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Q1: The planet farthest from the Sun, it takes this ice giant 165 years to orbit it?

The crrect Answer is: Neptune

Q2: Guinness says the largest of these told the story of the Kwakiutl tribe & took 36 man-
weeks to carve?

The crrect Answer is: Totem pole

Q3: Although called a "Quarterly", this magazine "for the modern man" publishes on a
monthly basis?

The crrect Answer is: <i>GQ</i> (<i>Gentlemen\'s Quarterly</i>)

Q4: In 2000's "Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists" he voiced Sinbad?

The crrect Answer is: Brendan Fraser

Q5: The Whizstreet "Up In Smoke" Museum is a web site exhibiting the art of these colorful
cigar items?

The crrect Answer is: Cigar bands

Q6: Jimmy Crowe, Nellie Shannon & Mamie O'Rourke are 3 of the characters in this song
about New York?

The crrect Answer is: "East Side, West Side" ("The Sidewalks Of New York")

Q7: Giovanni Cassini discovered the main division in this planet's rings & 4 of it satellites?

The crrect Answer is: Saturn

Q8: "A hundred shouting signs shed down their bright fantastic glow" in Claude McKay's
"On" this NYC street?
The crrect Answer is: "Broadway"

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