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OGAO-OGAO BSEE – 1B 04/12/22


1. What is the main cause of fire?

The main cause of fire is the left cooking fire were 48% of fire cases reported that
the causes of fire is the cooking fire and some common causes of fire are the
appliances and equipment, candles, holiday decoration, electrical system and device,
smoking, chemical and gases, lightning, children.

2. What are the ingredients in creating fire?


The three main ingredient of making fire are:

 Oxygen
 Fuel
 Heat


1. Identify the causes of the two fire incidents.


The causes of the two fire accidents are the poor wiring and steam explosion. The
cause of fire in the towering inferno is the poor wiring while in the ladder 49 is the
steam explosion.

2. Describe and compare the precautionary measures and procedures employed in

addressing the two fire incidents.

The precautionary measure that apply in the towering inferno is to be safety on

their gear as a firefighter and be careful in taking or saving the lives of people that
trap inside the high building while the ladder 49 they don’t have much precautionary
measure because their firefighter directly go inside the building without knowing
what is the danger facing to him.
3. Describe the roles of firefighters in firefighting and fire control.

The roles of firefighters are to respond to fire, accidents like car crashes,
chemical spills, flooding and water rescue. The most goal in the firefighters is to save
life of every single bio.


1. Make a fire emergency plan in your house.

Home Fire Escape Plan

 Draw a home floor plan using a home escape plan template.

 Label all rooms and identify the doors and windows.
 Plan 2 escape routes from every room.
 Provide alternatives for everyone with disabilities.
 Agree on a meeting place where will gather after you have escape.
 Review your escape plan
 Sound the smoke alarm
 Close doors as you leave
 Eliminate clutters on stairs and hallway.
 Make sure windows are easily to open and are not blocked or painted shut.
 Do not allow anyone to go back into the fire for any reason, even for pets.

1. Cite the three elements of the Fire Triangle and explain how it is created.

The three elements of the fire triangle are:

 Oxygen
 Fuel
 Heat

And it is created by combining of this three elements of fire.

2. What are the causes of fire? List down three common causes of fire and explain


The common causes of fire:

 Appliances and equipment
 Candles
 Holiday decoration
 Electrical system and device
 Smoking
 Chemical and gases
 Lightning
 Children
 BBQ grills
 Normal fires that go awry

Because it is the common causes of fire that we experience if there are a report of fire
accidents and it is easily to cause a fire.

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