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This is to certify that this research project “Ethical analysis of Biblical view on polygamy:
implication to Christianity today” has been approved for the award of Degree (B.A) in the
Department of Religious, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State.

____________________ Date____________________

Joshua Aondoawase Ajim PhD


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Professor Luqman Zakariyah

Head of Department

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External examiner


DANGANA NAHANDE K, an Undergraduate student of the Department of Religious studies,

Federal University of Kashere with Reg. No. FUKU/HMSS/17/CRS/00029, has satisfactorily
completed the required courses and research work for the award of Degree (B.A) in Christians
Religious Studies. The work embodied in this project to the best of knowledge is original and has
not in any way been submitted in part or full for any other Degree or Diploma of this or any
other university.


I dedicated this work to God Almighty the author, perfecto and finisher of my faith. He gives
wisdom, knowledge and understanding in abundance. And in Memory and honor of my late
father Mr. Kabiru Ayuba Dangana, I love and I truly miss you, continue to rest in the bosom of
the Lord Almighty.


I want to sincerely render my appreciation to God Almighty who in His infinite mercy and
Grace granted me the opportunity to complete my studies and make my dream a reality, He alone
be glorified till generations.

my profaned gratitude goes to my project supervisor, Dr. Joshua Aondoawase Ajim who
patiently read through this work and make corrections and contributions am blessed,

my appreciation also goes to my Dad Mr. Jonathan Yassah and His beautiful wife Mrs.
Nester Jonathan Yassah, I pray the Lord will continue to preserved u for us. To my uncle Mr.
Haniel Henry Jatau, who supported me throughout the years of my studies both spiritually,
academically and financially am grateful, and also to my father Mr. Monday Birbodwoi

I want to use this privilege to appreciate my lectures Dr. Loveday Onyezonwu Chigozie
who inspired me to write on the topic, and to Dr. Owolabi Joseph Lawal and Mr. Uche Ofondu,
who created time to vet this work, to all the lecturers of religious department and of Christian
religious unit Ishaya Mallo Makpu, PhD. Dr. Jegede Oyebode Paul, Dr. Ekele Attah Philip, Dr.
Babalola, Mrs. David Bahal Azomo, Mr. Abare Yunusa Kallah, Mr. Akwaki Lumba Akwaki. I
want to acknowledge the falling Heroes who have also make mark in my life Late Rev. Dr. I.S
Okoha, Late Dr. Cliffort Gbamsha and Late Rev. John S. Tula may your Soul continue to rest in

I also want to appreciate my siblings Diokadan Dangana, Solomi Dangana, Malachi

Dangana Philip Dangana, Womtaya Dangana, Budonsa and the last born in the family Dogan
your prayers sustained me.

In the same vain I want to appreciate my friends Ayuba Jackson, Prorishimi Henry, Jossy
Mark, and Musa Gilbert for the love you show me throughout this year’s am indebted. And my
new family in School Noah David Danladi, Geofrey Enock Dalinka Turundi SM. Samkar Sarah,
Shinga Rueben Rhoda indeed u are Friends for life. And to my able course mate I can’t be able
to call you by names indeed meeting you is a privilege. Finally, to my roommate I learn more of
life through you.


i. Blank Page
ii. Title Page
iii. Approval
iv. Dedication
v. Acknowledgement
vi. Table of Contents
vii. List of Abbreviations
viii. List of Appendixes
ix. Abstract



1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Aim and objectives

1.4 The significant of the study

1.5 Research method

1.6 The scope of the study

1.7 Organization of the Research




2.1 Conceptual Review

2.1.1 The concept of Marriage

2.1.2 The Concept of Polygamy

2.1.3 The Concept of Ethics

2.2 Empirical Review

2.2.1 Reason for polygamy

2.2.2 Effect of polygamy

2.2.3 Biblical Argument on the Practices of polygamy





3.1.1 polygamous Practices in the Deutoronomical books

3.1.2 Polygamous Practices in the Historical books

3.1.3 polygamous Practices in the Poetic books

3.1.4 Polygamous Practices in the prophetic books





4.1 Position of Christians on Polygamy

4.2 The practices of polygamy among Christians

4.3 Effect of polygamy to Christianity

4.4 The Ethics of Polygamous Marriages Among African Christians




5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendations


Whereas it is understood erroneously among people that polygamy implies union of a man been

married to more than one wife, the right definition of polygamy of polygamy implies marriage

with two of more spouse at the same time, which could be either polygyny a man with more than

one wife or polyandry woman with more than one husband. The work uses the concept polygamy

to referred to the right term polygyny. Historically Christianity particularly Africans have

suffered much by the rejection of polygamy as an acceptable form of marriage by the Europeans

missionaries who at first brought the gospel to us. It is therefore very important to examine the

scripture before making conclusions on the morality of the practice, since its evidently that the

practices exist in the scripture. The Bible did not in any way expresses condemned polygamous

practices, though the form of marriage has its own positive and pitfall consequence the same as

any form of marriage, its therefore advisedly that the church revise the doctrine of one man one

woman or at best polygamy be made optional for the growth and development of Christianity.



1.1 Background of the Study

The concept of marriage is dated back to the time of creation. Marriage is thus defined as

a legal union of two or more persons that creates a family tie and carries legal, social, and/or

religious rights and responsibilities, its takes different form throughout history.

Polygamy as a form of marriage is defined by Anthropology as a marriage between one

person and two or more spouse simultaneously.1 The Encyclopedia defined polygamy as a

marriage to more than one spouse at a time. The most typical form of polygamy has been

polygyny, in which co-wives share a husband, or polyandry, in which co-husbands share a wife. 2

The word polygamy is derived from the Greek word polygon is understood in the border sense to

include any simultaneous multiple marriage union for male polygyny and for female polyandry. 3

However the word polygamy is used throughout this work to describe the state of a man having

more than one woman.

Although monogamy was clearly God’s intention from the beginning, the picture change

after Adam and Eve first sin and expulsion from the garden. There are numerous polygamous

practices throughout the Old Testament, according to Genesis narrative Lamech (Genesis 4:19).

Who was the great grandson of Cain, was the first to take two wives, namely Adah and Zilla.

The Hebrew patriarch and father of faith, Abram, who later become Abraham also had more than

one wife when his first wife was barren, he follows her advice and took Hager the Egyptian

maidservant. (Genesis 16: 2-3). Abraham grandson Jacob also joins the custom of Laban, and

married two wives. Jacob first married Leah, whom he did not prefer, Jacob work an additional

seven years for Rachel, after he already had received Leah. He also received Bilhah and Zilpha

Rachel and Leah servants as wives (Genesis30:48-49). Esau had four wives (Genesis 36:2-3, 8,

28:89, 36:6) and Moses the great Israel leader, had more than one wife (Exodus 2:21, Number

12:1).4 The Mosaic Law likewise accommodated the practice of marrying more than one wife

including capture prisoners from foreign conquest (Deuteronomy 25:5-12). In the old testament

God didn't only permit polygamy but took responsibility for it, (2 nd Samuel 12: 7-8) when

prophet Nathan confront David over his sin with Bathsheba, this is what the Lord the God of

Israel says " I delivered you from the hand of Saul, I have given you your master house, and your

master wives in to your bosom and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah and if it was not

enough, I would give you more."5

There are no explicit references in the New Testament to polygamy, except for a possible

reference in (1st Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1:6). 1st Timothy 3:1 says that " if someone desire to be

overseas, then he desire a good job" verse 2 says " An oversea, then must be above reproach the

man of one woman, sober, orderly and someone who is able to teach.6

Most Christians who view polygamy as a sin and condemned in the scripture draw their

augment from the creation ordinances. (Genesis 1:27-28) So God created mankind in His own

image He created them male and female, God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and

increased in number fill the earth and subdue it. God gave only one wife to Adam. Still in

(Genesis 2:23-25) are closely related and bear directly on the subject of family, the monogamous

relationship was sent forth as a normal intention for marriage, the foundation cornerstone of the

family,7 They also Support this view with Jesus teaching in Matthew 19:4-6. “He answered have

you not read that He who made them from the beginning made them male and female and said

for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joint to his wife, the two shall

become one flesh? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined

together, let no man put asunder” Paul also express a similar view (1st Corinthian 6:16-17).

Patterson a proponent of this school of thought upheld that polygamy didn’t match the structure

of marriage given by God from the beginning.8

The early European missionaries brought Christianity to Africa and the religion was

embraced by African. The Europeans, however unfortunately didn't take into consideration the

culture of Africans such as polygamy. 9 Just as polygamy is an acceptable and legal form of

marriage within Judaism as seen in the Old Testament the same is with the Africans. But with the

coming of the European missionaries their understanding of marriage fit to their Culture of

monogamous form of marriage, the European not only emphasis monogamy to Christian but also

condemned polygamy. Since from the coming of the early European missionaries to Africa,

polygamy has been one of the difficulties the African had with accepting Christianity. The

Europeans with their teaching of monogamy and condemned polygamy has affected the church

negatively.10 Falaye opined that the acceptance of only monogamy as the only accepted form of

marriage turned to reduce the level of cooperation of the Africans and there by slowing down the

work of European missionaries to Africans.11 While many people today want to joined the church

but the stand of Christian /church today concerning these issue has stop them from doing so.

Taking a position to either monogamy or polygamy as the accepted form of marriage, the Bible

which is the source of Christians Ethics need to be examined.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Polygamy has been long aged issue, and till today Christian camp are divided into two on

polygamy. One school of thought believed that polygamy is good and biblical while the second

school of thought out rightly condemned polygamy. The second school of thought based their

point on the premise of God creating one woman for Adam. It is on this note that the researcher

attempts to address some ethical issues on polygamy in the light of the scriptures. What is the

position of the bible on the polygamy, how are people interpreting these positions? Does that

mean polygamist will not enter the kingdom of God? These and some other salient questions

form the basis of this work.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the research is to look at the biblical perspective and position on polygamy and

its effects, also, to correct the wrong notion some Christians have about polygamy. To achieve

this, aim the following specific objective will be considered:

1. To bring out the meaning of polygamy and the various form of polygamy.

2. To examine the Biblical perspective of polygamy.

3. To explain the implication of polygamy to Christianity/ church.

4. To describe the various form of illegal marriages found among Christians today.

5. To address the wrong notion Christians have on polygamy.

6. To shed more light on the benefit of polygamy.

7. To make some recommendations on how the position of the church/ Christian’s should be on


1.4 The Significance of the Study

The findings of this work will help Christians understand the stand of the scripture to the practice

of polygamy, it will point out the ethics of polygamy, the study will educate communities and

eliminate various misconceptions they have toward polygamy, marriage counselors will also

benefit from this work it will help them dealt with some marital problems they encounter

particular from polygamous family and who intent having additional Wives. The research will

suggest a position the church/Christians should be on polygamy. The research will also help

other researchers in the field who are interested in investigating the truth of the Bible to the

practice of polygamy.

1.5 Research Method

The researcher intends to use historical method and secondary sources which will serve as

major instrument for study development. Secondary source will concentrate on pure library

information which includes information gathering from text books, journals, article, newspaper

and magazine, and other written materials relevant to the study. Empirical, exegetical and

analytical method.

1.6 The Scope of the Study

The scope of this work is primarily on polygamy from the Biblical view. This work is only

limited to the topic at hand, anything aside this may not be considered.

1.7 The Organization of the Research

The research will be organized in chapters from chapter one to five. Chapter one will be

introduction, chapter two review of the related literature's, chapter three Biblical view of

polygamy while chapter four will be implication of polygamy to Christianity and chapter five

will be summary, conclusion and recommendations.


M. Koortvedgard, Zeitzen, Polygamy (Polygyny, Polyandry), John Willew & Sons Inc 1997-

2021, first Published September, 04-2018.

https:/ (Accessed page July 20th 2021)

P. Paul’s, Polygamy marriage, The encyclopedia Britannica, (Accessed July, 10th 2021)

C. Lucey, meaning of polygamy, published may 5, 2021 (Accessed July 10th 2021)

G. A. Thornbury, God Plan for Marriage Dealing with old testament Polygamy, Bible study

tools staff June 24, 2021;

%3famp? (Accessed July, 10th, 2021)

B. Burridge, does the bible forbid polygamy, mantra and word press 2013. /does-the-bible-forbid-polygamy (accessed July 10th 2021)

J. J. Ras, Polygamy (polyandry & polygyny), Yes or No, Inkanyinso, JNL hummanities and

social science, 2010. page 4

W. F. Luck, divorce and Re-marriage recovery the Biblical view, published April 29

2009. (Accessed, July, 19,


R. Patterson: What about polygamy in the Bible? 2011, updated May 24 2021, (Accessed on 23 October)

T. A. Falaye, Polygamy and Christianity in Africa, UK, Published by European Centre a

Research Training and Development, Global Journal of Arts Humanities and Social

Sciences Vol. 4, ( October 2016 page 18-28.

Ibid page 21

Ibid Page 26



2.1 Conceptual review

This section is meant to interact with the opinions of various scholars who have written volume

on the topic at hand. Therefore, various concepts shall be thoroughly defined and draw out the

area of interest and difference

2.1.1 The concept of marriage

The institution of marriage is as old as the creation of the world, it is a universal accepted

practice, as a social institution it has taking different form culturally and religiously time


Anthropologies have proposed several competing definition of marriage in an attempt to

encompass the wide variety of marital practice observed across cultures. 1 Haviland, Williams and

Dana defined marriage as a culturally recognized union between people called spouses. It

established rights and obligations between them as well as between them and their children and

between them and their in-laws. Typically, it is an institution in which interpersonal

relationships, usually sexual, is acknowledge or sanctioned .2 Also Sheri Stritof defined marriage

as a union, social and legal contract between two individuals that unites their lives legally,

economically and emotionally. The contractual marriage agreement usually implies that the

couple legal obligations to each other throughout their lives until the decided to divorce due to

some reason beyond contract. Being married also gives legitimacy to sexual relations within the

marriage. Traditionally marriage is often viewed as having a key role in the preservation of moral

and civilizations.3 Individual may have married for several reasons, including legal, social,

emotional, financial, spiritual and religious purpose.4

2.1.2 The Concept of Polygamy

Polygamy as a form of marriage is the union of a man with two or more wives or woman

with two or more husbands united in the institution of marriage. The word polygamy from the

Greek polygamous is a stage of marriage to many spouses. 5 Polygamy is defined as a mating

system in which an individual has more than one mate simultaneously, that can either be male or

female.6 When a man is married to more than one wife at a time sociology called it polygyny,

when a woman is married to more than one husband at a time it’s called polyandry.7

According to Gaskiya, the concept is defined as culturally determined, socially accepted and

legally recognized form of permanent marriage were a man has more than one wife at a time. 8

Shahzad state that polygamy is as old as human society, and cited David and Solomon as just two

among many.9 These various definitions are very pertinent to the work in the sense that they

make the readers of this work understand different definition of polygamy.

Types of Polygamy

Polygamous marriages can be practice through three different methods which are: polygyny

(more than one wife) polyandry (more than one husband) and polygynandry (a group marriage

where more than one wife is married to more than one husband) but two of them are majorly

practice which are:

1. polygyny: The practice wherein a man has more than one wife at the same time, is by far

the most common form of polygamy. Polygyny to varying extents both legally and


2. Polyandry: the practice of a woman having more than one husband at a time, is much less

prevalent than polygyny.

3. Group Marriage is a non-monogamous marriage like arrangement where three or more

adult lives together, all considering themselves partner, sharing finances, children and

household responsibility.10

2.1.3The concept of Ethics

Ethics as a branch of philosophy that seek to defined what is right and wrong, it is a

philosophy that involved systematizing, defending, and recommending the concept of right and

wrong conduct, often addressing dispute of moral diversity. The term comes from the Greek

word ethos, which means "character" The super field within philosophy known as axiology

include both ethics and Aesthetics and is unified by each sub-branches concern with value,

philosophical ethics investigate what is the best way for human to live and what kind of action

are right or wrong in particular circumstances.11

2.2 Empirical review

The review in this section meant to look at the various scholarly view on the topic, make

contribution, criticism, and point out the missing gap which the researcher intent filling.

2.2.1 Reason for Polygamy

Elijah M. Baloyi, investigate the topic, Critical reflection on polygamy in the Africans

Christian context: He points out the flowing reasons for polygamous marriage.

A. A Remedy for the Problem of Infertility:

Baloyi cited Mbiti, to convey the importance of childbearing in marriages, "stating

marriages and childbearing are the medicine against death, while death continue to

demolish life marriages and childbearing keep ahead of it at all time” One is reminded of

the story of Abraham and Hagar which suggested the permissible of polygamy in instance

of barrenness. Baloyi also cited Mainlu, to suggested that "Polygamy is the kindest

solution in the case of a wife who is infertile because this is preferable to being expelled

from the household and having to look for another husband. 12 Supporting the view of

Baloyi, Mbiti and Mainlu, childbearing is an instruction giving by God in the Scripture,

in Genesis 1:28, After the creation of man and woman God united them in marriage, bless

them and said " be multiply and fill the earth " children are always regarded as blessing to

any marriage.

B. Sexual incompatibility

Bolayi again cited Mbiti, Mainlu and Kathinde, to agreed that polygamy when view as

preventive measure against unfaithfulness, allowed a man who worked far from home to take

one wife with him at the place where he is, while another wife or wives continue taking care of

the children and the household in the rural area. In such situation the husband would be unlikely

to have concubine or frequent female prostitutes in the town" Mainlu suggested that "if a wife is

less instructed in sex than her husband there is justifiable reason for him to take and additional

wife" Okorie when cited by Baloyi express a similar view " Polygamy result in less temptation

for a man to commit adultery. 13 To support Baloyi view Sari M. Van Anders in his book,

Testosterone and sexual desire in healthy men and women, the research prove that sexual desire

is typically higher in men than in women, men show higher desire than women. 14 Every person

has their own sex drive that is normal to them, however medically reviewed by Jennet Brito

Written by Louis Morales Brown on Men with high and low libido, show that there are men with

low libido while there are men with high libido. 15 Accessing the previous research prove that

men with high libido can't be satisfied by one woman.

C. A way of taking care of widows:

Baloyi quoted Okarie "A widely African belief that levirate marriages constitute a means of

taking care of widows". Levirate marriages are seen as a way of protecting both the widow and

her children, who will have been taken care by the younger brother or relatives of the late


The practice of levirate marriage is also supported and regulated in the scripture, the first

example of levirate marriage in the scripture appeared in the in the book of Genesis 38 the story

of Tamar and Onan, Tamar had been married to Er son of Judah. Er died leaving Tamar childless,

Onan was to married his brother wife to rise up offspring for his brother, unfortunately Onan was

only willing to have sex with Tamar but not to have child with her, in verse ten God called Onan

action wickedness and killed him. Levirate marriage becomes part of the law in Deuteronomy

25:56, The Israelites are commanded to care for women whose husband died before they had

children. Brother of the deceased man bore a responsibility to marry his sister in-law God called

it "the duty of a brother in law" the ancient Israel culture the same as Africans, the passing on of

the family name and the inheritance within a tribe were vitally important. Another example of

levirate marriage in the Bible is found in the book of Ruth, the story of Ruth and Boaz, Ruth first

husband died without leaving a child. Officially Boaz was not the one to redeem her, but the

redeemer officially transfers his right of redemption to Boaz and Boaz finally married Ruth. 17

Emmanuel K. Twesigwe investigate the topic: Query on reason for polygamy; find out some

reason for polygamy particularly in Africa, among which are:

A. Man wealth was measured by the number of his wives as well as the number of children

and livestock. Women and children were safer in lager household where they were better

protected from aggressor. Pride was associated with a lager family and shame and low self-

esteem were associated with small families and it is a symbol of poverty.

B. Polygamy insured that most marriageable girls were married off. 18 In view of Twesigye

argument, today as a result of the Allege on polygamy the number of unmarried girls is

increasing while majority of these girls are due for marriage.

Bolayi and Twesigwe identify some reasons for the practices of polygamous marriage, the

mention reasons might not be the only causes of polygamous relationship other reason are

shunning infidelity, and hypocritical life style. Polygamy allow men to love and married as many

women as they can be responsible of, by the virtue of having the opportunity to add to the wife

of wives they have already, this will take away their heart from fornication and adultery. Other

reason for polygamy is situational, in a community were the number of women supersede those

of men especially as a result of war polygamy occurred so as to ensure that widows and their

orphans with other young girls are all married, for the sustenance of that community. Larger

family are associated with pride particularly in Africa its gives the sense of security and

belonging decision are more likely accepted from such family, and polygamy provide an avenue

for establishing larger family each wife gave birth to many children, children from such family

enjoy company and assistance of one another. In Africa society prestige is associated with having

more wives therefore it become necessary for men of prestige such as kings to married more

wives. These and others are some of the reason for polygamous practices, as noted by Bolayi and

Twesigwe that polygamy has enough reason that justify its practice, but more fell back at

sustaining and maintaining the status of Christians in political game.

2.2.2 The effect of polygamy

Salmon Elbedour, Anthony J, Onwuegbuizie, Corin Caridine and Hassan Abu sa'ad made a

research on the: effect of polygamous marital structure on the behavioral, emotional and

academic adjustment in children; This research show that marital conflict, absence of the father

and financial stress are associated with polygamy marriages.

Marital conflict: Elbedour find out that children of polygamous families experience a higher

incidence of marital conflict, family violence and disruption. They stated that marital difficulties,

discord and distress in turn have a direct effect on the mental health status of children. In their

study of children age 8 through 18, Buehlar and Gerard reported that 11% of the children

maladjustment could be accounted for by marital conflict and ineffective parenting. They also

stated that development outcome of children predicted by marital problems include poor school

achievement. Anthony further added that marital conflict is likely to disrupt effective parenting

and parental involvement. Elbedour continue that polygamous marriages often led to family

dissolution, men may live their senior wives and their children in other to live with later wives

and their children. In this case the father may not participated in the upbringing of all his children

and those left behind may experience feeling of grief and abandonment as well as lower level of

parental supervision. Caridine Sa’ad and Stanley Hagan mentioned four keys correlated of a

father absence that have strongest effect on children's these include economic distress, child

perception of abonnement by the father and parental conflict.19

Aslihan okan Ibiboglu, Abdullah Atli and Mustafa Ozkan research on the Negative effect of

polygamy on the family members the findings show that 75% of husband were pleased in

polygamous marriages. There are significantly differences between senior wives and junior

wives age in polygamous marriages. Polygamous husband along with their psychoticism,

hostility and phobic anxiety were significantly higher. Disorders, somatization and a loss of self-

esteem. In addition to having the responsibility of supporting multiple women and children, men

can have different problem in polygamous marriage. Polygamous marriage also is associated

with child, husband and wives’ mental health symptoms. There is higher risk for psychiatrist

disorder among all family members regardless of their education, family socio-economic profiled

and family household composition20

Mohammad Al-Shafi, Karen Pfeffer and Kirsty A. Miller investigate the topic: the effect of

polygamy on children and adolescent; the research show that children and adolescents from

polygamous families had higher level on a range of psychopathology symptoms. Miller quoted,

Elbedour stated that mental health problems, Obsessive compulsive symptoms, Paranoid

Ideation, Depression, Hostility, Phobic Anxiety, Psychoticism, Acute Effective Disorder,

Externalizing problem, Social Difficulties, Attention problems and Delinquent problems. These

symptoms are associated with other variable such as family Dysfunction, lower family cohesion

and violence in polygamous home. Adolescent from polygamous families were found to have

lower self-esteem.21

The editors of Encyclopedia Britannica on the topic: polygamous marriage, suggested a

contrary opinion to the previous research on the effect of polygamy. They suggested that

polygyny has several economic, social and health advantages. In most culture women contribute

significantly to the wealth of the household and can thus materially benefit from the labor of an

additional spouse. Where mortality rate of men consistently exceeds those of women, polygamy

can be seen as a resolution to the deficit of male and the surplus of females.

Socially, co-wives and children accrue enhanced status and prestige of members of large

household. In society that provided no institutionalized role for unmarried women the status of

co-wives may be preferable than that of a single woman.

Polygamy can also have positive effect on maternal and child health during postpartum

recovery for instance co-wives can usually rely upon each other to perform the most strenuous

work of the household. By creating opportunities for sexual companionship among other women

of the marriage, polygamy also support the once common expectation the woman will remain

sexually absence for two or more years beginning in the last month of pregnancy. This practice

fosters adequate birth spacing for the mother to recover from the physiological and emotional

stress associated with pregnancy lactation and care of a young child.22

Tabi Doster and Chaney, made a research on The effect of polygamy on modern society's;

they recommended that the social effect associated with polygamy is competition between co-

wives. They give birth to as many children as they can, as a way of getting lager shared by the

family when it comes to inheritance. Giving birth becomes a contest among these wives,

competition at the end produced effects that are injuries to the society. Competition among wives

is likely to culminate conflicted that largely affected society stability. Polygamous marriages are

a burden to men and their wives, a man is deprived in mind and body due to the heavily

responsibility of sustaining a big family. Women are deprived psychological as a result of being

reduced to physical pleasure instrument. These result in child negligence in that children are less

supported and well maintained by their parents. Parents invest less time and money in the up-

keeping, education, as well as in providing of critical care for their children. Todi quoted

Elbedour, Onwuegbuzie, Caridine and Abu Sa’ad, stated that at the end the society bears the

consequences of the problem associated with lack of education and proper parenting of children.

Another common consequence is substance abuse among children due to lack of parental

guidance. The early substance abuse affects the society and increase crime rate.23

Elbedour stated that marital conflict, absence of father, and financial stress on the part of

men are associated with polygamous relationship while Ibiboglu and Al-Sharif hold that

psychiatrist disorder, socio-economic problems, depression, hostility, mental health, problems,

violence in home are all concomitant with multiple relationships. Chaney explain that children

from polygamous relationship especially those who their parents can’t take care of, grew up to

become a menaissance in the society. Previous research on the effect of polygamy except for the

editors of Encyclopedia that consider the positive effect of polygamy all others focus on the

negative effect. Though polygamous family are bound to have negative effect, nevertheless those

negative effects are not exception of monogamous family conflict violence, hostility and

deception are also found in monogamous family. The first atrocity of murder in the scripture is

from monogamous home, between two brothers Cain and Abel. Genesis 4:1-8 Another example

from the Bible is found in Genesis 27:1-45 the narratives of Iza’ac family. Negative and positive

effect are both associated with polygamous and monogamous family.

2.2.3 Biblical argument on the practice of polygamy

Lionel Windor, in his work: polygamy in the Bible A sordid tale: Windor examine some

polygamist in the Bible and brought out his conclusion on the subject matter, he began with

Lamech the first polygamous recorded in the scripture. Lamech, call a family conference so he

can boast about his inordinate vengeful violence. He was clearly not a nice man, Genesis 4:19-

24, Jacob also had two wives and two concubines a situation which created family heartbreak,

enmity and ultimate attempted murder Genesis 29-37, Gideon has many wives and many sons

judges 8:30, this result in civil war and wholesale slaughter in Israel, again Windor mention

David who has a seemingly insatiable appetite for women. He has many wives 2 ndSamuel 5:13

he further steals another man wife and murdered him 2 ndSamuel 11-12, it results in big family

with no happiness and end up committing incestuous rape 2 ndSamuel 13, rebellion which

destroyed David Kingdom. The last example giving by Windor is Solomon who had 700 wives

with 300 concubines. They led his heart away from the Lord this again led to the breakup of his

kingdom 1stKing 11: 3-4. Considering the consequences or outcome of polygamous marriages to

Windor polygamy is a disaster. Furthermore, he argues that the Bible clearly indicate that

polygamy is wrong, to the fact that marriage is to be between one man and one-woman Genesis

1-2, the affirmation which is later confirmed by Jesus himself Matthew 19: 4-6 Paul also

command Timothy that church leaders must be husband of one wife. 1st Timothy 3:2, 12, 5:9.

This implies that polygamy is not a desirable thing.24

Windor figure out some of the consequence or result attach to polygamous marriages which

majority are evil one, and made polygamy sinful. A critical and careful study of the scripture

justify that none of these evil is associated with the polygamous marriages itself. The first person

mention is Lamech who married two wives Genesis 4:19, Lamech was only reporting to his two

wives, what happen between him and the other person Genesis 4:23-24 " Lamech said to his

wives Adah and Zillah, hear my voice, you wives of Lamech, harken to what I say, I have slain a

man who wounded me, a young man for striking me, if Cain is avenged seven fold truly Lamech

seventy-sevenfold" The scripture didn't mention that Lamech fought for his wives or his wives

deceived him and made him avenge for what was done to him. Another person is Gideon who

has several children for he had many wives Judges 8:30, the civil war in Israel which occurs after

the death of Gideon has nothing to do with Gideon marriage to multiple wives. Judges 8:3 says

"after the death of Gideon the people of Israel turned against God and follow Baal and made

Ba'al-be-rith their god" when the Israelite enter into covenant with God on mount Sinai, God

commanded them not to have any god beside Him Exodus 20:3, they Israelites agreed to keep all

the decrees of God, God promise to bless them and be with them, but if they go astray and serve

other gods it will be a snare to them. Exodus 23:33 Israelites were punished as a result of their

sin and not because Gideon married many wives. David as well as his son Solomon were

polygamous, none of the evil in their households is associated to their union with multiple wives.

Solomon married 700 wives with 300 concubines and when Solomon was old his wives turn

away his heart after other gods, Solomon foreign women are the one that turn away Solomon

heart to their gods, God commanded the Israelite not to make marriage with foreign women for

they will turn away their hearts from serving Him, Deuteronomy 7:1-4, but Solomon did not

keep the word of God, he love many foreign women 2 ndking 11:1-6 and they led him astray by

turning away his heart from God.

Roger Patterson in his book title: what about polygamy in the Bible? he refutes the notion

that Scripture condones polygamy, he supported his point with the fact that polygamy didn't

match the structure of marriage given by God from the beginning, Genesis 2:18-25. When God

made Adam He also made only one wife for him, these indicated that one woman for one man.

God formed a helper for Adam and not helpers, also from one rib God made one woman. Verse

24 says " A man shall live his family to be join to his wife and not wives, the union is describe as

becoming one flesh.

Furthermore, he supports with Jesus response in Matthew 19:1-2, Mark 10:1-12, Jesus

confirmed that His understanding of marriage was one man for one woman, for that divorce and

polygamy was as a result of man heart hardness. Patterson stated that polygamous relationships

are never mention in a positive light. Considering the consequences revealed in the scripture in

each of the following cases. Abraham led to bitterness between Sarah and Hagar, Jacob led to

Joseph being betrayed and sold by his brothers, David led to the rape of his daughter (Tamar) by

one if his son, and among subsequently murdered by Absalom, and Solomon wives turn away his

heart. In The New Testament several passages speak against polygamous marriages 1 stTimothy

3:2, 12, and Titus 1:6, leaders of the Church must be husband of one wife, 1 stCorinthian 7:1-16

Paul uses a singular form of wife and husband throughout the passage. The scripture compares

the relationship of husband and wife to that of Christ and the church Ephesians 5:25-33. To

Patterson polygamy is an opposition to God plan for his creation.25

Patterson notion of the structure of marriage established from the beginning Genesis 2:21-25

which is monogamous in nature, Luck in his book “Divorce and Remarriage Recovery the

Biblical View” on the morality of polygamy ague that, when marriage was institute there was no

sin, with no sin no need to need to make provision for situation that might result from sin. It was

enough for the two to have each other, and no one else. But sin forever changes that, with death

and all the ill that accompany that, all these evil were disruptive to marriage made up of one man

and one woman, death will end the marriage, with the fall of man make a difference. 26 Jesus

response in Matthew 19:1-12 and mark 10:1-12 to answer the Pharisee question of divorced

Jesus quote from the Old Testament Genesis to refer them to the permanence of marriage the

original intention of God in marriage was not to end at all, not even death should end the Union.

The permanence in marriage is also applicable to polygamous marriages exodus 21:10 Patterson

view regarding the consequences of polygamous marriages and to the fact that polygamy is never

presented in a positive light has little ground. Hatred, betrayal murder, selfishness are also

common practices in monogamous family. Genesis 4:1-4, Genesis 27:1-29. The requirement

made by apostle Paul in 1stTimothy 3:2 and 12 Titus 1:6 in respect of church leaders is never an

opposition to polygamy rather a qualification for church leadership, which is by desire as stated

in the first verse of the chapters.

Ikechi Chidi Ekpendu, in his work title: A biblical response to the practice of polygamy in

eastern Nigeria; Ekpendu examine the Biblical perspective to the practice of polygamy he

connotes that about thirty-two cases of polygamy are recorded in the old testament, while marital

status of most men approximately 300, is not discuss in the Bible. Several marriages seem to be

clearly monogamous. He continues to assert that each of the polygamous was motivated by one

reason or more, such as in the case of and Elkanah barrenness of the first wife 2 ndsamuel 1:2-2,

desire to have an heir Abraham, pride, prestige, sexual lust, custom and political treaties.

Furthermore, there is a complete silence regarding any direct mention of polygamy or polygamist

in the New Testament. Ekpendu quoted Jeremiah who stated that "there is extra biblical historical

evidence that some Jew of these period practice polygamy." Henry stated that both monogamy

and polygamy were practice at the time of Jesus but monogamy appeared to be predominate due

to the Greek and roman society. New Testament scripture gives a clear confirmation of

monogamy Matthew 19:1-8. Mark 10: 1-12, mark 6:27-29

Considering how polygamy have been debatable concept and not only to the eastern

churches but by Christians body to it acceptance or not, Ekpendu accorded the biblical response

to polygamy, marriage was institute by God. God created man in his image male and female he

created them Genesis 1:27 Adam and Eve were created for each other, he arranges the first union

between them and declared "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave

to his wife the two shall became one flesh" Genesis 2:24, the creation account depicted marriage

as monogamy and not polygamy. These are the formal teachings in the essential nature and

ethically structure of marriage, polygamous marriages exist in the Bible but the first plural

marriage occurred among the reprobate descendant of Cain Genesis 4:9-20. Polygamy is a

tainted from its inception. Polygamy led to many problems in the Old Testament and also led

many to adultery. When imagery compare to the covenant between Yahweh and his people

polygamy oppose the covenant relationship. Jeremiah 2:2, Ezekiel 16, reflection of these

scripture in the Old Testament proverbs 5:15-19, proverbs 31, ecclesiastics 19:9, Psalms 45:9-11,

128:3, obviously revealed Gods preference for monogamy. Jesus teaching on the permanence of

marriage Matthew 5:31-32, 19:3-9, Mark 10:2-12, Luke 16:18, show monogamy as the ideal,

Jesus supported monogamy from his speech in Matthew 19:6, 8-9, Paul analogy of one flesh also

supported monogamy. 1stcorintian 7:12, 17-20, the requirement for church leaders in 1 stTimothy

3:2, Titus 1:6, attain that monogamy has been the command of the scripture. Ekpendu concluded

that the Bible didn't expressively condemned polygamy is not a justification for the practice. 27

Ekpendu study show polygamous marriages is condemned throughout the scripture, he

continues by stating that the fact that the Bible didn't expressively condemned polygamy is never

a justification for its practice, the first marriage was ordained by God Himself Genesis 2, God

created only Adam and gave him only one wife, and the two shall be one. The fact that God gave

Adam only one wife is not enough fact to condemned polygamy, 2 ndsamuel 12:7-8 says " Nathan

says thus says the Lord, the God of Israel I anointed you king over Israel and I delivered you out

of the hands of Saul and I gave you your master house and your master wives into your bosom,

and gave you the house of Israel and Judah, and if these were too little I would have added to

you much more" God also gave wives to David. If Genesis 2:18-24 will be a justification for

monogamy, then 2ndsamuel 12:7-8 should justify polygamy. Genesis continues the two shall be

one flesh, a man and woman becoming one flesh is not contradicting a man with two or more

wives. A man can be of one flesh with multiple wives, 1 stconrithians 6:16 says “a man whoever

join himself with a prostitute has become one flesh with her” from Paul teaching been one flesh

in marriage is possible through sexual Interco’s, if it’s possible for man to be of one flesh with

prostitutes he can equally be one with his wives. The scripture recorded that the first polygamist

(Lamech) was a descendant of Cain an ungodly one does not prove that polygamous practice is

an evil one. Christ teaching in Matthew 19, Mark 10, Matthew 5:32-32 to the permanence of

marriage is not a justification to approval of monogamous marriage alone polygamist are also

expected to remain in their marriages and a man shall fulfilled his marital right to his wives,

Exodus 21:10. The requirement made by Paul in 1 stTimothy 3:2, and Titus 1:6, for church leaders

are only for those that desire the position 1 st Timothy 3:1 the restriction is not applicable to all

Christian but those who desire such position in the church, Therefore monogamy or polygamous

marriage should be a matter of choice rather than condemning that which God did not


James P Breakenridge, carried out a study on Old Testament teaching on polygamy: from

both explicit and implicit view point. From the explicit view he points out the following scripture

exodus 21:10 commanded that if a husband takes another wife in addition to the one he already

has he may not reduce his material support for the first wife, the verse acknowledged the reality

of polygamous marriages. Leviticus 18:18, Deuteronomy 17:17, Deuteronomy 21:15-17, the

mention scripture explicitly teaches on polygamy, it shown that polygamy is problematic

economically, emotionally, legally, and spiritually. Nevertheless, the verses in no way

condemned polygamy.

Breakenridge assert that there are sixteen polygamous men recorded in the Old Testament, of

which none of these marriages result in positive impact. From Jesus teaching flow by the

Pharisee question about divorce, Jesus answered by referring back to the creation ordinance in

Genesis 2 Jesus though asked about divorce but established the foundation fact of marriage. God

unite Adam and eve in marriage the two shall be one, for that polygamy violated the purpose and

principle of marriage expounded by Jesus in Matthew 19 and mark 10, the origin of marriage

implies an equality between the marriages partner which can only be fulfilled in monogamous

marriages. Breakenridge concluded that the explicit teaching on polygamy is inconclusive, but

from the implicit view the writer maintains that polygamy in the entire bible is not presented in a

positive light. Since no explicit condemnation to the practice of polygamy in the scripture,

Breakenridge uses the instances of Jerusalem council to resolved the long argument among

Christian to the practice of polygamy, Act 15, the decision was made that no greater burden that

these necessary thing, if monogamy will be a burden to a man who is polygamous before

conversion, and he is willing to stay with both, surely polygamy is better than divorce.

Polygamist could keep present wives but not add any more. To allow a polygamous to join the

church is not the same as allowing a church member to take a second wife. Following Jesus

teaching Christian are forbid from taking more wives.28

Breakenridge examine the Old Testament teaching on polygamy, from both implicit and

explicit view the research shown that no condemnation was found in the scripture to the practice

of polygamy nevertheless he stated that polygamous marriages are associated with Economical,

Emotional, Legal and Spiritual problems. Contrary to the view of the writer monogamous

marriage are not exceptional to the above mention difficulties. Genesis 3, the account of the fall

of man, Adam the first monogamist verse 12 of the chapter, the man was accusing the woman for

leading him to sin of which till date result to spiritual problem, another example was in the case

of Isaac also a monogamist, Genesis 27 read another conflict in monogamous family. Jesus

teaching in Mathew 19 and mark 10 did not forbid polygamy, rather Jesus only teaches on the

permanence of marriage. Since polygamy is never explicitly condemned in the scripture, it will

be better to maintain the position of the bible, Mathew 7:1, regarding the prolong argument to the

practice of polygamy the stand of the scripture should not be change Revelation 22:18-19,

polygamy should be a matter of choice.

Bob Burridge 2013, in his Book title: Does the bible forbid polygamy? The study supported

that polygamy is prohibited in the scripture. He supported his point by given a biblical definition

of marriage genesis 2:24, marriage is a commitment, solemn agreement between a man and a

woman to become one flesh for life. Jesus recognized this same union as a foundation of

marriage. Matthew 19:4-6. The definition of marriage in the scripture limited it to one man one

woman, joined together to become one flesh, polygamy is not a marriage and monogamy is the

only recognized formed of marriage in the eyes of God.

Any sexual relationship between partners other than with the one partner in that covenant is

a disruption of the principle of two becoming one. These made polygamy adulterous practices as

explain by apostle Paul, in Romans 7:1 “or do you not know brothers, for I am speaking to those

who know the law that the law is binding on a person only as long as he lives” According to God

law is bound for life verse 2-3 for a woman is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives

but if her husband dies she is released from the law of marriage. Accordingly, she will be called

an adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive. But if her husband died

she is free from that law and if she marries another she is not an adulteress. Burridge connote

that any marriage bound when the original spouse is still alive is not recognized by God as a true

marriage, it is immoral and adultery. Finally, polygamy is never sanctioned or approval in the

Bible though the Old Testament mentions some heroes of faith having multiply wives, it’s never

presented as acceptable in the eyes of God. Most of these marriages only result to selfish

motives, and personal hatred.29

Contrary to Burridge opinion the definition of marriage from the scripture is not contradicting

polygamous marriage from Burridge definition of marriage as a commitment, agreement

between a man and woman this definition also supports polygamy for a man can enter into

agreement and commits himself to several women depending on the agreement. Several laws

were giving in the scripture to regulated polygamous family. Deuteronomy 25:5-10, exodus

2:10, it will be stain to say polygamy is not recognized by God. Apostle Paul teaching in Romans

7:1-3 an adulteress is she that divorce or leave her husband to leave with another man while her

husband is alive, these was also Jesus point in Mathew 19:9 says and I say unto you whosoever

divorces his wife except for unchastey and married commit adultery. Whoever divorces his wife

or her husband and marries another is adultery; this concept does not concord the concept of


Majority of those who view polygamy as sin drew their argument from the fact that God

gave only one wife to Adam Genesis 2:18-24 and others on the negative consequence of

polygamy while others from Jesus response in Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:2-12 and Paul

instruction to his sons Timothy and Titus 1st Timothy 3:2,12, and Titus 1:6 Windor, Patterson,

Burridge and others who view polygamy as undesirable and sin on the fact that God gave only

one wife to Adam fail to acknowledge that God also gave wives to David 2 nd Samuel 12:8-9 this

indicated that the fact that only one wife was given to Adam is not a prohibition to polygamy,

when Genesis narratives is taken as a prohibition to polygamy and approval of only monogamy

as a form of marriage then, part of the definition of the scripture such as truthful, not

contradicting and error free, is questionable. The Bible is truthful without error only that it

hermeneutics’ and exegesis has been tempered throughout history. God gave wife to Adam and

Wives to David, this signifies that both forms of marriages are acceptable before Him.

Breakenridge, Windor and others who view polygamy as unacceptable and base their argument

to the reality that multiple relationship have negative consequence fail to mention that most of

these consequence are also found in monogamous family, one typical example is found in

Genesis 26-28 the family of Iza’ac, conflict, betrayers hatred are common in monogamous

family another example is also in the narratives of the family of Adam Genesis 4:1-8 betrayers

and murder all from monogamous family. Breakenrige who stated that polygamy is never

mention in positive light should take note of how God blessed the earth through a polygamist

Abraham, the nation of Israel was established through a polygamous relationship, according to

Matthew genealogy of Christ Matthew 1:1-16 Christ is from the linage of David a polygamist,

Moses of whom God recommended was a polygamist. Great and mighty kings and leaders of

Israel such as David, Solomon and Gideon were all polygamist. Burridge and Ekpendu quoted

Jesus in His teaching on the permanence of marriage Matthew 19:3-9 and Mark 10: 2-12 to

support that Jesus only acknowledge monogamy, they fail to admitted that Jesus was teaching on

the permanency of marriage of which polygamy is not exceptional. The use of 1 st Timothy 3:2,

12, Titus 1.6 to supplement monogamy and condemned polygamy is unjustified the verses are

not applicable to all Christian, rather a qualification for church leadership.


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3.1. Polygamous Practices in the Old Testament

Polygamy was a common practice throughout the old testament, even among the patriarchs,

various laws were giving to regulated the practice, as an alternative marriage practice in the Old


3.1.1 Polygamous Practices in the Deutoronomical Books

The narratives in Genesis stated that after the creation of heaven and earth the first marriage

was instituted in the garden of Eden Genesis 2:21-25 which was monogamous in nature, after the

fall of man Genesis 3:1-24, then came the first polygamous mention in the scripture, Lamech a

descendant of Cain, he appeared in Genesis 4:19. Lamech married two women one named Adah

and Zillah, the partriach Abraham had two wives, he married Sarah and later accepted Harger,

Sarah servant as wife Genesis 11:28, 16:1-3, Jacob and Esua Abraham descendant also follow

these pattern, Genesis 29:15-28 after Jacob work for seven years to married Rachel, Leah was

deceitfully given to him instead. He works additional seven years for Rachel, Jacob latter

accepted Bilha and Zilpha as wives Genesis 30:4-9, when Rachel and Leah wanted him to have

more children. Esua had four wives’ Genesis 26:34, 36:1-3 and Eliphas also had multiple wives’.

Moses the great leader of Israel had more than one wife Exodus 2:21, Numbers 12:1. In

Deuteronomical books various law were given to regulate polygamous marriage which include

Exodus 21:10 "if he takes another wife to himself , he shall not diminish her food, her clothing or

her marital right”1 Deuteronomy 21:15-17 " if a man has two wives the one loved and the other

disliked, and they have born him children, both the loved and the disliked, and if the first-born

son is hers that is disliked, then the day when he assign his possession as an inheritance to his

sons, he may not treat the son of the loved as the first-born in preference to the son of the

disliked, who is the first-born, but he shall acknowledge the firs-born, the son of the disliked, by

giving him a double portion of all that he has, for he is the first issue of his strength, the right of

the first-born is his.2 law of redemption was given in Deuteronomy 25:5 “if brothers are living

together and one of them die without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family, her

husband brother shall take her and marry her and fulfil the duty of a brother in-law to her” 3The

law of family redemption has been a common practice throughout the old testament irrespective

of the brother having a wife or not, this reflect in the story of Onan and Tamar Genesis 38: 1-10

when Er the first son of Judah die, verse 8 says then Judah said to On an sleep with your brother

wife and fulfilled your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raised up offspring for your brother. But

Onan knew that the offspring would not be his, so when he went in to his brother’s wife he

spilled the semen on the ground, less he should give offspring to his brother. And what he did

was displeasing in the sight of the Lord, and He slew him"4

3.1.2 polygamous practices in the historical books

The book of judges contains several account of polygamist judges 8:30 Gideon had many

wives, Jair judges 10:3-4, Ibzan judges 12:8-9, and Abdon 12:3 who likely could have several

wives due to their numerous offspring mention in the scripture. The book of Ruth narrated an

interesting story of the family line of Elimelek, Elimeliek and his two sons died in Moab, Naomi

his widow devoted to set back to Israel, Ruth one of her daughter’s in-law insisted going with

her, when Naomi and Ruth arrived Bethlehem Ruth met a man of named Boaz who was a

relative of Naomi husband. Though officially was not the one to redeem Ruth but the redeemer

officially transferred his right to Boaz who married Ruth. Although the scripture did not mention

that Boaz had wife or wives before taking Ruth, yet in Jew culture and Mosaic law this would

not have kept him from marrying Ruth. History and many other document suggested that Boaz as

a standing man might likely have a wife or wives before marrying Ruth. 5 Elkanah the father of

Samuel had two wives 1st Samuel 1-2, Israel great leaders and Kings are also polygamous, Saul

the first human king of Israel had multiple wives 1 st Samuel 14:50, 2nd Samuel 33:7, David had

ten wives/concubines beside Bathsheba and Micah, 2 nd Samuel 5:13, 1st Chronicle 3:1-9, 14:3,

with all the wives of David yet when Nathan confronted David over his sin of murder and taking

Bathsheba 2nd Samuel 12:7-8 Says " then Nathan said to David you are the man! This is what the

lord, the God of Israel said; “I deliver you from the hand of Saul I gave your Master house to you

and your masters wives into your arms I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been

too little, I would have given you even more" 5 God Himself gave wives to David and if David

had asked for more He would have given him. King Solomon David successor also had 700

wives and 300 Concubines 1st kings 3:1, 7:8, 11:1-7. Among other kings of Israel with multiple

wives are Rehoboam 2nd Chronicles 11: 18-21, Abijah had 14 wives 2chronicle 13:21, Jeroham

2nd chronicles 21:14-17, Joan 2nd Chronicles 24:2-3, Johoiachin 2nd kings 24:15, Ahab 1st kings

20:3-7. Several polygamists are mention in the genealogy record of chronicles such as Jarameel

1st chronicles 2:25-28, Caleb 1 st chronicles 2:46-48, Ashur 1st chronicles 4:5, Izrahial and his

sons 1st chronicles 7:3-4, and Manasseh 1st chronicle 7:14.

3.1.3 Polygamous Practices in the Poetic Books

There is no explicitly verse to explain polygamous practices throughout the poetic literatures

except for the authors of these book if whom most are polygamous king David the author of the

most part of the psalms and king Solomon the author of most part of proverbs and author of

Ecclesiastics and song of Solomon. psalms 45 is a psalms of royal wedding which the glorious,

mighty, wealthy and anointed king is said to have women, among which are daughters of kings.

3.1.4 Polygamous Practices in the Prophetic Books

Multiple marriage was also common during their days and prophetic ministry, God also use

this scenario to described the stage of Judah and Israel though symbolic God was referring to

Judah and Israel as his own despite their unfaithfulness. Ezekiel 33:1-4, Isaiah prophecies, Isaiah

3:1 in the day God will judge Judah and Jerusalem verse 25 " your men will fall by the sword

Your warriors in battle in chapter 4:1 “And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day,

saying we will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name,

take away our reproach"6 During the days of prophet Jeremiah Zedekiah the king of Judah had

multiple wives Jeremiah 38:23. When Daniel was in Babylon king Belshazzar's also was

polygamists Daniel 5:2.

3.2 Polygamous practices in the New Testament

Polygamy was a rare exception in postexilic Israel, the practice began to be criticized and

decline during the intertestamental period. There are some external evidences of polygamy

before, during and after the time of Jesus while the practices keep on declining during the time of

Jesus as a result of Roman influence on the Jew Romulus, the founder of Rome, was the leader

of a band of outlaws. After their ravaging and sacking the nearby communities they hid in the

hill of Rome. Eventually their numbers become a community with wives. Since they have no

women among them, they chose to catch the Sabme women who came to the river to bathe and

wash clothes. After their successful rustling they decided to make against any man having too

many wives while others had none at all. With all the power Roman empire aspired and attained

their marriage law continue to be the same. 7 During the time of Jesus polygamy was never an

issue though it was rare yet some Jew practice it, because of its acceptance and practice in the

old testament this is why throughout the ministry of Jesus, he has never been question about the

practice, Christ was only question about divorce Matthew 19:3 and Mark 10:3-4 Another

evidence of polygamous practices among the early Christian is seen in the written of Paul

1stTimothy 3:2, 12, Titus 1:6 Apostle Paul wrote to his son Timothy given him the Qualifications

for Deacons and Church elders the verves prove that there were polygamists among the early

Christian if not Paul wouldn't have mention having one wife as a qualification.

3.3 Alleged prohibition to polygamy

LEVITICUS 18:18 And you shall not take a woman as a rival wife to her sister, uncovering her

nakedness while her sister is alive.8

This verse is interpreted by some as saying that a man should not take “a woman and

another” to be his wife at the same time. Such interpretation is supported neither by the majority

of scholars nor by the context. The passage is in a section prohibiting sexual relations involving

“near kin,” that is, “incest.” The proper translation is “a woman in addition to her sister as a rival

when she is alive.” (Note here that rivalry is admitted, but not prohibited except where the rivals

are sisters. Samuel’s mother, Hannah, for example is said to be a rival of the other wife 1 st

Samuel. 1:6) the passage only prohibits incest.9

DEUTERONOMY 17:17 And he shall not multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away,

nor shall he greatly multiply for himself silver and gold.10

It prohibits some kind of plural marriage by kings, but what kind? The law reads: “neither

shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart be turned away. Given the complete statement,

the prohibition is because of the religious influence of the wives. But what about plurality

implies that? Our understanding of why kings married helps explain this, strong kings took

(foreign) wives as a means of insuring treaties with foreign nations. Such wives would doubtless

be idolaters and bring in the kinds of false religion seen in the life and times of Solomon. The

law Deuteronomy 7:3 condemns marriage with women of the land for this reason. This verse

simply applies the broader law to kings. They are to avoid the multiplication of wives simply in

order to strengthen their control. Such a king as David, whose wives did not fit the prohibited

category would be exempt. The best example of a king who was condemned by this law is


If any doubt the above interpretation, they need to consider the following: In the context

kings are also prohibited from multiplying their horses and money. If we were to apply the anti-

polygyny logic regarding multiplying wives consistently, we would have to imagine that kings

were also restricted to one horse and one shekel. On the other hand, if kings could have been true

to their inspired limitations by having more than a horse or shekel, then they could have been just

as moral by having more than one wife.11

PROVERBS 5:15, 18

Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well, let your fountain

be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth. 12A study of the context reveals that the words

are not at all aimed at discussing the issue of one wife versus plural wives, but rather covenanted

sexual relations as opposed to uncovenanted relations.13

MATTHEW 19:5/MARK 10:8

Matthew 19:5 And said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined

to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.14

Turning to the New Testament, Matthew 19:5 Jesus quotes the Genesis 2:24, which add (to the

Masoretic text) the word “two” to the phrase: “they shall become one flesh.” It is pointed out that

the Essene community interpreted this addition as an attack upon the practice of polygamy.

There is no doubt that the Essene community in their Temple Scroll so interpreted the Torah, but

it is not at all clear that the Torah, which was written long before the founding of the Essenes,

should be interpreted as the Essenes did. Jesus simply quoted the predominate translation known

to his hearers, and that translation included the extra word “two.” It is certainly acceptable in a

context of polygamy to use the extra word, especially in the historical context of the Gospel

verse. For there, Jesus is underscoring that though the two partners in marriage once were

independent, by their vows they have become one team, in which the privilege of one of them

unilaterally breaking or walking away from the covenant with the result that they would be two

again, is denied. For the woman, to be sure, that did mean not contracting another marriage,

though that is not known from the words but from other Scripture, such as Exodus 22 and

Deuteronomy 22. But for the man, it did not mean anything of the king. For the man it simply

meant that he could not do as the School of Hillel suggested, i.e., ends the union simply because

he wanted to, for any reason at all.15

1st TIMOTHY 3:2, 13; TITUS 1:6

1st Timothy 3:2 Therefore an overseer is to be above reproach, the husband of one wife,

sober-mind, self-control, respectable, hospitable, able to teach.15 “The Husband of one wife”16

In the Pastorals Epistles, Paul admonishes Timothy to make sure that “overseers” and

“deacons” are “the husband of one wife” 1 st Tim. 3:2, 13 and parallel wording in Titus 1:6. At

first blush, this would seem to be a prohibition against polygamy so stark that only the

intellectually maimed and blind could miss the point! But that is only because several important

contextual elements have been forgotten. First, we must remember that the phrase comes in a

qualifications list.16 secondly the first verse of the chapter 1 st Timothy 3:1, point that been an

overseer is a matter of desire and one can choice not to serve in that office, these verse is not

apply to all Christian rather to church oversees.


Revised Standard Version, Exodus 20:10, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

Revised Standard Version, Deuteronomy 21: 15-17, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

Revised Standard Version, Deuteronomy 25:5, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd 2008

Revised Standard Version, Genesis 38: 9-10, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

R. C. Smith, Ruth Study Guide Polygamy, UK, Blog at Word 2018
Revised Standard Version, 2nd Samuel 12:7-8, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

G. H Julius, Polygamy Jewish Encyclopedia, New York, Herper & Brither, 1906

Revised Standard Version, Leviticus 18:18, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

W. F. Luck, Divorce and Re-Marriage Recovery the Biblical View; on the Morality of Biblical

Polygamy, Biblical Studies Press, 2009

polygamy (Accessed on November 14, 2021)

Revised Standard Version, Deuteronomy 17:17, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

W. F. Luck, Divorce and Re-Marriage Recovery the Biblical View; on the Morality of Biblical

Polygamy Biblical Studies Press, 2009)

polygamy (Accessed on November 14, 2021)

Revised Standard Version, Proverbs 5:15,18, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2008

W. F. Luck, Divorce and Re-Marriage Recovery the Biblical View; on the

Morality of Biblical Polygamy, Biblical Studies Press, 2009 (Accessed on November 14, 2021)

Revised Standard Version, Matthew19:5, Mark 10:8, China, Bible Society Resources Ltd,


W. F. Luck, Divorce and Re-Marriage Recovery the Biblical View; on the Morality of Biblical

Polygamy, Biblical Studies Press, 2009

polygamy (Accessed on November 14, 2021)

The English Standard version, 1st Timothy 3:2, Retrieved on 19th March, 20202, Published in





4.1 Position of Christianity on Polygamy

Christian camp are divided into two to the acceptance of polygamous relationship in the

church, while others accepted polygamists, their wives and children in to the church other group

insisted that polygamists most put away other wives before they will be accepted in the church.

Various denominations held distinctive position on polygamy. Below are some elected churches

with the position they held on polygamy.

Roman Catholic

The official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is based on the resolution of the council

of Trent of 1563, which summarize that:

“If anyone say that it is lawful for Christian to have several wives at the same time and

that it is not forbidden any divine law (Matthew 19; 4) let him be anathema”

The authorities of the church have consistently maintained this position as its authentic

teaching on polygamy, pope John Paul in his 1980 visit to Zaire and other part of Africa

reiterated that this Roman Catholic view on polygamy is as sinful as divorce and

abortion, he explain that polygamy radically contradicts the covenant of married life (two

in one flesh) so it negates God plan which was revealed from the beginning because it is

contrary to the equal personal dignity of men and women who in matrimony give

themselves that it total and therefore unique and exclusive.1

Lutheran Church

Martin Luther deplored divorce only permitting it in the case of adultery and Pauline

privilege and taught that polygamy was allowed in scripture, citing positive example of it in the

scripture, as such in 1521, he granted the approval for a man to take a second wife. 2 The

Lutheran world federation hosted a regional conference in Africa, in which the acceptance of

polygamist and their wives into full membership by the Lutheran church in Liberia was defended

has been permissible. While the Lutheran church in Liberia permit men to retrain their wives if

the married them prior to being received in to church, it does not permit polygamist who have

become Christian to marry more wives after they have received the sacred of holy baptism. 3

Anglican Communion

Polygamy was first discussed during the Lambeth conference of 1888, that it is the opinion

of this conference that it is the opinion of this conference that persons living in polygamy may

not be admitted to baptism, but they may be accepted as candidate and kept under Christian

instruction until such time as they instruction until such time as they shall be in a position to

accept the law of Christ that they wives of polygamist may in the opinion of this conference, be

admitted in some cases to baptism , but that is must be left to the local authorities of the church

to decide under what circumstance they be baptized.

Resolution dated 1958 and numbered 120 stated that:

“The conference bear witness to the truth that monogamy is the divine will, testified by the

teaching of Christ Himself and therefore true for every race of men” but adds

The conference recognized that they problem of polygamy is bound up with the limitation of

opportunities for women in society, urges that the church should make every effort to advance

the status of women in every possible way, especially in the spare of education”.

The twelfth Lambeth conference held in 1988 in resolution 26 churches and polygamy stated:

“This conference upheld monogamy as God plan and as the idea relationship of love

between husband and wife, nevertheless recommend that a polygamist who responds to the

church may be baptized and confirmed with his believing wives and children on the following


a. That the polygamist shall promise not to marry again as long as any of his wives at the

time of his conversion are alive

b. That the receiving of such a polygamist has the consent of the local Anglican Church


c. That such polygamist shall not be compelled to put away any of his wives on account of

the social deprivation that they would suffer” 4

In 2008 the Lambeth conference noted in the case of polygamy, there is a universal standard

it is understood to be a sin, therefore polygamist is not admitted to position of leadership

including orders, nor after acceptance of the gospel can a convert take another wife nor, some

areas, are they admitted Holly communion. This position seems not to be enforce practice of

polygamy; the communion remains oppose to the practice.5

The Baptist church

The Baptist church also went into debates and discussion. The church leaders held that

polygamy was not a matter to be left to the decision of the local congregation. In 1903 the

mission executives resolved to advised all the local churches advised all local churches to desist

from tolerating and admitting polygamist to church membership. The church has a stand against


African Independent churches

Many African independent churches have endorsed polygamy while others who have

accepted polygamy as the norm in marriage have done so as part of their conscience

indigenization of Christianity in Africa”

It has been recognized that the issues of polygamy led to the formation of many of the separatist

church group in various part of Africa. For instance, polygamy was one of the issues which led to

the formation of the African Brotherhood church. The separation in question occurred in Kenya

back in 1945, to date. The African Brotherhood church baptizes polygamist which the African

Inland church condemned it.

According to some African independent churches polygamy is not a moral evil since the

Bible itself endorsed it, especially in the case of the patriarch. The constitution of the united

church of cherubim and Seraphim endorsed polygamy as Abana G N wrote:

“It’s never a law that everyone must marry one wife, rather this law is given to bishops and

deacons as its written in 1st Timothy 3:2, some people assume righteousness because they marry

only one wife, while they are neither bishops nor deacons but may be traders or workers or

people I say hold fast to your one but if you go to another woman, you have committed adultery.

But if you know that one is not sufficient for you, marry as many as you can, in this I stand to

say it is not bad to marry more one” Some of the African independent churches have been

excluded from ecumenical fellowship due to their stand on the issues.7

Pentecostal Churches

The united Pentecostal church international (UPCI) is the world largest one Pentecostal

organization, during their 2012 General conference, the UPCI adopted a resolution affirming

their belief that marriage as ordained by God involved one .an and one woman (monogamy)

joined together until parted by death. They are on record as officially opposing any Attempt to

redefine the traditional view of marriage is the most important social institution ordained by


4.2 The Practices of Polygamy among Christians

Although the Old Testament describe mummeries example of polygamy among devotee God,

most Christian’s group have historically rejected the practice of polygamy and have upheld

monogamy alone as normative. Nevertheless, some Christian’s groups in different period have

practice or currently do practices polygamy. 9 While some Christians openly and legally practice

polygamy most Christians today who seem to condemned polygamy ignorantly and illegally

practice it. Marriage is a sexual bound between a man and a woman, the scripture stated that

Genesis 2:24 therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they

become one flesh. what really constitute a man and a woman to become one flesh is the sexual

bound, the book of Exodus 22:16 says “if a man seduces a virgin who is not betrayed and lies

with her, he shall give the bride price for her and she shall be his wife” 10 sexual Interco’s already

made them one, it was on this understanding apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 6:16 says whoever

joined himself with a prostitute has become one flesh with her. Whenever a man and woman

engage in sexual relationship with each other they are one already within or outside the context

of marriage. Accepting the Biblical understanding of marriage, it will support that polygamy is

practice among Christians. What is today known as infidelity and remarriage can equally be

referred as polygamous relationship though the later illegally. The case of infidelity among

Christians is increasing on a daily basis. A research on Christian marriage and how infidelity

affect them, prove that infidelity is the major concern and problem in Christian marriages, 90%

of divorce today equally are as the result of infidelity. 11 Most Christians today including Bishops,

deacons and Church elders will be legitimately married to one wife yet having concubine. The

position of the church particularly who regarded polygamy as prohibited contributed immensely

the rate of infidelity and divorce among Christians homes. The Church today condemned legal

practice of polygamy and denied polygamist their wives and children certain privileges yet

accepted divorcee and who are unfaithful to their marriage, hypocrisy in the church. To resolved

these issue polygamy has to be accepted as a legal form if marriage just as it was before and

during the new testament time polygamy pave way for a man to married another woman which

will be recognized as legal marriage within the community acceptable before God Almighty

4.3 The effect of polygamy to Christianity

Polygamy particularly it rejection by Christianity has a lot of effect on the adherents, among

which are:

1. It increases the rate of divorce among Christians: the rejection of polygamy among

Christians tent to increase the rate of divorce, among the adherent, a research by Bertus

prellerm show that more Christians divorce than known Christians. According to the

statistic more broken homes, increases among Christians. 12 although many Christians

churches attempt to dissuade it members from getting divorce the research confirmed a

finding that was identified by the Barna group that Christians have the same likelihood of

divorce as do non-Christians. The research proves that the percentage of divorcee among

Christians including evangelical is 32% which is statically identical with to the 33%

figure among non-Christians.13 The position of the church especially those who upheld

monogamy as the only biblical form of marriage is one of the major cause why the rate of

divorce keeps on increasing. Since the church seems to accept only monogamist not

considering whether they have once married and divorce their wives, most Christian

prefer divorcing their wives to live with only one in other to actively participate in church

activities such as Baptism, communion and leadership, this in turn increased the rate of

divorce in the body of Christ.

2. It increases the rate of infidelity among Christians: The Bible which is the source of

Christian ethics disregarded all form of fornication and adultery, and all form of marital

unfaithfulness is considered prohibited. 1 st Corinthians 7:9, 1st Corinthians 6:9-11, Exodus

20:14. A research show that infidelity is the major concern and problems in the Christian

marriages based on the research 90% of all divorce involved infidelity. 14 The church

makes it compulsory on men to marry only one wife, as a result the left alternative for

men with high libido who cannot be sexually satisfy by one wife is to have concubine’s

outside marriage. The stand of the Christianity on polygamy only increased the rate of

infidelity among the practitioner, polygamy pave way for men to legally married as many

women as he can afford as a result has almost nothing to do with having sexual Interco’s

outside marriage. Infidelity and having of concubine’s is highly pronounced among

Christians from the church leaders down to the members as a result of rejection of


3. Increases the number of unmarried women in the church: move against polygamy

has led to pathetic situation where by unmarried women are scatter all over the street.

Most of these unmarried women out of desperation get involved in so many unholy

activities like getting of charms to attract men husband snatching performing ritual and

sacrifices of no importance. Aside from desperation, most of these unmarried women

experience’s shame, reproach, hopeless, low self-esteem and other affect that comes with

being unmarried at a certain age.15 Desperation can also lead to different kind of abuse in

marriage at a time these unmarried women will be left with no options than to marry and

single man around which at the end the women will be sexually abuse, beatings and

emotional trauma which can easily lead to suicide.

4. It leads to decreased in population of Christianity: the prohibition of polygamy by

Christians equally affect the population growth of Christians, particularly in Nigeria

where by politics is a game of number, though Nigeria tent to separate politics with

religion all effort has fallen, in all the democratic election Nigeria held there is always an

element of religion. When continue to tack polygamy as sin, it will imply that Christians

will be dominated they will lose authority and power, decisions will not work for their

favor. It also supports that Christianity will be executed by and religious crisis that might

arise. Christians will have less privilege’s to be considered in any state decision making.

5. Reduces the active participation of polygamists in the church: since from the coming

of the European missionary to Africa one of the difficulty Africans had with accepting the

new faith was their doctrine of monogamy as the only accepted form of marriage. 16

polygamists were denied certain privilege’s in the church such as Baptism and eucharis

communion even some of the church that accepted polygamist are guilty of denying them

the above privilege’s. This in turn tent to reduce their participation in other affairs of the

church, people who should have help in providing means to the growth and development

of Christianity and cubing some ill in the church were made to be inactive, and the

church continue in dilemma.

6. It increases immorality among Christians: Bison quoted Ronjian who stated

“polygamy has not gone away from contemporary Christians society; it has merely

assumed another form” a more dangerous form. The formal was legitimate and thus

accepted by the society but the later illegitimate and condemned, and still hold sway with

no sign. Christianity only succeed in driving away the legitimate form of life and pave

way for the emergence of an illegitimate one without actually succeeding in transforming

people as they still indulge in this legitimate act now turn to be illegitimate masses. 17

Prohibition of polygamy succeeded in making Christians hypocrite, condemning the legal

practitioner while they engage in the act secretly. This also turns to enforced the young

girls into prostitutions and abortions, instead of having the right of a married woman they

end up as a sexual tool in the hands

such men. These young girls are also afraid of giving birth out of wedlock as a result

they abort any baby that result to their sexual act.

4.4 The Ethics of Polygamy

Polygamy is highly upheld particularly among Africans because of it morality such as:

1. Polygamy bridges the gap between the rich and the poor: polygamy was one way of

life that ensure that in traditional Africa, nobody was too rich and nobody was to poor,

the gap between the poor and the rich was narrow by polygamy and communal living

polygamy ensure that the wealth of a rich man circulated to the other people through the

marriages of many wives a rich man circulated to others at least his wives will be

empowered his in-laws will also be touch by the wealth in the long run, the riches will

circulated to many people. Marrying many wives will make people benefit from the

money and as such more people will be raised from poverty. This will make the rich man

not to be too rich and others link on him not to be too poor.18

2. Polygamy Breed happiness: with polygamy almost all the single ladies desiring

marriage will find husband. This will end social ills and crises that are occasioned by

snatching of people husband, prostitution, abortion and emotional trauma, with polygamy

there will be no room for these ills in the society. Which means more women will be

happier and more fulfilled? The case of abortion will also reduce as most of the abortions

are as a result of not wanting to have baby out of wedlock, due to its ability to provide

greater happiness to a great number thus polygamy is good. 18 Polygamy also provided

privilege’s to young girls to be addressed as legitimate wives instead of prostitute, it

implies that prostitution will decreased if not totally expunge.

3. Polygamy promote faithfulness within marriages: with polygamy people are no longer

hypocrite, Africans live a legitimate way of live, a married man will go ahead and marry

a woman he loves as either second or third as the case might be, there will be no sneaking

out bin the night to have sexual affairs outside marriage, because he has the right to marry

as many women as he can afford. It will also mean Christians will practice what they

preach, and this will promote faithfulness and trustworthy among couples. The rate of

divorce will be minimizing, it will not be necessary for a man to divorce his wives before

accepting the faith and actively participating in the church. Married couple will live in

reality of live.

4. Growth and development of Christianity: polygamy increases the numbered of

Christians it give more room for many to accept the faith and as more as the wives the

numbered of the children increases this implies that the population of Christians will

increase, in a democratic country like Nigeria where by the wining party will be declared

by the numbered of votes, the majority determine who to win the election, who to be in

power, by the time Christians become the majority they have better chance of dominate

and be in power.

5. Polygamy give hope to widows and orphans: one of the reason Africans engages in

polygamous marriages is to ensure that widows and orphans were taken care off.

Polygamy gives hope to the young widows and the children they were left with, widows

will have remarried not necessary a single man, but also who is married and so polygamy

ensure that those widows didn’t become adulterous and the children didn’t suffer the

pains of living without father.

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E.I. Chidi, A Biblical response to the practices of polygamy in Eastern Nigeria; Asia African

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Polygamy as a form of marriage is understood to be a union of two or more spouse

simultaneously. The most typical form of polygamy has been polygyny a man with more than

one wife and polyandry a woman with more than one husband. The body of Christ till date is

divided in to two groups to the acceptance of polygamy as a legal form of marriage. Those who

accept polygamy base their position on the fact that polygamy had been in practice right from the

Old Testament time down to the New Testament time and in no way did the Bible condemn the

practice or practitioners. While those who view polygamy as prohibited draw their potion from

the creation of ordnances Genesis 1 and 2, God created Adam and give him only one wife for

that polygamy is against original plan of God to humanity and to the fact that polygamy as

negative consequence. The research on ethical analysis of biblical view on polygamy aim to look

at the biblical position on polygamy the research will also point out the ethics of the polygamy.

The review of the related literature figures out some of the reasons of polygamy which

include: A remedy of problem of infertility, sexual incapability, the way of taken care of widow

to mention but few. Various scholarly views on the effect of polygamy are also examining such

scholars as Elbudour, Anthony, Ibigoglus and Al-sharif who mention the following effect:

marital conflict, abstained of father, financial stress, hostility, mental disorder, social difficulty

and low self-esteem. Different literature by different scholars on the biblical perspective and

position are also review, Windor, Patterson and Burride view polygamy from the biblical

perspective as on desirable and sin on the fact that God created only one wife for Adam and none

of the polygamous marriages in the Bible led to positive impact, it all end of in disasters.

Ekpendu and Breakenridge support monogamy as the only Biblical form of marriage and

recognized by Jesus. Matthew 19 and Mark 10, they added that Apostle Paul teaching in 1 st

Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6 also supported monogamy.

Biblical analysis of polygamy in the scripture prove that polygamous practices exist in

the scripture both from Old Testament Numerous God devotee such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses,

David, Solomon etc. Practice polygamy. Polygamy was supported and regulated by God in the

old testament 1st Samuel 12:7-8, Deuteronomy 25:5, 21:15-17, Exodus 21:19. Though there is no

explicitly reference to polygamous practice in the New testament, yet some Jew practices it, they

practice kept declining even among the Jew as the result of the Romans Influence which till date

monogamy remain the only accepted form of marriage. Jesus was never being question about

polygamy, throughout his Ministry, He only addressed the issue of divorce Matthew 19:3-9,

Mark 10:3-4, and Apostle Paul addressed the church elders 1st Timothy 3:2, Titus, 1:6, Biblical

alleged prohibition to polygamy was discussed certain references in the scripture are tack as

prohibition of polygamy, they include: Leviticus 18:18, Deuteronomy 17:17, Proverbs 5:15, 18,

Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:8, 1st Timothy 3:2,13, and Titus 1:6.

The church held distinctive position on the practice of polygamy throughout history,

elected church are considered and the position they held such as the Roman Catholic, Lutheran,

Anglican, Baptist, African independent churches and Pentecostal churches. Although polygamy

have been rejected and considered to be sin by most Christian the practice continues in different

illegitimate ways. This in turn affect the church negativity, in the following ways: it increase the

rate of divorce among Christian, increases the number of unmarried women in the church,

decreased the population of Christians, reduces the active participation of polygamist in the

church, and increased different immorality in the church, some moral effect of polygamy are: it

bridges the gap between the rich and the poor, breed happiness, polygamy promote faithfulness

within marriage’s, it increase the population of Christianity, and give hope to widows and


The last chapter of this work summarize the research work, drew conclusion and make

recommendations to the churches, church elders, Christians family, marriage counselors and

other researchers, Balance need to be crate on the two form of marriage as these will help

immensely to the growth and development of Christianity.


Throughout the scripture polygamy has been a legal practice from the old testament down

to the New testament, no prohibitions of polygamy are found in the scripture. Neither God no

His prophets or Jesus Christ condemned polygamous practice or the polygamist, to admonished

the practices, God gave various law that regulated the practice. Jesus Christ referred back to the

permanency of marriage Matthew 19:3-8 which polygamy is not excluded verses. There are

many advantages of polygamy both to individual, Christian body, and society at large. These

benefit will have been the experience of Christian and the society if not for it prohibition by the

adherent, yet illegitimately engages in the practices. Today many Christians claim to have one

wife yet having concubine’s, it was in this immoral act God Himself, rebuked David when he

hooked Uriah's wife saying, I gave u your master wives, if your wanted more you should have

told me 2nd Samuel 12:8, This means that God approved his many wives, He only frown at the

sexual immorality he committed. God frown at the sexual immorality that married people

committed and not legal marriage.


Based on the above accessions the paper recommends the following:

1. The Church: the church should build their doctrine on the scripture and their position should

be revisit, polygamy should be optional, even in the days where polygamy was legitiate not

everybody married more than one and even if it is made legitimate again, it will not be

necessarily obligatory for all to be polygamous. Those who choose to embraces it should not be

demonized, ostracized and condemned by the Church.

2. Christian Family: Christians should life in the reality of life, except for the church leaders who

are instructed to be husband of one wife, 1st Timothy 3:2, 13, Titus 1:6, if a Christian man love

another woman and even wanted to married her should go ahead and marry her to avoid adultery

and fornication, which have severe consequences. The Pharisees are condemned by Jesus in the

scripture because of their hypocritical life style, and we are more condemned if we continue to

live such life style, living in reality is of more valued.

3. Marriage counselors: Councilors, who mostly encounter the moral issued from couples, should

study the Scripture and analyze this research work in order to know how to respond to couples

both from those who wanted to add and those who encounter conflict in polygamous family.

4. Researches: not all about polygamy has been discussed in this research work, other researchers

who are interested to write on the topic, this research work will pave way for them to investigate

the subject matter and add to knowledge.


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