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Empowerment Technologies

Anwers Key Module 2

1. Define Computer.
a. is just a machine, a device, an instrument or a tool. It is an electronic device capable of interpreting and
executing the program for input, output, computation and other operations.

2. What is the Capabilities of computer?

a. Speed
b. Accuracy
c. Reliability
d. Memory Capability
e. Adaptability

3. What is the uses of computer?

a. Information/Data Processing
b. Personal Computing
c. Science, research and Engineering
d. Process/Device Control
e. Education
f. Computer Aided design (CAD)
g. Entertainment
h. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

4. What is the classifications of computer?

a. Microcomputers
b. Minicomputers
c. Supercomputers

5. What is the components of computer?

a. System Unit
b. Keyboard
c. Mouse
d. Monitor
e. Speaker

1. Expand the Acronym MIPS.

a. Million Instructions per Second
2. What is the Limitations of Computer?
a. Lack of common-sense
b. Zero IQ
c. Lack of Decision-making

3. Expand the acronym CBIS.

a. Computer Based Information System
4. Expand the acronym IQ.
a. Intelligence Quotient
5. Expand the acronym AI.
a. artificial intelligence

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