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Unit 3 Listening: Employee Interview

Interviewer: Mr. Castillo, why do you want to work for our company?

Mr. Castillo: I have worked in the auto industry for many years, and I know
how important it is to have quality products for car engines. Associated
Auto Industries has a great reputation for making quality car parts, and I
would like to work for such a respected company. Also, I like how Associated
Auto Industries is always looking for ways to market its products

Interviewer: What assets would you bring to the position?

Mr. Castillo: I am a hard worker, and I learn new skills very fast. I believe that
I could increase the profits of the company with new ideas and energy. Also,
I have a lot of experience in marketing products. I speak three languages
and could increase the company’s sales in other countries.

Interviewer: What does job satisfaction mean to you?

Mr. Castillo: I want to work for a company that has high expectations for its
workers and helps them to be creative and efficient. I hope to have a
supervisor that will allow me the freedom to try new ideas. I would like to
have an opportunity for a promotion to be a manager. I think I could be a
good team leader. I would create high employee morale and increase

Interviewer: We operate in a fast-paced work environment where we hold

people accountable for their performance. Why do you think you would be
successful working for our company?

Mr. Castillo: I have received high performance reviews in my past jobs. I set
goals for myself, and I work hard to achieve them. I work well with other
people. I am friendly, respectful, and helpful to my colleagues. I am an
energetic and productive employee. I hope you will consider me for this

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