Chapter 1 Golden Crunch - Culinary Alchemy of Pumpkin Fries and Moringa

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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the general explanations of what the researchers

discussed in this research. The introductory part contains several subheadings such

as introduction, background of the study, theoretical framework, conceptual

framework, research problem, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and

limitation of study, and definition of key terms.

These days, cases of heart disease, obesity, and malnutrition are on the

rise, leading to the invention of many nutritious foods aimed at providing

sufficient nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.

As of today, many young people prefer food products with high salt

content and artificial ingredients that are harmful to health. Most

individuals, especially young adolescents, favor this type of food because

it’s tasty and affordable. We propose a healthier version of french fries.

With this idea, we aim to capture the interest of young adolescents and

others with our Pumpkin Fries and Moringa.Pumpkin fries and moringa are

not only rich in calories but also in essential vitamins A, B, and C.

Pumpkin, or Cucurbita moschata, is a tropical plant with vines and belongs

to the cucurbitaceae family. Moringa is a good source of nutrients and

antioxidants. Moringa leaves are rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, B,

and C. Doctors highly recommend moringa for pregnant women and

children. Moringa also protects and nourishes hair and skin, supports liver

health, aids digestion, and fights foodborne and bacterial infections.

We aim to promote a healthy and convenient way of eating with

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa, offering a nutritious content that can help

individuals improve their nutritional health.

These days, cases of heart disease, obesity, and malnutrition are on the

rise, leading to the invention of many nutritious foods aimed at providing

sufficient nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.

Background of the Study
French fries, also known simply as fries, are a type of snack often

made from potatoes, flour, and other ingredients. The origin of French fries

can be traced back to France, where they began to be sold on the streets.

French fries gained popularity in the 1900s, particularly after World War I.

They have become widely loved due to their taste, appearance, and easy


Culinary Alchemy is the process where simple ingredients and dishes

are transformed into something new and unique. It is an art of food

experimentation, creating new dishes or snacks from various ingredients.

Culinary Alchemy is akin to science, but instead of experimenting with

elements, it involves experimenting with food to create something novel.

Pumpkin fries, made from fresh squash with added starch and Moringa,

exemplify this culinary innovation. Moringa oleifera is a plant rich in

essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, enhancing the nutritional value

of pumpkin fries.
Wiginton's study (2023), is a nutritional powerhouse with potassium and

vitamin C, akin to bananas and oranges, along with calcium, protein, iron,

and amino acids, promoting healing and muscle building. Its antioxidants

defend cells, potentially enhancing the immune system, lowering blood

pressure, and reducing fat levels. Both pumpkin and Moringa offer

numerous benefits to the human body. Pumpkin is a nutrient powerhouse,

containing minerals, vitamins, and beta-carotene, which converts to

vitamin A, essential for vision, immune system function, and overall organ

health. In addition, it is rich in vitamin B, C, E, iron, and folate,

strengthening the immune system. Moringa, as per

The combination of Pumpkin and Moringa represents a significant

advancement in food innovation compared to regular potato French fries.

Through Culinary Alchemy, the fusion of science and transformation, new

food products can be created that are not only delicious but also rich in

essential vitamins and minerals.

However In the existing literature about our research study it appears to

have lack of information regarding the long-term effects of consuming

these types of snacks innovations. While the study highlights the

nutritional content and immediate health benefits, it would be valuable to

explore the adverse effects, such as long-term impact, such as

metabolism, or other aspects of well-being.

Thus this study aims to create a new product “Pumpkin Fries and

Moringa” to improve the health of individuals such as young adolescents

and teachers to improve their health and diet, by using Culinary Alchemy.
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on Acceptability of Vacuum-fries Squash

(Cucurbita Maxima) Using Three Processed schedule of Escarez, et. al

(2018). Acceptability of Vacuum-fries Squash is the level of approval or

liking of the vacuum-fried squash by the target audience. Acceptability can

be measured through sensory evaluations such as, taste tests, and

preferences surveys. Cucurbita maxima, commonly known as squash,

serves as a primary provider of vitamin A. The fruits of squash encompass

various nutritional compounds essential for human consumption, including

a moderate quantity of mineral salts such as Potassium (K), Phosphorus

(P), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), and Selenium (Se). Additionally, the

seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids and a range of minerals. Pumpkins,

belonging to the Cucurbita maxima family, are particularly abundant in

vitamins C, E, B6, K, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Given its robust

chemical composition, pumpkin represents a valuable component of the

human diet, exhibiting not only antioxidant and anti-cancer effects but also

demonstrating hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The research title "Acceptability of Vacuum-fried Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) Using Three Process Schedules" suggests that the study

involves evaluating the acceptability of vacuum-fried squash using three

different process schedules. Process schedules in this context refer to the

specific methods or procedures employed during the vacuum-frying of


Figure 1. Acceptability of Vacuum-Fries Squash (Cucurbita maxima)

Using Three Processed Schedule Theory by Escarez et al.,(2018)
The three process schedules in this study are defined by the variations in

temperature and duration of vacuum frying applied to thinly sliced frozen

squash. The first process schedule involves frying the thinly sliced frozen

squash under vacuum conditions at a temperature of 80°C for a duration

of 20 minutes. The second process schedule entails vacuum frying the

squash at a slightly higher temperature of 90°C but for a shorter duration,

specifically 15 minutes. The third process schedule consists of frying the

frozen squash slices at a temperature of 100°C, with a reduced duration of

10 minutes. These three distinct process schedules aim to explore the

impact of varying temperature and time on the acceptability of the

vacuum-fried young squash. The study evaluates the quality attributes,

including color, taste, texture, and general acceptability, to discern any

significant differences among the three process schedules. The goal is to

identify the optimal combination of temperature and duration that

achieves a healthy alternative with reduced oil content while retaining the

nutritional quality of the squash.

In this study, we position our research within the theory of Acceptability of

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa using Three Process Schedules. This theory

provides a conceptual foundation or insight on how we are going to

improve our Pumpkin and Fries and Moringa using this theory.
Conceptual Framework


Figure 2. Research Paradigm

Figure 2 explained how the study flows using the IPO (Input, Process,

Output) model. The Input box shows the Color, Aroma, Taste and texture.

The Application of Culinary Alchemy influencing the sensory attributes of

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa. The Process box shows how data collected

and treated from the Administration of Survey-Questionnaires, Data

Gathering Procedures, and Statistical Treatment of Data. Finally, the

Output box shows the outcome of the study, which is to create a Pumpkin

Fries and Moringa.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to create Pumpkin Fries and Moringa using the

Culinary Alchemy.

Specifically , it answers the following research questions;

1. What is the level of acceptability among consumers for the Culinary

creation of “Golden Crunch, Pumpkin Fries and Moringa”?

2. How does the application of culinary alchemy influence the sensory

attributes of Pumpkin Fries and Moringa?

1.1 Color,

1.2 Aroma,

1.3 Taste

1.4 Texture


There is no significant difference in sensory attributes, nutritional

content, and overall acceptability between traditional Pumpkin Fries and

Pumpkin Fries infused with Moringa when prepared using culinary

Scope and Limitation

The research explores the culinary aspects of combining Pumpkin

Fries and Moringa aiming to create a dish also known as “Golden Crunch.”

The data collected will be conducted to select randomly in Taguig National

High School S.Y 2023-2024.

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

Department of Education (Deped). Our research could provide insights

into creating appealing and nutritious snacks, incorporating ingredients

like Moringa. This information is valuable for educational programs

promoting healthy habits among students. Our research could also

provide Practical-hands on culinary experience into the educational

curriculum. Culinary Arts programs within the Department of Education

could benefit from incorporating innovative cooking techniques and the

creative fusion of flavors.

School Administrators. Our study can contribute to nutritional

awareness among school administrators. It provides insights into the

potential health benefits incorporating Golden Crunch, Pumpkin Fries and

Moringa into school menus.

Teachers. Our research can be used as an educational resource to

illustrate the application of culinary alchemy in creating innovative and

nutritious dishes. The teachers, especially culinary teachers, can use this

information to teach students about different cooking methods, flavor

combinations, and the science behind creating appealing and nutritious


Students. Our research can help students, especially Culinary

Students/Home-Economics Students, gain valuable insights into the

creative process of culinary experimentation. Our research can serve as

an educational resource, showcasing how innovative combinations of

ingredients and cooking techniques can be explored. Our product

“Pumpkin Fries and Moringa” can improve the nutrition of students who

are studying.

Parents/Guardians. Our research can provide learnings and inspiration to

parents to improve their cooking and dishes. Parents and Guardians can

use our research to convince their children to eat vegetables. The study

could have educational value for parents seeking to broaden their

understanding of the nutritional benefits associated with specific culinary

combinations. This knowledge can empower parents to make informed

decisions about their family's dietary choices.

Future Researchers. Future researchers can build upon the findings of

this study to innovate in culinary arts. The exploration of culinary alchemy

techniques and flavor combinations could inspire new culinary

creations.The nutritional analysis of the Golden Crunch can offer insights

into the health benefits of incorporating moringa into familiar dishes. This

can motivate future research on optimizing nutritional content in everyday


Definition of Terms.

Alchemy. refers to the art and science of transforming common

ingredients like pumpkin and moringa into a distinctive and alluring

culinary experience, possibly through inventive cooking techniques or


Culinary. pertains to everything related to food, including its preparation,

cooking methods, presentation, and even the cultural and artistic aspects

of cuisine.

Crunch. consistency of pumpkin fries after being submerged in hot oil for


Fries. made by slicing pumpkin and maybe moringa into thin strips or

pieces, coating them, and then deep-frying them till crispy.

Minerals. are crucial inorganic nutrients that are present in many different

foods, such as pumpkin and moringa. These minerals frequently contain

substances like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron, all of which are

crucial for human nutrition and health.

Moringa. refers to the plant and any edible elements of the plant, such as

leaves or pods, that are utilized to make a dish.

Nutrition. refers to the process by which living organisms, including

humans, acquire and utilize the necessary substances (nutrients) for

growth, development, maintenance of health, and overall well-being.

Vitamins. refers to the vital organic substances that are naturally present

in food, including vitamins A, C, and K, which are frequently linked to the

nutritional value of foods like pumpkin and moringa.

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