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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the general explanations of what the researchers

discussed in this research. The introductory part contains several subheadings such

as introduction, background of the study, theoretical framework, conceptual

framework, research problem, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and

limitation of study, and definition of key terms.


These days, cases of heart disease, obesity, and malnutrition are on the rise,

leading to the invention of many nutritious foods aimed at providing sufficient

nutrients , minerals, and vitamins.

As of today, Many young people prefer food products with high salt content

and artificial ingredients that are harmful to health. In accordance with the study of

Jia et,al. (2022) The Impact of Junk Food on Health, A study showed that teenagers

aged 14-18 years old get more than 40% of their daily energy from these types of

foods, which is concerning. Another study showed that adolescents aged 12-17

years old view over 14.4 million advertisements in a signal year on popular websites,

with cakes, cookies, ice cream and salty chips being the most frequently advertised

products. Most individuals, especially young adolescents, favor this type of food

because it’s tasty and affordable, and because of this problem facing young
adolescents and also this generation, We researchers will make a food innovative

product called Pumpkin Fries and Moringa. With this idea, we aim to capture the

interest of young adolescents and others with our Pumpkin Fries and Moringa.

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa are not only rich in calories but also in essential vitamins

like A, B, and C. Pumpkin or Cucurbita moschata, is a tropical plant with vines and

belongs to the cucurbitaceae family. Moringa is a good source of nutrients and

antioxidants. Moringa is a good source of nutrients and antioxidants. Moringa leaves

are rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, B, and C. Doctors highly recommend moringa

for pregnant women and children. Moringa also protects and nourishes hair and skin,

supports liver health, aids digestion, and fights foodborne and bacterial infections.

Background of the Study

French fries, also known simply as fries, are a type of snack often made from

potatoes, flour, and other ingredients. The origin of French fries can be traced back

to France, where they began to be sold on the streets. French fries gained popularity

in the 1900s, particularly after World War I. They have become widely loved due to

their taste, appearance, and easy consumption. (Pitco, 2019)

Culinary Alchemy is
Background of the Study

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