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June 2011 ONR 003 2

2. Dec 2011 ONR-003 8
3. June 2012 ONR-003 15
4. Dec 2012 ONR-003 21
5. June 2013 ONR-003 27
6. Dec 2013 ONR-003 33
7. June 2014 ONR-003 41
8. Dec 2014 ONR-003 49
9. June 2015 ONR-003 55
10. Dec 2015 ONR-003 60
11. June 2016 ONR-003 66
12. Dec 2016 ONR-003 72
13. June 2017 ONR-003 78
14. Dec 2017 ONR-003 84
15. June 2018 ONR-003 90
16. Dec 2018 ONR-003 96
17. June 2019 ONR-003 102
18. Dec 2019 ONR-003 108
19. June 2020 ONR-003 112
20. Dec 2020 ONR-3 121
21. June 2021 ONR-3 127
22. Dec 2021 ONR-3 135
23. June 2022 ONR-3 143
No. of Printed Pages : 7 ONR-003

Term-End Examination
June, 2011



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. (a) Define water harvesting. Explain its 5

importance in present context.
(b) Define the following terms : 5
(i) Bench terracing
(ii) Nala Building
(iii) Aquifer
(iv) Ground water recharge
(v) Cropping intensity
(c) Explain runoff coefficient and its 5
importance for designing any water
harvesting structures.

2. (a) List different methods of artificial recharge 5

to ground water.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(b) Calculate the runoff amount of 200 ha area 5
if rainfall depth is 10 cm. Assume runoff
coefficient for the area is 0.1.
(c) What is irrigation scheduling ? List 5
advantages of irrigation scheduling.

3. (a) What is micro irrigation ? Explain 5

importance of micro irrigation in present
(b) What is Percolation Ponds ? Explain its 5
importance for ground water recharge.
(c) Write short note on purification of water. 5

4. (a) flow do you design storage tank ? List 5

different steps for its design.
(b) List different traditional methods of water 5
(c) What is spillway ? Explain its importance. 5

5. (a) Define following term : 5

(i) Embankment
(ii) Evaporation
(iii) Free board
(iv) Soil Profile
(v) Runoff
(b) Now does water conservations help in 5
ensuring agriculture sustainability ?
(c) List two methods for both irrigated and 5
rainfed farming to conserve waters.

6. (a) Differentiate between water conveyence 5

and water application efficiency.

ONR-003 2
(b) What are agronomical factors in enhancing 5
water use efficiency ?
(c) Calculate water storage efficiency if water 5
stored in root zone is 56 litre and water
needed in root zone is 70 litre.

7. (a) Explain polythene lining farm pond. What 5

precaution should be taken during lining of
this pond ?
(b) Compute total volume of water harvested 5
from roof area of 100m2 receiving rainfall
of 400 mm during monsoon season.
Assume collection efficiency is 90%.
(c) How does contour farming is important on 5
hill slopes ? Explain.

8. (a) How will you compute domestic and crop 8

water demand ?
(b) What are the main factors deciding the type 7
of water harvesting structures ?

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
A. T!9 3TTT - 003

V4E,T9. tff

i-1711.1 ITNIT )
\Ili, 2011

31179%3TTT. - 003 : \rici T4WITT -crat Tr-IlitrITT

Frirq : 3 V 3rETITT 3: 75

: r i qi TR-q-Y k. 7-ffT qr7rut / 75'n W4 tLi44/1 3/W t/

1. (a) err c-f-4 LIR1-11fE17 TIT77. 71 *94111 4514 14 5

71-T Herci 4;1 4,-1-1( TTi- 7, I
(b) QI-;‘1 4fOTIfis17 : 5
(ii) I
(iii) \-Tic-114.7 (Aquifer)
(iv) 411t-1 laTh 9-177 I

(v) J:RA--Icif I
(c) a1 Titf"-- 3-11' -7-; TITE191 "Tc\-Ittgi 5
f9Tittir -4 7:k. Tcrtz t),

2. (a) 471 cl P-T-4f m1 5

719. I
(b) of.: .q-Ed 10 Alt *th 200 *T. 471 -ql-7 5
\TIri -IRTT crit yroirc-icf. ,4-:11',-R I 1417-f X11f,TR
- 7 a-)1 arT -11
2,1 -ulfT 0.1

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(c) fti 411 t? ftirTFP7R:&*citf 5
-1 4-iIL
74- I

3. (Si) OTT- =al cf-qi ? c4(14-H-j (-iq4 4 718,-4 5


fii (percolation)47, *AI ? '310 7:14717 5

7:47 It;i7, 5:4:-I;i1 Hero( 1->i '-ff-77, I
c) FT- =?1,r 1717 -f -P-A7 I 5

4. (0) Tq fflTtrfcm--[ r f4-1R-crur t-4c 5

Y.71.4) 141'1MT1J1 cI);) QI -fl

(b) `4-1.- T4711 14ri-17 414[4sch14RPT ch 41111 5

(c) (spillway) TI ? 7k. 41 c4-) TiTtZ 5

r1-1Q, I

5. (a) 1i-i{iftici T k-t 5

(i) I

(ii) q1b4-1 I


(iv) çi fa.P:74 ( -54-ch-T)

(b) TN- fqTT-Mfzrijici -7-41ci1 i 5
mcnit -Il1cb )c11?
(c) iii rr1d L TqfRU 5

ONR-003 6
6. (a) 'ii ,-11-“t61ii TRITTM:t 3-tdT 5
TicITZ -1-f-

(b) ici -51-417 7,1RTIT 47ffT 14 ,t-ii1<1711-f 5

(agronomical) chRc#1 chl-I A t?

(c) Tffq (rootzone) q#1&cf AO 56 ki 5

2 7 t f-07 3-1-N74-45. AO 70 FO
t ‘,6:& 17 P:1
1c1 94777 TP,37--d-r

7. (a) -HI T 5
TF (pond) '*;-1 77T -:441 iTfrdNir-i"-IT
i-ii *; ?

(b) 1=fT9717R1-1 400 1&4 714 7sri c -5e7f 5

100 1 2 c1R :;.4-7
;. 47=IP-11 z-Irf Hi:01171f
Lirolrocic5iui 411-1tr17 44,WJ(31i-df 90%
tr I

(c) ,
1=17" 73-1-q 5

8. (a) 31 It-1Q,of 4,4:do Ari. 4-(1,1 ki=r' Fftii i? 8

(b) \TIM t1;1-6FT chf f97-47:1 f 1,74 7

317-7, ITT f111

ONR-003 7
No. of Printed Pages : 8 ONR-003

Term-End Examination
December, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii)All questions carry equal marks.

(a) List soil moisture conservation techniques 5

used under rainfed conditions.
(b) What is bench terracing ? Under what 5
conditions it is used ?
(c) Explain Bandharas system of water 5
harvesting with a schematic diagram.

2. (a) What is meant by Indigenous Traditional 2

Knowledge (ITK) in water harvesting ?
(b) Distinguish between contour bunding and 5
contour trenching.
(c) What is diversion bund ? 3
(d) Compute the volume of harvested water 5
from a roof top area of 250 m2 if the depth
of annual rainfall is 80 cm and efficiency is

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) What is the importance of roof top 5
rainwater harvesting in urban areas ?
(b) List different components of roof rainwater 5
harvesting system.
(c) Enumerate various benefits of rainwater 5
harvesting for crop production.

4. (a) Enumerate different types of catchments 3

surfaces from where the rainwater can be
(b) Based on the material used, classify water
storage tanks.
(c) How is harvested water collected and used 3+5
for crop production ? List the different
parameters influencing size of a pond.

5. (a) Compute the gross storage capacity of a

pond for applying 6 cm irrigation to 5 ha
area and meeting water requirement of 30
cows and of 40 buffalos if a cow and a
buffalo consumes 70 and 60 litres/day.
(b) What do you understand by percolation 5
tank ? In which states of the country are
they generally used ?
(c) List the main water harvesting structures 5
in north west semi-arid and arid zones.

ONR-003 2
6. (a) Enumerate the advantages of irrigation 5
(b) Explain the term Duty and Delta. Give the 3+2
average Delta for Rice and Maize crops.
(c) What are the main factors for selecting a 5
method of irrigation ?

7. (a) What are the main types of surface irrigation 5

methods generally used ?
(b) Distinguish between surface and sprinkler 5
irrigation. Under what conditions is
sprinkler irrigation method used ?
(c) List advantages and limitations of drip 5
irrigation method.

8. (a) Why is artifical groundwater recharge 3

essential ?
(b) List the sub-surface techniques of 4
groundwater recharge.
(c) Explain the main goals of water 4
(d) Define water application efficiency. What
is the present level of irrigation efficiency in
surface irrigation in the country and how
can it be enhanced ?

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
r;)-.. 3T1T - 003

R 74 -9-4va. 4 501191 tiq

(1 z7 :7T.)
litalT t1Aid

fit, 2011

311.7ff.3117.- 003: •ci 4nit.11, TilVIT TTITTEOT

7717/ : 3 7v-. 3.1igrxr : 75

: (t) ft77 VTIY dr/1 Oru/q /

(ii) 771# T/T4 3iT ei

1. (a) - - (minted) qitat

clqi f fr47 31'717 .7a-17 1-qf 5

.1441 Tui cictAct>1 701 I

(b)T110-117 t0 (bench terracing) ITT t? 71 .-*1

-5171111 rchl 3tri-di wzii t?

(c) \-11(1 4hTTTT (Bandharas) 5

3lk{§1'4. t.-1011471,5a W--471

2. (a) AO t-ir4q-I tot') 7111 tt.) A 2

3TrIT err -ggr-eth t?

(b) 4hT (contour bunding) 33 c b. ee,t 4 1 TO 5

(contour trenching) t 3 'ef Tcfra t

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(c) 3-17q49. (diversion) WIN qzfi ? 3

(d) 80 (-)41. 3 TR-Trrut 5

70% t c 250 -44 +-iidk -OW (roof top) 4
f#F7ff 33Prd7 Liricilroo 4fA7

3. (a) 4-) on (roof top) TIT .413679 5


(b) ..9c-1 (roof top) T61f7.0. 'Ted t -Faf49- 5

. Eira0 0 71-

(C) '-1(1 rm, fitrwa feaq 5

4. (a) 3TT-17 7-d-61 (catchment surfaces) t fate 3

Tet*f -4tftWF

(b) 9.ft1DT tr77:4 TrziWiR4TRTI aTMITT Tft

WITT7 Wrf771

(c) 1-11-R4 fTtrwff '1c'1 td• 3 +5

f*-71 zficii t? *UT 31WT
Tpur-4- -d. arc) TLt .4977

ONR-003 6
(a) *UT +ict)ci itgTTEiT klITT kch W.-A7 5
5. 4 MCI

fait 5 t4Z7 4q 14 6 fTtqfl AT 30 -3-rr

at 40 41:4 3-74TTWUT Ti 1:ft i z ► c-11
tirc 3rAT Trrzt a* 4141 1 Atc\tcl 70
AT 60 tr I
/f<9' t
(b) 31Tcf 7EfT ITTO. f ? 7:1T1 "971)71. 5

471 ► 1-►►'- ► d Tr{ rciri tFitIT fir \i ► ch' t?

(c) drIt 111791:1 3T OFF kjta, TT( slo 5

4t-ci- ► 3 9147 I

6. (a) fki-IT TR:RFT& 4-di-4-7 I 5

(b) 371. 71. 1 trftiTIFEM WF-77 I liarf 3+2

3fR 1 1cfchl aftuu r q'lr,1
(c) ft fqfq. * -4a.u4 ch ► ta, t? 5

7. (a) k 'TT Fii Trdt ft:tqT fair 5

mon ► k a-) t?

(b) Tr-de -cia. roscbia -fTrqrl -k 31.-dT Tcrtz -4-N7 i 5

roschici ft,f9TItafiTwr w41 , ► fa,-► qkli3ift. 3-triff

fa,ai t?

(c) d4cili (144) ft t-AT fqfq. 4-► r4 5

ONR-003 7 P.T.O.
8. (a) Trq14 01:1W-4 R11 ,4 cwii 3f97 4? 3

(b) ft -c414 39•---Trde 71-9)- 4

(c) girl Ttmur Tffr Tcrtz 4

(d) 3-1-13F4TT TR-TIAT cn) ,-11-04Tftiff -4-fA7

- I
Tr-dt TRP:Tffir r-{ 4,44
atIT 744 t---4 GI V41 t?

ONR-003 8
No. of Printed Pages : 7 ONR-003


O Term-End Examination
O June, 2012
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. (a) Explain in - situ water .harvesting 5

(b) Why rainfall is most important factor to 5
decide the type of water harvesting
system ?
(c) Discuss importance of earthen check dams 5
for water harvesting.

2. (a) Short note on following : 9

(i) Khadin
(ii) Johad
(iii) Paar system
(b) List different Indegeneous Techniques for 6
rain water harvesting.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) How is harvested water essential for crop 5
production ?
(b) Define followings : 6
(i) Contour
(ii) Contour trench
(iii) Bench terracing
(c) What are benefits and advantages of 4
rainwater harvesting ?

4. (a) Explain in brief different rainwater 5

harvesting schemes.
(b) Explain different steps of collection and 5
storage of roof top rainwater harvesting.
(c) What is water harvesting potential, how do 5
you calculate water harvesting potential ?

5. (a) Calculate irrigation depth for 2 ha area if 5

600 m3 water is available ?
(b) What are the factors influencing the size of 5
water storage pond ?
(c) Name any three water harvesting structure 5
in arid zone.

6. (a) What are the suitability factors on which 5

various irrigation methods depends ?
(b) What is drip irrigation method ? List its 10
component, also explain its advantages.

ONR-003 2
7. (a) Define following terms : 5
(i) Consumptive use of water
(ii) Effluent water
(iii) Soil moisture
(iv) Water use efficiency
(v) Water distribution efficiency
(b) What is water application efficiency ? What 5
are main losses during water application ?
(c) List two strategies to be pursued on water 5
conservation and management in relation
to industrial sector need.

8. (a) How is capacity of pond determined ? 5

(b) Explain the importance of storage of 5

harvested water.
(c) Name different component of water 5

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
aft. - 003

79' fl ti "crql ii4EN trq



311.1.317.- 003 :7R 4r4q1, NT TTgq7:1171

ART : 3 37fird7:1 37W : 75

42- : 4:E/fW. VT4

&-- dot OFJN / ?Tv-4. ei

1. (a) 4q, (in - situ) 73-1-

749-11- cich 7f7 5

(b) creff
- •51-
*-17 .TT fiuM c14 atii, 5

gaff -1=K-fftpf chlOh -4zff t ?

(c) \TM Ta ul AM (check 5
dams) ch'ift? I

2. (a) 1J-1rd rig d 'TT Tf4cr -44 : 9

(iii) Trn---
(b) awf %M 4-c4411 -4- Fa firg ki 1,4,414 6

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
3. (a) 4tt1r1 dc441q1 i rMl ltqftra "k"(4 31k4T4 5
(b) 11-1 ririgcf tif{i-TIftTa. : 6

(i) cheest

(ii) chV Wrl (trench)

(iii) 4-1 1. 4-rTfrr

(c) TFRIt "cr4 ffit171 4

4. (a) rar1t atlj ,31(.1 z1)791311 #07 auI.1 5

-W117q I

(b) Oct 7T t-1-11 74 but 5


(c) smo -i-rr-dT (potential) W•EfT t? 3I1Tc 5

UITUT grichkicf eta

5. (a) 4{ 600 1-1dt ,7tri 31:1ffaT t 2 t. 5

tirtchirtcf .4f7R1

(b) ,3-10 ii3T7T th-UT (pond) t 3 ff "SINTrd'ff 5

arty alql cnik* Ai t?
(c) w=ct) (arid) :311-1 fw4' titttii 5
"kr11 "r -ft17 I

ONR-003 6
6. (a) fffNN f144r1 34T4cici1 (suitability) 5
wR--4 ?iI

(b) 34mi (114) #11-41i rafiT ITT t? .p:rk titan) t 10

TO. A-itRAT71* -0191#1"1-tirE4R1

7. (a) F-0--irc► rigct 4Rii-rr-Em 5

(i) AM T 3Q i1(Consumptive) M1 41
(ii) : Aci
(iii) lqf - 91:11.
(iv) Aci -51-01
(v) \TM fq-d{7
31-15171)7 Tfkll:FdT 'TETi f? \Ari 3-172:47 * 5
-41-car urraza chl-r t?
Adf-Trw 374FIT-dr #4tT silo #-{kiur 5

8. (a) Lil(gt (pond)*1 VirdT*T ffftliVIT cbql \licit 5

(b) It-417ff * itgRuT * . -11:crEE R
(c) 71:&[*.fa-rim tiectt1*P1 fffruR

ONR-003 7
No. of Printed Pages : 7 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
December, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. (a) What is meant by in situ water harvesting 5

techniques ? What are different in situ
water harvesting techniques ?
(b) What is rain water harvesting ? Explain its 5

(c) How does rain water harvesting help in 5

improving the crop production ?

2. (a) Explain the need and benefits of recharge 5

to groundwater.
(b) How is capacity of pond/farm pond 5
determined ?
(c) Differentiate between surface and 5
pressurised system of irrigation.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(a) Define the following terms : 5
(i) Contour bunding
(ii) Bench terracing
(iii) Ahars
(iv) Ground Water Recharge
(v) Contour vegetative barriers.
(b) What are the basic steps involved in rain 5
water harvesting ?
(c) Calculate the water requirement for a 5
household of five persons for 1 month.
Assume per capita water requirement of 40
litre per day.

4. (a) List methods of artificial recharge to ground- 5

(b) What are the different components of water 5
demand ?
(c) Differentiate between water application 5
efficiency and water storage efficiency.

5. (a) What is the spillway ? Explain the different 5

types of spillways.
(b) Define water use efficiency. Differentiate 5
between crop water use efficiency and field
water use efficiency.
(c) Explain in detail the dugwell recharge. 5

ONR-003 2
6. (a) What are percolation ponds ? For what 5
purpose are they used ?
(b) What is the basic components of rooftop 5
rain water harvesting system ?
(c) Why is rainfall the most important factor to 5
decide the type of water harvesting system
to be followed ?

7. .(a) What are the design considerations for 5

artificial recharge to ground water ?
(b) Explain the different methods of irrigation 5
and write down the steps required for
selection of method of irrigation.
(c) List the advantages of drip irrigation. 5

8. (a) What do you mean by critical growth stages 5

of crops ? What is the most critical stage in
wheat crop in India ?
(b) What do you understand by indigenous 5
traditional knowledge in respect of water
harvesting ?
(c) List different types of storage tanks. Explain 5
one in detail.

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
A. 11. 3TR - 003

Tr4Erff 11 W4-11u1

t.111.1 ITN-1T

qi144“, 2012

311.1.3.17.- 003 : Trt ti nig , *WI 3 dqt1 41

3 agraTTRTi ajW : 75

*E".• 77247- wq-i-3/ fon/ e/

1. (a) - IT-9-TT4 (in situ) \Ito dem ch ci-ql 3-15T5PLI 5

t ? faf Tzff-RTA cern -14 rT ?

(b) cltif c1-0-11 t ? Tffk ciu 5


(c) kim111, '-1(4 ac-1I -1 E Z 4-114 5

, itot> >71a1 t ?

2. (a) IN ,3-10 7:11TIT ch1 c i 1d 13-1)' 5


(b) .1)/aci (4,144) s urra-r fff4rFur Uf 5

fwzrr t?
(c) fi:tqr1 Tr-de 74 7-q1
- --fu ireff 3f-d-T 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
3. (a) F-14-irorimcf OffEfff : 5
(i) ch tArt Tr (t.T)
(ii) At -lf#Tr
(iv) 11114 \TIci 7: WM
(v) ci-R-qcf (vegetative) 31-
(b) 01/4 7F kir“-irrid #9-Erf mitui 41 5

(c) c(-44 1:FfTWT Tf T1 5

,rIci--31d7WaT 0 LI Rob rt1 0r- 7 I 149' (11F,31
ci 041 rcirl ,TIM-31T471-*7T 40 ro dt ( URI )

4. (a) '41114 wri f 117:917rf f4ft1T4 5

(b) ,31(-1 raii17 1TE4 7114 fifes I 5
(c) ,710 31747 1:1q471 AT \TIO Trwur 5
31"97 TTEZ Wr—A7 I

5. (a) frciOi (spillway) AzIT t I fixrd* t FaFIN' Wit 5

(b) \TIM "TIOT 1:RITMT LirtiilfErff*4f-

4R I 4-)kics1 5
- zraTIT-di 3th ad (field) ztrzor
Trr3t Tcpsz 11f
(c) *-g7 (dugwell) 7:1177 .ircit-ctit *T:crisZ 5

ONR-003 6
6. (a) 14111 TS qzIT f ? TT*1 chfl *FT t 5
rMl rebtil ARV t ?
(b) Wff TR citli 4v4t4-1 tzfff 11
-97Tt Ndch 41 5

(c) rvlti \TIO Treff 3-17RTIT -6411 Allft, 5

31:1 -r-*74T .wr f9-0i-zr (44 -4, a of Tr-4'w -1T-ffof
a.)Ra, 141 t? a uk -*-11
A7 I

7. (a) I-11-14 Art 7"r71:1 7:1171T* 5:31► -1 TIWtft 5

rcIlltuliel Psis cil-f t ?
(b) ft rai Fa fir-64 .wr auk 3ti-T f4 q-1 5
Fa r Ll ZI 1 t. Fri al-t -q-Tuff 3TgrTur
mull 3Travq- t ? auk
(c) dLIchl (FV-0 A-9-r-47 I 5

8. (a) 1:5T1 *1:1Tffctvi .Ttrff 3.771 .441► 7:144 1 5

t? 1.17ff 14 q, TraffirT -1T-6-ffvf
-akin Trr t ?
(b) l fil Lraoid qrti 3Trtr
errvweA ?
(c) tf-*-4 f-4517 3rwr4 -49-rR I 5
f*-1:11. cf.) ti ra tt1 I t7

ONR-003 7
No. of Printed Pages : 7 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
CD June, 2013
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. (a) Explain the conditions under which 5

embankment type of ponds and dugout cum
embankment are used.
(b) How will you calculate the storage capacity 5
of a tank ?
(c) List the factors governing the selection of 5
irrigation methods.

2. (a) How can percolation tank and check dams 5

be used for recharging the groundwater
aquifers ?
(b) What is earth fill dam ? Explain its 5
(c) How does water conservation help in 5
ensuring agriculture sustainability ?

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.•
3. (a) What does Saza Kuva means and where it 5
is used ?
(b) Explain gutters and down pipes with 5
(c) What do you understand by irrigation 5
scheduling ? List any two advantages of it.

4. (a) Difference between following terms : 5

(i) Contour bunds and ditches
(ii) Gabion structure and check dam
(b) How is harvested water essential for crop 5
production ?
(c) Explain the need and benefits of artificial 5
recharge to ground water.

5. (a) List different methods of irrigation water 5

application. Which is the most widely used
irrigation method ?
(b) Define the earth fill dam and its types. 5
(c) List any two methods to reduce domestic 5
water supply.

6. (a) Under what condition is sprinkler method 5

of irrigation adopted ?
(b) What is the present level of irrigation 5
efficiency in surface method ? How can it
be enhanced ?
(c) Explain the main considerations in 5
construction of earth fill dam.

ONR-003 2
7. (a) What do you understand by construction 5
of Pond ? Write the design considerations
for it.
(b) List two strategies to be pursued on water 5
conservation and management in relation
to industrial sector need.
(c) List different agro climatic zones. 5

8. (a) Name any five water harvesting structures 5

in South-Central Deccan Plateau Zone.
(b) In which part of country Kuis/Beris are used 5
and for what purpose ?
(c) Calculate the water requirement for a 5
household of four persons for 30 days.
Assume per capita water requirement of 40
liter per day.

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
aft. 1T. 3TTt - 003

174117 Ygi u I 117

1i1c-i TR*.
"T., 2013

311.7.3TR". - 003: 79' TkvoT at)-{

Fm-q- : 3 r/T4 3.7rF-TTffri i : 75

I: -"--4'enW5fT91 -dTH 741/7'77 -- 31'W e/

1. (a) f*-9. ft-21-W t f*-7:14 5

(ponds) 31)7 (dugout) Qc 1 chi
-971)11f*-71 ,

(b) 3-117 a-)1 4̀.1.-&71 r ch) 4 lath f i a 1? 5

(c) fttq-1- rarq-z4 F-viNd .- wTk -1-T-4 5

1-) t: .Id le

2. (a) iftiTWO.\ 51 1-17T ft-{=19 t-*1 5

f9-4T () 1-)1 vztrTi f-*--zrr

(b) 3-10 fch-0 t? '4)1 5

(c) ATM ttg fq-{T-2-11f --7"-4 14 5
VA N-Ictl t?

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
3. (a) TfMT -1311-4 qz11. 3-1-N-517ft 3 i fROT --$* 5
Alc11 ?

(b) 'lZ.& 3-117 Mal (down) 1417t 5


(c) fit-
41 Wr-zr 311q ? &feel 5

4. (a) atd7 PTV I 5

(i) t-q 'q-Tq 3-TIT 111

(ii) "1 fa F *-F9-4-T3T ( -4-.) ITT

(b) rici rm, 31-11-qT4 5


(c) •-r:ITTrir 4)1 37-4Vz1M-UT 5

5. (a) fear- fafq-T4 TL--q 5

4 -r4-
4r fq-RT chl fdd
7-zr1TE fwqr \111c11 t?

(b) 3TO fFrf 44 * - Trk .cr-*-Tti chl 4 RITTF-Erff 5

(c) a c Arf 34-rtft c 1,4-1 -w-c4 ch1 farqt 5


ONR-003 6
6. (a) Fch #21td711 3-1* 5
(sprinkler) fdfq ci;) 3719711 \Ilc1 I t ?
(b) Trd-e -NN 4f4--41- TR-11:1-M chf q4-111-9. t-c-R t? 5
(c) 3-1.2f f9Trivr far-iltung 5

f-4-s3T1 r quri7

7. (a) 4--g f9Trfur 3171. c N1 c ? k:11-1 5

fq's3ff chl fffrG7

(b) 341--terrct- 4)1 31-m-vzr---dr 4) 4.1g \icl 5


(c) faf wg -TN ci-1 5

8. (a) =T .1-4M :311-1 -4 yip \TM 5

4r.V-1-1 I

(b) @I f*71.1.1-FT (Kuis/Beris) chl 5

-517n-7 f---zrr i l t t t f i *71. ?
(c) trf-{-a-R r 30 k-Isi 4)1 5
,1(1-3TraTiwur ml 4f chro HI-1

\AM 3-110W-10M-1f 40 r(vid.,& ( vf-d fq-q-R)


ONR-003 7
No. of Printed Pages : 8 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
December, 2013


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. Use of calculator is


1. (a) Discuss in detail the importance of water 5

harvesting and its necessity for human and
crop production sustainability.
(b) What is water harvesting ? 2
(c) What are the factors affecting the selection 3
of water harvesting systems ?
(d) What ITK stands for ? List any four ITK 1+4
along with the region where it was used in
our country ?

2. (a) Distinguish between in situ and surface 3

water harvesting techniques.
(b) List the different advantages and 4
disadvantages of contour bunding.
(c) Differentiate between domestic and 3
community type water harvesting system ?

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(d) Roof top area of a building is 220 m' located 5
in Delhi receiving average rainfall 720 mm
per annum. Calculate the volume of water
harvested from the rooftop if roof is made
of concrete (Run off coefficient 0.8).

3. (a) How do you design a storage tank ? Discuss 5

in detail the various steps of its design ?
(b) Explain the process of purification of water 5
used for drinking.
(c) Explain the concept of water harvesting for 5
crop production. Enumerate its benefits.

4. (a) Define artificial ground water recharge. 2+3

What are the ideal conditions for it ?
(b) Explain the process of recharge through 5
injection wells with the help of neat sketch
(c) Calculate the runoff amount from a 120 ha 5
green area if the rainfall during a rainfall
event of July was 25 mm. Assume runoff
coefficient as 0.1.

5. (a) Why irrigation scheduling is important for 5

better crop production ?
(b) Discuss water harvesting practices of 5
different agro-climatic zones.
(c) Differentiate between surface and drip 3+2
irrigation ? Under what conditions is
furrow method used.

ONR-003 2
6. (a) Compute the gross storage capacity of a 7
water storage pond for applying 5cm
irrigation to 10 ha area and meeting water
requirement of 30 cows and of 40 buffalos.
Assume requirement of cow and buffalos
are 70 and 60 litres/ day.
(b) How the water losses can be reduced in 5
water supply and sanitary fillings
(c) Where the mechanical spillway is used ? 3

7. (a) Explain the importance of water 5

conservation techniques for agriculture.
(b) What do you understand by plastic lining 2+3
of ponds ? Explain the methods of lining of
(c) Calculate the water conveyance efficiency, 5
discharge of 60 litre per second from the
source was released and 51 litre per second
was delivered to the field.

8. (a) Explain the importance of waste water 5

recycling through industrial eco-park .
(b) Write short note on any ten of the following :
(i) Duty
(ii) Aquifer
(iii) Clogging

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
(iv) Duck weed
(v) Optimum use
(vi) Effluent water
(vii) Lining
(viii) Seepage loss
(ix) Embankment
(x) Ramming
(xi) Contour
(xii) Water Harvesting Potential

ONR-003 4
3ft.7.31TT. - 003

6 tivitii TI*T9' wilui
(111. WW.71l.)
tgAid trftalT

killzff, 2013

311.-c17.3-17.- 003 :7R t-imit41, *FIT 3T "3747

?Trfq : 3 3TATWUrl 3? : 75
: rira Tr'rq dtV r7g kff-d'a7 whri
arTtra *l

1. (a) AO Hi-id if(4,(-so 5

Terfrzr 311-9-qrft 0111 4.R-citt Tf

(b) s4c-r Wt? 2

(c) Arf wclqi lr{iii -cig-i -51911fd7 c4 1 ci0 3

cnitql cr.) ?

(d) t tErr 3Tr7r4 t? t t 1+4

'kW Tik Ae4)+1 aK4 0-q Trkff A-9-1 I

2. (a) lzff-24T4 (in situ) AT Irder \TIM 4111 ciche11ct4 3

3fT{ 'FT • If"-

(b) t74%Tt R4111-9 .fffiff -crq' TO- A-97-7 I 4

(c) qqrqch f+71:1 sTio treff 3
atd-{ TcrE -1-r.q-R I

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(d) rqc-c-i1 14' f- .1 TR-ETU • 21- -0 T k1?141 5

220 Ci 4 i ItZT t 1 q$i -9rf-a- citi 3il-A-d-9- 720 fglit.

49-FA-c1 ohl- 7r fki 6111 tl Pik Oclt"-*-1Z *1 .1-11 t
t wu 44qd \TM "WE 31-F19-9 4Rcill-Clci W1f1 I
4-11-1 cl 1-, R (qr.-4T TICI - uiici 0.8) t I

3. (a) 9-1- 171 t-4- ml TckUT ( Fs:3-11-i) 3-IM **1•q-91- 5

t ? t-*--I 1- :-11-1 fdr-qg 7174 chi - 1-1
— --cITT
mi -cli "4-r1771

(b) 41 1-- fzi -5ra- r ,Tki ch`l klr.,qcbui 41 -5rfwzrt w 5

(c) (-hk-io 741q.1 -k Q-R AM .k-1 -cl q -I ch1 fiche4-1-11 *WI 5

*1f1r1T1.ff chl T& Wq77 I

4. (a) ttql=1 44 Ari 7:117171 ( tr.ii ) cit 4 01.1f 2+3

' -trf-A7 I 'TI-k R‘i alr--qi fRI-W qz1T t?

(b) 3:4)77 (injection) Ttl)' t 1TRzFT -1:1-177 5

*1 -91-rw:ir .wr acri-ff, ti14.)-T - gir-coi cb") -161qcl1

(c) -4711. 120 t---4Z7 'k (ci 4-q A ar-41 zio ch 1-1111 5
1-IRchrod --1-f-
A7 grq vii 11 alti--A-- W.-If t
~yt1.1 gai 25 fri.T11-. Pt I irrff c-firzi ra, cm, ,Tiqf

Tit- 0.1 t 1

ONR-003 6
5. (a) fttql& Tri:RR&, *VT 1M-irf 5
1:TZ-ffcM t?
(b) faf -AcicIIT=ik A -1. t-TO#Wiff Wdtrt 5
ct; '4F—A7 I
(c) 7T-Te T4(*) (fit() f4911 afffT on, PTE 3+2

"rrA7 14-NT (furrow) fqfq f--rwr-fferf

at-drff f*-?11 t?

6. (a) 30 T1Tzh' 40 4-t:1) ci-:1 ei->i 3-TMWdl cb) 7

IFf-3T m #.q 145 Alt chi #1.--411
s5-to ch `48ItuT
cid I TrF
Int \TR,-Ntcf 70 47 60 fff7/ t
(b) 3-11 at{ fL6rm-141‘t-i (fillings) 5
art UfffzIl ti4 t?
(c) zel-T f (spillway) T -971)11 'We f*-TIT 3

7. (a) Vif t ,31ci T cictri c+) • t f -0.1-ff 5

(b) Ttre (ponds)) 711n: cil*F-fif 3471 411 2+3
1:11:174ra t? Tve c-firriq PAW

ONR-003 7 P.T.O.
(c) q-69' TEWIT rid Til-u*1 60 frizz 5
-1;rf-d. 1-81,1 au td 1,1 51 frizz
-91fd 31-rw ITT zici fui ,iqi

8. (a) at*znfrf- t"--c11*Rz114 74 31-9-NTE zici 5


(b) Mfr 14 r, cTTr.{ 10x1=10

(i) 7L-e
(ii) 'ITU (Aquifer)
(iii) 31-4tti-9.
(v) WTI wrIrr
(vii) (*.11 14 1

(vii) fMrd
(ix) -Tail-
(xii) fdi-Tq (Potential)

ONR-003 8
No. of Printed Pages : 8 ONR-003
Term-End Examination
June, 2014



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. Use of calculator is permitted

1. (a) Why water harvesting is important for

human sustainability justify it?

(b) What is runoff coefficient and why it is

important for designing any good water
harvesting structure?

(c) What do you understand by the term ITK? 1+4

List any four ITK's along with the region
where it was used in our country.

2. (a) What are the different soil moisture

conservation techniques? Discuss any one
in detail?

(b) List the major advantages of rain water 5


ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(c) What do you understand by rainwater 2+3
harvesting system? List any three important
components of rainwater harvesting system.

3. (a) Classify water storage tank based on the 4

material used for their construction'?

(b) Explain the different types of catchments 3

surfaces from where the rainwater can be

(c) Explain all three parts of the filtration system 3

in detail.

(d) What is artifical groundwater recharge 5

explain why it is essential in present

4. (a) Discuss the concept of water harvesting for 2+3

crop production. Enumerate its benefits.

(b) Compute volume of water harvested from a 5

roof top of 15m wide and 12m long receiving
rainfall of 120 mm during August assume
collection efficiency 80%.

(c) Discuss in detail the design considerations 5

of artifical groundwater recharge.

ONR-003 2 P.T.O.
5. (a) Why should irrigation be applied at critical 5
crop growth stages, explain?

(b) List the recommended rainwater

harvesting measures used in Karnataka and

(c) Differentiate between sprinkler and drip

irrigation, Under what conditions is drip
irrigation method used?

6. (a) Compute the gross storage capacity of

a water storage pond for applying 5 cm
irrigation to 10 ha area and meeting water
requirement of 30 cows and of 40 buffalos.
Assume requirement of cow and buffalos
are 70 and 60 litres/day respectively.

(b) What is earth fill darn? Explain the important 5

functions of earth fill darn.

(c) Where the emergency spillways used? 3

7. (a) Explain the importance of efficient and 5

innovative water use strategies.

(b) How the water losses can be reduced in

water supply and sanitary fittings?

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
(c) Calculate the water conveyance efficiency, 5
discharge of 60 litre/sec. from the source
was released and 51 litre/sec was delivered
to the field.

8. (a) What are the different factors affecting the 5

water use efficiency?

(b) Write short note on any ten of the following : 10x1=10

(i) Delta

(ii) Permeability

(iii) Sediment deposition

(iv) Duck weed

(v) Optimum Use

(vi) Effluent water

(vii) Soil profile

(viii) Seepage losses

(ix) Embankment

(x) Free board

(xi) Contour

(xii) Water harvesting potential

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.

`tit i'1 314•49. W1I"I q

11110 4 1MI

‘9•, 2014

311j 1.318-003 : tixoui ITSTROT

Ftr : 3 Elu 3.11W-011 75

91U. 14,47 der rfr*" \J-c-N 41"1'07/ wr4 x‘v-firt 3iW g

TAM- 4 3TITIM" g I

1. (T) wM trc1e-1-1, 4-11.1c1 7-trrit-M crti•

f I

(lira viqi 12111- CNI ft#1. 'UTZ 5

' -‘*qff Wff1-4 Li6 Tr-o-- Kuf

3ift tt 37r cm! t? tiK 3Til 1+4

4 T4r TrO Te0

2. FaRr . arrt-d-r T4-Zartri nct)-1lc ctql (t) 5

'411 1k zltiF v1LT I

(RN) otil Tc- T 61.-11*1 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(Tr) clq i \11(4 f1 t{+-1.1 lzWit 31FT ctzil c *? (14 vIc1 2+3
4M•f cil i fi 1 c61 71-4t
6n vi

3. e4- co
- fi#S-ur vpu 39-Frift 4
31-NTR. -q-TftFd

(z0 c,14,11 (tql1Z) .<1(161 {- 4f4-- gWrt .WT 3

qufff fib aqi vIrf .1-cle4-1 #41-4 .0?

(Tr) (13-9-t f3*irt 91 *di 3

qui-ff mpi-

(E) # t? nom -#4-11 # 5

3Tffq-Ri t?

4. 1-17flei \30-11q-1 c1 uirt .4-1-cN•1 tichcA-1,11 c41 tit41 2+3

I c61 61.11V I

(u) 3117 . fl•-1 120 Thlt. l citliulc1 Mil

. AT% 5
15 .1
s 12Tif. Ucf ulci
31TErd9- 4R4)ic1 . "tNR I TTM f .t-+,46u1

3ThilTdT 80% *

(Tr) T-fTT 111-1T-q- sr9.:1TR-ur 5

- I
f4-g34 (41 .9%-ok tltlimct-PA7

5. (T) 1:34711 wr tmra. Tr-g--Tut 5

crel q-rt7? quiff

ONR-003 6 P.T.O.
(z) 311N- ,-16N1 wi-ofr TErt--F 5

1N Tr7 .Ert c61 I

3tfiz it-4r4 Tcrtz m`ti: 3+2

(T )
warr f+7 R--Tro-41
f+-zrr X11 n1 t?

41.1) vl\Mc1 7
5) 30 411 41 47 40 117#
6. (
c4) 3N 10 tqt-ZR # 5 \")4.1).. That Rt-41

31e1 #3-Rur t-``t 4 ticom .44-- rTurr &prd-r cp
fTrrq 3N 4-#1 m't T-41- m`l-
Atm st,41YI. 70 47 60 f / Wfl f T t1

3T4 f*-6 aq 3Tt fk-F 5


(TO 31-1011- Th-T Tifirr c06'1 f ullc11

7. (.) 3T1- '91t-q q-zkrr 4,1 z4 TrtN 5


(70 Ad 3irf4 ,Wd•I ear'i 5

ti4 t?

(T) viM c16-1 fia-T9dT 4Rcl,ict ‘1117, t 60 e6Z7/ 5

P-TT 47 qAcl T)- \Ad 51 f -d7/t.
3TTETN 'cR ftzfr

ONR-003 7 P.T.O.
8. (T) v1 cf Az:111T 3RTITM ct") 7-4Trft-d- cp ciic) f ct) cr> 5

0-1 *1

44,:r ft4f q.t-t 10x1=10


ON R-003
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-003



Term-End Examination

0 0 3 51 December, 2014



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks.

1. (a) What do you understand by indigenous

traditional knowledge in respect of water
harvesting ? Name three water harvesting
structures in the country. 5

(b) Describe bench terracing for in situ water

harvesting. 5

(c) How is harvested water stored and

subsequently used for different purposes ? 5

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
. (a) What are the basic steps involved in rain
water harvesting ? Distinguish between
domestic and community rainwater
harvesting systems. 5

(b) What are the basic components of roof-top

rainwater harvesting system ? 5

(c) Classify the water storage tanks based on

shape and material. 5

3. (a) Write short notes on the following : 5x2=10

(i) Percolation tanks

(ii) Groundwater recharge
(iii) Aquifer
(iv) Runoff
(v) Water harvesting potential

(b) List the benefits of rainwater harvesting for

crop production. 5

4. (a) 500 m3 water is available for irrigation of

one hectare land. Determine the depth of
irrigation in cm. 5

(b) What are the factors influencing the size of

water storage pond ? 5

(c) What is irrigation scheduling ? List any two

advantages of irrigation scheduling. 5

ONR-003 2
5. (a) Define the following : 5x2=10
(i) Cropping intensity
(ii) Delta
(iii) Permeability
(iv) Irrigation Efficiency
(v) Duty
(b) Calculate the amount of runoff from an area
of 10 ha as a result of 200 mm rainfall
during a rainfall event, assuming runoff
coefficient of 0-10. 5

6. (a) How are the reservoirs created for water

storage ?
(b) How is the capacity of a pond determined ?
(c) Explain the different components of water
demand. 5

7. (a) What are the main goals of water

conservation ?
(b) List five practices employed to save domestic
water. 5
(c) Explain a reservoir's storage efficiency
mathematically and define the different
terms of the equation. 5

8. (a) Explain different surface and sub-surface

methods of artificial recharge to
groundwater. 8
(b) Under what conditions is a sprinkler method
of irrigation adopted ? Explain. 7

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.

tycitm 74. TriER TrrrTur


Trwia trft417


3117.31TC-003 :7R timit11, *MT 3 4414+1

twig : 3 Wu2 311-7-14"31 : 75

7-12. : 7%4T grj drf< FO VIRY 3 tqH


1. ( ) * TriFtT 4 fl qti-i
3TT~ {T TRIAc ? 4 -Pra.
41-1 -F -R 5

* err

(7) Tkrzrff 14rTUT T4T (W&11't

* wwr 7r-zifi-r 14ki uchik NA! Aim ? 5
ONR-003 4
2. () eltli .1-clei-1* T mItul ITT ?
3T t kiicireich Mu1161) 4 ai-

aka srurrt * e-4-zrr- t 14dch

cb ? 5

(Tr) 31-1-t-ft aTIK * aTrtTR trT cn

cgichtui W-
47 I 5

3. (.) r-.irrltgd tr{fir ku-IPleii IA17 : 5x2=10


(ii) 471Tirr

(iii) -R-4zittb-K (7-641-4,)

(iv) 31Mc4i

(v) Trr kJ-cm 4T1TM

(IN) * -1111
ttiiiw I 5

4. M •cr- tl-eK it-ftr A fad * 1C•m 500 R 4-11e.k

Art zzEd-ell 11419141 *II 4 AtTiftff
Atr-47 I 5

(Ta) (dioN) aTrwrT TnTrra-d-

chk crag) 41-41-1 ? 5

(Tr) REF4r Vr*-Kuf ? TOTTur

* -r4A ki,d1 opitv I 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
5. () PIHR161 tlirtITEIT tiqR : 5x2=10

(i) TEM' kik.1.-1c11

(ii) ar.e.1
(iv) f TruiTaT
(v) -Wt
, 4q- 4 ..iwo q(1-1 200 H
4 r (..i±iulIch 0.10
+il-Icy 3TcW *r- A7 I 5

6. () \sio 14Ra-r*IZ,R fkpiieR (Aome4) 44 61-IR

\111 ? 5
-*-41 *1 urra-r 44 -f4r
•11141 ? 5

(TT) ,sio 'TT *Miq vz--4 41.0411(90-11 Aif4R I 5

7. () TiTk-TuT* al.i-,41.1 ? 5
(T:) -5&413.11
-41-47 I 5
(Tr) 11fuIcIl 1 Slchlk Rickel (zMI(..14) 34F0T
TRTITM 0-11k9e4I ct,k4 few
tfql tat1-1TRM %11
4R I 5
8. () 3111:17 TRI:r TAfifew TrTet atiT
ceikvit ArrA7 I 8

(-U) cfri tritPrW 4 14---4r PictrR trz-N


ONR-003 6 1,000
No. of Printed Pages : 5 ONR-003
Term-End Examination 00510
June, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. (a) Why is rainfall the most important factor to 6

decide different sets of water harvesting
system ?
(b) What are in-situ water harvesting 9
techniques ? Name any five in-situ water
harvesting techniques.

2. (a) Explain diversion bund and its importance. 5

(b) Explain different types of rain water 5
harvesting systems (domestic and
(c) A building roof top area is 100 m2 and 5
annual rainfall is 600 mm (Assume
collection efficiency 70%). Determine
volume of water harvested.

3. (a) How will you calculate storage capacity of 5

tanks ?
(b) List important points needed to be observed 5
for efficient roof top water harvesting.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(c) Explain different water harvesting methods 5
adopted in North-Western semi arid and
arid zones.

4. (a) Write down short notes on the following : 9

(i) Irrigation Scheduling
(ii) Drip Irrigation
(iii) Irrigation Efficiency
(b) Calculate total runoff amount from 50 ha 6
area if rainfall is 200 mm in monsoon
season assuming runoff coefficient of 0.15.

5. (a) Define the following : 10

(i) Effluent water
(ii) Consumptive use of water
(iii) Water use efficiency
(iv) Agricultural water conservation
(v) Cropping Intensity
(b) Explain the importance of spillways. 5
Classify spillways.

6. (a) List different considerations for design of 8

(b) Explain stepwise procedure for lining the 7
ponds with Agrifilm.

7. (a) Explain the importance of storage of 5

harvested water.
(b) Explain water losses in ponds/reservoirs. 5
(c) Distinguish between water conveyance and 5
water application efficiency.

8. (a) What is Earth Fill Dam ? Classify them. 5

(b) List five important interventions to conserve 5
water in industrial sector.
(c) Describe different irrigation methods. 5

ONR-003 2

F flmitii T T TM. (*.ser$79'.71. )



3f.79'.3Trf.-003 : tir4t11, #11-Tur A- 34 ta +I

777727. : 3 E12- 37fS7W-
d7 : 75

ch.f• vfw yq-f* dri< utk, Rsi?'

1. (a) \TM -1181 -91:17 rcir9T9 f9.gir-Tu cr,4 6

rmati tea l 31fiillt-74 (=bitch t. ? 711Z
(b) f--T-241-4 (in-situ) ,-TR4 .wcy.4-1 dcbi cb • 9
3-Tfirg-Fr t? 4,4 cich-11.b1* TzT
tf717 I

2. (a) frv4fktaa1 (51101\71-f GI-8)W t? T(aThi 5

qzir t Tcri7 --rR7
(b) a q f•TIri 4-cli -1 713TT fdfl-T9 Sr*-14 CEItq 5
3117 cfui-f "Af-
A7 I
(c) Lc%-rdi '4-11:F1 100 ci+i 1-ndt t at 5
W 600 f4.1#. t I -)711chtuf TRTI:raT 70%
411-I 411-1 1-11711#9ftqff r—A7 I

ONR-003 3
3. (a) cil• ilt77 kigraT 71717T aircr ichq mcw
(b) Uff TRITF kimiem 4LfdkTuT* tfga
1:ffmTof siliw
(c) 3w{-7179-4 Yp4 3 -TzE 31#91• 3Tcr9TR
7•14 1141 7s 4-agrr trztzil

4. (a) f9-171 -ER feccfuft WEIR : 9

(i) Te-*Tif
(ii) d4ct)1 (f 4) fT
fl:fq-Ft TR-TriaT
(b) 50 ei.dt #91:h * aTcrag -grr-AT 6
MFR, 7ft 1497 &"i -grrAT 200
fgr.t. t 3l 31174717 quiict) 0.15 tl

5. (a) fil7 trfti-TifT q 1,7R : 10

(i) aTcri.vrtz Trf
(ii) TrT WI 3:1*TregrW dtiei
(iii) TM 344)i W-dT
(iv) 71.7kiuT
(v) Lt*K-1 1I 1c1i
(b) 4-wcf eht *-1,4)1 ciArictItuf 5

6. (a) wrF mtl wrzr tzrF ei +ei triT9 8

ci Id • 11 ?
(b) 14,1 4ic-41 TTT t 311,717 kuf-AZ 3IfF4T 7
TER -1:F e4t11

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
7. (a) tiri il 7F t iltRuT * 4-ic-ci WV TIT 5
(b) -9)7-71/itglaii414Ala am 7-F-Ifff -l'oeile.S041 5
W—A7 I
(c) AO 31-firm-uT AT zio 31-19t31 TrkiTraT 4 31- 7 5
PT W771

8. (a) 31f 14x *-T (Earth Fill Dam) -4 ITT cilr-i 5

t? PTV ,:nt 7 ,-1..1,1 a4i1cmut Tlf---R I
(b) afteriIT 4q11 AO 1:1"TkinT t Fri l ct) AI al 5
IN -grg9-74 TRO-14 toil -a-q‘ I
(c) -ftfq-r1 --1- fari- fa-NA --1 «41(seir 01-AR
- I 5

ONR-003 5
No. of Printed Pages : 6 I ONR-003I


Term-End Examination 00770
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) What are the factors on which construction 5

of water harvesting structure depends ?
(b) List various structures used for storage of 5
harvested water.
(c) Explain the importance of plastic lined 5
ponds for water storage.

2. (a) What are the benefits of ground water 5

recharge ?
(b) Calculate the run-off from a bare area of 5
20 ha if the total rainfall of 175 mm is being
recorded for that area. Assume run-off
coefficient = 0.20.
(c) List different artificial recharge methods 5
suitable for rural areas.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Under what conditions is the sprinkle 5
irrigation system adopted ? List its
(b) Describe critical growth stage of crops and 5
its affect on crop yield. List the phenological
stages of wheat crop.
(c) List the water harvesting structures 5
recommended for Southern Variable
Rainfall Mixed Zone and for Western
Malabar regions.

4. (a) Under what conditions, are the water 5

harvesting structures for crop production
constructed ?
(b) Why is purification of harvested water 5
required for drinking purposes ? What are
the various common measures for
purification of water ?
(c) What are the factors to be considered for 5
selection of size of storage tank for rural
areas ? Describe the procedure for
determining the size of storage tank.

5. (a) Explain the different components of roof top 5

rain water harvesting systems using a line
(b) Describe in brief the diversion bund for 5
storage of run-off water.
(c) With the help of a neat diagram, explain 5
the Bandharas for surface water harvesting.

6. (a) List five important considerations for 5

designing the ponds.
(b) Explain cement concrete lining of control of 5
seepage loss in ponds.
(c) Describe the construction of earth fill dam. 5

ONR-003 2
7. (a) Describe the five important interventions for 5
industrial water conservations.
(b) List different measures for reducing water 5
losses in water supply and sanitary fittings.
(c) List the various measures to reduce water 5
losses and conserve soil moisture in

8. (a) What is irrigation efficiency ? Describe the 5

types of water losses that occur in the
irrigation system.
(b) Express water application efficiency with 5
the help of an equation and define its terms.
(c) Compute the domestic water demand for 5
20 persons during a dry period of 30 days
considering per capita requirement as 70
litre per day.

ONR-003 3
I 311.79%3TM-003

WR timitill 74 vOza. 4 'Mut TM (*.stticiAW.71:r. )


qk4141'(, 2015

311.11.3Trf. 003 : Tr Vii, IffaTuT 311T dtiti 4 1


%wig :3 7E(2' - : 75
3.7fWdrf 37 W

: ch-6 .7eW mq-i . *- drH q ,4k, / F194- SRI * * 37TTP:173t I

1. (a) 7' t11:1 411 fl(11-11 -1 1 1-1 ul, Ill -1T-41R -filifT 5
cticti t?
(b) tiiiraa * ilt117 tg WIWI' raratT .ft-ta-1t3t1 5
t-al A-91-47 I
(c) Tc&t iltRuf* ics-R wrrftz*- cii*P-ifl ai(% *t t 5
i-icci auk *11771

2. (a) 117 girl 7:41--(Err (fr-qr-4) —fril

r t? 5

(b) 20 tqa7 #-Ich- curl* aci 14 ctiArt LiRcbroci 5

*11',ilq 7Tr kiR * l'o. T c1tlf ,A0
175 rivil. e*-Tt rcntu TRIT t I 14N rilr\TR f'W
c1110 IluTtW t - 0.20.
(c) 4,11 4-aul 0 * i' WIWI fqfq9 Tr--ATt 7:1R-gr 5
faftreff T1 t-al

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
3. (a) roscbig f T Tr 14)-t 3f-a-47 5
37171 Aid')

(b) th7:1 WtdT (critical) W-2174 AT 5

dy,Ti 3,41-17 1)-st
41(1 c11 tlf7T (phenological)
32,n3 TL-91- -9-r7
(c) 4? 3-f-q-F - crrw:11- 5
1-110Isilk 4tt romprl -rrl .10 4k-co-HA

4. (a) km-iri 30-114-I t IMv, rcb-i qkoff t 31717 Aci 5

t1 zId 4t*-113 r f-417 f IT viIdI t?
(b) 41a t -3*-47 rid AO 1 kjog chtuf f 5
31771Tt? Aci-qjoglcnkut tfq-f-qg kip-11-g 374

(c) 7riatur Fc-R e:c1,1 t 37-*-R t 5

61 - rt--*I TR fart crAll 3Tra-v-zrw t?
rtur za.1*3Tm-T fiqkur chto cb 141cl RT
u1-1 11A7 I

5. (a) 4c 7,sfi7 411 trea. fdf 1 5

aul.i (1W1 -k(gIrmii -1-17-R
(b) 1 -K1 9#TTEIT kcbi4RIcif #01- 14 5
ciu -1 I

(c) TEd7 '31 -ci t- ilt-RT WE auk, kii41 5

. ktglr-ciA 1f-A7 I

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
6. (a) Tcltal f91:6-7 r5:311-0 4121 uf 5
ForciRut -f4s3ff TL-9
(b) f -ftTrrq-qfu f4-A-ur TrITiz 5
3T7R-ur .wr auk ttr--A-
(c) fgra_,th '0 (earth fill) 4tq t f9TfiuT 5
1-F—A- I
-- 7

7. (a) 3ftr-rrT #wur 3Td:r 5

auk "1-F—A7 I

(b) ui M t fcbtatrr 14 AO qrat 5

4,44 t-T-4 t faf79-r-z4 ct>1
(c) Tftf 11 AO qr—dt *41 -T-4 AT lq1-14) t 5
TI'TkTuT fqfqq 3crit chi TOI. e4-W I

8. (a) fttq'T WaT qzrr t ? - fttqr1 30-1 ,--1 \TICI 5

t -9trff t-1-117 I
(b) 31TIOT 5
31-firm7r -517p7 LK). trftiTrrisru
(c) 30 R-i at) Tch 3-Tafq q1(1-1 20 cq ctcfq • 5
ift 4111r LIRehroci --1-F-A7- Trri
- 9-f-d-ka. ro Ohl 70 Ridk 41-11 1h1 :51.(1

ONR-003 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 I ONR-0031
Term-End Examination 00862
June, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal
marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) Describe percolation tank. For what 5

purpose it is used ?
(b) Write an expression for estimating crop
water demand. Also describe different terms
(c) Enumerate various considerations for 5
construction of water harvesting structures.

2. (a) Describe the main goals of water 5

conservation. How will you define water
conservation measure ?
(b) List down the measures for optimization of
water use by personal habits.
(c) Describe in situ soil moisture conservation 5
techniques used for enhancing water
productivity in rainfed farming.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Explain the importance of irrigation. List 5
various factors affecting the selection of
irrigation method(s).
(b) Define water use efficiency. Differentiate 5
between crop water use efficiency and field
water use efficiency.
(c) A stream of water having discharge of 5
80 litres per second was released from a
source. The water conveyance efficiency is
80%. Find out the discharge capacity of
stream delivering water to irrigation plot.

4. (a) Explain in situ water harvesting 5

techniques. Discuss Nala Bunding
Technique for soil moisture conservation.
(b) List three traditional structures for surface 5
water harvesting. Describe in detail one of
(c) Explain the importance of roof top 5
rainwater harvesting.

5. (a) What are the advantages of rainwater 5

harvesting ?
(b) What are the basic steps in roof top
rainwater harvesting system ? Enumerate
various components of rainwater harvesting
system and explain them with the help of a
diagram. 2+5=7
(c) Distinguish between domestic and 3
community roof top rainwater harvesting

ONR-003 2
6. (a) dc4Ici .111; 5
TrzItt 7-irTR
(b) "CrftiTrf5ra w11--A7 : 5

(i) We'Ll7 (Aquifer)

erliz ,31ri

(iii) a3T-dY47 (Puddling)

(iv) '1:1qT ttFlre

(v) ti4i•tc\4177

(c) 7-1r aTttEW Tdi %"(seF at -1F AT fprrezi 5

M'it 761' 1Trrl:** feR Tit WO TCf tilti1
*ft tioillat 3-1141 r quii 'ett I

. (a) fit41 Tirro:qt it)It4 icirtsitk I 5

(b) wiz') feffIT *'FM Tit* I 5
(c) 4f1:1 7: 1.T7111 atiEITO ? 'Orr 717N 5

8. (a) *17 3-TEIN -alfri W77 I 5

(b) klZt f-e7 zr-A-ff ParceeT cp f ii Ti:ITP:ri 5
tichl ch ' TTt '4977

(c) Tftri 7:1REIT* frt Q fafiT ale) 5

7:1-77 kll4Z quil

ONR-003 6
6. (a) List the benefits of rainwater harvesting for 5
increasing the crop production.
(b )
Define the following : 5
(i) Aquifer
(ii) Run-off
(iii) Puddling
(iv) Soil Profile
(v) Homogeneous soil
(c) Describe the rain water harvesting measures 5
and structures recommended for north
western semi arid and arid zone and
Himalayan foot hills.

7. (a) Write down the advantages of irrigation 5

(b) Enumerate the advantages and limitations 5
of surface irrigation method.
(c) Why is ground water recharge essential ? 5
Explain in brief.

8. (a) Explain the contour vegetative barrier.

(b) Enumerate various artificial recharge 5
techniques suitable for urban areas.
(c) Explain the recharge shafts with tubewells 5
method for artificial ground water recharge.

ONR-003 3
aft.1.3.17.-003 I
tivitii xr-otsrq Trgrrtrr 'Er* (*.wRiAr-q..7t. )
toxin TIAATT
, 2016

311.74.3TM-003 : Tc trawl, itivat aft V411 1 1

tofq : 3 'sit arrawd7 afw : 75

vir : *TY rifa. Tme * 3-/-( 47rurki Frsfr 31*- 0411 ,1 g,

* 37-17:A.

1. (a) aimtmial auk V1771 1.4)1 4 cni 5

'at** Rngi t?
(b) 7-0 Tarr aTrwffa. afiTarwrWr--47 I 5
wci felTR 'Wr W1f-47 I
(c) tg ralkuilqf 5
aII t I WI-F77

2. (a) 7"M' *k.117 'TN ' .4-41 WI auk 'Wlf-A7 I7-0' 5

#mur 3TTcr *74 trRiTri-Em cf;P ?
(b) ( iw1 3TT-0 31-RITftff Trr
' 311W71'TrS1:7117 5
4%11 sv-ittil A7147 I
(c) 71Eff 31111T177 TfEr eqqA 31 4Fff 5
lzr—W4 (in situ) 'T 9* *vat ictv-ilcrif
au -wir771

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
3. (a) fttarl* 4-mcci w W.-4R -N-111f-IfiTzff * 5
"ET9 3r4Trr-q-d ctA 7r-4 rarcoT

(b) TT*TT .M1 .0 TiRITIPIM W77 I 41t1C1 7F 5

1 1WdT at-d-d TM WaT*3-td7

(c) 80 Ridt t)c.t)s TetTRI .0 5

*-5 .4*-47 74 I 17k171T 80% t" I f0147
7fIff 11 4 441r4r tuk-rirafaRruTffzfirTRI

4. (a) 1zi TAT4 (in situ) TM' ti miq-f o coich TT qui 5
TrA71 17T '91:ft Tket117T * fo7 9rer *hi cm) a)
Iv zruf9. zb-Ifwq 1
. .

(b) tici5 tff 41V4 10 f101114 i 5

1:&T ttiii§t0 rchtii TT tircitoR 75107 TINTZ I

(c) Si
c q 70-77 timitii * T Zitrt ''rf77 5

5. (a) 710-7F ti•=it4-f *7Ti.T TIT t ? 5

(b) Uff 71sif-We treu tirirCtn Tg

mikul 4E1T ? 70-79. ti.qtii Ted. * reircm
traVhzll -4-4773 auk -ktgirtiA
TiT Wr-A7I 2+5=7

(c) tItq tiitqlket.) U-d)' "T{ 7tif 79' fltiql 1:1-4t 3

atT Tcrce Vf--A7

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
December, 2016

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal
marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What is water harvesting ? Why is it 8

essential for human survival and crop
production sustainability ?
(b) Differentiate between in-situ and surface
water harvesting techniques. Discuss in
detail any two in-situ water harvesting
techniques. 3+4=7

2. (a) What do you understand by excavated pits

or ponds ? How is lining helpful in reducing
water losses ? 2+3=5
(b) Differentiate between bench terracing and 5
contour trenching.
(c) Define and discuss in brief roof top rain 5
water harvesting.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Discuss in detail the different components 8
of roof water harvesting system.
(b) Classify the water storage tanks based on 7
size, shape and material of construction.

4. (a) Explain the process of designing of water 5

storage tank. Discuss in detail the various
steps of its design.
(b) List the different recommended rain water 5
harvesting structures used in central semi
arid Vindhayan Zone.
(c) What is irrigation scheduling ? Explain its 5
importance for crop production.

5. (a) Define drip irrigation and describe its

advantages and limitations. 2+5=7
(b) Calculate the gross water storage capacity 8
of a farm pond, if 12 cm irrigation is to be
applied to 5 ha area and also meeting water
requirement (for 60 days) of 50 cows and
30 buffalos. Assume water requirement of
cow and buffalos as 70 and 60 litres per day.

6. (a) What is plastic lining ? Discuss its

advantages also. 2+3=5
(b) What are the different methods of lining of 5
the ponds ?
(c) How the water losses can be reduced in 5
water supply and sanitary fittings ?

ONR-003 2
7. (a) cl 14fcd-0 Ti
cr tdci 3T-T;f47 10
, lui-11 W—
A-7 7q• -) 95 - 1./(-)cbus tTRT
c -fra TITITE 7-4f-- 72 °bus \Ito
triTT ad 44--A-r Lhk-1(1* frl fit4[1
cUl 8 *Eft 3-Tcrq7 AT 4 11 3-T— fuT
9b 41 I: 350 1'11. 3 158 t. 3 I

(b) tom TP-Tft •4- "TV : 5x1=5

(i) Tr-dtf i IT1 T Art

gRI t I ( -4ra/)

(ii) * rclticV-11 N t
~ ii;i AIM .2TT

(iii) \rici kiwJi cuoim

7Tfisf 1:1171 -T,ItTuT Qt5T
f9.*c c1ItI(71:6n1/

(iv) chTfttF ti M t" rrI tTET A -c-Trzi

ri 3T-afq 3TT-477- act! t I ( 1c 1 T
37zrd9/ 1 11)

(v) L&ch N TrVT zcr4Ft Trrwqr

t f7 z1ol4N-1141 obk ti0 -d
4.)k-ir1 mlcoalt -51-F7r 1TTE*--th I

ONR-003 6
7. (a) Calculate the farm conveyance efficiency 10
and field water application efficiency when
a stream of 95 litres per second received at
farm gate after being diverted from a canal
delivered 72 litres per second to the field.
During irrigation to wheat crop for 8 hr,
350 m3 and 158 m 3 of water respectively
were lost by runoff and deep percolation.

(b) Fill in the blanks : 5x1=5

(i) Water in surface method of irrigation

flows by . (Pressure/

(ii) Contour trenching is done

particularly on land with
gradient having shallow soil depth.
(steep/ flat)

(iii) The size of water harvesting pond

depends upon the amount of annual
rainfall and of catchment.
(length/ area)

(iv) Delta is the total required

by a crop during the entire period of
crop growth. (volume of water/depth
of water)

(v) is an artificial application

of water to the soil to enable crops to
have favourable growth. (Rainfall/

ONR 003
- 3
311..317. - 003

WvitTff ill u Li ( )


311.79..3TM-003 : 1 1 iizio-11, *APT aft 34e4-141

q‘lei :3 O. 37fWVIT 34- : 75

*F: so17 dt1( r.lq Trsff so.f1 37*'?:/"Pi1q el
cntV?e *7 sied 4i ?7*-4 gi

(a) 7c ,H -ciql 47T t? 31fRI TP-Trfzi 8

Lhkici .qq:11 3-7477T t?

(b) .zft-P-TT4Vdt \TI '44,1u1 lc:414=R 31'7

Tcriz -41—A7 zto oct)-114
-wlf-A7I 3+4=7

2. (a) F 01014 -4 3iTcr 1:11:10. t? 3TM- 1 *TuT

f*TT TIWIT tf ch 4-1 . 7-4 74 t?
(b) cnee,,& 4tq 3 zl 317 Tcrz -11-A7 I 5

-414-A-7 -crftliftsrd 5
- kii-11

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
3. (a) I1 -41s1i7 - TTc i faf d ca 8

(b) AIM chl 3TTR 31-r-fra-

, 1974-ur 7
77[17t 3Trw7 -1.N-7

4. (a) \,-K,f a-;) 15\311-1 -srfwzrr cr) 5

FaliT9 4 ci-)1 fq7:dR 74 fli-1.1 I
(b) 37q 71- F fqtzr 77-4-r qrl• 5
3-171TriCTAci (-it=41134 .1,171-4-T4
(c) 37-j7ft*-7-13r *Art?th-77--A -FT-A- 5
4-1 cal c1I wr 749. --1-N71

5. (a) fill'fitqT icr,i•Tf1=4 -f. fig7

(b) 30 4711 3 50 4 i4 chi 44z11- (60 k-ii t 8
Frig) 3rdF4TTA xtl• --(-4 kici 5 "WzfT
4-A1,14 12 At. c -r-*741
itRuT Urrdi • -l•
TiN For,.R rch 1-) *zr TrP:{
3-11-4FfTM --117T: 60 70 -F./Fq-1 t

6. (a) 71-rF7 --. 37 -F-T-*-Tur 1,11 t, 77-k 7riqf .n1 1-c4

1-F77 I
- 2+3=5
(b) 01014 t fur chl faf faf 1w gull 5
W77 I
(c) AO 37.14 1.-Titul fl.01•Q' 41 • -A 5
011 4-1 f*--zfr 1T kicnot t?

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
June, 2017 00043
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What is water harvesting for crop

production ? Explain why is it important
for sustainability of crop production. 3+5=8
(b) Define runoff coefficient and discuss its
importance in designing of water storage
structures. 2+5=7

2. (a) Differentiate between contour bunding and

contour trenching.
(b) Explain how contour vegetative barrier 5
technology is good option for sustainable
farming on hill slopes.
(c) Explain diversion bund and its role in water 5
3. (a) Discuss in detail how do you calculate the 7
size of a water storage tank for rural area.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(b) Explain water conveyance efficiency and
define its each term. Calculate the water
conveyance efficiency for a situation where
the discharge of 120 litre per second from
the source was released and 72 litres per
second was delivered to the field. 4+4=8

4. (a) What is artificial ground water recharge ?

Discuss the important points, for designing
the artificial recharge structure. 2+3=5
(b) What is irrigation scheduling, list its 5
advantages ?
(c) Explain the different components of rain 5
water harvesting system.

5. (a) List different methods of surface irrigation.

What are the advantages and limitations of
furrow method of irrigation ? 3+4=7
(b) A Farmer has to apply 10 cm irrigation to 8
12 ha area to meet the tillering stage
irrigation requirement of wheat crop. He
has 50 cows and 25 buffalos. Calculate the
gross storage capacity of a water storage
pond for applying above irrigation and
meeting the water requirement of animals.
Assume water requirement of cow and
buffalos are, 70 and 60 litre per day.

6. (a) Explain the importance of efficient and 5

innovative water use strategies.
(b) What are excavated ponds; Explain ? 5
(c) Discuss the importance and process of 5
waste water recycling through industrial

ONR-003 2
7. (a) Write short note on any five of the
following : 5x2=10
(i) Seepage loss
(ii) Free board
(iii) Permeability
(iv) Water distribution efficiency
(v) Effluent water
(vi) Water harvesting potential
(vii) Contour
(b) What are the different factors influencing 5
water use efficiency ?

ONR-003 3

Wa *trite' 0 "cre.R vim -Ea ( )

Tata. TRIATi

1, 2017

3117q.3TF.-003 7 -6 TtIVER afiT di4t4141

TITRT : 3 Ea 31f TT 31"W : 75

: I0 ,6 ** ..1TH q71iN/ Figi7sbrq .* 37.W MIT g

Mgiq fichd g

1. (a) ,mici 3c mig-t * t? Lhtici

3041c1 t -ftzt7-di Gi110144*R-Rtm- 4q1"1: 01
t .4414.stit 1— R 3+5=8
(b) 3174ff (Ti aucF) t tri-Nriw -11-4R 4t4R14
kita-its i4. wlf-4

2. (a) chet W-ff "R4 ekt IgiWU atd WqR I 5

(b) ckt m) argfreT G(111 air) 0 5
Ott fr*-TT ac11-wr7w3lwr Facbc-4-1%-4 t cxiitseit

(c) fitgi WqR I we titiui tien1 5


3. (a) aim liziTuT tw* aim( 7

4 1U111 *-14 .1)1), ratoR f wIrwRi
ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
(b) 1-.11 q.)1F.i .p:rk .g .
trq TrftiTrfEru Ao -criTaTi WaT
win 1.) -ft-elfa. , 1 t,ilcr 14120 1-./
A"Wrg ITT tqlci rchif TP:{T 74 72•1 -./1:1-** tad
TR1F I 4+4=8

4. (a) Tr---ATT TifTur azrr*? -g9-4-Tcrr

wrr- 2+3=5
(b) fad 3T-gp-*--TETrw*wk TiT14 1\Q 5
1L I
(c) W e th4 uI 3T1211•*k -coif 0-'mg I 5

5. (a) tic-1i1 fa-N.0

ft fafiT 7-4 ? 3+4=7
(b) 1:kT rctIti11 .4a ktltici .-1. gm; IFE4*i. 3141:eTT 8
f t4li T1' 3TT4FW'r a TEU 're7 12
4etetK OFF 10*fr. filmt metal *1 4t14
7117 50 TITEr11* 25 11# (41111 rtivi * mat .
*Thl{ 30 'F- '9 1:11-4tV' Atto WZ4*
'F'07 TiTt 14 74R7 cllne( tict)(1 Tr-Cri
num *fir-A7
Triff rorZTR 0 414 Trrzr
"Sitt'9' Wa' 37477*--dT st)11i: 60
70 tl

6. (a) -Q1 31449. \TM 370:11TT ti—d74 4-Icqcil

mecii VrI7R1
(b) Tat imict Azirt, To:1i Vf4R I 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(c) atreTW 4 ch)-- 414) gRI 3-11f7PZ 7.' 7: ni 91) ul 5
Triwzrr 74 liZCCiii WE (lull -1-1---4 I

7. (a) 14-1 ci ig ci 14. 14 ch.6 TIN 1:17 c..P.A duiui

fatiR : 5x2=10
(i) fR:fTq zir:i
(ii) 71" ci
(iii) kiltill-qcli
(iv) 7-0' fl-d7171. tiffT
(v) al-ErftrEE Ao
(vi) vi -r 49zui VITaT
(vii) chV
(b) We- 31:47 WdT "0-11fd7 etlt clic) cbion W 5

ONR-003 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-0031


Term-End Examination 00174
December, 2017



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What are "in situ" rainwater harvesting

techniques ? Describe any four "in situ"
rainwater harvesting techniques. 2+8=10
(b) What is rainwater harvesting ? Explain 5
basic steps involved in rainwater harvesting.

2. (a) Explain rooftop rainwater harvesting 5

technique. How can be helpful in
recharging groundwater ?
(b) Calculate water harvesting potential of a 5
roof covering an area of 100 m 2, receiving
rainfall about 75 cm per annum, assuming
the collection (coefficient) efficiency of 70%.
(c) Why the filtration of harvested roof top 5
rainwater is required ?

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Explain in brief the methodology of 5
planning and design of water storage tanks
for rural areas.
(b) Determine the size of water storage tank for 5
a household of 4 person for 120 days. The
per capita water requirement is 40 litres per
(c) Write the benefits of rainwater harvesting 5
for improving the Crop Production.

4. (a) Differentiate between Percolation tank and

Storage tank for rainwater harvesting.
(b) Calculate the gross capacity of storage pond 10
for applying 5 cm depth of irrigation to
10 ha area and meeting water need of 50
cows for a period of 30 days, assuming that
dairy cow needs 70 litres of water per day.

5. (a) What is irrigation ? Explain surface 2+3

methods of irrigation ?
(b) What are the advantages and limitation of 5
drip irrigation system ?
(c) What are the benefits of artificial recharge 5
to groundwater ?

6. (a) List different techniques of artificial 5

groundwater recharge.
(b) Define irrigation scheduling. How it is
helpful in water saving ?
(c) Differentiate between recharge shaft and 5
recharge pits.

ONR-003 2
7. (a) What do you mean by water demand ?
Write formula for computing water demand
under different head.
(b) Compute total water demand for a period
of 30 days with following information :
Total no. of persons = 10
Per capita water requirement = 70 litre/ day
No. of livestock = 50
Per animal water consumption = 30 litre/
(c) What is earth fill dam ? Explain different
functions of earth fill dam.

8. (a) What is rainfed farming ? How the water

productivity is enhanced under rainfed
farming ?
(b) Define irrigation efficiency. How would
you compute water storage efficiency ?
(c) Calculate water conveyance efficiency, if the
discharge of 70 litre per second was released
from the source and 50 litres per second was
delivered at the field.

ONR-003 3

TCf tivitii -514.49. (*.sesk-o-cRw.71:r. )

taxi" Titan
f4t11.sii, 2017

31)74.317.-003 : tin1q1, ItfalTIT aft dLitall

T :3 sa 37fETWUTI 37W : 75

I: (i) r*
s mq/ drH OroN/
(ii) FM' 30'1). 3IW FriTT
.;;,c1 ,?e( v-zoT # . 31-1-grm. g

1. (a) 1Z1 1:2,1Ti (in-situ) lai

- cni-i-
ctl-t 741- t? •17 TET-P-TT4
netri ch . A cii(stil A-1--
4R 2+8=10
(b) qEif7F ki-cy4-1 44T f? •qit•- • t to 5

2. (a) Oc1 . 14 41=fiA. cichl I 5

3c T 14 zff 4)(4 t?
(b) uff -FATrwr 4-Atm no qTf t 34T qrrift. 5
abli 75 14.1:11 t zmi-iro-1 all1T
"WWWR I 14T7 anilebtui 14411:1T 70%
(c) 1:trffffUff Aci (fl:FT) ain-Ftwat 5

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
3. (a) 1711:197 `MR zic-fit-t-R-0-ri-R-c4-1134t -r9t--A7 5
1111 r5:711-1 .wr auk ---1-F7R

(b) .ER 14 •Tci 1#171:7 '011 3-11—*-17 fffNIRIIT 4 5

oqi*-1q • t 120 3-Tqfq t
rWf rq-t \-rm 3117FT*71 40 rildt tI
(c) 4-4q -r t 7r94 5

4. (a) zici `MR 5

(b) 10 Z 14 5 Fm, AT 10
50 71171f *). 30 k.-1 c* Aa-vzr-*---dT3-ff
t, i-lchei ql=raT
- I TuF (41r,-R 1,1 "cr- thq Trfff rql
aird-FT*7T 70 radt t

5. (a) t? Tfat fdNt ch1 cqitsqi 2+3

(b) 4,4 f-Ttq-r t *7#1=1-1k *AI ? 5

(c) t ? 5

6. (a) Tr713. `4-7- V: 14717 rcIRT9 dcfri ch• 5

(b) #1"- 11 31:0-1-"*"71311 -Wlf-4R I 77" ,Tto 5
tsCcid .)(4

(c) 74Tur TrO AT 94-Tur 11-clz atT Tcrtz 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
7. (a) z1(1 11trr 1 ? feiTR 4 4 t 5
igtr tt t%17 I
(b) rid-1 ∎111-1 l .M2 1. 30 r?-ii 34.4f9. 1C-R 5
rl zio 1"r"-A7 :
cqraTitil Sri 4(sql=i0
Mrd oe-161 ,310 Cdr= 70 cildt/t9

V'eT9 =50

Sl rd TRI zirf 3971)7=30 q-f

(c) mfr ? -# -47t rarer 5

ci-;) cwsqr

8. (a) -qT1lfl iT t? -f1T91 trt 'ici 3c4-41qchcil 5

(b) ft r cr chl 4rt I i I *I

cT 5
-Tffr 3-Trcrt-#4?

(c) '3R.1 q->1 q 5

70 ri1 zt Yi-ct 4W-g chi -TT
50 c lzt Mrci ta. 311. I

ONR-003 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
June, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What are the indigenous methods of water

harvesting ? Explain one of them with neat
(b) What is rainwater harvesting ? What are 5
the different types of rainwater harvesting
systems ?
(c) Calculate the volume of water harvested 5
from a building of roof area 200 m 2 located
in a region receiving rainfall of 700 mm per
annum. Assume collection efficiency of

2. (a) Explain the basic components of roof top 5

rainwater harvesting system with a neat
(b) What do you understand by water storage 5
tank ? What are the different type of water
storage tanks ?

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(c) Calculate the size of water storage tank for 5
6 persons for the period of 120 days.
Assuming that the per capita water
requirement is 50 liters per day.

What are the water harvesting structures in 5

North-Western Semi-arid and Arid zones ?
Explain one of them with a neat sketch.
Calculate the gross capacity of a pond for 10
applying 5 cm depth of irrigation to 20 ha.
area and meeting water need of 50 buffaloes
and 50 cows for a period of 30 days.
Assuming that per buffalo and per cow
water requirement are 50 and 60 litres per
day, respectively.

4. (a) Define irrigation. What are the different 5

methods of irrigation ?
(b) Explain Drip Irrigation System with it's 5
(c) What are the advantages and limitations of 5
sprinkler irrigation system ?

5. (a) What is artificial recharge ground water ?

List different artificial recharge methods
suitable for urban areas. 2+3=5
(b) Differentiate between dug well and injection 5
well recharge technique.
(c) Calculate runoff amount from a bare area 5
of 10 ha with the rainfall of 125 mm,
assuming runoff coefficient of 0.2.

6. (a) What are the different types of water 5

storage structures ?
(b) Differentiate between reservoirs and 5
percolation tanks.

ONR-003 2
(c) A farm has 20 cows, 15 sheeps and 20 goats 5
managed by 10 labourers. Compute the
capacity of storage reservior to meet the
water demands if per capita water
requirement for cows, sheep, goat and
labour are 70, 30, 5 and 5 litres per day,
respectively for a period of 30 days.

7. (a) Explain the role of polythene lining in 5

reducing the seepage losses from ponds.
(b) What are the different consideration for 5
selection and construction of ponds ?
(c) What are the different types of spillways 5
commonly used in water harvesting
structures ?

8. (a) Explain the need for efficient and innovative 5

water use strategies in agriculture.
(b) Differentiate between surface and pressure 5
system of irrigation.
(c) Define water use efficiency. Calculate field 5
water use efficiency to produce 1 kg of rice
crop which requires 3.5 m 3 of water.

ONR-003 3
I W179.. 317.-003

7R ti 4q1
- v4ET9. vmut 179- (*.stsciAw.wr. )
Trwta. trftaTr
'1, 2018

311..31ri".-003 : 7-6 14WIT 3AT d4 ti Al

t(141e1 :3 E72" 31-AIWUrf 3.TT : 75

VT: (i) V.& drH sir /ki/

(ii) ?Pi?. 37.W Fir/T7

(iii) 47(17e-?et men,/ fg/ft

37- ti

1. (a) tIT11-1"attoff t? f*711- 5

tam 1(g `ii (-11111 all(seil -41-4R?
(b) cit1 \-10 41%1 ql :EFT t? f45-1R• WTI 4-cie-i-f 5

(c) "RW (11-4i Uff T 0-11F-0 200 t 5

t4 ft-2M t ri- i'w citi 1
700 Pi 411 t 41-ad wF*- 3Trzra.9. 1. hiuNIw1f7R
Trrff c-1i'.` ct.)7ilciAut vwdr 75% t

2. (a) tic .15fNM 411-1 3ru1M1 49-44Tt gre4 5

etiltsql tividi AF
(b) TM 9t3TTErf . ct) 3Trcr mfr Arre4th ? Act r 5
cb*fifiT mcnik Azrt ?

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
(c) otircmq • 120 rql al-4N* Friq, AIM 5
*1-1—A7 -437 Trrff
37474-*--di 50 rile.Vrql

3. (a) 3Tti--75. *trxt) 0* fi•R 77 5

41 t? f-*7:11' -crw
k(secol*Tati v-intilW77?

(b) 50 44 at 50 ilitiTTI• 30 ti 1 aTqfq 77 10

374F1 m33 * 320 tqur(
(.)41 t ft:tqr- *
14 5 dioN
kicbc1 vwdr 141u1-11 cR I 117 cir,3-R 5i1 i
41:T * Ari airaw*--dr 9to-RI: 50 AT
60 old( mid ti

4. (a) fi:t7-r trftlif-Erff tqfii9 5

(b) fqfq 3wzrq)*172/
(c) #1 -4r1 -r-i:rzrt qztr 5

5. (a) Tr—A14 (4-17-0. 1-9.477 7EfT t ? -q1t1-1 kW' t

dvvi TFT4 7,4-TEri fqftP4 Tft
-4-iT-47 I 2+3=5
(b) taff (Dug well) ii 1-9.14717 t4-1719. 5
taff atd-{ Tcrtz*Ii—A-‘1
(c) wrt tATE*1 #-Ith- 10 t4ZrziTtatclbli 5
125 ri-H-11 t 1731PF
931T ljuTtW 0.2 1:rra. rzi I

6. (a) fqfli mcnit *1- AM .14-TTur 1-k-c1-11 ^Eir t? 5

(b) 44,11ch f{Tirq . 1.) atd-{ Tcrtz -11-771 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(c) ad 14 20 40, 15 i)t 3{ 20 M 1110, 10 5
t g RI -crrl- ,T1141
1 qk d
rf1 aTra-FT-*--d-r

9t+-m: 70, 30, 5 AT 5 oldt mkt k-Itt 30

(491.1.> ailTaT ft +lull( ft*I

7. (a) ft171-4 tf IIT rc-R 3-1- RITT ft 5

ifrrwr -4-N-7
(b) 1. f91:617 rctrl— cfld 5
tzrrff A-ir 111W
(c) 'ici .4-cp-113ff it -37-zr'Fr fq1919 5
mcb1( t ft ail t?
8. (a) TN tfat 5
317Frw-dr «Aksql
(b) Tr-dt fit-l-r FIN #--4r fq-FN 5
317 Tcrt ft* I
(c) 77:47 4RiTrfErff 1 T I 1 f-*- r 5
60-11q1 iii& 3.5 -9-9.
ch1 3TM4W-di t 4q. .q -T91 +lull(

ONR-003 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-0031
Term-End Examination
December, 2018 00744
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) Discuss the importance of water harvesting 5

for sustainability of crop production.
(b) What is runoff coefficient and why it is 5
important in designing of water harvesting
structures ?
(c) Differentiate between contour bunding and 5
contour trenching.
2. (a) What is contour vegetative barrier 5
technology ?
(b) What is diversion bund ? Explain. 5
(c) Define rain water harvesting and write its 5
3. (a) How do you calculate the size of a water 5
storage tank for rural areas ? Explain.
(b) What is water conveyance efficiency ? 5
(c) Calculate the water conveyance efficiency 5
if discharge of 110 litres per second from
the source was released and 71.5 litres per
second was delivered to the field.

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
What is artificial ground water recharge ?
List the different methods suitable for
artificial ground water recharge in rural
areas and explain any one. 2+3+3=8
Describe the different methods of irrigation.
List the advantages and limitations of furrow
method of irrigation. 2+5=7

5. (a) What is irrigation scheduling ? Write its

advantages. 2+3=5
(b) List the various recommended rainwater 5
harvesting structures used in Humid North
Western Himalayas and Himalayan foot
(c) Discuss the design considerations for 5
artificial ground water recharge.

6. (a) A Farmer has to apply 8 cm irrigation to 8

20 ha area to meet the water requirement
at tillering stage of wheat crop. He has
30 cows and 25 buffaloes also. Calculate
the gross storage capacity of a water storage
pond for applying irrigation and meeting
30 days water requirement of the animals.
Assume water requirement of cow and
buffaloes are 70 and 60 liters/day,
(b) What is water conservation and why it is
important in present scenario ? 3+4=7

7. (a) Discuss the importance of efficient and 5

innovative water use strategies.
(b) What is excavated ponds ? 5
(c) Define uniformity coefficient. Write
Christiansen equation used for its
calculation. 2+3=5

ONR-003 2
8. (a) What are the different factors affecting 5
water use efficiency ?
(b) Write short notes on any five of the
following : 5x2=10
(i) Permeability
(ii) Homogenous soil
(iii) Irrigation Intensity
(iv) Storage tank
(v) Free Board
(vi) Contour
(vii) Water distribution efficiency

ONR-003 3
I 311:R7.3M-003 I
wit viTtur ("'.s 11R• )
fit, 2018

311..31T-003 : 7.6 kin 41, 14WFT

t94.1e/ : 3 37f cJ.T31{: 75

(1) fchl'Eftw SRI 1/41tH /

(ii) MR. WIT 31w TAT. g I

(iii) ;47cp4d( wr TOT Fwfr

1. (a) 4*K-ilo4iq-1*1i-idctcti* 4-Wn1 5


aitr-qm- (79.31-ft:F)
' err t at{ 7-a 5
zig- Trrfflui wilt?

(c) ci,( .Aft.T `t.(7 twit ((siqd, 5

qzrr 31-R t?

2. (a) cb aita4 h 31rei (mis) t? 5

(b) fq1:12Ti Afti qz1T t? °Li RN, I 5
(c) 41,1k1 (-191 W1i7R 5

ONR-003 4 P.T.O.
3. (a) 31717R:tut FoR s4c1 9#70-r 2* t- 31rwr-{ 5
f.-*7r -cr-*--rT 4?
(b) ,310 -qzfT t? 5
(c) qrq lio oldk Jig' 5
at 71.5 tr-- c1 1 fq-zrr nqi
WdT tr77 I
4. (a) T-F-Al:f qziTt? -911:1-114 1Tr-q1:1
sTki Mt 39-4Tr fdfi Fa rtrt
. w'r'r7q3 «ARgtir
-- rr7qi 2+3+3=8
(b) fafITRft r -r-d-rt.74 .W1 .qtrti .W-A-7 I ft:1 -
-Ho (furrow) fa-ftTt-.Frciff
1-ErR I 2+5=7

5. (a) ftt- TI 31-171-*7-7 40-11 t? tr-gf71 2+3=5

(b) 317 drt (-7ftqltfiTT 3 f- ITr-ffq nti 5
treit FoR 31-1*ft:d. Ac-f
4;tui .w1177
(c) Tr-T:r -FifTuT RIR 111 5
-0-F77 I
6. (a) .1)- ter FoR R* fwTrF tf-q-zrr 8
fa-w-d-4 31aTzu• 414) #4'eff
\-TI(1 t-g 20 tO)717 4-i 74 8 . e. 1 1 e.k
#119TI -T -tt I 3Trk -cfR4 30 714:1 at 25 4#
111-t" I f#• ciik 3 ati 30 R-1
#q'tfi* zRL\ otA RIR Aqi
010101 kic410 9.ftgur VI:MT
ITrd ITTzt t '1 ,11 70 C11 dt `At :1
60 3-11-47-WdT t I

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(b) ri TfTV1IT T:fTt 3-fR tftpzi 7ff 1:171
cviit? 3+4=7

7. (a) AT -IQ -1 31-44-i s 7 ch14.11Fc1a1 t 5

- 11—A-R I
(b) Ak7 c11(114'9zift? 5
(c) TritW t tiftilTrEfff WI77 I TW*1- ufrit
W{-4 rshrt-d-1(-1-1 fFrigR i 2+3=5

8. (a) Ac4 7c +T 3141Tr7d ctA4 5

chitch ch -1—tf
(b) ctvt TIN Icr{ ti
tfUR : 5x2=10
(i) 4104-tidi
(ii) +14-1141 9T
(iv) %ft7crf
(v) al b
(vi) chV
(vii) fd717 A-TaT

ONR-003 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 I ONR-003
Term-End Examination
DOBBS June, 2019


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What do you understand by water

harvesting ? Explain its role in enhancing
crop production. 3+5=8
(b) Define in-situ water harvesting. Discuss any
two in-situ water harvesting techniques in
detail. 2+5=7

2. (a) What are excavated ponds ? Describe the

role of lining material. 2+3=5
(b) Differentiate between 'contour trenching'
and 'bench terracing'. 5
(c) Describe the role of contour vegetative
barrier technology in hills. 5
ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Define rooftop rainwater harvesting.
Discuss in detail, the different components
of rooftop water harvesting system. 3+7=10

(b) Classify the water storage tanks based on

shape, size and material of construction. 5

4. (a) What is water storage tank ? Discuss in

detail the various steps of its designing. 2+6=8

(b) List the various recommended rainwater

harvesting structures used in Eastern
Coromandel and Western Malabar. 5

(c) Define irrigation scheduling.

5. (a) Define artificial groundwater recharge.

Explain its basic concept and need. 2+2+3=7

(b) List different methods of artificial

groundwater recharge suitable for urban
areas. Explain any one. 4+4=8

6. (a) Calculate the runoff amount from a 76 tia

area of watershed (bare ground) if rainfall
occurred in August, 2016 was 44 mm.
Assume runoff coefficient as 0.35. 5

(b) What is drip irrigation ? Describe various

conditions where it is suitable. List its
advantages and limitations. 2+3+5=10
ONR-003 2
7. (a) Discuss the concept of waste water
recycling through industrial eco-park. 5
(b) Discuss how the water losses can be reduced
in water supply and sanitary fittings. 5
(c) Discuss the role of irrigation scheduling for
better crop production and water saving. 5

8. (a) Describe the step wise procedure for lining

the pond with Agrifilm. 5
(b) Write short notes on any five of the
following : 5x2=10
(i) Desiltation Chamber
(ii) Duty
(iii) Water Conveyance Efficiency
(iv) Cropping Intensity
(v) Ramming
(vi) Watershed
(vii) Filtration

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.

tiviel4 Trinq viTrupm oft. sevtg7w.T:r

BOK xrfivr
T4, 2019

A.7-4.3111.-003 : TcTiVER, *4rIT3 t 444ti I

EON 3 Elv-J
36IW-dzir 37w : 75

adz : A-4/' m TRT 0.0q. / Mit WRY 3 HY14

ff/A --- #eT*37zdiT4i3,7574a*/

1. () Ac-E 31T7 'qzif TFITO ? 47(-1(1

Giq>1 4 -p:4=1- Itri:rwr*t centself Alf- 3+5=8

?q1:-?:2174 tritiTififd l'r-A7

?Lzi-FP-0 nen-41 1 1-417rR 4
qyf *=1-1 l I 2+5=7

2. () l 7 clIC11 61 ? 3TR-17r TrriTrji

qui-i tlr47 I 2+3=5

(isiq4)) '4q• *INC

4 3 I 5

(IT) tgrti cit.w4Ria, 3T44u (Its) ;1 V 1 1

lifTWE *rrA I 5

ONR-003 4
3. D-6. qEff eiWI trIbTrfird*rf* I D-ff
4Eff 3r1Trr-41 * fo-RTff
'NliFT tAR I 3+7=10
aTr-t-ft, 3Tr- R ITrrrriti aTretff
4-t-rwr t*1 .0wff*-a*ri* I 5

4. (T) c 4-4-rwr ? ftwr-F * NIT-4

=iv! -Rr %RIR *li4R I 2+6=8
NO le 1:0-41:11 4 -p4grra. *
31-0114ff fergaaf 4;mut
1:044 *OR I 5
(TO -R3Kr4 arge*Tur trfoTrfkutri="4RI 2

5. (T) TftzT 1-44kTrr tribTriim AT-4R I

io 4*FRT aTrwr*aT oqi(s441
7I 2+2+3=7
,(13) wet 1 * zEraiT TRIT 7.141Tr
-1'45Tw f r1*1T144 *=r1iR TA 4 f*Ift
C'* *r 0411(9411 'i'trA- 7 I 4+4=8

6. (Ti) 3.17TRI, 2016 T1 44 i Z 414414t f

trth -4,
(tai 11 t4T4) * 70 %-4- 11 4q
*-4 clic4 TRaTi* tr iluHr W4R I #11-A
T-43.Tft5 (337- T)ijulict, 0.35 t I
(•) itcr14-44 w ? Ism Wdzil it 17 fait
ugg- 4, 3H4•l quk trr-A7
414.114 Ti t-oz A=tf-A7I 2+3+5=10
ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
7. () 3r1Rrq, lsr*rtr aTErftv IT 7:visnur
a-Fr-A-r*t W*rf*
- 5

NO 7F 37031i 1:4RzEr **ft 0-14-et *AI 14

11)—kk,f WIT *IT %-ztf ticmi ?
I 5

(Tr) 4cit aft 7F 60414 * c T -Wait

arge-*-Tur*r itrwr W*ti* I 5

8. ()7ftihTIT
- * 1TRT * 31Cftvf mRuic1.4
TAT auf-4*=f-A S I 5

(IR) PH d giw -2u4 Ali

fAR : 5x2=10


TC1trftqF Ow(

WErF 1 i icil

ONR-003 6 1,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 ONR-003


Term - End Examination
December, 2019


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What is in-situ water harvesting ? Describe any two in-situ water conservation
techniques with diagram. 2+8=10

(b) What is rain-water harvesting ? How it helps in improving the crop

production ? 2+3=5

2. (a) What are the different components of rooftop rain-water harvesting system ? 5

(b) How will you estimate size of storage tank for rural area based on water 5
requirement ?

(c) Calculate the water availability from rooftop, if the annual average rainfall over 5
the roof area of 20 m 2 is 90 cm. The run off coefficient of roof may be taken

as 0.75.

3. (a) What is percolation tank ? Enumerate the characteristic of percolation tank. 3+4=7

(b) Define Water conveyance efficiency and Water application efficiency. Calculate
water conveyance efficiency if the discharge of 120 litres per second from source
was released and 72 litres per second was delivered to the field. 4+4=8

Discuss surface and sprinkler methods of irrigation. 6

What are the advantages of sprinkler irrigation ? 2

(c) A farmer has to apply 8 cm of irrigation to 10 ha. area. He has 40 cows and 7
20 buffaloes. Calculate the gross storage capacity of a water storage pond.
Assuming water requirement of cows and buffaloes are 70 and 60 litre per day,

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
5. (a) List different methods of artificial ground-water recharge. Explain ground-water
recharge through percolation tank with diagram. 4+4=8
(b) Describe the method for lining the pond with Agrifilm with the help of schematic 7

6. (a) Describe, how will you estimate the available run-off from the roof catchment. 5
(b) Describe clay blanket and bentonite treatment for control of seepage loss. 5
(c) Discuss the water harvesting practices used in central semi-arid zone. 5

7. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5x3=15

(a) Run-off Coefficient

(b) Cropping Intensity

(c) Earth Fill Dam

(d) Spillway

(e) Water Harvesting Potential

(1) Recharge Shaft
(g) Bench Terrace

Describe the filtration process for water purification. 8

Briefly discuss purification of water for drinking. 7

\ 1ci i ci 1 1;f4U9- U 1-11u1 119 Ca8Gt-ti.71:f.

I ci

fq#-dT, 2019

: \ricl TI.Ta-Prt 37 .TTEIITT

TTi :3 3lfE1W1 77. diW: 75

:w f r rif-a dru Or,ic/

F-947- 77--4. 3q5 foul el
(iii) (;),,,,c4e, 37*11 ch7 31f t I

1. (a) .-ci-T-2-TH (in-situ) ziri 4zET t? Art Ti.-L 111 31- TT§I Th-)
7Trri .-1-F--A7 2+8=10

(b) 4-cy4 ,-f err t? ----z4R 4- . 4ist -wow 14--(q frful t? 2+3=5

2. (a) a W-\1M -srurrolrain u« ? 5

(b) 3-TftiR UlLituf r;■-) `if- TTT4 2.11 t 33WR (TIT) cbi Fch ,:t
rim 5
emit 3 ?

(c) Jr *f AriZtrffardT m1 11w 1f A Oct TR 90 14:1#.

I --Eifq 20 TII 2 4T4T- 3-ftd 5
I 3-1.17 ITN rilr,TR od chi 3-111-d7 (93111F) -711W 0.75 t I

3. (a) -1=7811c1-1 2m rf t? -1 4101 2ch on't 1-4,sfai34 -wr 3 -117R I 3+4=7

(b) ITFT-q-0 W-dT AT '40 314TT aTdi eft 9TFFEff wifqv qrc t,i1ct -#120 rile.t mkt
A•-- 3- 'WE t-licf f 1T TIRT at 72 c-ne.t ad Fq-If 1i .41
wlf-q I 4+4=8

4. (a) fttqfl chl TM-a AT 1-bcgiti rarer a-;) - str--- 7 i 6

(b) Lholitf ftziqr a-qt -aPT -t? 2

(c) 10t-4 -zR 4q 14 "rdlt Wt-91 cI t I 31:k TIR140 7713.117 20 Of' 7

\ski 31.3R7 UTIfff cr)1 quilt c1i 1-A71 1:119' rilr\TR i 4 14 fqt
rildt ‘3-1)t '44 im 60 rfidt trril a-1 7 3ilcwichoi tI

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
5. (a) TN1:1 `11 . T-11*1 chi fdfil- rcIW si :cf) TETWi
c'--IR9qf 3T1- 1 4+4=8

(b) 4 ,-71-11*6 ckUf chi t--IV-Idf tr TrItT cII(114 3-1- 7R1TE m1 rare I 7

6. (a) .U-Ulc1U Ur?:‘-1-51 tf ,5-1(1 .4-gq c quilr qufa- 5

(b) fiTirq AkE 3 4 I

34 -,41t '111 qui-ff -41- 5

(c) 0<-4 ,11( 14 rrl era cikvil Art fdr319 fqr%It chl -c4 -cIl

7. F-1--IR-116ci '# -q7 : 5x3=15

(a) UTIc


(c) -1=F1 -{4

(d) fP:17

(e) \AM



8. (a) Aci ti:6,1->tul chi -1-f-A7 I 8

(b) AM kff,q4)(ut cb1 Tk)-cr r4-qf -1-f-A7 I 7

No. of Printed Pages : 9 ONR-003



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) AU questions carry equal marks.

(iii) Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What is water harvesting ? Describe

diversion bund and dugout cum
embankment water storage structure for
runoff collection. 2+4+4
(b) Describe any two traditional methods of
water harvesting. 5

P. T. O.
[2] ONR-003
2. (a) Define runoff coefficient. How will you
calculate the storage capacity of tank ?


(b) What is rooftop rainwater harvesting ?

What are its advantages ? 3+4

3. (a) Calculate the amount of water harvested

on a building of roof area 100 m 2, receiving

annual average rainfall of 75 cm. Assume
collection efficiency is 70%. 5

(b) Calculate gross capacity of pond for

applying 8 cm depth of irrigation to 15 ha
area and meeting water need of
40 buffaloes and 30 cows for a period of
30 days. Assume daily water requirement
for bufftiloes and cows are 60 and 70 litres,
respectively. 10

4. (a) What is drip irrigation ? What are the

advantages and limitations of drip

irrigation ? 2+5
131 ONR-003

(b) What is artificial groundwater recharge ?

Discuss dug well recharge technique for
groundwater recharge. 3+5=8

Discuss water harvesting techniques

cacticed in High Rainfall North-Eastern
Zone. 5

(b) What considerations should be kept in

view while designing a pond ? 10

6. Write short notes on any five of the following :

3 each

(a) Underground Cistern

(b) Aquifer

(c) Contour Hedgerow

(d) Filtration

(e) Irrigation Scheduling

(t) Desiltation Chamber

7. (a) How does water conservation enhance crop

productivity ? Discuss any two indigenous
water conservation techniques. 4 + 4

P. T. O.
[4] ONR-003

(b) Define water use efficiency. What are the

different factors influencing water use
efficiency ? 2+5
8. Differentiate any three of the following : 5 each
(a) Contour bunding and contour trenching

(b) Recharge pits and recharge shaft

(c) Homogeneous and diaphragm earth fill


(d) Emergency spillway and mechanical

I51 ONR-003


ntiq Trawl R4 resER Trwrifr-trw

(Tit Tamit TT. )

19', 2020 .

am:art-ow : Wff TIVER, Sul' alit dmq 41

: 3 Vat alftrth-07 ateff : 75

*Z" : (i) Titer nr ono

op mit 1/7-41* 3iWi err., tr
(no trer * All MI ardra

1. (i) we , itlzm wErr t ? 4iLictm (tidirgo)

Timrut -kw facriN AltT aitt wrt

airre-wir-letemie rigren titbit i
Alliq chi rwr41

P. T. O.
161 ONR-003

O) WT *Uri 1.4).0 WI mvaiwid itaTzff

Wriff Atkl 5

2. (W) 31T4ftr (tem to)

, 31to mtt Wirt taw! T TrarIT alfq

f+-1-4 31WR ? 3+5

wucrt ? eft

WIT 9PT t ? 3+4

3. (W) fklit TEM Ti 1M *We 100 Tft.2

ex 4 atire 75 Alt Wifw ZIT

t-oft w fq Tram

70 vravia t r
alititi TR *lurid Tf

41 •r* 4 -gum mfr31141 5

[7] ONR-003

(V) 40 4.61 alIK 30 711741 -ea 30 fkri *1 *m.

1:11:WA* oircwittnarosi 110 alitt

15 *ft* 61151 4 8 t4t. Ritui *14 *

19g PK* wait *-1 wift‘ *1 mum

giqi Tim (1114K *el fkg 11 -4

60 *a MIT Tilzli V—FOIR 70 act varit
ducwitbot Ifreft 10

4. (*) ztm (ffq) * ? fp Wart

fflrff mica wit f? 2+5

(V) lare vit WIT * ? %OR riftul

Vr4 Trittie attrace) .w4f

*INT 3+5

5. (V) 7TRI Wit AA ZIR-Tefffl II caqq011t 4

m4 -are titiour qq)-11q)i a-4

P. T. O.
I8I ONR-003

010 WWI 8g1 W9RI Z9m 1%-9 wrdi

un lat Int viftit ? I()

6. i;+-i 4 .4 6-67 wry TR SIT Le4

: Arm' 3

(V) afff Ariwitt

(W) qictmt (7t)

(m) *-(K wrw

(T) riff

(w) a °twit

(W) Agit VAT

7. (V) We *MIL altitilmtitti f*--cr 31*-Tt

a~ rnr *? f w} iItt we Virgin
fl ail wif *RIM 4+4
I91 ONR-003

('U) TCf 444 11 4-MTtiiirqcf


. waT 311TINff Th74 ara

chit") #ff--74 t ? 2+5

8. Piiirtifiatf 4 A rati-if *74 -at ipitz 1f :

sinl m 5

(V) WiriT ge t taisql (tacct)


(1) 31 tul riltuf

(TT) Wilt i situ:big 71 4 14 -4iti

(Er) awunciadli feie4 et to Act) rtaiti

io 00
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
February, 2021



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks. Use of non-programmable calculator
is permitted.

1. (a) What do you mean by water harvesting

techniques ? List different in-situ water
harvesting techniques. 2+3=5
(b) List different types of runoff water storage
structures. Explain the importance of
village pond for water harvesting. 2+3=5
(c) Compute volume of water harvested from a
building of roof area 250 m2 and receiving
rainfall of 750 mm per year with collection
coefficient of 65%. 5

2. (a) What is rainwater harvesting ? What are

the basic components of rooftop rainwater
harvesting system ? 2+3=5
(b) How will you compute the storage capacity
of a storage tank ? 5

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
(c) Calculate the amount of rainwater to be
harvested for a household of 4 persons for a
period of 120 days. Assume per capita water
requirement is 60 litres per day and runoff
coefficient is 0·75. 5

3. (a) How does rainwater harvesting help in

improving the crop production ? 5
(b) Calculate the gross capacity of a pond for
applying 8 cm depth of irrigation to 25 ha
area and meeting water needs of 40 cows
and 30 buffaloes for a period of 30 days.
Assume that water requirement per cow
and buffalo are 60 and 70 litres per day,
respectively. 10

4. (a) What is the importance of percolation

ponds ? List any two water harvesting
structures used in Arid and Semi-arid
zones. 3+2=5
(b) What do you mean by irrigation scheduling ?
List any two advantages of irrigation
scheduling. 3+2=5
(c) Explain sprinkler irrigation system and
label its components with a neat sketch
diagram. 5

5. (a) Explain need and benefits of recharging

groundwater. 5
(b) Explain indigenous methods of recharging
groundwater in India. 5
(c) Calculate runoff volume from a 200 ha area
having rainfall 120 mm with runoff
coefficient of 0·15. 5

ONR-003 2
6. (a) List different components of water demand.
Distinguish between emergency spillway
and mechanical spillway. 3+2=5
(b) A farm has 10 cows, 4 buffaloes and 20 goats
managed by the farmer having 6 persons in
the family. Compute the capacity of storage
reservoir to meet the water demand for a dry
period of 60 days, if per capita water
requirement for cows, buffalo, goat and
humans is 70, 50, 5 and 60 litres per day
respectively. 10

7. (a) What are the efficient and innovative

techniques for water conservation in
domestic and industrial sectors ? 3+3=6
(b) What do you mean by rainfed farming ?
Explain in-situ rainwater conservation for
enhancing water productivity. 2+3=5
(c) List different methods of irrigation.
Explain drip irrigation system with a
neat diagram. 2+2=4

8. (a) What are the advantages and limitations of

drip irrigation systems over sprinkler
irrigation systems ? 5
(b) Define irrigation efficiency. Differentiate
between Crop Water Use Efficiency (CWUE)
and Field Water Use Efficiency (FWUE). 2+3=5
(c) Describe factors influencing water use
efficiency. 5

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.

Ob g§M`Z Ed§ à~§YZ _| à_mU-nÌ (gr.S>ãë`y.EM.E_.)

gÌm§V narjm
\$adar, 2021

Amo.EZ.Ama.-003 : Ob g§M`Z, g§ajU Am¡a Cn`moJ

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 75

ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ & AàmoJ«m_r` H¡$ëHw$boQ>a Ho$ à`moJ H$s AZw_{V h¡ &

1. (H$) Ob g§J«hU VH$ZrH$m| go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ?

{d{^Þ ñd-ñWmZo Ob g§J«hU VH$ZrH$m| H$s gyMr
~ZmBE & 2+3=5
(I) {d{^Þ àH$ma H$s Andmh (aZAm°\$) Ob ^§S>maU
g§aMZmAm| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE & Ob g§J«hU Ho$ {bE Jm±d
Ho$ Vmbm~ Ho$ _hÎd H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2+3=5
(J) EH$ ^dZ, {OgH$s N>V H$m joÌ\$b 250 dJ© _rQ>a h¡
Am¡a dhm± H$s dfm© 750 {_._r. à{Vdf© h¡, go g§{MV
Ob Ho$ Am`VZ H$s JUZm H$s{OE & _mZ br{OE
EH$ÌrH$aU j_Vm 65% h¡ & 5

2. (H$) dfm©-Ob g§J«hU Š`m h¡ ? Kaoby N>V H$s dfm©-Ob

g§J«hU àUmbr Ho$ _yb^yV KQ>H$ H$m¡Z-go h¢ ? 2+3=5
(I) {H$gr ^§S>maU Q>¢H$ H$s ^§S>maU j_Vm H$s JUZm Amn
{H$g àH$ma H$a|Jo ? 5

ONR-003 4
(J) Mma ì`{º$`m| Ho$ {bE 120 {XZ H$s Ad{Y hoVw {H$E
OmZo dmbo dfm©©-Ob g§J«hU H$s JUZm H$s{OE & _mZ
br{OE à{V ì`{º$ Ob Amdí`H$Vm 60 brQ>a/{XZ h¡
Am¡a Andmh (aZAm°\$) JwUm§H$ 0·75 h¡ & 5

3. (H$) µ\$gbmoËnmXZ _| gwYma H$aZo _| dfm©-Ob g§J«hU {H$g

àH$ma ghm`H$ hmoVm h¡ ? 5
(I) 40 Jm`m| Am¡a 30 ^¢gm| H$s 30 {XZ H$s Ad{Y H$s
Ob Amdí`H$Vm H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE Am¡a
25 hoŠQ>o`a joÌ _| 8 go_r JhamB© H$s qgMmB© Ho$ {bE
EH$ Vmbm~ H$s gH$b j_Vm H$s JUZm H$s{OE & _mZ
br{OE {H$ à{V Jm` Am¡a à{V ^¢g Ob Amdí`H$Vm
H«$_e: 60 Am¡a 70 brQ>a à{V{XZ h¡ & 10

4. (H$) {ZÀN>mbZ (A§V:òdU) Vmbm~m| H$m Š`m _hÎd h¡ ?

ewîH$ Am¡a AY©-ewîH$ joÌm| _| BñVo_mb H$s OmZo dmbr
{H$Ýht Xmo Ob g§J«hU g§aMZmAm| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE & 3+2=5
(I) qgMmB© AZwgyMrH$aU (g_` {ZYm©aU) go Amn Š`m
g_PVo h¢ ? qgMmB© AZwgyMrH$aU (g_` {ZYm©aU) Ho$
{H$Ýht Xmo bm^m| H$mo gyMr~Õ H$s{OE & 3+2=5
(J) \$ìdmam qgMmB© àUmbr H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE Am¡a EH$
ñdÀN> AmaoI Ho$ gmW BgHo$ KQ>H$m| H$mo Zm_m§{H$V
H$s{OE & 5

5. (H$) ^yOb nwZ^©aU H$s Amdí`H$Vm Am¡a bm^m| H$s

ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 5
(I) ^maV _| ^yOb nwZ^©aU H$s Xoer {d{Y`m§o H$s ì`m»`m
H$s{OE & 5
(J) 200 hoŠQ>o`a joÌ, Ohm± 120 {_._r. dfm© hmoVr h¡ Am¡a
Andmh (aZAm°\$) JwUm§H$ 0·15 h¡, go Andmh
(aZAm°\$) H$s _mÌm H$s JUZm H$s{OE & 5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
6. (H$) Ob _m±J Ho$ {d{^Þ KQ>H$m| H$mo gyMr~Õ H$s{OE &
AmnmVH$mbrZ pñnbdo Am¡a `m§{ÌH$ pñnbdo _| A§Va
ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 3+2=5
(I) N>h ì`{º$`m| Ho$ n[adma dmbo EH$ {H$gmZ Ho$ Ûmam EH$
IoV _| 10 Jm`|, 4 ^¢g| Am¡a 20 ~H$[a`m± nmbr
OmVr h¢ & `{X à{V Jm`, à{V ^¢g, à{V ~H$ar Am¡a
à{V ì`{º$ Ob Amdí`H$Vm H«$_e: 70, 50, 5 Am¡a
60 brQ>a à{V{XZ h¡, Vmo 60 {XZm| H$s ewîH$ Ad{Y Ho$
{bE Ob g§J«mhH$ ^§S>maU j_Vm H$s JUZm H$s{OE & 10

7. (H$) Kaoby Am¡a Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| Ob g§ajU H$s Xj

Am¡a ZdàdV©ZH$mar VH$ZrH|$ H$m¡Z-gr h¢ ? 3+3=6
(I) dfm©-{g§{MV H¥${f go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ? Ob
CËnmXH$Vm ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {bE ñd-ñWmZo dfm©-Ob g§ajU
H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2+3=5
(J) qgMmB© H$s {d{^Þ {d{Y`m| H$s gyMr V¡`ma H$s{OE &
Q>nH$Z ({S´>n) qgMmB© àUmbr H$s ñdÀN> AmaoI Ho$
gmW ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2+2=4

8. (H$) \$ìdmam qgMmB© àUm{b`m| H$s VwbZm _| Q>nH$Z qgMmB©

àUm{b`m| Ho$ bm^ Am¡a gr_mE± Š`m h¢ ? 5
(I) qgMmB© XjVm H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & µ\$gb Ob
Cn`moJ XjVm (CWUE) Ed§ joÌ Ob Cn`moJ XjVm
(FWUE) _| A§Va ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2+3=5
(J) Ob Cn`moJ XjVm H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$m| H$m
dU©Z H$s{OE & 5

ONR-003 6
No. of Printed Pages : 8 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
June, 2021



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) Enlist the different indigenous methods of

water harvesting. Explain any one. 2+3=5

(b) What is Rainwater Harvesting ? What are

the different types of rainwater harvesting
systems ? 2+3=5

(c) What is in-situ water harvesting

technique ? How can harvested water
enhance crop production ? 2+3=5

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) What is Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting ?
List the basic components of rooftop
rainwater harvesting systems ? 2+3=5

(b) Explain the basic steps involved in

rainwater harvesting. 5

(c) Calculate the volume of water harvested

from a building of roof area 200 m2 located
in an area receiving rainfall of 500 mm
per annum, assuming collection efficiency of
70%. 5

3. (a) What is the function of filtration in rooftop

rainwater harvesting system ? Explain
filtration unit for rooftop rainwater
harvesting system with neat sketch
diagram. 3+4=7

(b) How will you calculate the capacity of

storage tank ? Compute capacity of storage
tank for a household of 6 persons for a
period of 30 days, assuming per capita
water requirement is 50 litres/day. 3+5=8

4. (a) How will you compute the capacity of

storage ponds for agriculture and
livestock ? 5

ONR-003 2
(b) Calculate the gross capacity of storage tank
for 5 cm depth of irrigation to 20 ha area
and meeting water requirement of
40 buffaloes, 30 cows and 20 sheep for a
period of 30 days. Assuming that water
requirement per buffalo, cow and sheep are
70, 60 and 10 litres per day, respectively.
The irrigation is applied after every 30 days
and pond is filled after every 30 days. 10

5. (a) Define Irrigation. What are the different

methods of irrigation ? 2+3=5

(b) Explain surface method of irrigation. Write

its limitations. 3+2=5

(c) Explain drip irrigation system with neat

sketch diagram and label the different
components. 5

6. (a) What are artificial techniques for

recharging groundwater ? List different
artificial recharge methods suitable for
humid regions. 2+3=5

(b) Differentiate between Recharge Pits and

Recharge Shaft, with neat sketch
1 1
diagram. 2 +2 =5
2 2

(c) Explain recharging groundwater through

tubewell. 5

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
7. (a) What are the different types of water
storage structures ? 5

(b) What is earth fill dam ? Explain the

function of earth fill dam. 2+3=5

(c) List different types of spillways. Explain

any one. 2+3=5

8. (a) How does water conservation help in

ensuring agriculture sustainability ? 5

(b) Differentiate between Surface and Pressure

systems of irrigation. 4

(c) Define water conveyance efficiency. A

stream of 135 litres per second was diverted
from a canal and 100 litres per second were
delivered to the field. Determine the water
conveyance efficiency. 2+4=6

ONR-003 4

Ob g§M`Z Ed§ à~§YZ _| à_mU-nÌ

gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2021

Amo.EZ.Ama.-003 : Ob g§M`Z, g§ajU Am¡a Cn`moJ

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 75

ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ & H¡$ëHw$boQ>a Ho$ à`moJ H$s AZw_{V h¡ &

1. (H$) Ob g§J«hÊm H$s {d{^Þ Xoer {d{Y`m| H$mo gyMr~Õ

H$s{OE & {H$gr EH$ {d{Y H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2+3=5

(I) dfm©Ob g§J«hU Š`m h¡ ? dfm©Ob g§J«hU àUm{b`m| Ho$

{d{^Þ àH$ma H$m¡Z-go h¢ ? 2+3=5

(J) ñd-ñWmZo Ob g§J«hU VH$ZrH$ Š`m h¡ ? g§J«hrV Ob

µ\$gbmoËnmXZ H$mo {H$g àH$ma ~‹T>mVm h¡ ? 2+3=5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
2. (H$) N>V Ho$ dfm©Ob H$m g§J«hU Š`m h¡ ? N>V Ho$ dfm©Ob
H$s g§J«hU àUmbr Ho$ _yb KQ>H$m| H$s gyMr V¡`ma
H$s{OE & 2+3=5

(I) N>V Ho$ dfm©Ob g§J«hU go g§~§{YV _yb^yV MaUm| H$s

ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 5

(J) EH$ ^dZ, {OgH$s N>V H$m joÌ\$b 200 dJ© _rQ>a h¡,
Am¡a Eogo joÌ _| pñWV h¡ Ohm± dm{f©H$ dfm© 500 {_._r.
h¡, Ho$ g§{MV Ob Ho$ Am`VZ H$s JUZm H$s{OE & _mZ
br{OE EH$ÌrH$aU j_Vm 70% h¡ & 5

3. (H$) N>V Ho$ dfm©Ob g§J«hU àUmbr _| N>ZZ H$m Š`m H$m`©
h¡ ? N>V Ho$ dfm©Ob g§J«hU àUmbr Ho$ {bE N>ZZ
BH$mB© H$s ñdÀN> aoIm{MÌ H$s ghm`Vm go ì`m»`m
H$s{OE & 3+4=7

(I) Amn ^§S>maU Q>¢H$ H$s j_Vm H$s JUZm {H$g àH$ma
H$a|Jo ? N>h ì`{º$`m| Ho$ n[adma H$s 30 {XZ H$s Ad{Y
Ho$ {bE ^§S>maU Q>¢H$ H$s j_Vm H$s JUZm H$s{OE &
_mZ br{OE à{V ì`{º$ Ob Amdí`H$Vm 50 brQ>a/{XZ
h¡ & 3+5=8

4. (H$) H¥${f Am¡a newYZ Ho$ {bE ^§S>maU Vmbm~m| H$s j_Vm
H$s JUZm Amn {H$g àH$ma H$a|Jo ? 5

ONR-003 6
(I) 40 ^¢gm|, 30 Jm`m| Am¡a 20 ^o‹S>m| H$s 30 {XZ H$s
Ad{Y H$s Ob Amdí`H$Vm H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE Am¡a
20 hoŠQ>o`a joÌ _| 5 go_r JhamB© H$s qgMmB© Ho$ {bE
EH$ ^§S>maU Q>¢H$ H$s gH$b j_Vm H$s JUZm H$s{OE &
_mZ br{OE, à{V ^¢g, à{V Jm` Am¡a à{V ^o‹S> Ob
Amdí`H$Vm H«$_e: 70, 60 Am¡a 10 brQ>a à{V{XZ h¡ &
ha 30 {XZm| Ho$ ~mX qgMmB© H$s OmVr h¡ Am¡a Vmbm~
H$mo àË`oH$ 30 {XZm| Ho$ ~mX ^am OmVm h¡ & 10

5. (H$) qgMmB© H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & qgMmB© H$s {d{^Þ

{d{Y`m± H$m¡Z-gr h¢ ? 2+3=5

(I) qgMmB© H$s gVh {d{Y H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & BgH$s
gr_mAm| H$mo {b{IE & 3+2=5

(J) Q>nH$Z qgMmB© àUmbr H$s ñdÀN> aoIm{MÌ H$s ghm`Vm

go ì`m»`m H$s{OE Am¡a Bg_| {d{^Þ KQ>H$m| H$mo ^r
Xem©BE & 5

6. (H$) ^m¡_Ob nwZ^©aU H$s H¥${Ì_ {d{Y`m± Š`m h¢ ? AmЩ

joÌm| Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ H¥${Ì_ ^m¡_Ob nwZ^©aU H$s
{d{^Þ {d{Y`m| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE & 2+3=5

(I) nwZ^©aU J–o Am¡a nwZ^©aU e¡âQ> _| ñdÀN> aoIm{MÌ H$s

1 1
ghm`Vm go A§Va ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2 +2 =5
2 2

(J) ZbHy$n (Q>çy~d¡b) Ho$ O[aE ^m¡_Ob nwZ^©aU H$s

ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 5
ONR-003 7 P.T.O.
7. (H$) {d{^Þ àH$ma H$s Ob ^§S>maU g§aMZmE± H$m¡Z-gr h¢ ? 5

(I) _¥Xm go ^am ~m±Y Š`m h¡ ? _¥Xm go ^ao ~m±Y Ho$ H$m`© H$s
ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2+3=5

(J) pñnbdo Ho$ {d{^Þ àH$mam| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE & CZ_| go
{H$gr EH$ H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2+3=5

8. (H$) H¥${f H$s {Za§VaVm H$mo gw{ZpíMV H$aZo _| Ob g§ajU

{H$g àH$ma ghm`H$ hmoVm h¡ ? 5

(I) gVhr qgMmB© {d{Y Am¡a \$ìdmam qgMmB© {d{Y _| A§Va

ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 4

(J) Ob n[adhZ XjVm H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & EH$ Zha

go 135 brQ>a à{V goH$ÊS> H$s EH$ Ymam {ZH$mbr OmVr
h¡ Am¡a 100 brQ>a à{V goH$ÊS> IoV H$mo Xr OmVr h¡ &
Ob n[adhZ XjVm H$s JUZm H$s{OE & 2+4=6

ONR-003 8
No. of Printed Pages : 8 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
December, 2021



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) Discuss the importance of water harvesting

for crop production. Explain its importance
for sustainability of crop production. 3+5=8
(b) Define runoff coefficient. Discuss its
importance in designing of water harvesting
structure. 2+5=7

2. (a) What is contour bunding ? Describe its role

in soil and water conservation. 3+5=8
(b) Explain how contour vegetative barrier
technology is a good option for sustainable
farming on hill slopes. 7

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Discuss in detail how you would calculate
the size of water storage tank for rural
areas. 7

(b) Describe water application efficiency

and define each of its terms. Determine the
water conveyance efficiency, if discharge of
120 litres per second from the source was
released and 72 litres per second was
delivered to the field. 3+5=8

4. (a) Define artificial groundwater recharge.

Enlist different methods of artificial
groundwater recharge. 2+5=7

(b) A farmer has to apply 10 cm irrigation to

15 ha area to meet the tillering stage
irrigation requirement of wheat crop. He
has 50 cows and 20 buffaloes also. Calculate
the gross storage capacity of a water storage
pond for applying irrigation and meeting
30 days water requirement of animals.
Assume water requirement of cows and
buffaloes as 70 and 60 litres/day,
respectively. 8

ONR-003 2
5. (a) Enlist the recommended rainwater
harvesting structures used in Himalayan
foothills. 5

(b) What is irrigation ? Write advantages and

limitations of furrow method of irrigation. 5

(c) Discuss the importance of irrigation

scheduling in water conservation. 5

6. (a) What is sprinkler irrigation ? Write its

advantages and limitations. 3+5=8

(b) What is water conservation ? Write its

benefits. 7

7. (a) Explain the importance of efficient and

innovative water use strategies. 5

(b) What is excavated pit ? Discuss the role of

lining in reducing water losses. 2+3=5

(c) Describe different factors affecting water

use efficiency. 5

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.
8. Write short notes on any five of the
following : 53=15

(a) Permeability
(b) Delta
(c) Water Harvesting Potential
(d) Free Board
(e) Effluent Water
(f) Seepage Loss
(g) Aquifer

ONR-003 4

Ob g§M`Z Ed§ à~§YZ _| à_mU-nÌ

gÌm§V narjm
{Xgå~a, 2021

Amo.EZ.Ama.-003 : Ob g§M`Z, g§ajU Am¡a Cn`moJ

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 75

ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ & H¡$ëHw$boQ>a Ho$ à`moJ H$s AZw_{V h¡ &

1. (H$) \$gbmoËnmXZ Ho$ {bE Ob g§J«hU Ho$ _hÎd H$s MMm©

H$s{OE & \$gbmoËnmXZ H$s {Za§VaVm Ho$ {bE BgHo$
_hÎd H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3+5=8
(I) Andmh (aZAm°\$) JwUm§H$ H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & Ob
g§J«hU g§aMZm H$mo {S>µOmBZ H$aZo _| BgHo$ _hÎd H$s
MMm© H$s{OE & 2+5=7

2. (H$) H§$Qy>a ~m±Y ~ZmZm Š`m h¡ ? _¥Xm Am¡a Ob g§ajU _|

BgH$s ^y{_H$m H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 3+5=8
(I) nhm‹S>r T>bmZm| na {Q>H$mD$ IoVr Ho$ {bE H§$Qy>a
dZñn{VH$ AdamoY (~m‹S> ) H$s VH$ZrH$ {H$g àH$ma
EH$ AÀN>m {dH$ën h¡, ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 7
ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
3. (H$) J«m_rU joÌm| Ho$ {bE Ob ^§S>maU Q>¢H$m| Ho$ AmH$ma H$s
JUZm Amn {H$g àH$ma H$a|Jo, {dñVma go MMm©
H$s{OE & 7

(I) Ob AZwà`moJ XjVm H$m dU©Z H$s{OE Am¡a BgHo$

àË`oH$ eãX H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & Ob n[adhZ
XjVm H$s JUZm H$s{OE, `{X òmoV go 120 brQ>a à{V
goH§$S> H$m òmd {H$`m J`m Am¡a 72 brQ>a à{V goH§$S>
IoV H$mo {X`m J`m & 3+5=8

4. (H$) H¥${Ì_ ^y-Ob nwZ^©aU H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & H¥${Ì_

^y-Ob nwZ^©aU H$s {d{^Þ {d{Y`m| H$s gyMr V¡`ma
H$s{OE & 2+5=7

(I) Johÿ± H$s \$gb H$s Xmo{O`m± {ZH$mbZo H$s AdñWm H$s
{g§MmB© Amdí`H$Vm H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$gr
{H$gmZ H$mo 15 hoŠQ>o`a joÌ _| 10 go_r qgMmB© H$aZr
hmoJr & CgHo$ nmg 50 Jm`| Am¡a 20 ^¢g| ^r h¢ &
qgMmB© H$aZo Am¡a newAm| H$s 30 {XZ H$s Ob g§~§Yr
Amdí`H$VmAm| H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$gr Ob
^§S>maU Vmbm~ H$s gH$b ^§S>maU j_Vm H$s JUZm
H$s{OE & _mZ br{OE Jm`m| Ho$ {bE 70 brQ>a/à{V{XZ
Am¡a ^¢gm| Ho$ {bE 60 brQ>a/à{V{XZ Ob H$s
Amdí`H$Vm h¡ & 8

ONR-003 6
5. (H$) {h_mb` VamB© H$s nhm{‹S>`m| Ho$ {bE AZwe§{gV Ob
g§J«hU g§aMZmAm| H$s gyMr V¡`ma H$s{OE & 5

(I) qgMmB© Š`m h¡ ? qgMmB© H$s Hw±$S> {d{Y Ho$ bm^ Am¡a
H${_`m± {b{IE & 5

(J) Ob g§ajU _| {g§MmB© AZwgyMrH$aU Ho$ _hÎd H$s MMm©

H$s{OE & 5

6. (H$) \$ìdmam qgMmB© Š`m h¡ ? BgHo$ bm^ Am¡a H${_`m±

{b{IE & 3+5=8

(I) Ob g§ajU Š`m h¡ ? BgHo$ bm^ {b{IE & 7

7. (H$) Xj Am¡a ZdrZ àdV©Z Ob Cn`moJ Zr{V`m| Ho$ _hÎd

H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 5

(I) IwXm hþAm Vmbm~ Š`m h¡ ? Ob hm{Z`m| H$mo H$_ H$aZo

_| AñVaU H$s ^y{_H$m H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 2+3=5

(J) Ob Cn`moJ XjVm H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo {d{^Þ

H$maH$m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 5

ONR-003 7 P.T.O.
8. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht nm±M na g§{jßV {Q>ßn{U`m±>
{b{IE : 53=15

(H$) nmaJå`Vm
(I) S>oëQ>m
(J) Ob g§J«hU j_Vm
(K) \«$s-~moS>©
(L>) An{eîQ> Ob
(M) [agmd hm{Z
(N>) Ob^a (EŠdr\$a)

ONR-003 8
No. of Printed Pages : 6 ONR-003


Term-End Examination
June, 2022



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks. Use of calculator is permitted.

1. (a) What is water harvesting ? Discuss its

importance for human survival and crop
production. 3+5
(b) Define in-situ water harvesting. Discuss in
detail any two in-situ water harvesting
techniques. 2+5

2. (a) Enlist different methods of lining of ponds.

What is plastic lining ? Write its
advantages. 3+2+2
(b) What is rooftop rainwater harvesting ?
Explain its importance in urban areas. 4+4

ONR-003 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Discuss in detail the various steps of
designing a water storage pond. 8

(b) Classify water storage tanks based on

shape, size and the material of construction. 7

4. (a) Enlist the various recommended rainwater

harvesting structures used in central
semi-arid Vindhyan zone. 5

(b) How can the water losses be reduced in

water supply and sanitary fittings ? 5

(c) Calculate the runoff amount from a 70 ha

watershed if the rainfall during a rainfall
event in August 2018 was 200 mm. Assume
runoff coefficient as 0.4. 5

5. (a) What is Artifical Groundwater recharge ?

Describe its need in present scenario. 2+5

(b) What is Irrigation Scheduling ? Explain its

importance for better crop production. 3+5

6. (a) What is Drip Irrigation ? Discuss its

advantages and limitations. 3+5

(b) Explain the importance of wastewater

recycling through industrial eco-parks. 7

7. (a) What is Earthfill Dam ? Explain different

types of earthfill dams. 3+5
ONR-003 2
(b) What is Water Conveyance Efficiency ?
Determine the water conveyance efficiency
if discharge of 64 litres per second from the
source was released and 50 litres per second
was delivered to the field. 2+5

8. Write short notes on any five of the

following : 53=15

(a) Homogenous soil

(b) Soil profile

(c) Consumptive use of water

(d) Contour hedgerow

(e) Percolation tank

(f) Sediment deposition

(g) Irrigation intensity

ONR-003 3 P.T.O.

Ob g§M`Z Ed§ à~§YZ _| à_mU-nÌ

gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2022

Amo.EZ.Ama.-003 : Ob g§M`Z, g§ajU Am¡a Cn`moJ

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 75

ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ & H¡$ëHw$boQ>a Ho$ à`moJ H$s AZw_{V h¡ &

1. (H$) Ob g§J«hU Š`m h¡ ? _Zwî` Ho$ Or{dV ahZo Am¡a

µ\$gbmoËnmXZ Ho$ {bE BgHo$ _hÎd H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 3+5

(I) ñd-ñWmZo Ob g§J«hU H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & {H$Ýht

Xmo ñd-ñWmZo Ob g§J«hU VH$ZrH$m| H$s {dñVma go
MMm© H$s{OE & 2+5

2. (H$) Vmbm~m| Ho$ AñVaU H$s {d{^Þ {d{Y`m| H$s gyMr

V¡`ma H$s{OE & ßbmpñQ>H$ AñVaU Š`m h¡ ? BgHo$
bm^ ^r {b{IE & 3+2+2

(I) N>V na dfm©Ob H$m g§J«hU Š`m h¡ ? ehar joÌm| _|

BgHo$ _hÎd H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 4+4

ONR-003 4
3. (H$) Ob ^§S>maU Q>¢H$ H$mo {S>µOmBZ H$aZo go g§~§{YV {d{^Þ
MaUm| H$s {dñVma go MMm© H$s{OE & 8

(I) AmH¥${V, AmH$ma VWm {Z_m©U gm_J«r Ho$ AmYma na Ob

^§S>maU Q>¢H$m| H$mo dJuH¥$V H$s{OE & 7

4. (H$) H|$Ðr` AY©-ewîH$ qdÜ` joÌ _| Cn`moJ Ho$ {bE

AZwe§{gV dfm©Ob g§J«hU g§~§Yr {d{^Þ g§aMZmAm|
H$s gyMr V¡`ma H$s{OE & 5

(I) Ob Amny{V© Am¡a ñdmñÏ` g§~§Yr `§Ìm| go Ob hm{Z _|

{H$g àH$ma H$_r H$s Om gH$Vr h¡ ? 5

(J) `{X AJñV 2018 _| {H$gr EH$ dfm© Ho$ Xm¡amZ

200 {_._r. dfm© hmoVr h¡ Vmo 70 hoŠQ>o`a Obg§^a joÌ
go hmoZo dmbo Andmh (aZAm°\$) H$s _mÌm H$s JUZm
H$s{OE & _mZ br{OE Andmh JwUm§H$ 0.4 h¡ & 5

5. (H$) H¥${Ì_ ^m¡_-Ob nwZ^©aU Š`m h¡ ? dV©_mZ n[aàoú` _|

BgH$s Amdí`H$Vm H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 2+5

(I) qgMmB© AZwgyMrH$aU Š`m h¡ ? ~ohVa µ\$gbmoËnmXZ Ho$

{bE BgHo$ _hÎd H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3+5

6. (H$) {S´>n qgMmB© Š`m h¡ ? BgHo$ bm^ Am¡a H${_`m| H$s

MMm© H$s{OE & 3+5

(I) Am¡Úmo{JH$ BH$mo-nmH©$ Ûmam An{eï> Ob nwZ:MH«$U Ho$

_hÎd H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 7

7. (H$) _¥Xm go ^ao ~m±Y Š`m h¢ ? _¥Xm go ^ao ~m±Ym| Ho$ {d{^Þ
àH$mam| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3+5

ONR-003 5 P.T.O.
(I) Ob n[adhZ XjVm Š`m h¡ ? Ob n[adhZ XjVm H$s
JUZm H$s{OE `{X òmoV go 64 brQ>a à{V goH§$S> H$m
òmd {H$`m J`m Am¡a 50 brQ>a à{V goH§$S> IoV H$mo
{X`m J`m & 2+5

8. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht nm±M na g§{jßV {Q>ßn{U`m±>

{b{IE : 53=15

(H$) g_m§J _¥Xm

(I) _¥Xm àmo\$mBb
(J) Ob H$m Cn^moJmË_H$ Cn`moJ
(K) H§$Qy>a ~m‹S> n§{º$
(L>) [agmd Q>¢H$
(M) VbN>Q> O_m hmoZm
(N>) qgMmB© JhZVm

ONR-003 6

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