02 Spoken

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1. What are the elements of poetry present in Severo's piece?

The elements of poetry present in Severino’s piece are

of speech.We can observe a different elements in his poetry,which is reasonable given
that the poem is about a young farmer seeking a better life.

2. What is the theme of the piece? What social issues does it address?

The poems theme is envy,and the issues in society addressed include unfair
opportunity and growth.The poem makes an argument for one of the seven deadly
sins.Is all about a young farmer wanting a better life like others and defending his
familys claim to the land they have tended for a long time.A young farmer wants a
different issues in life in order to experience what is like to not be able to harvest as well
his parents.Her mother stated that he fell in love with someone who would completely
accept and his status in life.

3. What makes spoken poetry similar to or different from other poetry forms?

Spoken word poetry is a form of verbal live performances in which speakers

express themselves powerfully by sharing their thoughts on specific issues in front of a
live audience.with an emphasis on sound and expression.Although poem is a piece of
work in which the words are separated into several linesand frequently end in rhyme.

4. In your opinion, what are the factors that contributed to the popularization of this
form of poetry in our country?

The factors that contributed to the popularization of this form of poetry in our
country is we shall develop an understanding of Filipino works of poetry,which will
become more valued and respected.Poetry is important because it enables us to
comprehend and appreciate our surroundings.

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