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English- Grade 10

STUDENT’S NAME: ________________________GRADE/SECTION: _____________

TEACHER: _______________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: ____________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with
sources of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness

B. Objective
Analyze and evaluate information in terms of accessibility and


Being a student who utilizes varied academic materials, you need to develop
the ability to evaluate information sources. Remember that not all information is
reliable or true, nor will all information be suitable for your research work. In the
succeeding activities, you will be familiarized with two aspects of information that
will guide you to critically evaluate the appropriateness of all types of information


Accessibility refers to the quality of being easy to find, obtain, use, and
understand. In addition, accessible information is understood as information
provided in formats that allow every user and learner to access content ‘on an
equal basis with others’ (UNCRPD). Accessible information is ideally information
✔ allows all users and learners to easily orient themselves within the content;
✔ can be effectively perceived and understood by different perception
channels, such as using eyes and/or ears and/or fingers.


Effectiveness refers to the degree of being able to achieve the desired result
based on their objectives. Hence, the effectiveness of an information source relies

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

on whether the data presented is relevant or not to the purpose for which it is
required. There are four main purposes of information sources:
1. To provide information (e.g., newspaper articles)
2. To persuade or advocate (e.g., editorials or opinion pieces)
3. To entertain (e.g., a viral video)
4. To sell a product or service (e.g., advertising or marketing materials
on a company website)
As a reader, you also have to determine your intended goals in order to
choose the appropriate materials that would be suitable to achieve your objectives.
In assessing whether information can serve its purpose in a particular
context, data quality is crucial. To determine the quality of a given set of
information, there are data quality characteristics of which you should be aware.

Characteristics of Data Quality

Characteristics How it’s measured

✔ Accuracy Is the information correct in every detail?

✔ Completeness How comprehensive is the information?

✔ Reliability Does the information contradict other trusted


✔ Relevance Do you really need this information?

✔ Timeliness How up to date is information? Can it be used for

real-time reporting?

Practice Task 1. Let’s Distinguish
Directions: Match the characteristics of information in Column A with its definition
in Column B. Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before the

Column A Column B
___1. Accessibility a. Information that is correct and free from mistakes.
___2. Accuracy b. Information that comes from a trusted source.
___3. Reliability c. Information that is suitable and relevant for
___4. Relevance d. Information should be easy to obtain or access.
___5. Completeness e. Information that contains all the details required by
the user.

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

Practice Task 2. To Check is to Believe
Directions: Analyze the following information about social media whether it
provides accessible information. Put a check mark on the blank before the number
if the information meets the given criteria of accessibility; leave it blank if not.

Fredcavazza. (2008). Social Media Landscape. Retrieved from:
______1. The information provides a clear topic and supporting details.
______2. The contents are presented in a logical manner.
______3. The information is understandable and makes sense to the reader.
______4. All types of users including those with disabilities can use this
______5. The user of this information can perceive the contents without
______6. The source of this information can be easily found.
______7. The infographic consists of high-quality texts and images.
______8. It is presented in a variety of formats to provide information to those
individuals with no sight.
______9. The information provided is applicable to real life situations.
______10. The reader can easily know how to use or navigate this kind of

Practice Task 3. Aiming the Target

Directions: Evaluate the effectiveness of the infographic “Social Media
Landscape” in the previous activity. Determine whether the information provided
RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

can achieve the given purposes. Put a check mark in the box. Then, write your
reasons below. Present your findings through the following graphic organizer.

Purpose: To obtain information about different social media platforms and their



Purpose: To obtain in-depth information on how to use social media platforms.



Directions: Read the selection about Pros and Cons of Social Media Usage
for Students to get information about social media benefits. Then, analyze its
contents in terms of accessibility and effectiveness in achieving the purpose of
writing. Fill out the chart below with the needed answers. Use a separate sheet of
paper if necessary.

Pros and Cons of Social Media Usage for Students

Francisco Brannan | 30 July 2014

Social media has taken the world by storm. It has become one of the best
mediums for transfer of information and knowledge in the world. It is usually the
younger generation that uses social media than any other demographic.

Students especially use the medium to stay in touch with their old friends
and to meet new ones. Like any other technological innovations, social media has
its own share of advantages and disadvantages. Schools are adopting technology
for pedagogical purposes and introducing social media into the classrooms. This
is a trend that has garnered a lot of support as well as apprehensions.

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

Social media has several advantages for students. Social media can enable
students to easily contact each other with regard to school projects and
assignments. It is also possible for them to work on group assignments from the
comfort of their own homes. Students that use social media can also participate
more in class. When social media is used in pedagogy, students who have difficulty
in expressing their thoughts in their classrooms can get involved in the learning
process. It will help build these children’s confidence level as well. Social media is
also useful for students when doing homework. Any doubts can be cleared by
posting a message through social media. Any questions that they may have can
be asked on a message board and other students can also benefit from the
feedback given by the teacher.

Teachers have many options to share useful links, and this benefits the
student. Students, teachers, and parents can be on the same page with the help
of social media. Sites like Facebook help teachers to stay in touch with parents
and let them know about the progress of their children. Along with the advantages,
social media also has several disadvantages. Social media can be a distraction for
some students. Students may be distracted from their schoolwork and the teachers
will have no option of knowing which student pays attention. There is always a
possibility that the students will not use social media for educational purposes.
They may use social media for their personal communication.

Students that use social media regularly may lose their ability to engage in
face-to-face communication. Even if the world is turning to technology, students
must know how to communicate in the real world. Social media websites are
becoming notorious for cyber bullying. This has become an alarming trend.
Students may write hurtful messages about other students, and this could scar
students for life. Yet another problem with social media is that it is impossible to
know whether students will use the medium in a constructive manner. Students
may post inappropriate content like pornography on social media. This will defeat
the purpose of the medium altogether. Social media is a rather effective way for
students to make friends and to get their education. At the same time there are
certain disadvantages as well. The true challenge lies in overcoming the
disadvantages and ensuring that the advantages create the desired impact.
Source: Brannan (2014). Difference Between Eastern and Western Culture.

Characteristics Details from the Reasons

Sample Answer: Sample Answer:

⮚ Social media has ⮚ This topic sentence was

Accessibility several advantages placed at the beginning of the
for students. paragraph that allows the

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

⮚ readers to easily find the topic
⮚ they should focus on.

Sample Answer: Sample Answer:

⮚ Social media has ⮚ Figurative expressions are

taken the world by effective attention grabbers in
Effectiveness storm. the introduction of essays.

2. Write a short essay (at least 3 paragraphs) discussing your own stand on
social media usage for students. Please be guided by the rubric below. Use a
separate sheet of paper if necessary for your essay.


RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

Which part of the learning activity sheets is exciting for you? Why?


Accessibility definition. Retrieved from:
Characteristics of Information. Retrieved
Evaluating Information Sources. Retrieved from:
Sarfin, Rachel L. (2021). 5 Characteristics of Data Quality. Retrieved
What is Effectiveness. Retrieved from: https://www.igi-
What is Information Accessibility. Retrieved from: https://www.igi-
What is meant by ‘accessible information’?. Retrieved from:

Fredcavazza. (2008). Social Media Landscape. Retrieved from:
Writing Rubric. Retrieved from:

Congratulations! You have completed your learning adventure! Good luck

on your next learning journey!

Prepared by:
LYRA B. BEDIS, Teacher I
Vinisitahan National High School, Albay Division
Quality Assured by:
Lourdes Colasi, SSP I, Joroan NHS
Eden I. Bobis, Assistant Principal II/ OIC, San Juan High School
Sancho M. Bolanos Jr, Teacher II, Bonga NHS
Karen T. Landagan, Teacher I
Mai Anne D. Rondola, Education Program Supervisor, Albay Division
Nida D. Bernaldez, English Coordinator, Legazpi City Division

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 6

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