and
protected from internal corrosion. If a risk base inspection(RBI)is not considered, the maximum internal
or on stream inspection interval shall be

A. 5 years, because of the potential of corrosion

B. The 10 years of actual service exposed life
C. 10 calendar years from the last inspection
D. The half-life of the calendar time since the last inspection

REF-API-510 (

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