TLISW - CL - VI - ICT - HY - SAMPLE QP - 2023-24

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TLISW/VI/ICT/HY-Sample Question Paper/Sept 2023


(Wagholi ● Hadapsar ● Kalyani Nagar)
Half Yearly Sample paper (2023-24)
Class: VI Max Marks: 50
Roll No.___________ Time: 2 hours

1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper is divided into 02 sections, viz., Section A & Section B
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type
(26 MARKS)
5. Do as per the instructions given in the respective sections.
6. Marks allotted are mentioned against each section/question.
7. All questions must be attempted in the correct order.

Q1. Multiple Choice Questions. Solve any 12 out of 13 1x12=12
Which type of memory retains its data even when the computer is turned off?
a) RAM b) ROM c) Cache d) Virtual Memory
__________ is a harassment that takes place using technology.
ii. 1
a) Social engineering b) Cookies c) cyberbullying d) spam
Reasoning in AI can be divided into ________ categories.
iii. 1
a) Three b) Four c) Two d) Five
Which memory is typically smaller in size and faster to access compared to RAM.
a) Virtual Memory b) Hard Disk c) Cache Memory d) Optical Memory 1
How do you add a new worksheet to an existing Excel workbook?
a) Click on the "File" menu and select "New"
v. b) Press the "Enter" key 1
c) Right-click on a worksheet tab and choose "Insert"
d) Close the workbook and open a new one
Which option allows you to change the width of a column to fit the longest
vi. entry? 1
a) AutoFit b) Adjust c) Resize d) Reformat
The smallest unit in computer processing is called a _______
vii. 1
a) Bit b) Byte c) Nibble d) KB
______ is a virtual assistant launched by Samsung.
viii. 1
a) Cortana b) Bixby c) Alexa d) Siri
Watson, natural question-answering computer was developed by _____.
ix. 1
a) I-Robot b) IBM c) Honda d) Google
In Excel, how can you create a chart?
a) Click on the "Save" button
x. b) Right-click on a cell and select "Create Chart" 1
c) Press Ctrl+C
d) Select data and click on the "Insert" tab, then choose a chart type
What does the function "COUNT" do in Excel?
xi. a) Adds up numbers b) Finds the average of numbers 1
c) Counts the number of cells with numbers d) Multiplies numbers

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TLISW/VI/ICT/HY-Sample Question Paper/Sept 2023

What does the timeline in Adobe Animate show?

a) A list of fonts available for use
xii. b) Layers and frames of an animation over time 1
c) A collection of clip art
d) Different color palettes
What is Adobe Animate primarily used for?
xiii. a) Editing photos b) Creating animations and interactive content 1
c) Writing code d) Designing logos
Q2. Fill in the Blanks. Solve any 6 out of 7 1x6=6
The main purpose of AI is to make machines smart and capable of ____________
i. 1
like humans.
AI is used in things we use every day, like ____________ that understand what
ii. 1
we say and give us answers.
iii. When we're done creating in Adobe Animate, we can __________our animations. 1
iv. Adobe Animate also helps us make _______________. 1
v. Each box in this grid is called a _____________. 1
vi. The ___________ function adds up numbers. 1
vii. In Excel, the graphical representation of data is called _______________. 1
Q3. State Whether True or False. Solve any 6 out of 7 1x6=6
i. AI is not important because it cannot learn from data. 1

ii. AI can be used in medicine to help doctors diagnose diseases.

iii. The term Artificial Intelligence was coined by Alan Turing.
iv. Non-Monotonic reasoning is not fit for real-time system.
v. A nibble is a collection of 5 bits.
vi. We can you pencil tool to create lines and any figures.
vii. Virtual assistants are good examples of strong AI.
Q4. One word or full form or shortcut key. Solve any 3 out of 4 1x3=3
i. To test a movie in Adobe animate. 1
ii. This key should be pressed to make straight lines when using pencil tool. 1
iii. MRAM 1
iv. ANI 1
Q5. Differentiate Between. Solve any 2 out of 3 2x2=4
Formula and Function
i. 2
Column Chart and Bar Chart
ii. 2
Frame Animation and Motion Tweening
iii. 2

Q6. Short answers / Application based questions. Solve any 4 out of 5 2x4=8
You are analyzing sales data for a retail company over the course of a year. The
data includes monthly sales figures for different products. You want to visually
represent this data using a chart to identify trends and patterns.

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TLISW/VI/ICT/HY-Sample Question Paper/Sept 2023

a) Which type of Excel chart would you use to effectively display the sales data
for different products over the months, and why?

I'm not a human, but I can chat, Answering questions in no time flat. 2
Whether it's rain, or whether it's hot, Who am I?
iii. Write the structure of function and explain. 2

iv. Explain the purpose of stage in Adobe Animate. 2

v. Write steps to insert pie chart in excel worksheet 2
Q7. Draw G.O. on any 1 out of 2 2x1=2
i. Features of Adobe Animate. 2
ii. Ways in which AI is changing our world for better. 2
Q8. Answer in brief. Solve any 3 out of 4 3x3=9
i. Write any 6 components of Adobe Animate Window. 3
ii. What is the need of AI? Write different categories of AI. 3
iii. Write the components of chart. 3
iv. Write two methods of testing movie in Adobe Animate. 3


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