Data Collection Sheet

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Child Behaviors Count



Word approximation


Single word


Multi word


Adult behaviors Count



No response

System for Progress Monitoring

The child behaviors that data will be collected on will be counts of gestures, word
approximation, single word, and multi word language. Each behavior will be
marked either as an initiated or responsive behavior. Data will be collected
through observation in 15–20-minute increments during the child’s open
exploration time at school.
Operational Definitions

Child behaviors

Gestures: A physical movement made by the child in attempt to communicate.

Include: pointing toward an object or person, nodding, or shaking head to

indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’, showing toy to someone, waving at person or object

Exclude: physical movements that appear to be coincidental, imitating

actions, physical movement showing excitement

Word approximation: using sounds or parts of words that have meaning

Include: Use of words that do not clearly sound like words, but are still
words being used with meaning behind them

Exclude: language that sound like clear words, noises that do not have
meaning behind them

Initiated communication: Language spoken by the child that are of their own
initiation and not a repeat of another’s words and directed to or towards a
communication partner.

Include: requests for help, unprompted observations

Exclude: language that is a repetition of another’s words or phrases

Responsive communication: Language spoken by the child in response to a

communication partner

Include: imitation when directed in a communication attempt, answering a


Exclude: any word that is repeated or echoed when the child is not directly
involved in the activity or item

Adult behaviors

Label: teacher makes a statement to the child

Prompt: teacher asks the child to make a choice, complete a task, take a turn, etc.
to initiate the child’s communication

No response: teacher is within five feet of the child and is facing towards the child
and does not respond

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