Test March f3 2019

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UJIAN 1 (2019)

NAMA : ______________________________________ KELAS :______________________________

Section A (10 Marks)

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow (5 marks)

Amy : Hello, Lilian.

Lilian: Hi, Amy. Thanks for coming to my birthday party.

Amy: It’s my pleasure. Here is a present for you

Lilian: Thank you. Please have a seat. The party will start as soon as everyone is here.

Amy: Who else did you invite to the party?

Lilian: Just the girls in our class and my cousins, Vicky and Joanne. I think you have met them before.

Amy: Yes, I met them here during Chinese New Year. I can’t wait to see them again.

Lilian: Oh, there’s Tina at the door. Please excuse me, Amy. I have to greet her

Amy: No problem. I’ll make myself at home.

1. The above dialogue took place at a___________________________.

A birthday party B class party C Chinese New Year open house D Vicky’s house

2. Who did Lilian invite to her party?

A All her classmates B Her classmates and cousins C Her cousins and neighbours D Her uncles

3. Amy met Lilian’s cousins for the first time _________________________________.

A at their house B during Chinese New Year C at Lilian’s birthday party D during school holidays

4. Which of the following is true?

A Amy arrived at Lilian’s house before the party started.
B Amy is the last one to arrive at Lilian’s house
C Amy arrived at Lilian’s house after Tina
D Amy invited all her classmates and her neighbours to her birthday party.

5. Tina and Lilian are most probably______________.

A sisters B cousins C classmates D neighbours

Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows.

6. Based on the dialogue, we know that Joe

A. not interested in joining the camp
B. inviting Sam to join the camp
C. definitely joining the camp
D. organizing a camp

Read the headline below and answer the question that follows.

Families fear homes in danger of caving in

7. We can conclude from the headline that the families are

A. living in caves
B. living near the caves
C. afraid that the caves will collapse
D. afraid their housed will be destroyed

Read the dialogue. Then, answer the question that follows.

8. From her statement, we know that Amin

A. is successful
B. is wealthy
C. is the head of the family
D. is not doing well

Section B (8 marks)

The text below is about animal extinction.

Choose one word to fill in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the
meaning of the sentence.

Many animals in this word are in danger of becoming extinct. There (e.g)are/were e.g. are
many reasons why this is taking place. First, it (a)is/are due to development. When land is (a) ______________
developed for human settlements, forests (b)are/is destroyed. As a result, animals are (b) ______________
displaced and those that encroach into human areas (c)are/is killed. The second reason (c) ______________
(d)were/aredue to poaching. Illegal hunting of animals like tigers, leopards and even (d) ______________
bears take place because there (e)is/are a demand for their body parts. It (f)is/are (e) ______________
believed by some people that humans (g)are/is the main cause leading to the extinction of (f) _______________
certain animals. It (h)is/are time for us to safeguard our jungles so that the survival of (g) ______________
these animal species can be guaranteed. If not, we will only see them in zoos or in books. (h) ______________
The practice of protecting endangered animals should be everyone’s responsibility.

Section C (8 marks)

Complete the sentences with these words.

aunt cousins niece step-mother

nephew grandmother uncle grandfather

a) Your father’s wife if he marries again _____________

b) Your brother or sister’s son _____________

c) Your mother’s sister _____________

d) Your brother or sister’s daughter _____________

e) Your uncle’s and aunt’s children _____________

f) Your mum’s mother _____________

g) Your father’s brother _____________

h) Your father’s father _____________

Section D (10marks)

Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) – (j).

Family Holiday in Vietnam and Cambodia

The holidays are here! My family and I want to go on a family vacation. My parents love
exotic holiday destinations. They want to visit Angkor Wat as it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We’ve checked out a few tour packages. Wow! There’s so many to choose from. There’s a
six-day tour to Angkor Wat and Ho Chi Minh offered by Lotus Travel and Tours. At RM1649 per
person,the tour highlights are Angkor Wat and Tonle Sap Floating Village. There is a boat cruise to
visit the village. We get to see floating markets, floating houses and floating schools of Cambodian
fishermen. That sounds interesting but my younger sister isn’t too keen on it.

I’m excited about the Ho Chi Minh City tour. The tour highlight is the Cu Chi Tunnel, a
network of tunnels that were underground cities in the 1960’s. we also get to shop at Vietnam’s
famous Ban Thanh market. My mum will enjoy it!

We can choose from 3 departure dates, 17 November, 25 November and 16 December.

There’s also another 4-day tour to Ho Chi Minh City which costs less at RM 1249 per person. But we
won’t get to see Angkor Wat. I’ll let my mum and dad decide, I’m so confused now.

Section C : Question (a) – (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

(10 marks)

Section (E) (6 marks)

Complete the text with these words in the correct form. You can use some of them more than once .
fall get have keep pay

When Paul returned from his holiday in Italy, he brought back more than a few souvenirs. He had some of very
exciting news. He was going to (1)______________ married! His family and friends couldn’t believe it . Who? When?
How? They had so many questions! ‘Well’ explained Paul, ‘I met Carla in Venice and we (2)_________ in love.’ Paul
didn’t want to (3)____________ any secrets from his family , so he told him everything. ‘She worked at the hotel
where I was staying. She’s very pretty , so I (4)____________ her a compliment and asked her out for a coffee.
Before I knew it, we were spending all our time together.’ ‘ When can we meet her?’ asked his mother. ‘Soon, ‘ replied
Paul. ‘She’s going to (5)___________ us a visit next month.’ His mother was worried. ‘But you hardly know her. You
don’t want to make a mistake and then (6) ___________divorced in a couple of years!’ she said.

Section (F) (10 marks)

Choose the correct answer.

1. She burst into _______________ (tear/ tears) when she heard the bad news.
2. Peter and Jack shake _______________ (hand/ hands) and become friends again.
3. She can’t see what is written on the blackboard without her contact _______________ (len/ lens)
4. The two sisters took _______________ (turn/ turns) at sitting up with their sick mother.
5. Quite a number of _______________ (DJ/ DJs) have extended their careers to singing.
6. If you want to get well, you should take the doctor’s _______________ (advice/ advices).
7. Mary never does her _______________ (homework/ homeworks)
8. Johnny has lost his _______________ (luggage/ luggages).
9. The factory workers stopped working and took (a rest/ rest).
10. The children sat on the _______________ (grass/ grasses).


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