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The success and completion of this assignment took a great deal of direction and help from
many people, and I consider myself very lucky to have received this support throughout the
assignment process. All of my accomplishments are entirely the result of this advice and
support, which I appreciate. I appreciate my lecturer's permission to work on this assignment
as well as all of the help and direction she gave me to finish it on time. I'm grateful that I was
able to finish the work in the allotted amount of time. I want to express my gratitude to
everyone of my friends and respondents for their support and willingness to devote time to
assisting me.
This assignment explores the crucial problem SriLankan Airlines, a significant player in the
aviation sector with a long history and a global presence, is currently grappling with. The
document starts off by giving a broad summary of the airline's current financial situation,
geographical reach, staff base, mission, objectives, and historical development. This
assignment's main goal is to examine a strategic-level problem facing SriLankan Airlines and
how it affects the organization's performance as a whole. The main focus of this project is a
thorough analysis of a significant problem that has been weakening SriLankan Airlines'
strategic management initiatives. The operational effectiveness, staff satisfaction, and overall
competitiveness of the airline are all significantly impacted by this problem, which will be
described in depth. By defining this problem, we hope to shed light on its underlying causes,
symptoms, and significant repercussions. This assignment not only diagnoses the problem,
but it also critically assesses how top management contributed to or mitigated the strategic
management challenge. It aims to evaluate how well leadership choices, communication
tactics, and leadership align with the airline's long-term strategic goals. In addition, the
assignment makes use of tried-and-true strategic management concepts to offer a detailed and
methodical study of SriLankan Airlines' current state of affairs. A greater understanding of
the airline's competitive environment will be made possible by these models, which will
provide insights into the internal and external elements driving the airline's strategic
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction to the Organization.........................................................................................1
1.1 History.............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Vision/Mission/Objectives................................................................................................1
1.3 Products/Services.............................................................................................................1
1.4 Employees........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope (Branches)..............................................................................................................2
1.6 Financial Status...............................................................................................................2
2.0 The current issue.................................................................................................................2
2.1 SWOT analysis................................................................................................................2
2.2 Explanation of the issue....................................................................................................4
2.3 How does it impact the organization?...............................................................................5
3.0 Critical evaluation to the role of top management toward the strategic management issue.. .7
3.1 Role of Chairman.............................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Critical analysis of the role of the chairman...............................................................8
3.2 Role of CEO...................................................................................................................10
3.2.1 Critical analysis of the role of the CEO....................................................................12
3.3 Role of General Manager...............................................................................................13
3.3.1 Critical analysis of the role of HR management........................................................15
4.0 Use strategic management models to evaluate the current situation of the organization......16
4.1 McKinsey 7s analysis on Sri Lankan Airlines employee turnover issue...........................16
4.2 PESTLE analysis on the Sri Lankan Airlines employee turnover issue...........................22
5.0 Recommendations.............................................................................................................24
6.0 Personal reflection statement.............................................................................................28
7.0 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................33
Appendix one..........................................................................................................................35
1.0 Introduction to the Organization

1.1 History

Following the nationalization of the two private airlines operating in the nation, Air Taxi and
Air Ceylon, Sri Lankan Airlines was established as Air Lanka in 1979. The airline's inaugural
flight from Colombo to London took place on May 1 of that year. The airline changed its
name to Sri Lankan Airlines in 1998 (SriLankan Airlines, 2023).

1.2 Vision/Mission/Objectives

Vision – To be Asia’s most customer-centric airline

Mission - To provide our customers with a dependable and enjoyable travel experience that
embodies Sri Lankan warmth and hospitality. We work hard to live up to the expectations of
our stakeholders as a capable, proactive, and conscientious company that is also financially
successful (SriLankan Airlines, 2023).

 to offer its clients safe, dependable, and effective air transportation services.
 to publicize Sri Lanka as a vacation spot.
 to assist in Sri Lanka's economic development.

1.3 Products/Services

Customers of Sri Lankan Airlines can choose from a wide range of goods and services, such

 passenger flights to more than 110 locations in 58 different nations.

 flights carrying cargo to nearly 50 locations.
 charter services for aircraft.
 services for ground handling.
 agency services for travel.
 lounges in airports.

 entertainment while on flight.
 food and drink offerings.

1.4 Employees

More than 7,000 people work for Sri Lankan Airlines. Although the majority of its staff
members are situated in Sri Lanka, it also has workers in the United States, China, and the
United Kingdom (SriLankan Airlines, 2023).

1.5 Scope (Branches)

Colombo, Sri Lanka, is home to Sri Lankan Airlines' corporate headquarters. It maintains
offices in more than 30 additional nations, including Singapore, London, and New York.
Additionally, Sri Lanka is home to a number of the airline's regional offices.

1.6 Financial Status

In recent years, Sri Lankan Airlines has faced financial difficulties. The airline reported a loss
of more than $49 million in 2020. The COVID-19 epidemic has had an impact on the airline
and has decreased passenger volume (SriLankan Airlines, 2021).

To enhance its financial performance, the airline is currently going through a restructuring
process. The reorganization plan calls for lowering expenses, raising revenue, and enhancing

2.0 The current issue

2.1 SWOT analysis


 Strong brand reputation for hospitality and in-flight service.

 Staff with experience and training.

 modern aircraft fleet.

 a wide range of locations, including important markets in Europe, Asia, and the
Middle East.

 strategic alliances with other carriers like Qatar Airways and Emirates.


 high costs of operation.

 losses in previous years in terms of money.

 other carriers like Emirates and Qatar Airways are a competitor.

 Sri Lanka's political climate is unstable.

 The 2019 Easter bombings caused harm to the travel and tourism sector.


 growing interest in flying in the Asia-Pacific area.

 expansion of Sri Lanka's tourism sector.

 establishing new routes to underdeveloped markets.

 increased collaboration with nearby carriers.


 Slowdown in important markets' economies.

 increased rivalry between low-cost airlines.

 terrorist attacks or other safety-related occurrences.

 Natural catastrophes

An established airline with a solid reputation for its brand is SriLankan Airlines. There are
certain difficulties, too, including high operating costs, financial losses, and a high employees
turnover rate. The competition from other airlines operating in the area has also intensified
for the carrier. SriLankan Airlines must concentrate on cutting expenses and enhancing its
financial performance if it is to overcome these obstacles. In order to increase passenger
traffic and expand its business, it must also create new strategies.

2.2 Explanation of the issue

In recent years, Sri Lankan Airlines has experienced a high rate of employee turnover. In
contrast to the industry norm of 10-15%, the airline's annual turnover rate was 25% on
average in its annual report for 2020–2021 (SriLankan Airlines, 2021)

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the high employee turnover at Sri
Lankan Airlines. These include:

The COVID-19 pandemic – Sri Lankan Airlines was not an exception when it came to the
devastation the epidemic caused to the aviation sector. The airline had to put the majority of
its fleet on hold and fire thousands of workers. Employees experienced a great deal of
uncertainty and anxiety as a result, which increased the high turnover rate (SriLankan
Airlines, 2021)

Financial problems – For many years, Sri Lankan Airlines has experienced financial
difficulties. The airline has racked up significant debt and has been unable to turn a profit.
The high turnover rate has also been influenced by worries about the airline's future that have
resulted from this (Lather, et al., 2022).

Poor working conditions – At Sri Lankan Airlines, some workers have voiced complaints
about the unfavorable working environment. This includes a lack of prospects for growth,
low pay, and lengthy working hours. Due to these elements, the airline is no longer appealing
to prospective employees, which has increased the high turnover rate.

Lack of trust in management - Some workers have said they don't trust the airline's
management. This is a result of a number of things, including the airline's financial
difficulties, how the epidemic was managed, and management's lack of transparency.
Employees are now more inclined to depart the airline as a result of this lack of trust.

Figure 1: Employee costs

Source: Annual Report 2021

High employee turnover can be a sign of poor leadership. Employees are more likely to
quit when they are dissatisfied with their positions or the way they are being managed
(Fernando, 2017). This could cause the airline to encounter a number of issues, such as:

 Increased costs – It is expensive to hire and train new employees

 Lost productivity – When employees are constantly leaving, it can disrupt the
workflow and productivity of the airline

 Damaged reputation - A high turnover rate can harm the airline's brand and make
recruiting new staff challenging.

The high employee turnover rate of Sri Lankan Airlines is probably a result of a number of
things, including the company's financial difficulties, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
troubles, and a lack of confidence in the company's management. The new leadership team
has taken action to address these issues, but it will take some time before it can be determined
whether these initiatives will be successful in lowering staff turnover.

2.3 How does it impact the organization?

Sri Lankan Airlines may suffer a great deal from employee turnover. The airline may be
impacted by personnel turnover in the manner listed below:

Increased costs
New staff hiring and training are expensive. Advertising, hiring, and training new hires all

cost money for Sri Lankan Airlines. The resources of the airline may be significantly
depleted as a result. Sri Lankan Airlines spends a lot of money on recruiting and training new
personnel (Aldhuwaihi, et al., 2022). The cost of seeking, interviewing, and hiring new
personnel must be covered by the airline. For pilots, cabin crew, and other specialized
professions, training can be particularly expensive. There are secondary expenses related to
staff turnover in addition to the direct costs of hiring and training. For instance, to cover the
workload of the departing employees, the airline may need to pay overtime to current

Lost productivity
Finding and training replacement staff is a lengthy process when an employee leaves. As a
result, productivity may suffer because the remaining staff members will have to take up the
burden. Errors and accidents may potentially result from this. Finding and training
replacement staff is a lengthy process when an employee leaves (Booms & Bitner, 2021). The
remaining staff members might need to put in more hours during this period to make up the
difference. Errors, tiredness, and burnout may result from this. As new employees become
more productive, the airline could also suffer a productivity loss. Delays, cancellations, and
interruptions in service may result from this.

Figure 2: Employee productivity

Source: Annual Report 2021

Decreased morale
Low employee morale among the surviving staff members might result from high personnel
turnover. The additional work may have them feeling overburdened, or they may be
concerned about keeping their current position. This can result in a further drop in output.
Low employee morale among the surviving staff members might result from high personnel
turnover (Darzentas & Darzentas, 2020). The additional work may have them feeling
overburdened, or they may be concerned about keeping their current position. This can result
in a further drop in output. Employee dissatisfaction also increases the likelihood that they

may depart the airline. High turnover and low morale may result as a result, creating a vicious

Knowledge loss
Employees take their expertise and experience with them when they leave. For Sri Lankan
Airlines, especially if the workers held important positions, this may be a significant loss. An
airline's operations, for instance, may be significantly impacted by the death of a senior pilot
or engineer. To replace the lost information, the airline could have to spend time and money
(Boutin, et al., 2020).

Damage reputation

The reputation of the airline can be damaged by a high employee turnover rate. The airline
may come off as unstable or badly run as a result. It could be challenging to recruit new
clients and workers as a result. Customers can be apprehensive about making flight
reservations with an airline with a high staff turnover rate. They can be concerned about
cancellations, delays, or interruptions in service. Applicants could be reluctant to submit
resumes for positions at an airline with a high turnover rate. They can be concerned about
their employment security or a lack of career progression chances (Boutin, et al., 2020).

3.0 Critical evaluation to the role of top management toward the strategic
management issue

3.1 Role of Chairman

The Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines, Mr. Asoka Pathirage, is in charge of giving general
direction and leadership to the airline's Board of Directors. The Chairman also closely
collaborates with the CEO of the airline to establish and carry out the strategic plan
(SriLankan Airlines, 2021).

The specific responsibilities of the chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines include:

 presiding over board meetings and seeing to it that the board's decisions are carried

 Approving the airline's financial reports and yearly budget.
 Appointing the CEO and other top executives of the airline.
 Managing the risk management program for the airline.
 Representing the airline in front of the shareholders, the government, and other
interested parties.
 Serving as a spokesperson for the airline

The success of Sri Lankan Airlines is greatly influenced by its chairman. The Chairman must
be a bold manager with extensive knowledge of the aviation sector. Additionally, the
Chairman needs to be able to bring the Board of Directors together and collaborate well with
the CEO.

The Sri Lankan government appoints the Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines. A three-year
tenure is customary for the Chairman.

Following are some of the specific tasks that the chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines may

 Create and put into action the airline's business plan.

 Establish the financial targets and goals for the airline.
 monitor the financial health of the airline.

 the airline's big investments must be approved.

 Eliminate risks for the airline.
 Establish connections with important players.
 Represent the airline in forums for the industry.
 Inform staff members about the airline's vision and values.

A crucial component of Sri Lankan Airlines' success is its chairman. The Chairman's choices
and deeds have a big impact on the airline's bottom line, safety record, and reputation. The
Chairman must be a successful businessman with extensive leadership experience.

3.1.1 Critical analysis of the role of the chairman

There are many difficulties that the chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines must overcome. The
airline is experiencing financial difficulties and is up against rival airlines (Lüdeke‐Freund,
2021). The COVID-19 epidemic continues to provide issues for the airline.

The Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines must be a visionary leader in order to meet these issues.
For the airline's future, the Chairman must create a clear plan. The key objectives of this plan
should be to boost the airline's financial performance, expand its market share, and enhance
customer service. The Chairman must also have the ability to inspire and motivate the
airline's staff to carry out the plan.

Strong communication skills are also necessary for the chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines.
Effective communication with the Board of Directors, the CEO, the airline's staff, and other
stakeholders is essential for the Chairman. The Chairman must be able to concisely and
effectively convey the airline's mission, goals, and financial results.

Additionally, Sri Lankan Airlines' chairman needs to be a trustworthy individual. The

Chairman must hold the staff members of the airline to a high standard. The Chairman must
be trustworthy, moral, and honest.

The Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines is vital to the development of the company. The
Chairman's choices and deeds will have a big impact on the airline's bottom line, safety
record, and reputation. The airline must have a strong and imaginative chairman who is
dedicated to its success.

Leadership qualities and styles of the Chairman of Sri Lanka:

Leadership qualities

Strategic vision – The future of Sri Lankan Airlines should be crystal clear to the airline's
chairman. This vision should be founded on a thorough knowledge of the aviation sector and
the market environment. The CEO, the Board of Directors, and the staff members of the
airline should all be able to hear the Chairman's vision (Emirates Group, 2017).

Business acumen – The Sri Lankan Airlines chairman must to have a thorough grasp of
economic fundamentals. Operations, marketing, and financial management are all included in
this. The Chairman needs to be able to choose wisely for the airline's advantage.

Communication skills – The Sri Lankan Airlines chairman must to be a skilled speaker. This
entails having the ability to effectively interact with the airline's staff, the CEO, and other
stakeholders. The Chairman must be able to concisely and effectively convey the airline's
mission, goals, and financial results.

Leadership skills – The Sri Lankan Airlines chairman ought to be a capable manager. This
entails having the ability to encourage and inspire the airline's staff. The ability to foster a
joyful and effective workplace should belong to the Chairman.

Integrity - The Sri Lankan Airlines chairman ought to be a trustworthy individual. This
entails acting honorably, morally, and dependably. The airline's staff should be held to a high
level by the chairman.

Leadership styles

Directive – When they must make hasty choices or issue precise directions, the Chairman of
Sri Lankan Airlines may adopt a directive leadership style. When the airline is in a crisis or
needs to make a major shift, this style is acceptable.

Participative – When the Board of Directors, the CEO, or the staff members of Sri Lankan
Airlines are sought out for feedback, the airline's chairman may apply a participative
leadership style. When the airline is dealing with a complex issue or making a significant
choice, this communication method is acceptable.

Delegative - When the Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines wants to give staff members the
chance to take charge of their work, they may utilize a delegating leadership style. When the
airline has a solid team of workers who are competent in making decisions and finding
solutions, this management style is ideal (SriLankan Airlines, 2021).

3.2 Role of CEO

The CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines is the position with the most authority within the company.
The CEO is in charge of the airline's overall management, which includes setting the
company's strategic course as well as overseeing its financial health and operational

The specific responsibilities of the CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines Include:

 Defining the strategic objectives and direction of the airline.

 Creating and putting into action the airline's business plan.

 Monitoring the financial health of the airline.

 Directing the activities of the airline.

 Hiring and overseeing airline staff.

 Representing the airline before the authorities, investors, and other interested parties

The success of Sri Lankan Airlines is greatly influenced by its CEO. The CEO should possess
a keen understanding of the aviation sector and be a visionary leader. The CEO must be able
to assemble a capable group of managers and workers.

Following are some of the specific tasks that the CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines may perform:

 Create and put into action the airline's marketing plan.

 Organize and direct the airline's customer service activities.
 Control the aircraft fleet for the airline.
 Contract negotiations with partners and suppliers.

 Respond to emergencies and disasters.
 Attend industry gatherings and represent the airline.

A crucial component of Sri Lankan Airlines' success is its CEO. The CEO's choices and
deeds have a big impact on the airline's bottom line, safety record, and reputation. The CEO
must be an accomplished executive with a passion for the success of the airline.

3.2.1 Critical analysis of the role of the CEO

Vipula Mr. Gunatilleke is the CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines at the moment. In January 2023, he
was chosen for the job. Mr. Gunatilleke has more than 30 years of expertise in the aviation
sector and was formerly an Air Force pilot. At various airlines, including Emirates and Qatar
Airways, he has held executive positions.

Mr. Gunatilleke is a capable manager with a distinct vision for Sri Lankan Airlines' future.
He has set high standards for the airline, including enhancing its customer experience,
growing its market share, and improving its financial performance. He has been successful in
uniting the airline's staff behind his goal because to his great communication skills.

The majority of Mr. Gunatilleke's leadership is directive. He has a reputation for making snap
judgments and offering precise instructions. This leadership style has been successful in the
short term, but he needs to cultivate a more participative style in the long run. This will
enable him to put together a more effective team and get the most out of his workers.

Overall, Mr. Gunatilleke is a capable and dedicated leader who is dedicated to Sri Lankan
Airlines' success. He possesses the knowledge and abilities necessary to turn around the
airline, but in order to succeed, he will need to adopt a more collaborative leadership style.

Following are some of the specific leadership qualities and styles that Mr. Gunatilleke has

 Strategic vision – He has a distinct vision for Sri Lankan Airlines' future. He aspires
to increase the airline's profitability and position it as a premier regional carrier.

 Business acumen – Mr. Gunatilleke has a thorough grasp of economic ideas. He has
prominent roles at numerous airlines and has experience in the aviation sector.

 Communication skills – He can communicate clearly. He is able to share his vision

with other stakeholders and the staff of the airline.

 Leadership skills – He is a capable boss. He has the capacity to inspire and motivate
the airline's staff.

 Integrity - He is a trustworthy individual. He is trustworthy, moral, and honest.

The majority of Mr. Gunatilleke's leadership is directive. He has a reputation for making snap
judgments and offering precise instructions. This leadership style has been successful in the
short term, but he needs to cultivate a more participative style in the long run. This will
enable him to put together a more effective team and get the most out of his workers.

Following are some of the challenges that Mr. Gunatilleke faces as the CEO of Sri Lankan

 The airline is having financial difficulties.

 Other airlines are a threat to the airline's business.

 The COVID-19 epidemic continues to provide issues for the airline.

He is a capable and dedicated leader who is dedicated to Sri Lankan Airlines' success. He has
the knowledge and abilities to save the airline, but he will need to overcome the obstacles in
his way in order to succeed.

3.3 Role of General Manager

The General Manager of Sri Lankan Airlines is responsible for managing the company's daily
operations. The general manager is in charge of making sure the airline achieves its financial,
operational, and safety objectives.

The specific responsibilities of the General Manager of Sri Lankan Airlines include:

 overseeing all aspects of airline operations, including maintenance, personnel

scheduling, and flight schedules.

 Managing the financial operations of the airline, including forecasting and budgeting.

 Ensuring the safety of airline operations, including doing safety audits and following

 Creating and putting into practice the airline's marketing and sales plans.

 Directing the airline's customer support division.

 Representing the airline in front of the shareholders, the government, and other
interested parties.

The success of Sri Lankan Airlines is greatly influenced by the general manager. The general
manager needs to be a capable manager with extensive aviation sector knowledge (SriLankan
Airlines, 2023). A strong executive and workforce team must also be able to be assembled by
the general manager.

Here are some of the specific tasks that the General Manager of Sri Lankan Airlines may

 Establish and put into action the airline's flight schedules.

 Contract negotiations with partners and suppliers.

 Organize the airline's stock.

 Respond to emergencies and disasters.

 Attend industry gatherings and represent the airline.

A crucial component of Sri Lankan Airlines' performance is the general manager. The
financial success, safety, and reputation of the airline are significantly impacted by the
General Manager's decisions and actions. The general manager needs to be an accomplished
manager who is dedicated to the success of the airline.

3.3.1 Critical analysis of the role of HR management

Capt. Suren Mr. Ratwatte is the airline's current general manager. In January 2023, he was
chosen for the job. He has more than 30 years of expertise in the aviation sector and was
formerly an Air Force pilot. At various airlines, including Emirates and Qatar Airways, he
has held executive positions.

He is a capable manager with a distinct vision for Sri Lankan Airlines' future. He has set high
standards for the airline, including enhancing its customer experience, growing its market
share, and improving its financial performance. Additionally, He is an effective
communicator who has been successful in uniting the airline's staff behind his goals.

The majority of Mr. Ratwatte’s leadership is directive. He has a reputation for making snap
judgments and offering precise instructions. This leadership style has been successful in the
short term, but he needs to cultivate a more participative style in the long run. This will
enable him to put together a more effective team and get the most out of his workers.

Overall, Mr. Ratwatte is a capable and dedicated leader who is dedicated to Sri Lankan
Airlines' success. He possesses the knowledge and abilities necessary to turn around the
airline, but in order to succeed, he will need to adopt a more collaborative leadership style.

Here are some of the specific leadership qualities and styles that he has demonstrated:

 Strategic vision – Has a distinct vision for Sri Lankan Airlines' future. He aspires to
increase the airline's profitability and position it as a premier regional carrier.

 Business acumen – Has a thorough grasp of business fundamentals. He has
prominent roles at numerous airlines and has experience in the aviation sector.

 Communication skills – He has good communication skills. He is able to share his

vision with other stakeholders and the staff of the airline.

 Leadership – Mr. Ratwatte is a capable boss. He has the capacity to inspire and
motivate the airline's staff.

 Integrity - He is a trustworthy individual. He is trustworthy, moral, and honest.

The majority of Mr. Ratwatte's leadership is directive. He has a reputation for making snap
judgments and offering precise instructions. This leadership style has been successful in the
short term, but Mr. Ratwatte needs to cultivate a more participative style in the long run. This
will enable him to put together a more effective team and get the most out of his workers.

Following are some of the challenges that Mr. Ratwatte faces as the General Manager of Sri
Lankan Airlines:
 The airline is having financial difficulties.

 Other airlines are a threat to the airline's business.

 The COVID-19 epidemic continues to provide issues for the airline.

Mr. Ratwatte is a capable and dedicated leader who is dedicated to Sri Lankan Airlines'
success. He has the knowledge and abilities to save the airline, but he will need to overcome
the obstacles in his way in order to succeed. Mr. Ratwatte is an effective manager who has
the ability to save Sri Lankan Airlines. He has the knowledge and abilities to carry it out, but
in order to succeed in the long run, he will need to adopt a more collaborative leadership

4.0 Use strategic management models to evaluate the current situation of
the organization.

In this section, I will be analyzing a current issue at Sri Lanka Airlines using McKinsey's analysis and
PESTLE analysis.

4.1 McKinsey 7s analysis on Sri Lankan Airlines employee turnover issue



“We aspire to be the airline of choice for travelers seeking a unique, authentic Sri Lankan
experience. delivered with warmth, care, and hospitality.”


“To grow a sustainable, profitable airline that promotes Sri Lanka to the world, supports
tourism, Sri Lankans overseas and the national economy whilst developing an air transport
hub taking advantage our unique Indian Ocean location. To be an aviation center of
excellence, developing talent for the Airline and the wider industry. We are committed to do
a business in an ethical manner, which yields is long-term, sustainable benefits for the
country and the communities we serve.”

The Strategic Business Plan for Sri Lankan Airlines includes a comprehensive strategy to
improve and solidify the airline's position in the international air transport sector. This all-
encompassing approach emphasizes codeshare alliances and partnerships, route network
expansion to meet consumer demand and market prospects, and Sri Lanka tourism
promotion. Being a technologically sophisticated airline, enhancing customer focus, and
implementing cost-effective procedures are prioritized in the plan. Additionally, it wants to
improve key goods, investigate new income streams, and strengthen customer relationship
management standards (SriLankanAirlines, 2019).

Moving away from a purely point-to-point approach, Sri Lankan Airlines' Strategic Business

Plan places a strong emphasis on route network growth, diversifying destinations across
Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, the Far East, and Australia. Choosing a fleet
that is cost-effective and meets the needs of the network is crucial. The strategy also
emphasizes optimizing efficiency, growing online sales, encouraging employee involvement,
and putting in place a competitive pricing structure. The airline has already gained
international prominence thanks to these measures (SriLankanAirlines, 2019).

In keeping with Sri Lanka's tourism plan, another crucial element is expanding the route
network through codeshare alliances and partnerships, notably with one world member
airlines. The airline wants to use contemporary technologies, increase employee engagement
and efficiency, and automate laborious procedures. Through a complete Customer
Relationship Management strategy, which includes a redesigned loyalty program and
enhanced social media participation, core items will receive updates, and service standards
will be raised (SriLankanAirlines, 2019).

In addition, Sri Lankan Airlines is dedicated to the digital transformation and use of
technology, concentrating on direct online sales, electronic payment methods, and developing
a digital marketplace. Sub-business units, such as cutting-edge freight items and
maintenance-repair-overhaul services, will increase ancillary revenue. The airline also
intends to increase its ground handling capabilities and provide university status to its
aviation college, strengthening its connections internationally. This strategic management
plan's overall objective is to establish Sri Lankan Airlines as a competitive, passenger-
focused, and technologically cutting-edge airline in the world of international travel
(SriLankanAirlines, 2019).


The CEO, and Board of Directors make up SriLankan Airlines' corporate level in its
organizational structure. The strategic choices and direction this corporate management team
provides have a significant impact on the efficiency and performance of SriLankan Airlines.

With components of both matrix and modular organizational systems, SriLankan Airlines
uses a unique hybrid structure. With this cutting-edge strategy, the airline is able to quickly
adjust to the changing needs of the business while maintaining effective operations. An open-

door approach that actively promotes contact between workers and employers best describes
the communication culture of SriLankan Airlines. This strategy encourages an atmosphere
where ideas, criticism, and concerns may be freely expressed, which helps the airline
maintain its success and growth.

Source: rocketreach


A variety of cutting-edge technical technologies have been integrated into SriLankan

Airlines' operations with the goal of boosting productivity and customer satisfaction. The
smooth delivery of services to customers is ensured by the systems' alignment with the
airline's broad aims and objectives. The Customer Care Ticketing system is one such system
that automates ticket booking procedures and assures precise ticket booking services are
provided. Additionally, the airline has implemented a Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) system, allowing it to keep detailed records of all customer contacts and enhancing
the overall passenger experience.

The airline also offers a centralized information system that gives thorough information on all

its goods and services, supplying both consumers and staff with vital data. SriLankan Airlines
uses an HRIS (Human Resource Information System) to manage its human resources
effectively. This system also makes it easier to manage the workforce, which helps the
company allocate resources more effectively. Within its Quality Assurance section, the
airline uses a call recording and assessment system to guarantee the quality of service. The
consumer experience can be continuously monitored and improved thanks to this solution.
The number of calls the call center receives is also tracked and calculated by an automated
system. The Workforce Management division uses this data to optimize worker numbers and
guarantee quick replies to client questions.

Research and development are very important to Sri Lankan Airlines, and they have worked
with organizations like Moratuwa University to set up a research facility. This dedication to
innovation guarantees that new technologies are researched and regularly improved upon to
maintain the airline at the forefront of the aviation sector.


According to the idea of a family network, Sri Lankan Airlines promotes a sense of cohesion
and camaraderie among its staff. This is especially true of its call center operations. The
airline understands the value of creating a close-knit workforce that works together to support
one another. Additionally, Sri Lankan Airlines arranges a variety of get-togethers and
meetings at various organizational levels, including company-wide, and team-specific
activities, all of which are intended to inject some fun into the workplace. These programs
improve the working atmosphere and develop ties amongst team members.

The airline's senior management has put in place a thorough incentives system to encourage
and reward personnel. This method awards bonuses each month based on individual and
group accomplishments and honors exceptional on-the-job performance. Additionally, Sri
Lankan Airlines fosters a culture of performance and devotion by recognizing and celebrating
top performers.

In support of these initiatives, an open-door policy has been implemented across the whole
business, including call center operations, to encourage dialogue between managers and
employees. This policy promotes an environment of open and honest communication by

encouraging workers to openly express their opinions, ideas, and comments. The
organizational culture developed by Sri Lankan Airlines' senior management fosters an
optimistic and motivated attitude among call center staff members, fostering a work
environment where people are encouraged to perform well and work together, eventually
contributing to the success of the airline.


In recent years Sri Lankan airlines kept up its investments in human capital development,
implemented a productive staff that was linked with new business goals, and made sure that
its personnel were gaining the skills and knowledge necessary for the organization's sustained
success. Individuals are respected in the Group's employment policies, which provide equal
professional chances regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion. Standards for occupational
health and safety are given a lot of attention. At year's end, the Company employed 5,965
people (2019/20: 6,693), while the Subsidiary employed 853 (2019/20: 1,008). However, as a
result of management changes and economic condition the number of employees is
decreasing drastically and most of the airline’s operation are at hold.


The proficiency and abilities of Sri Lankan Airlines' personnel are highly valued, whether
they are used in direct consumer relations or other vital jobs To give customers outstanding
service during their first contacts with the airline, this attention is essential. Sri Lankan
Airlines uses specialization to serve the wide range of passengers, allocating staff members to
certain goods and languages so they can provide specialized support and pertinent

The airline is committed to increasing employee competency through demanding coaching

and training programs that are suited to various organizational responsibilities. These
programs are intended to give participants the confidence and skills they need to perform
well. Effective communication is crucial, and daily briefings held before each shift offer a
forum for sharing significant developments, such as the introduction of new products and
modifications to services or procedures. To keep every employee informed, frequent emails
are also sent out.

Due to the high attrition rates experienced by the aviation sector, there are difficulties since a
large percentage of the workforce has workers with less than one year of experience. Sri
Lankan Airlines is devoted to investigating novel training techniques and approaches to
alleviate the effects of high turnover rates. The airline takes the initiative to develop career
prospects and actively solicits employee feedback to improve training methods. These actions
are all taken with the ultimate objective of sustaining excellence in employee competency
and service delivery.

Shared values

Sri Lankan Airlines prioritizes quality above anything else. It aspires to be the best in all
facets of its operations, whether it be providing exceptional customer service or guaranteeing
the effectiveness and safety of all its services. As a guiding concept, integrity highlights the
airline's dedication to operating according to moral standards, openness, and honesty. A key
part of the airline's value system is trust and confidence in its operations.

Innovation is valued to maintain competitiveness and forward-thinkingness. Sri Lankan

Airlines embraces innovation and looks for new methods to boost customer satisfaction by
implementing cutting-edge technology and improving services. The airline also understands
its obligation to the communities it serves as well as the environment. Community
involvement demonstrates its devotion to positively influencing the growth and well-being of
the communities in which it works, while environmental responsibility highlights its
commitment to sustainability and minimizing its environmental effect.

Another fundamental principle that emphasizes the airline's commitment to meeting and
exceeding passenger requirements and expectations is customer-centricity. The primary goal
of Sri Lankan Airlines is to provide each one of its customers with an amazing travel
experience. In the aviation sector, safety is of utmost significance, and safety is one of the
core principles of the airline. To safeguard the safety of passengers, crew, and aircraft, Sri
Lankan Airlines is unwavering in its dedication to upholding the highest safety standards and

4.2 PESTLE analysis on the Sri Lankan Airlines employee turnover issue

Political factors

Sri Lankan Airlines complies with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, particularly
those relating to labor. To guarantee that employees are treated fairly, the airline's HR
procedures must comply with these regulations. Also, the current political climate in Sri
Lanka might have an impact on the airline's personnel stability. The airline's operations and
leadership stability may be impacted by political turmoil or frequent changes in the

Economic factors

The financial health of the airline may be positively impacted by a stable and expanding
economy, allowing it to engage in initiatives for staff retention and leadership development.
However, in the present scenario, the government is struggling to find a solution to overcome
the economic crisis, and as a result, the airlines are facing huge losses. In order to recruit and
keep qualified workers, the airline's wage levels must be competitive with those in the sector.
Insufficient pay might cause unhappiness and turnover. As a result of the pandemic and the
economic crisis, more and more employees have been leaving the airline seeking foreign
employment, and the company is also struggling to pay wages for the current employees.

Social factors

How employees view their positions and leaders inside the business can be influenced by
social attitudes regarding work, career growth, and leadership. Employees from different
generations may have different expectations for leadership approaches. For instance, younger
workers can favor leadership that is more participative and collaborative. However, many
young candidates with leadership skills are leaving the country as result of the current
economic crisis. This will be a huge problem for the airline in finding fresh candidates for the

Technological factors

Technology must be used by Sri Lankan Airlines for staff engagement and leadership
development. Digital technologies and e-learning platforms may improve employee
engagement and leadership development. Digital platforms are essential for real-time updates
and feedback in effective leadership-employee communication, particularly in a
geographically distributed firm like an airline.

Environmental factors

Pressure on airlines to solve environmental issues is growing. Pressure on airlines to solve

environmental issues is growing. The reputation of the airline and staff morale may suffer
from poor leadership that doesn't promote sustainability. Sustainability projects require
leadership to adapt, which may include changing how operations are run and how employees
are engaged. The reputation of the airline and staff morale may suffer from poor leadership
that doesn't promote sustainability. Sustainability projects require leadership to adapt, which
may include changing how operations are run and how employees are engaged.

Legal factors

Sri Lankan Airlines is required to abide with labor laws and rules. Legal challenges and
reputational harm to the company may emerge from leadership actions that break these
regulations. The rights of employees, such as the right to fair treatment, privacy, and non-
discrimination, must be respected by leaders. Legal battles and a high turnover rate may
result from violations.

5.0 Recommendations

The high employee turnover issue have been examined using Kotter's 8-step theory to
provide recommendations for dealing with personnel turnover. Kotter created a model that
moves through several stages, beginning at the corporate strategy level and eventually
extending to the whole company.

Step 01 – Increase urgency

A complete 360-degree review of the turnover issue can be led by the general manager of
human resources. To acquire a thorough knowledge of the problem, this study should include
input from multiple departments and stakeholders. The results must subsequently be collected
into a thorough report. The turnover analysis report should be presented to the CEO by the
HR General Manager, who should also emphasize the gravity and ramifications of the issue.
The critical need for change and action in tackling employee turnover should be highlighted
by this study. The CEO should then bring the matter to the Board of Directors' and
Chairman's attention. This email is to alert senior leadership to the critical turnover issue and
the dangers it may pose to the airline's stability and prosperity. The CEO can set up regular
meetings between important parties, especially the general managers of operations and
human resources. These gatherings ought to be organized to encourage discussion of issues
relating to turnover, the exchange of ideas, and the generation of solutions. The CEO can
effectively convey the breadth and depth of the turnover problem to create a feeling of
urgency. Top-level management might be motivated to take proactive action by emphasizing
the seriousness of the situation and its possible effects on the performance and reputation of
the airline. The CEO might also convey to the management of the call center operations that a
change is necessary. In order to effectively address the turnover issue, this message should
emphasize the need for a change in strategy, culture, and practices.

Step 02 – Building the guiding team

Team composition

General Manager of HR - As head of the HR division, the GM of HR will supervise

personnel management and retention tactics and spearhead the transformation project.

General Manager of Operations - To provide comprehensive solutions, the GM of Operations

will offer insights into the operational factors that affect employee turnover.

Managers from the departments of administration, human resources, information technology,

and quality assurance will provide their specialist expertise to the team and make sure that

administrative, IT, and quality-related factors are considered when handling turnover.


The General Manager of HR will take on a leadership position, managing the transformation
initiatives and concentrating on HR-related issues including talent development, recruiting
tactics, and creating a stimulating work environment.

Key information on operational issues and areas for development that have a direct influence
on staff turnover will be provided by the general manager of operations.

The specialist experience of managers from various departments will be used to connect
changes with current procedures, HR regulations, IT systems, and quality assurance

Step 03 - Get the vision right

The construction of distinct and easily accessible internal career tracks inside the business,
including chances for internal transfers and upward mobility, is emphasized by the vision.
The method reduces unnecessary stress caused by unachievable ambitions by setting realistic
performance expectations. Additionally, it ensures that employees will get a minimum of two
consecutive days off each week, allowing them to rest up and maintain a better work-life
balance. Yoga classes and stress management sessions are also made available to help the
physical and emotional health of contact center employees. This all-encompassing strategy
emphasizes the importance of call center operations as a crucial and important part of the
business's operations, highlighting the efforts of these people.

Step 04 - Communicate for buy in

Effective communication of the change strategies is essential to securing buy-in and

engagement from call center officers to solve the significant staff turnover at Sri Lankan
Airlines. The communication strategy is focused on making sure that officers understand and

agree with the organization's goal and turnover-reduction plans.

Assistant team leaders, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and team leaders develop daily
communication channels. These front-line communicators are essential in keeping call center
agents informed about the strategy and tactics. Additionally, managers or the general
manager attend twice-weekly shift-specific meetings, which offer a dedicated forum for in-
depth discussions and explanations. Another essential method for sharing specific
information and progress updates is email communication. In addition to increasing openness
and accessibility, the use of newsletters and the corporate website gives officers access to
thorough materials covering the transformation activities.

A potent method of reinforcement is the visual portrayal of the vision and strategy inside the
call center environment. Officers are constantly reminded of important information and given
motivating aid through posters, infographics, and digital displays. Training activities, as well
as performance management procedures, are updated as necessary to guarantee alignment.
Employees are empowered by this strategic alignment with the knowledge and resources they
need to effectively contribute to the desired improvements. Finally, the development of two-
way channels for communication enables officers to express their worries and concerns,
promoting candid conversation and quick problem solving.

Step 05 - Empower actions

The top-level management of SriLankan Airlines focuses on changing leadership styles to

efficiently enable the transition process as the fifth phase in addressing the high staff turnover
rate. These leadership philosophies are designed to inspire and empower the workforce of the
business. The chairman sets the bar high by setting an example of servant leadership that is
characterized by humility, empathy, and active listening. This strategy tries to increase
employee productivity, engagement, and loyalty by fostering a sense of belonging and shared
responsibility that is consistent with the company's goal of lowering turnover.

The CEO, who plays a key role in the company, uses a broad leadership approach that allows
for adaptability in leadership techniques depending on the circumstance. The CEO can

successfully manage a variety of difficulties because to his or her versatility. Additionally, it
enables the CEO to use the best leadership strategy in response to certain situations, creating
a dynamic and adaptable leadership style.

The general managers of HR and Operations also employ situational leadership approaches
with a particular emphasis on the interpersonal aspects of overseeing contact center
employees. This strategy enables a customized approach to address individual needs and
concerns since it recognizes that various employees may require different types of assistance
and direction during the transition process. Top management works to foster a pleasant
environment during the transition process by encouraging open talks, praising helpful
initiatives, and dealing with criticism. This helps to ensure the business goes forward with a
cohesive and dedicated staff.

Step 06 - Create short term wins

To produce value during the transformation process, managers should be recognized and

Step 07 – Don’t let up

Regularly assess if the change is succeeding with the developed leading team. Pay attention
to the creative suggestions made by the team to enhance the employee retention process. To
ascertain if the change is being implemented, set up monthly surveys on staff satisfaction in
the airline industry.

Step 08 - Make change stick

At business staff occasions, recognize and honor the directing team, and at every chance, talk
about their achievements. As the transformation process moves forward, the key leaders in
the leading team should invite others to join them. Track the development while praising
projects through newsletters, official events, and websites.

6.0 Personal reflection statement

I have examined the results of the Leadership and Strategic Management module in depth in
my personal reflection, carefully examining my existing leadership skill set to pinpoint areas
that require development. I have established a strategy to improve the abilities I am lacking
using Kolb's learning theory as a guide. My grasp of leadership types, strategic management
theories, and how they are used to realize organizational plans has been much improved by
this lesson. I now have the skills necessary to successfully examine and assess leadership

I have received useful insights into real-world situations through assignments and practical
implementations of taught ideas, allowing me to critically evaluate leadership styles within
my own corporate firm. In order to deal with challenging situations, I have also been able to
suggest improved leadership strategies. With the use of my newly acquired expertise, I am
now able to assess leadership philosophies at all organizational levels, going beyond top
management. In addition, as my understanding of the abilities, characteristics, and
competences necessary for effective leadership has increased, I am better able to evaluate my
own leadership style.

I used a variety of online analytical surveys to evaluate my existing leadership skill set. I
completed the leadership quiz, which revealed that while my assertiveness
and leadership abilities are strong, my collaboration skills are average. It advised me to focus
on improving my direct communication skills. Another survey from gave me
a score of 76, indicating that I am progressing toward being a competent leader. I was also
classified as a servant leader by a questionnaire from the University of Southern California.
According to the results of appedndix one a leadership questionnaire I took from Peter
Northouse's book Leadership: Theory and Practice, I am particularly strong at task leadership
and relationship leadership behaviors.

I took the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator testing to learn more about my leadership
shortcomings, and it identified me as a Consul Personality. It emphasized positive traits such
a strong feeling of responsibility, devotion, warmth, and sensitivity while criticizing
weaknesses like a lack of initiative, poor communication, and fuzzy critical thinking.

I've discovered the following skill development categories after examining the feedback from

these leadership questionnaires:

1. Critical thinking
2. Communication abilities

I understand the critical need of building these abilities as I move in my profession in order to
connect my skill development plan with my personal goal, which is to advance in my career
and take the helm of administration in a top international organization.

Goal: To improve my communication abilities and become a better communicator.

Specific Steps to Take: Watch movies

Read books related to different subject matter
Try to make my own content
Build up confidence

I am applying Kolb’s experimental theory to improve my communication skills, and I plan to

repeat the four stages until I am fluent and confident enough to use the language.

Stage 1 - Concrete Experience (1 month)

Enroll in a thorough public speaking course that focuses on enhancing verbal communication,
presenting skills, and speaking confidence. Spend at least two hours a week on your studies
and practice.

Participate in a writing session covering a variety of written communication formats,

including as emails, reports, and formal papers. Set out an hour each day for practice and

Stage 2 - Reflective Observation (2 weeks)

Practice active listening by being attentive throughout meetings and conversations. Focus on
comprehending the speaker's point of view, seeking clarification, and summarizing important
points. Spend 30 minutes each day honing your active listening skills.

I'm looking for comments on my listening abilities from coworkers, mentors, or

communication specialists. Put improvement ideas and tactics into practice.

Stage 3 - Abstract Conceptualization (2 weeks)

Attend seminars or workshops that include handling challenging talks and conflict resolution
strategies. Apply the concepts you've studied to actual work situations.

Engage in role-playing games or actual life circumstances that call for handling difficult
subjects or resolving conflicts. Request advice and criticism from coworkers or mentors.

Stage 4 - Active Experimentation (1 month)

Set aside time each day to work on your written and vocal communication abilities. Talk to
different kinds of individuals in order to adjust to different communication styles.

Regularly ask mentors and coworkers for comments on your communication abilities.
Consider your own communication experiences, and note any shortcomings.

Goal: To improve my crticla thinking skills

Specific Steps to Take: Understand my mental process

Practice active listening
Evaluate existing evidence
Interpriting peoples behaviour

I am applying Kolb’s experimental theory to improve my critical thinking skills, and I plan to
repeat the four stages until I am fluent and confident enough to apply my abilities in practical

Stage 1 - Concrete Experience (1 month)

Enroll in a workshop or course devoted to the development of critical thinking skills. Spend
at least two hours every week actively participating in the course, participating in discussions
and critical thinking tasks.

Stage 2 - Reflective Observation (2 weeks)

Learn about analytical thinking through reading books, articles, and academic papers.
Consider how these resources can help you improve your critical thinking skills.To better
comprehend the topic, investigate several critical thinking models and ideas.

Stage 3 - Abstract Conceptualization (2 weeks)

Identify situations in the workplace when analytical thinking and critical thinking may be put
to use. By studying circumstances, assessing the facts, and coming to well-informed
judgments, you may practice critical thinking. Seek out opportunities to solve problems while
using critical thinking skills in your line of work.

Stage 4 - Active Experimentation (1 month)

Request criticism on your critical thinking skills from coworkers, managers, or mentors.
Encourage candid conversations to identify areas that want change. Reflect on your critical
thinking experiences frequently, and change your strategy in response to criticism.

7.0 Conclusion

This study's main goal was to evaluate how leadership affected Sri Lankan Airlines' increasing
employee turnover in the context of strategic planning. Along with a thorough analysis of the effects
of this problem, the research also included a critical assessment of how top-level management is
addressing this strategic issue. The study also considered the use of PESTLE and the present state of
the Mckinsey 7s model. These evaluations made it clear that this issue has the potential to reduce the
company's market value, raise expenses, and reduce earnings. Applying Kotter's 8-step approach of
change management, advice was given for how to deal with this problem effectively.

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Appendix one

Name ___________________________

Leadership Style Questionnaire

Instructions: Read each item carefully and think about how often you engage in the
described behavior. Indicate your response to each item by circling one of the five numbers
to the right of each item.

Key: 1 = never 2 = seldom 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = always

1. Tells group members what they are supposed to do. 1 2 3 4 5

2. Acts friendly with members of the group. 1 2 3 4 5
3. Sets standards of performance for group members. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Helps others feel comfortable in the group. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Makes suggestions about how to solve problems. 1 2 3 4 5
6. Responds favorably to suggestions made by others. 1 2 3 4 5
7. Makes his/her perspective clear to others. 1 2 3 4 5
8. Treats others fairly. 1 2 3 4 5
9. Develops a plan of action for the group. 1 2 3 4 5

10. Behaves in a predictable manner toward group members. 1 2 3 4 5
11. Defines role responsibilities for each group member. 1 2 3 4 5
12. Communicates actively with group members. 1 2 3 4 5
13. Clarifies his/her own role within the group. 1 2 3 4 5
14. Shows concern for the personal well-being of others. 1 2 3 4 5
15. Provides a plan for how the work is to be done. 1 2 3 4 5
16. Shows flexibility in making decisions. 1 2 3 4 5
17. Provides criteria for what is expected of the group. 1 2 3 4 5
18. Discloses thoughts and feelings to group members. 1 2 3 4 5
19. Encourages group members to do quality work. 1 2 3 4 5
20. Helps group members get along. 1 2 3 4 5

Use the Response Sheet and follow the instructions for transferring your scores to determine
your leadership style.

SOURCE: Leadership: Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, by Peter Northouse, Sage Publications,

2001. pg. 51


Name ___________________________

Leadership Style Questionnaire

Response Sheet

To determine your leadership style:

1. Place the number 1 to 5 in the corresponding blank for each statement.
2. Add up each column.

__4___ 1. __4___ 2.

__5___ 3. __4___ 4.

__4___ 5. __4__ 6.

__5___ 7. __4___ 8.

__5___ 9. __5___ 10.

__5___ 11. __5___ 12.

__5___ 13. __4___ 14.

__5___ 15. __4___ 16.

__4___ 17. __5___ 18.

__5___ 19. __4___ 20.

__47___ Total __43___ Total

Task Relationship
leadership leadership
behavior behavior

Scoring Interpretation
45-50 very high range
40-44 high range
35-39 moderately high range
30-34 moderately low range
25-29 low range
20-24 very low range


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