Érettségi Szó Emelt

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Examiner: Good morning! Take a seat, please.

How are you feeling at the moment?
How did you feel this morning when you woke up?
What will you miss most now that you’re leaving school?
Would you stay one more year? Why (not)?

Now I’m going to ask you a few questions. If you can’t understand me, I can repeat the
question once. Let’s get started.

Do you get angry when you watch the news on TV and see all the terrible things
happening in the world?
Not anymore, I’m afraid. It’s really horrible but we have all got used to seeing so many
disasters and crimes and catastrophes on the news every day, that it must be a really big
event, or something not shown earlier (like the tsunami a couple years ago) if you want
people to react with any kind of emotion.

Does it annoy you when you are waiting in a long queue and someone pushes in
front of you?
Yes, it does, and Hungarians do it so often! I was on holiday in Portugal last summer,
and I was amazed at how peacefully people wait in line for the bus, and everyone knows
who is the next, and they never have any problems about this! I hope we will have more
and more places where you draw a number so no queue jumping is possible.

Does it drive you crazy when waiters ignore you?

Only if I’m very hungry or thirsty, or if I want to leave and they won’t let me pay. I
mean I usually go to cafés, not restaurants, with my friends, so these are the two
problems really, when you get there and when you leave. But there are some nice
places in the outskirts of Budapest where the waiters remember you after a couple times
and make you feel at home.

Does it make you angry when people keep you waiting?

If they let me know they will be late then it’s okay. I usually have a book with me, or my
ipod, so I don’t get bored while I’m waiting. But if someone is late and they don’t call or
text, I can get a little irritated – why should I spend money on finding out what has
happened? I don’t mind waiting, but I want to know if I’ll need to wait 5 minutes or half
an hour.

Does it upset you when have to say "No" when someone asks you for help?
Actually, I’m the kind of person who never says no when someone asks for help. So I
never feel upset because of refusing someone – but I’m often angry at myself for saying
yes again! Just last week, when I was studying really hard, my neighbour asked me to
help him paint his fence, and I could have said no easily, but I didn’t, and I lost so many
valuable hours!

I see. Now let’s move on to the next topic, which is gender roles.

Do you see yourself as a typical man/woman? Why or why not?
I think I’m a fairly typical woman. I mean, I love fashion and dressing in a trendy way, I
have lots of accessories, I wear make-up almost every day… I love chatting to my
friends about boys or any other silly topic. I love cooking actually, and I often cook
something at the weekend. On the other hand, I love sports, including football, and I’m
interested in nice cars, too.

Are the responsibilities of a mother the same as the responsibilities of a father to

their families?
I think they should be, in an ideal world. They should share all the household chores
from cooking to cleaning, and hopefully make roughly the same amount of money. That
also means that both of them should have jobs. And I suppose it’s really important that
a child can talk to any of them about any problems, so they should always be available.

What would happen if your parents changed their place for one day?
Well, my dad would spend one hour in the bathroom and my mum would finish in 10
minutes. My mum would make lunch, which would be very delicious, and my dad would
say how lucky he is to have such a great cook in the family. My dad would do the
shopping and he would come home later from work and would be more tired. Oh and my
mum would tell is about some gorgeous car she saw earlier in the day.

Do men/men friendships differ from women/men or women/women friendships?

Yes, I think they are very different. I’m a girl, and when I’m with my best friends, we
talk so much! We usually go somewhere, like for a coffee or shopping or something, and
then just chat about anything! When boys meet, they always do some kind of activity,
like playing computer games, or playing football or something like that. And it’s a bit sad
but I think boys argue less than girls do.

Who do you think has life easier, girls or guys? Why?

I have no idea. But I think it’s more fun to be a girl! I mean, if you want, you can do
practically anything that a boy can do, plus you can wear a skirt and lots of different
fashionable clothes, and then you can give birth – I’m sure that is a unique experience.
And people, especially older people, for example on the street or at the market, are
usually very nice to girls.

Well, I see. Now, let’s change the topic. We’re going to talk about habits.

What are good study habits?
Well, I know all about this now, just doing my final exams. First of all, I think it’s very
important to draw up a kind of timetable and then stick to it. It gives you a little sense
of achievement every day if you have learnt what you had to learn that day. I think this
makes learning seem more manageable. It is also good if you take breaks regularly,
short breaks, but like every half an hour. You simply can’t concentrate for more than

Where do we learn our habits?

Some of them must come from childhood and your family, and some must go back to
primary school. I think if you do something a number of times and it either makes you
feel good or you find that it’s useful, then you just keep doing it – and then it’s already a

Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?

I used to take the lift, always, everywhere, even if it was just one floor. Now I’m better
and I often take the stairs and always feel great when I get to the floor where I’m going.
Of course, if my bag is too heavy or I’m just very tired, I’ll take the lift, but earlier I
would always do that, always.

What bad habits bother you the most?

I don’t know, really. I mean I’m not a big fan of people smoking next to me, kind of in
my face. I also don’t like people who complain all the time, especially when there is no
reason. Oh I know! I hate it when a clever students who has studied a lot for a test

says that they are going to fail the test, and they end up doing 80 %. That really gets on
my nerves.

How can you develop a good habit?

I think it’s very important that you understand why that habit is good for you. It’s
probably helpful to have someone around who either already has that habit, or is trying
to develop it with you. Like a study buddy, someone who can motivate you and be there
four you at difficult times.

Thank you, that’s the end of the first part of the test.


Now look at this situation. You can study the sheet for half a minute. When you are
ready, start a conversation with me. I am your friend.

Your friend wants to lose some weight and he/she has asked you for advice about what
sport the/she should take up. Recommend some sports to him/her, considering the

 individual or team sport

 intensity
 cost
 following the latest trends

- Ok, first of all, is there any sport you really don’t like?
- I’m not a big fan of water so swimming and the like wouldn’t be that good.
- I see. Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
- Team sports.
- OK. Maybe you could try taking up football then. You don’t need a lot of
equipment for that, and now that spring is here, you can play in any park. What
do you think?
- I’m not very good at football to be honest.
- Well, then how about doing yoga? That is become very trendy these days. There
are many clubs you can join. And you also learn a relaxation technique!
- I’m not sure I would lose a lot of weight from doing yoga.

- That’s true. You need something that is more intense so you can burn some fat.
I know! Why don’t you start taking dance lessons with your partner? That way,
you could do exercise and have fun at the same time!
- That’s not a bad idea. What dances would you recommend?
- Well, you want something that doesn’t need special equipment, so probably not
tap dance. And it needs to be an intense dance, one with lots of spinning and
jumping… How about swing then? Do you like jazz music?
- Yes, I do! That sounds great. Thanks a lot.
- No problem.

Thank you, that’s the end of the second part of the test.


In the last part of the test, you will compare and contrast some pictures. Now you
have half a minute to look at these pictures and the prompts below them. When you
are ready, you will have three minutes to talk.

The pictures below show different uses of technology. Compare and contrast them,
including the following points:

 effects in our everyday life

 cost
 usefulness
 novelty or excitement

Both pictures show some modern-day use of technology, the launch of a space
shuttle and some solar panels, respectively. I haven’t seen any of them in real life yet,
but I hope I will see some solar panels in Hungary soon.
As far as I know, there is a significant difference between the two uses in terms of
cost. You can sometimes hear about people who have built their own solar panel, but
you never hear about people having their own space shuttle. Actually, space travel is
probably one of the most expensive things ever.
However, both kinds of technology are equally important in my opinion – space
shuttles are connected to satellite technology, which enables us to watch TV and have

really detailed maps on GoogleEarth, for example. And solar panels of course give us a
chance to use renewable energy and thus protect the environment.
I am personally more excited about space travel than renewable energies. I
mean, just the thought of finding life somewhere else out there in the universe – I find
that fascinating. I wish I didn’t have a filling in one of my teeth and could become an

Thank you, that’s the end of your test.

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