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NAMA : ...................................

KELAS :....................................

Look and Answer Look, count, and say.

25 + 15 = . . .

75 - 3 = . . . 40 - 2 = . . .

73 + 27 = . . . 80 + 2 = . . .

100 - 25 = . . . 15 + 4 = . . .

75 + 15 = . . . 30 + 13 = . . .

35 - 2 = . . .

16 My Next Words • 4th Grade-Semester 1

Guess my number.

What is my number?
It is between 50 and 60. Your number is
fifty five.

Look and Match


58 89
Fifty eight

Sixty two Sixty seven

75 67
Seventy five Eighty nine
Fifty six Seventy two
Sixty five Ninety two
98 72
Ninety eight

92 65

Unit 2 • There Are 67 English Book 17

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