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Mentee: Naomei Panuncillon Grade Level/Subject Grade 9

Mentor: Mrs. Venus Jhoan Cimafranca-Baing Time/Day 10:00-11:45 Monday
Date: November 6, 2023 Time Allotment: 1 hour

I. Standards, Competencies, and Objectives

OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identify and analyze the central conflict

between Beowulf and Grendel in the epic
b. perform differentiated activities about the epic
poem “The Battle with Grendel”; and
c. appreciate the importance of compassion and
understanding in fostering positive
Topic: The Battle with Grendel
Skills: Critical thinking, creativity and cooperation
Learning Resource English 9 Learning Module, Module 1, Lesson 2
Instructional Aids: Visual aids, Laptop, Cartolina, Manila paper, marker,
and handouts
Related Subjects/Topics: ESP
Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activities (3 mins.)
Before we begin with our class today. Please stand (______ leads the prayer.)
for a prayer and may I request someone to please lead
the prayer. ___ ________, please lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!
How are you today?
It’s good to hear that all of you are doing well today. We are fine ma’am!
Before you sit down, kindly pick some pieces of
paper under your chairs, and settle yourself as we (Students are picking the pieces of paper and
start our discussion for today! arranging their chairs properly.)
Thank you, class. You may now take your seats.
3. Checking of Attendance
May I request the secretary to identify who are absent Yes, ma’am!
4. Classroom Management
To have a peaceful discussion I have here prepared CLASS RULES
our classroom rules for us to be guided. Class, can 1. Follow directions quickly!
you please read our classroom rules? 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your
4. Make smart choices.
5. Keep your dear teacher happy.
Thank you for reading, class!
Upon entering my class you are all required to follow
some class rules.

Are my rules clear class?

Since you know our classroom rules, let us now “Yes, ma’am.”
proceed to our review.
REVIEW (2 mins.)
Class, For our review, I have some questions that
you need to answer to assess if you can still
remember your past lesson.

Thumbs Down or Up?

Instructions: If the statement is correct then please
raise thumbs up but if the statement is wrong you
may raise thumbs down.

1.Thumbs up
1. An epic is a long narrative poem or story.
2.Thumbs down
2. Epics never feature larger-than-life heroes 3.Thumbs up
3. Epic stories involve extraordinary challenges
and mythical elements.

“Very excellent students! I am glad that you can still

recall your learnings about our previous topic. Do
you have any question regarding this topic, class? None, ma’am.

Alright, then let’s proceed to our first activity this


Motivation/Preparatory Activity (Short activity that has bearing on the intended lesson) (5 minutes)
Task 1.Hit the Hints

Directions: Study the following photos. Do you know

the characters in the photos? List down the traits,
strengths, or powers that are common to the

Answer the following questions to get to know our

characters better.

1. Who among the characters do you like most?

(Students’ answers may vary.)
2. Do you have what it takes to be like any of
them? Why do you say so?


I. ACTIVITY (“What to do Phase”) (3 minutes)
This morning, we will talk about “The Battle With
Grendel”. But before anything else, let me present to
you our objectives for today’s lesson.
Kindly read, class.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identify and analyze the central conflict

between Beowulf and Grendel in the epic
b. perform differentiated activities about the epic
poem “The Battle with Grendel”; and
c. appreciate the importance of compassion and
understanding in fostering positive
Thank you, class!

Now, before we proceed to the next activity, let us

unlock first the difficult words you will encounter
while reading the epic “The Battle with Grendel”

Directions: Discover the meaning of the underlined

words through context clues. Write the letter of your
answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. In the passage, Grendel mercilessly assaults

the people of Heorot, causing fear and Answer Key:
a. Defends 1. c
b. Approaches 2. d
c. Attacks 3. b
d. Encourages 4. a
5. d
2. The king is skeptical at first, but Beowulf
reassures him of his abilities.
a. joyful
b. frightened
c. curious
d. doubtful

3. unleashing - Grendel enters Heorot,

unleashing his fury upon the sleeping
a. Seizes
b. Releases
c. Brings
d. Traps
4. After being wounded by Beowulf, Grendel
retreats to his lair where he eventually dies.
a. Hideout
b. Tower
c. Castle
d. Kingdom
5. The victory over Grendel brings great relief
and jubilation to the Danish kingdom.
a. Sorrow
b. Anger
c. Confusion
d. Celebration

(The teacher distributes handouts about the topic.)

This time, Let’s have a group activity.

I will group you into 3 groups. The right side will be
the group 1.. In the center will be the group 2 and in
the left side will be the group 3.

You may now proceed and cooperate with your

groupmates quietly. At the count of 5, you must be
all settled. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Task 1. Brainstorming! Possible Answer:

In your group, you have to discuss with your
groupmates the summary of the epic poem “The The central conflict between Beowulf and Grendel in
Battle with Grendel” from Beowulf. Identify and "The Battle with Grendel" epic poem revolves around
analyze the central conflict between Beowulf and the clash between good and evil, represented by the
Grendel. You are given 2 minutes to do the task. noble hero Beowulf and the monstrous, malevolent

II. ANALYSIS (“The Why Phase”/ process of inquiry into the activity/systematic examination) (3minutes)
Task 2. Tell Me! (Group Task)
Based on the summary you have read, answer these
following questions in a brief way:
Possible Answers:
1. How does Grendel's nightly assaults affect 1. Grendel's nightly assaults lead to despair and loss
the Danish kingdom ruled by King Hrothgar? in the Danish kingdom.
2. Beowulf decides to come to the aid of the Danes
2. Why does Beowulf decide to come to the aid because he possesses incredible strength and
of the Danes? courage.
3. How does Beowulf prove his abilities to King 3. Beowulf proves his abilities by engaging in a
Hrothgar? hand-to-hand combat with Grendel and tearing
off his arm.
4. What happens to Grendel after the intense 4. Grendel retreats to his lair and dies from his
battle with Beowulf? injuries.
5. How do the Danes celebrate Beowulf's 5. The Danes hold a grand feast in Beowulf's honor,
victory? commemorating his triumph.

III. ABSTRACTION (“So What phase”/Theory Inputs/ Summarizes concepts and experiences learned/
inferential leap to life) (30 minutes)
I will be playing the video about the summary of
“The Battle with Grendel”. Please get your notebook (The students are watching the video.)
and take note of the important details shown on the
While watching the video, take note of these
questions because later on, I will be asking you these.
(The teacher plays the video.)
si=hSlhPvp9KxCUStZB Possible Answers:
(After the Video presentation)
1. Beowulf went to Heorot to come to the aid of the
Activity: Brainstorm Ideas! Danish kingdom and battle Grendel.
Group 1-
1. Why did Beowulf go to Heorot? 2. Yes, Beowulf achieved his goal by defeating
Grendel in a hand-to-hand combat and tearing off his
2. Did he achieve his goal? Prove your point. arm.
3. What happened to Grendel after the fight? 3. After the fight, Grendel retreated to his lair and
died from his injuries.
Group 2-
4. King Hrothgar celebrated Beowulf's victory by
4. What did King Hrothgar do to Beowulf? holding a grand feast in his honor.

5. How did this part of the epic poem 5. This part of the epic poem "Beowulf" ended with
“Beowulf” end? the Danish kingdom being relieved and jubilant over
Beowulf's triumph.
6. If you were one of the Geats, what would
you tell or give Beowulf? Why? 6. If I were one of the Geats, I would praise Beowulf
for his bravery and strength, and I would give him a
Group 3- gift as a token of appreciation for his heroic actions.

7. Who among our present superheroes, would 7. Beowulf can be likened to Superman among
you liken Beowulf with? Why? present superheroes because they both possess
8. Give at least three reasons why you
incredible strength, courage, and are known for their
heroic deeds.
like or not like the epic poem
8. Three reasons to like or not like the epic poem
"Beowulf" may vary depending on personal
preference and interpretation, but some possible
reasons to like it could be its exploration of heroism,
its rich language and imagery, and its portrayal of
timeless themes. Reasons not to like it could include
difficulty understanding the Old English language, a
preference for different types of literature, or finding
the plot or characters uninteresting.

IV. APPLICATION (“Now What Phase”, Practical Synthesis/Apply generalizations to work/Transfer of

insights into real life concern/cooperative learning) (20 minutes)

Show appreciation and understanding of the topic by (The students are doing their assigned tasks.)
doing the following task. Each group will be Possible Answers:
differently assigned with a special task and necessary Group 1-
materials are provided. You are given 5mins. to Characters Description
prepare and present it to the class afterwards. Please
be guided by the rubrics. 1. King King Hrothgar is a wise and
Hrothga generous ruler of the Danish
r kingdom. He is highly
respected by his people and
known for his immense wealth
Group 1: Character Analysis and power. Hrothgar is
portrayed as a caring and
Write a short description of the following characters fatherly figure, deeply
in the epic poem “The Battle with Grendel”. concerned about the welfare
of his kingdom.
Characters Description 2. Beowulf Beowulf is a heroic warrior
from the Geatish kingdom
1. King Hrothgar who possesses unparalleled
strength and courage. He is
2. Beowulf driven by a desire for glory
and fame, and travels to
3. Grendel Heorot to face Grendel.
3. Grendel Grendel is a terrifying and
grotesque creature, known for
his monstrous appearance and
Group 2: Compare and Contrast destructive nature. He is
driven by envy and hatred
Fill out the Venn Diagram to show the similarities
towards humanity, particularly
and differences of Beowulf and Grendel. the joy and celebration found
in Heorot.

Group 2-
- Heroic and courageous warrior
- Noble, honorable, and selfless
- Seeks to protect the innocent
- Motivated by pursuit of glory and fame
- Inspires hope and admiration among others

Group 3: PLOT Elements - Monstrous and grotesque creature
Sequence some important events from the epic poem - Driven by envy and hatred towards humanity
“The Battle with Grendel”. - Causes violence and chaos
- Motivated by resentment and spite
- Instills fear and despair among others

- Both Beowulf and Grendel are central characters in
the epic poem, "Beowulf".
- They both possess immense strength and physical
- Both characters are driven by their desire for
personal glory and recognition.
- They are both significant figures that shape the
narrative and drive the conflict in the story.

Group 3-
1. Grendel terrorizes Heorot, the mead hall of
Hrothgar, for twelve years.
2. Beowulf, a warrior from Geatland, arrives in
Denmark to help Hrothgar and offers to fight Grendel
3. Beowulf waits for Grendel to attack while his men
sleep in the mead hall.
4. Grendel enters the hall, but is met with resistance
from Beowulf, who engages in a fierce battle with the
5. Beowulf tears off Grendel's arm, causing the
creature to flee back to its cave.
6. Beowulf displays Grendel's arm as a trophy in the
mead hall, celebrating his victory and bringing relief
to Hrothgar and the Danes.
7. The next day, Hrothgar rewards Beowulf with
treasures and praises his bravery.
8. The celebration continues throughout the night
with feasting and camaraderie.

IV. EVALUATION (Assessment Phase) (5 minutes)

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.
1. Who has been terrorizing the Danish kingdom in
"Beowulf"? Answer Key:
a) King Hrothgar
b) Beowulf 1. C
c) Grendel 2. D
d) Cain 3. B
2. How long have the Danes been haunted by 4. C
Grendel's assaults? 5. B
a) Six years 6. D
b) Eight years 7. D
c) Ten years 8. C
d) Twelve years 9. D
3. Which warrior decides to aid the Danes in their 10. B
battle against Grendel?
a) King Hrothgar
b) Beowulf
c) Cain
d) Grendel's descendants
4. Where does Beowulf set sail to in order to help the
a) Heorot
b) Geatland
c) Hrothgar's kingdom
d) Grendel's lair
5. How does Beowulf convince King Hrothgar of his
a) By presenting valuable gifts
b) By reciting his heroic deeds
c) By defeating Grendel in a prior battle
d) By showcasing his wealth and power
6. How do the warriors prepare for Grendel's arrival?
a) By fortifying Heorot
b) By seeking allies from neighboring kingdoms
c) By setting traps and ambushes
d) By spending the night in the hall
7. What greets Grendel as he enters Heorot?
a) Peaceful silence
b) Celebrating and feasting people
c) Powerful magic spells
d) Fierce resistance from Beowulf
8. How does Beowulf defeat Grendel in battle?
a) By using powerful weapons
b) By convincing him to surrender
c) By tearing off his arm
d) By outsmarting him with a clever strategy
9. Where does Grendel retreat after being fatally
a) Heorot
b) Geatland
c) Hrothgar's castle
d) His lair
10. How is Beowulf celebrated by the Danes after his
victory over Grendel?
a) With banishment for causing violence
b) With a grand feast in his honor
c) With skepticism about his abilities
d) With immediate resignation of his heroic status

V. ASSIGNMENT:(Extended/Additional Meaningful Task) (1 minute)

Share your Life’s Lessons

List down your strengths and how you intend to use
them in the table below. Write your answer on a 1
whole sheet of paper.

My Strengths I will use them to…

Prepared by:
Naomei Panuncillo Lara
Student-Intern Noted by:
Jyrell Espinosa
Checked by:


Content - Excellent - Good understanding - Limited
understanding and and demonstration of the understanding and
demonstration of the topic. demonstration of the
topic. - Mostly organized and topic.
- Well-organized and clear presentation of - Some disorganization
comprehensive ideas. or lack of clarity in
presentation of ideas. presenting ideas.

Preparedness - Thorough preparation - Adequate preparation - Partial preparation

evident through evident through sufficient evident through limited
thorough research and research and rehearsal. research and rehearsal.
rehearsal. - Generally confident - Some hesitancy or
- Confidence and delivery of content. lack of confidence in
smooth delivery of delivering content.
Cooperation - Active participation - Some level of - Passive or minimal
and engagement as a participation and participation as a team
team member. engagement as a team member.
- Respectful and member. - Frequent instances of
inclusive behavior - Occasional instances of disrespectful or exclusive
towards teammates. disrespectful or exclusive behavior.

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