5 Addictions To Break To Become Your Best Self PDF

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Chris Donnelly

I post about startups, scale ups, AI and my entrepreneurial journey.

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Chris Donnelly

1. Your Phone
An obvious start you expected.

Being addicted to your phone and

dopamine is VERY dangerous.


1. Turn off social media notifications.

2. Turn it off an hour before you sleep.

3. Do not turn it on until you are up, you’ve

walked, you showered and you’ve had a
glass of water.
Chris Donnelly

2. Comparison
Social media has made perfect look real
and the real look imperfect.

Comparison will lead you to:

- Dissatisfaction.
- Feeling inadequate.
- A loss of desire to rush success.


Do a social media cleanse - unfollow

anybody who promotes "fake" lifestyles.
Chris Donnelly

3. Complaining
Moaning may feel harmless.

But soon you will train yourself to see the

negatives of every day.


Make a log - I am not joking. Every time you

complain about something...

Write it down.

This will be one hell of a shock but will help

to refocus your mind.
Chris Donnelly

4. Comfort

You do not need to go from 0-60 but

always try to have your foot on the pedal.

Yerkes-Dodson Law states:

“An optimal level of pressure or anxiety

increases performance, but only up to a


1. Take on a fitness challenge.

2. Expand your professional skill set.
3. Travel somewhere new.
Chris Donnelly

5. Procrastination
You do not want to procrastinate your life

Don’t wake up in 10 years and wonder

“what if”.


Try the 5-Minute Rule - If you are

procrastinating on a task, just tell yourself
you will work on it for 5 minutes.

The biggest challenge in completing a new

task is starting.
Chris Donnelly

Break these 5 addictions and

your life will never be the
same again:

1) Phone
2) Comparison
3) Complaining
4) Comfort
5) Procrastination
Don’t miss out on
future posts.


Chris Donnelly

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