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Matching (Not In Order)

Match each statement with the correct person or people, A-E.

Write the correct letter, A—E, in boxes 20-23 on your answer sheet.

20. A sense of identity can never be formed without relationships with other people.
21. A child's awareness of self is related to a sense of mastery over things and people.
22. At a certain age, children's sense of identity leads to aggressive behaviour.
23. Observing their own reflection contributes to children's self awareness.

List of Researchers
A. James
B. Cooley
C. Lewis and Brooks-Gunn
D. Mead
E. Bronson

● Not in order, but easy to do!

● Underline/circle keywords in the questions and/or answer choices, depending
on which has better keywords!
● This question is formed from only 1-2 sentences in the reading passage
● Answer choices may be used more than once, if directions state this.
Otherwise, answer choices can only be used once.
● You must be able to scan for keywords and understand synonym language
Basic Strategy

1. Underline or 2. Identify the easy 3. Scan passage to 4. Find the word(s)

circle keywords in questions to do find keywords and that connect to the
the questions them first. You can synonyms. Mark information being
and/or answer mark them with a keywords in the asked in the
choices check (optional) matching sentence question
Match each statement with the correct person or people, A-E

18. Less time can be spent on exercises with gifted pupils who produce accurate work.

19. Self-reliance is a valuable tool that helps gifted students reach their goals.

20. Gifted children know how to channel their feelings to assist their learning.

List of People Which keywords are

easiest to locate? The
A Freeman ones in the questions
or the answer choices?
B Shore and Kanevsky
C Elshout
D Simonton Keywords in answer
choices are easiest
E Boekaerts to locate in this case!
18. Less time can be spent on exercises with gifted pupils who produce accurate work.

List of People
A Freeman Synonym Language
B Shore and Kanevsky
C Elshout
D Simonton
E Boekaerts Matching Sentence

High achievers have been found to use self-regulatory learning strategies more often and
more effectively than lower achievers, and are better able to transfer these strategies to
deal with unfamiliar tasks. This happens to such a high degree in some children that they
appear to be demonstrating talent in particular areas. Overviewing research on the thinking
process of highly able children, (Shore and Kanevsky, 1993) put the instructor's problem
succinctly: 'If they (the gifted) merely think more quickly, then we need only teach more
quickly. If they merely make fewer errors, then we can shorten the practice'.
19. Self-reliance is a valuable tool that helps gifted students reach their goals.

List of People
A Freeman
Synonym Language B Shore and Kanevsky
C Elshout
D Simonton
E Boekaerts
Matching Sentence

But scientific progress is not all theoretical; knowledge is also vital to outstanding
performance: individuals who know a great deal about a specific domain will achieve at a
higher level than those who do not (Elshout, 1995). Research with creative scientists by
Simonton (1988) brought him to the conclusion that above a certain high level,
characteristics such as independence seemed to contribute more to the reaching the
highest levels of expertise than intellectual skills, due to the great demands of effort and
time needed for learning and practice.
20. Gifted children know how to channel their feelings to assist their learning.

List of People
A Freeman
B Shore and Kanevsky Synonym Language
C Elshout
D Simonton
E Boekaerts Matching Sentence

To sum up, learning is affected by emotions of both the individual and significant others.
Positive emotions facilitate the creative aspects of learning and negative emotions inhibit it.
Fear, for example, can limit the development of curiosity, which is a strong force in scientific
advance, because it motivates problem-solving behaviour. In Boekaerts' (1991) review of
emotion in the learning of very high IQ and highly achieving children, she found emotional
forces in harness. They were not only curious, but often had a strong desire to control their
environment, improve their learning efficiency, and increase their own learning resources.
Next stop is…

How to Answer Paragraph

Location Questions
Paragraph Location
Learn how to answer this question type Learn from the world’s best IELTS course.

Paragraph Location (Not In Order)

Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.

14. examples of different ways in which the parallax principle has been
15. a description of an event which prevented a transit observation
16. a statement about potential future discoveries leading on from transit
17. a description of physical states connected with Venus which early
astronomical instruments failed to overcome

● Not in order - Challenging question

● Do this last so you have a better understanding of what the Passage is about
● Made up with information from different paragraphs
● You have to search for very specific information from the passage. This is
different from the Headings question, which asks for the main idea.
● This specific information will be written in synonym language
● Each question is formed from only 1-2 sentences in the reading passage
Basic Strategy

1. Underline or 2. Do other 3. While scanning 4. After finishing 5. Start with

circle keywords in easy/in-order for easy/in-order other easy/in-order questions for which
Paragraph Location questions first questions first, questions first, then you’ve already
questions and leave (such as Fill-Blank, keep an eye out for return to Paragraph found keywords
them for last Multiple Choice, keywords from Location questions while scanning for
Yes/No, etc.) Paragraph Location answers to other
questions questions
Underline/circle keywords
Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraphs A-H. and then leave these
questions for last! Finish
Which paragraph contains the following information? other easy/in-order
questions first!
These questions are asking for very specific information

1. mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier natural

Repetitive Keyword
2. an example of a successful use of geo-engineering (not very useful)
3. a common definition of geo-engineering

Start by answering the

Easiest Question questions which you’ve already
located in the passage
3. a common definition of geo-engineering

Synonym Language

A. Such is our dependence on fossil fuels, and such is the volume of carbon
dioxide already released into the atmosphere, that many experts agree that
significant global warming is now inevitable. Consequently, an increasing number
of scientists are beginning to explore the alternative of geo-engineering - a
term which generally refers to the intentional large-scale manipulation of the
Matching Sentence

H. The main reason why geo-engineering is supported by many in the scientific

community is that most researchers have little faith in the ability of politicians to
agree - and then bring in - the necessary carbon cuts. Even leading conservation
organizations see the value of investigating the potential of geo-engineering.
1. mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier natural phenomenon

Synonym Language

C. The majority of geo-engineering projects so far carried out - which include

planting forests in deserts and depositing iron in the ocean to stimulate the
growth of algae - have focused on achieving a general cooling of the Earth. But
some look specifically at reversing the melting at the poles, particularly the Arctic.

D. The concept of releasing aerosol sprays into the stratosphere above the
Arctic has been proposed by several scientists. This would involve using sulphur
or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds, which
would, in turn, lead to a global dimming. The idea is modelled on historic volcanic
explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991, which led
to a short-term cooling of global temperatures by 0.5°C.
Matching Sentence
2. an example of a successful use of geo-engineering
Synonym Language

B. Geo-engineering has been shown to work, at least on a small localised scale.

For decades, May Day parades in Moscow have taken place under clear blue skies,
aircraft having deposited dry ice, silver iodide and cement powder to disperse
clouds. Many of the schemes now suggested look to do the opposite, and reduce
the amount of sunlight reaching the planet. Matching Sentence

D. The US National Center for Atmospheric Research has already suggested

that the proposal to inject sulphur into the atmosphere might affect rainfall
patterns across the tropics and the Southern Ocean. 'Geo-engineering plans to
inject stratospheric aerosols or to seed clouds would act to cool the planet, and
act to increase the extent of sea ice,' says Rasch. 'But all the models suggest some
impact on the distribution of precipitation.'
Next stop is…

Head to
ings Q Answer
Learn how to answer this question type Learn from the world’s best IELTS course.

Headings (Not In Order)

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B—E from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i—vii, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings
i. Seeking the transmission of radio signals from planets
ii. Appropriate responses to signals from other civilisations
iii. Vast distances to Earth's closest neighbours
iv. Assumptions underlying the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence
v. Reasons for the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence
vi. Knowledge of extra-terrestrial life forms
vii. Likelihood of life on other planets

● Not in order - Challenging question

● Do this last so you have a better understanding of what the Passage is about

● This is a main idea question. Examiners want to know if you can understand the main
idea (gist) of different paragraphs.

● Be careful of the exact language trap! Don’t choose an answer just because the same
keywords are used. The correct answer will use synonym language.

● The most important sentence in a paragraph is the first sentence

● Each heading can only be used once! The example heading will not be used.
Basic Strategy

1. Underline or 2. Go to the 3. Read the first & 4. Go to Headings 5. Move onto the
circle keywords shortest paragraph second sentence of questions & choose next shortest
(names, numbers, in the passage - this the paragraph first. the answer choice paragraph & repeat
places) in the will be the easiest If you still don’t find that captures the the process until
answer choices to answer the answer, read same meaning you finish
the last sentence
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B and D-F from the list of headings below.
Pay attention to which
Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 14-15 on your answer sheet. paragraphs will be used

Cross out the

answer choice, List of Headings
that has already
been used for
i. How past climatic conditions can be determined Each heading
the example (answer choice)
ii. A growing need for weather records can only be used
iii. A study covering a thousand years

iv. People have always responded to climate change

Example Answer 14. Paragraph C Start with the

shortest paragraph
Paragraph A iv. 15. Paragraph D in the passage!
List of Headings

i. How past climatic conditions can be determined

ii. A growing need for weather records
iii. A study covering a thousand years

15. Paragraph D Synonym Language Main Idea

D. This book is a narrative history of climatic shifts during the past ten centuries, and
some of the ways in which people in Europe adapted to them. Part One describes the
Medieval Warm Period, roughly 900 to 1200. During these three centuries, Norse voyagers
from Northern Europe explored northern seas, settled Greenland, and visited North
America. It was not a time of uniform warmth, for then, as always since the Great Ice Age,
there were constant shifts in rainfall and temperature. Mean European temperatures were
about the same as today, perhaps slightly cooler.
Read first & second sentence first. If you still don’t find the answer, read the last sentence.
List of Headings

i. How past climatic conditions can be determined Main Idea

ii. A growing need for weather records
iii. A study covering a thousand years

14. Paragraph C Synonym Language

C. Reconstructing the climate changes of the past is extremely difficult, because systematic
weather observations began only a few centuries ago, in Europe and North America. Records
from India and tropical Africa are even more recent. For the time before records began, we
have only ‘proxy records' reconstructed largely from tree rings and ice cores, supplemented
by a few incomplete written accounts. We now have hundreds of tree-ring records from
throughout the northern hemisphere, and many from south of the equator, too, amplified with
a growing body of temperature data from ice cores drilled in Antarctica, Greenland, the
Peruvian Andes, and other locations. We are close to a knowledge of annual summer and
winter temperature variations over much of the northern hemisphere going back 600 years.
Next stop is…

How to Answer Pick From

List Questions
Pick From List
Learn how to answer this question type Learn from the world’s best IELTS course.

Pick From List (Not In Order)

Choose TWO letters, A-F.

Write the correct letters in boxes 11 and 12 on your answer sheet.
The list below includes factors contributing to classroom noise.
Which TWO are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

A. current teaching methods

B. echoing corridors
C. cooling systems
D. large class sizes
E. loud-voiced teachers
F. playground games

● Not in order - Challenging question

● Do this last so you have a better understanding of what the Passage is about
● First, scan for main keywords the question; and then from answer choices
● Answer may be found in the one paragraph or multiple paragraphs
● Some information presented in the answer choices may not exist
● You must be able to scan the passage and understand synonym language
● Each question is formed from only 1-2 sentences in the reading passage
Basic Strategy

1. Underline or 2. Do other 3. While scanning 4. After finishing 5. Start with

circle keywords in easy/in-order for easy/in-order other easy/in-order questions for which
the Pick From List questions first questions first, questions first, then you’ve already
questions and leave (such as Fill-Blank, keep an eye out for return to Pick From found keywords
them for last Multiple Choice, keywords from Pick List questions while scanning for
Yes/No etc.) From List questions answers to other
(and mark them) questions
Start by answering the
Choose TWO letters, A-E. Answered separately - One
questions which you’ve
letter per question!
already located in the
Write the correct letters in boxes 18-19 on your answer sheet. passage

Which TWO of these advantages of online social networking are mentioned in Reading Passage 3?

Keywords in the
question will likely
A. Social networking sites can be accessed on any day and at any time. be more useful
than keywords in
B. Online socialising is an efficient way of keeping touch with a lot of people. answer choices

C. It is very easy to establish new friendships online.

D. It can be reassuring to be part of an online social network.

E. Online social networking can solve problems in real-world relationships.

Underline/circle keywords and then
leave these questions for last! Finish
Repetitive Keyword (not very useful)
other easy/in-order questions first!
Which TWO of these advantages of online social networking are mentioned in Reading Passage 3?

A. Social networking sites can be accessed on any day and at any time.
B. Online socialising is an efficient way of keeping touch with a lot of people.
C. It is very easy to establish new friendships online.
Synonym Language
D. It can be reassuring to be part of an online social network.
E. Online social networking can solve problems in real-world relationships.
Matching Sentences

A. Today our number of weak-tie contacts has exploded via online social networking. 'You
couldn't maintain all of those weak ties on your own,' says Jennifer Golbeck of the
University of Maryland. 'Online sites, such as Facebook, give you a way of cataloguing them.'

E. Online social networking may also have tangible effects on our well-being. People are
readily sharing personal feelings and experiences to a wider circle than they might once
have done. 'The ability to broadcast to our social group means we need never feel alone,'
says Sandy Pentland. 'The things that befall us are often due to a lack of social support.
There's more of a safety net now.’
Which TWO of these disadvantages of online social networking are mentioned in Reading Passage 3?

A. Information from online social contacts may be unreliable.

B. We may become jealous of people who seem to have wide circle of friends.
C. We may lose the ability to relate to people face-to-face.
D. It is easy to waste a lot of time on social networking sites.
E. Using social network sites may result in a lack of privacy. Synonym Language

B. The explosion of weak ties could have profound consequences for our social structures
too, according to Judith Donath. For example, many people now turn to their online social
networks ahead of sources such as newspapers and television for trusted and relevant news
or information. What they hear could well be inaccurate, but the change is happening
nonetheless. Matching Sentence

F. Henry Holzman points out that increased visibility also means our various social
spheres - family, work, friends - are merging, and so we will have to prepare for new societal
norms. 'We'll have to learn how to live a more transparent life,' he says. 'We may have to give
up some ability to show very limited glimpses of ourselves to others.'
Next stop is…

Final Tips

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