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Writing Task 1 – example

The following bar chart illustrates the number of Britain’s male and female in further education
from 1970 to 1990 measured in thousand. Overall, it can be seen that both gender have an
increased number of full-time education, but still largely prefer part-time further education.
At the beginning of the period, it can be seen that both men and women who took full time
tertiary education courses wereare very low in number. Ranging around 100 thousand for men,
and 50 thousand for women itself. This number grows steadily in the past 30 years for the male
students, until it reached more than doubled of its number at the end of 1990 period. The
number of female students, however rose sharply to almost three time as high as where it
started in 1980, but has been relatively stable until the last period.
Even with the increasing number of students that dedicated their time for education, the number
still cannotcan’t be compared with how large the gap of part-timer students that has a range of
800 to 1000 per period. Especialy with the female students that starts at below 800 thousand at
1970, and ends with around 1100 thousand at 1990.

Band score 5

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