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Importance of Arts and Creativity Literacy

• Bringing creativity and literacy together in the classroom can be a wonderful teaching tool. It
allows children to participate in literacy activities such as acting out plays using characters they've
created or creating props. It gives students the opportunity to use their imaginations.

• It promotes learner engagement, brings a subject to life, piques students' curiosity, and promotes
knowledge retention. It may also develop speaking and listening skills, stimulate team building,
and be made practical, making it suitable for people who may struggle with some traditional
methods of education, such as dyslexic children.

• Art literacy helps students develop design-thinking, creativity and critical thinking – all skills said
to be important for the future workforce.

How to integrate artistic literacy within classroom?

According to National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS), artistic literacy is the ability to
understand and contribute to broad milieu of art-related subjects, including visual arts (painting, pottery,
drawing, and so on), theater arts, musical arts, and dance.


Creating narratives using a drama or using a text as stimulus. Why not compose scripts, ads and other text
types through play building and improvisation.


Singing songs or performing and moving to songs that relate to a selected text. How do the lyrics
contribute to the meaning of the song?


Creating artworks to reflect a text. What about writing an artist's intent statement to accompany an


Interpreting the movements of each other. Use objects, images or ideas to inspire the creation of a dance

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