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Trend (Xu hướng) Verb Noun Phrase

– increase
– rise
– an increase
– grow – a rise
– showed an upward
– go up – a growth
– hit the highest point
Xu hướng tăng – climb – an upward trend
– reached a peak
– surge – a surge

– peak – a peak

– skyrocket

– decrease
– a decrease
– decline
– a decline
– fall – showed a
– a fall
downward trend
– drop
– a drop
Xu hướng giảm – hit the lowest
– dip
– a downward
– dive
– a dip
– plunge

– remained stable
– remain stable
– remained unchanged
– remain – a period of
Xu hướng duy trì ở mức unchanged stability
– stayed constant
ổn định – a plateau
– stabilize
– reached a plateau

– showed
Xu hướng dao động – fluctuate – a fluctation
some fluctuation
2. Từ vựng mô tả mức độ, tốc độ của sự thay
Sự thay đổi Adjective Adverb

 slight  slightly
 marginal  marginally
Thay đổi nhỏ  moderate  moderately
 gentle  gently

 gradual  gradually
 slow  slowly
Thay đổi nhỏ qua thời gian
 steady  steadily

 considerable  considerably
 significant  significantly
 substantial  substantially
Thay đổi lớn  wild  wildly
 rapid  rapidly
 dramatic  dramatically

3. Cấu trúc câu mô tả sự thay đổi

Thông tin mẫu: Số lượng học viên JOLO đạt IELTS 7.0+ năm 2013 là 1000 và con số này vào năm 2017
đã tăng lên 1500.
Các cấu trúc câu để diễn tả số liệu này như sau:
STT Cấu trúc câu Ví dụ

The number of JOLO students who got

Subject + Verb + Adverb + Number +
1 IELTS 7.0+ increased significantly to 1500
Time period
from 2013 to 2017.

There+ be+ a/an + Adjective + noun + There was a significant increase of 500 in the
2 number + in + “what” + complement+ number of JOLO students who got IELTS
Time period 7.0+ from 2013 to 2017.

Subject + experienced/ saw/ witnessed The number of JOLO students who got
3 + a/an + adj + noun + number+ time IELTS 7.0+ witnessed a significant increase
period of 500 from 2013 to 2017.

A/an + adj + noun + number + was A significant increase of 500 was witnessed
4 seen/experienced/ witnessed + in + in the number of JOLO students who got
subject + time period IELTS 7.0+ from 2013 to 2017.

5 Time period + witnessed/ saw/ The period between 2013 and 2017 witnessed
experienced + a/an + adj + noun + in + a significant increase of 500 in the number of
noun phrase JOLO students who got IELTS 7.0+.

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