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Name: Marielle B. Tangaro Subject: Wit-SOC (B) 5:30 P.M.-7:00 P.M.

Course & Year: BSA-1 Date: September 28, 2023

The Chronological Biblical account of the life of Jesus using the Mysteries of Holy

1st Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary
➢ Mary learns that she has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus.
2nd Joyful Mystery: The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
➢ Mary visits Elizabeth, who tells her that she will always be remembered.
3rd Joyful Mystery: The Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea
➢ Jesus is born in a stable in Bethlehem.
4th Joyful Mystery: The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
➢ Mary and Joseph take the infant Jesus to the Temple to present him to God.
5th Joyful Mystery: The finding of Jesus in the temple
➢ Jesus is found in the Temple discussing his faith with the teachers.
1st Luminous Mystery: Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan
➢ God proclaims that Jesus is his beloved Son.
2nd Luminous Mystery: The Wedding at Cana
➢ At Mary’s request, Jesus performs his first miracle.
3rd Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom
➢ Jesus calls all to conversion and service to the Kingdom.
4th Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration
➢ Jesus is revealed in glory to Peter, James, and John.
5th Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist
➢ Jesus offers his Body and Blood at the Last Supper.
1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
➢ Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before he dies.
2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar
➢ Jesus is lashed with whips.
3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning of Jesus with Thorns
➢ Jesus is mocked and crowned with thorns.
4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
➢ Jesus carries the cross that will be used to crucify him.
5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
➢ Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies.
1st Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection of Jesus
➢ God the Father raises Jesus from the dead.
2nd Glorious Mystery: The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
➢ Jesus returns to his Father in heaven.
3rd Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
➢ The Holy Spirit comes to bring new life to the disciples.
4th Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
➢ At the end of her life on earth, Mary is taken body and soul into heaven.
5th Glorious Mystery: The Crowing of Our Lady Queen of Heaven
➢ Mary is crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth.


The rhythm of Hail Mary quiets my mind to allow me to reflect on Christ’s life here
on Earth. I began to gain valuable insights into the important parts of His life and
developed in high respect of His sacrifice, and as a result, it is proper that I avoid
committing sins. Through this Holy Rosary, Mary wants us to be closer to His son and
deepen our faith in Him. It also serves us as a guide to a life full of meaning and with
accordance to His Holy Scriptures. The Glorious Mysteries tells and teaches us about
humility, love of neighbor, poverty of spirit, obedience, and piety. The Luminous
Mysteries tells and teaches us to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, repentance, we
need to desire for Holiness, eucharistic adoration. The Sorrowful Mysteries tells us and
teaches us moral courage and patience. Lastly, the Glorious Mysteries tells and teaches
us faith, hope, wisdom, devotion to Mary, Eternal Happiness in heaven.

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