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Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

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Using low carbon footprint high-pressure carbon dioxide in bioconversion of T

aspen branch waste for sustainable bioethanol production
Yingji Wua,1, Shengbo Gea,1, Changlei Xiaa,b,1, Liping Caia, Changtong Meia, Christian Sonnec,
Young-Kwon Parkd, Young-Min Kime, Wei-Hsin Chenf,g,h, Jo-Shu Changg,i, Su Shiung Lamj,k,b,

Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forestry Resources, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing,
Jiangsu 210037, China
Anhui Juke Graphene Technology Co., Ltd., Bozhou, Anhui 233600, China
Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Arctic Research Centre (ARC), Frederiksborgvej 399, PO Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
School of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, Republic of Korea
Department of Environmental Engineering, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 38453, Republic of Korea
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung 407, Taiwan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung 411, Taiwan
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Pyrolysis Technology Research Group, Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries (AKUATROP), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu,
Henan Province Engineering Research Center for Biomass Value-Added Products, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450002, China

Enzymatic hydrolysis yield (%)

Regular hot water AW-190°C-68atmCO2
80 AW-190°C-68atmN2

Aspen wood (AW) AW-190 C

High-pressure CO2 hot water 40

(II) Gas releasing 0 24 48 72

High-pressure CO2 gas Incubation time (h)

Lignin AW-190 C-68atmCO2


Keywords: An innovative approach was developed by incorporating high-pressure CO2 into the separate hydrolysis-fer-
Separate hydrolysis-fermentation (SHF) mentation of aspen leftover branches, aiming to enhance the bioethanol production efficiency. The high-pressure
Biomass CO2 significantly increased the 72-h enzymatic hydrolysis yield of converting aspen into glucose from 53.8% to
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 82.9%. The hydrolysis process was performed with low enzyme loading (10 FPU g−1 glucan) with the aim of
Yeast fermentation
reducing the cost of fuel bioethanol production. The ethanol yield from fermentation of the hydrolyzed glucose
using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was 8.7 g L–1, showing increment of 10% compared with the glucose
control. Techno-economic analysis indicated that the energy consumption of fuel bioethanol production from
aspen branch chips was reduced by 35% and the production cost was cut 44% to 0.615 USD L–1, when 68 atm

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.S. Lam).
These authors contributed equally to the manuscript.
Received 11 May 2020; Received in revised form 9 June 2020; Accepted 9 June 2020
Available online 13 June 2020
0960-8524/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

CO2 was introduced into the process. These results furtherly emphasized the low carbon footprint of this sus-
tainable energy production approach.

1. Introduction the solid residue was only approximately 50% after subjecting to 1 h of
autohydrolysis (Mittal et al., 2009).
Driven by the environmental impacts and unsustainability of using The CO2-assisted and CO2-catalyzed processes become attractive
fossil fuels, second-generation biofuels, e.g., bioethanol, biodiesel, and due to their chemical-free nature (Park and Lee, 2020). To enhance the
biomethane, are widely investigated for their potential to alter the hot water pretreatment efficiency without raising environmental con-
status of global energy consumption (Ragauskas et al., 2006). Those cerns, high-pressure CO2 was introduced into the process, which could
biofuels are quite applicable to substitute fossil fuels because they have promote hemicellulose degradation without using chemicals. It was
similar properties as conventional fuels (Kesharwani et al., 2019). This contributed by the formation of carbonic acids that could help to hy-
makes them easier to be applied to conventional fossil-fuel engines. In drolyze the hemicellulose (Zheng et al., 1998). The effectiveness of
2018, the proportion of the biomass-derived fuels was approximately high-pressure CO2 can be highly correlated with pretreatment tem-
5% in all energy resources used in the United States, and 46% of the perature and pressure. As a chemical-free method, the use of high-
biomass fuels was mainly in the form of bioethanol (Ge et al., 2020). pressure CO2 in hot water pretreatment is hypothesized to be able to
Furtherly, as alternative fuels, global warming could also be hugely help to break down cell wall structures and lead to more glucose pro-
relieved by counting the life cycle effects (Zhao et al., 2019). Separate duction without causing environmental burden. High-pressure CO2 gas
hydrolysis-fermentation (SHF) is one of the current approaches for is used as an agent in the physical forming process, which could fab-
converting biomass into biofuels, including two stages, i.e., sacchar- ricate foam with high surface area (Kuang et al., 2017). It is also
ification and fermentation (Yang et al., 2014). The advantage of SHF is thought that the high-pressure CO2 may also increase the surface area
mainly on its easiness to separately optimize hydrolysis to prepare high- in the pretreated substances, enhancing the enzyme adsorption and
concentration sugar broth for subsequent fermentation (Maslova et al., thereby promoting enzymatic hydrolysis stage. Furthermore, the utili-
2019). However, bioethanol is primarily derived from sugar and starch zation of CO2 will not generate any toxic residue in the saccharine
in the current stage, which substantially conflicts with the food supply broth, which could be beneficial to the fermentation stage for biofuel
chains and thereby affecting the food prices (Weng et al., 2019). production. In the economic aspect, the increased glucose yield is
To avoid competition with food supplies, other hydrocarbon feed- predicted to reduce the production cost of bioethanol (Toor et al.,
stocks, for instance, lignocellulosic biomass, are investigated and de- 2020).
veloped to be used as biofuel production resources (Cordella et al., To promote the bioconversion of waste aspen branch chips into
2012). Those lignocellulosic biomasses could be forestry materials, bioethanol, high-pressure CO2 was introduced into the SHF process to
agricultural residues, industrial wastes, etc., containing abundant improve pretreatment efficiency by combining hot-water pretreatment
polysaccharides, for instance, cellulose (Ewulonu et al., 2019). After with high-pressure CO2 application. The enzymatic hydrolysis results
being hydrolyzed, the released sugar (e.g., glucose) could be the pro- were utilized to examine the pretreatment parameters. The mechanism
mising feedstock used in the biofuel production industries (Yang et al., of the high-pressure CO2 hot water pretreatment was illustrated. Yeast
2019b), as a replacement of food crops, e.g., corn, sugarcane, etc. fermentation was used to produce bioethanol from the hydrolyzed
However, the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic materials to biological glucose. Furthermore, the energy consumption and techno-economic
conversion is very serious, which increases the difficulty of cellulose investigation of the SHF processes were performed and compared. This
conversion into sugars (Shafiei et al., 2015). The compact structures in high-pressure CO2 process is hypothesized to show improved perfor-
the plant cells, where the cells of biomass are stacked together (called mance on refining enzymatic feedstock compared to regular hot water
middle lamella) due to the high lignin content, which will result in the pretreatment, and less environmental impact and reagent cost than
enzyme used for hydrolysis was inhibited from accessing the cellulose, chemical assisted pretreatments. Those beneficial features are expected
are undesirable for the cell decomposition. Thus, there was a need to to enhance the feasibility of using the high-pressure CO2 process for
pretreat the lignocellulosic material for increasing the enzyme acces- ethanol production.
sibility to maximize the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose (Karimi et al.,
To upgrade lignocellulosic biomass for producing enzymatic hy- 2. Materials and methods
drolysis glucose, various pretreatment approaches were explored, e.g.,
biological (Sharma et al., 2019), hot water (Xu et al., 2019), organic Aspen (Populus tremuloides) leftover branches were collected from
solvent (Zhang et al., 2016), dilute acid (Jensen et al., 2010), Fenton timber cutting and chopped into chips with an approximate size of
chemical (Yang et al., 2019a), etc. As a chemical-free method, hot water 1 × 1 × 0.2 cm3 (length × width × thickness), and naturally dried.
pretreatment is preferred, especially for industrial production (Karimi The biomass chemical compositions were determined by following
et al., 2013). However, the industrialization of hot water pretreatment National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) standard (Sluiter et al.,
is limited by its unsatisfactory efficiency in eliminating the inhibition 2008). The chemicals, including microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel® PH-
from the residue biomass, for instance, high-residue hemicellulose 101, ~50 μm particle size), citric acid monohydrate (≥99%), sodium
biomass (Karimi et al., 2013). Being a fast-growing wood, Aspen (Po- citrate dihydrate (≥99%), sodium chloride (≥99.5%), acetic acid
pulus tremuloides) trees are widely planted as economic forest in North (≥99%), D-glucose (≥99.5%), and ethanol (≥99.5%) were obtained
America. The high cellulose content of aspen wood (AW) is a desired from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. The buffer solution (50 mM, pH = 4.8) was
resource for sugar production (Jagtap et al., 2013). Pretreatments, for prepared from citric acid, sodium citrate and deionized (DI) water.
instance, dilute acid (Jensen et al., 2010), have been applied to AW for Novozym® 22C cellulase was employed for experiments of enzymatic
enhancing the cellulose hydrozability by enzymes, however, the en- hydrolysis. Cellulase C2730 was used for the Langmuir adsorption
vironmental concerns from the use of chemicals are obvious. A hot studies. A commercial strain, Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
water pretreatment is an ideal approach with no additional chemicals. was utilized in the yeast fermentation to produce bioethanol.
However, the hemicellulose removal from aspen in the hot water pre-
treatment is not efficient, for instance, the reduction of hemicellulose in

Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

2.1. Hot water pretreatments 2.5. Mercury intrusion

A 2-L pressure reactor was employed for hot water pretreatment. A Micromeritics Autopore IV 9500 with a 3-mL penetrometer
Briefly, aspen branch chips (100 g) were soaked in DI water (1 L) for (0.387IV and 0.412SV) was employed for mercury intrusion analysis.
approximately 12 h, and subsequently poured into the reactor. The The pressure range from 0.5 to 33,000 psi was used for data collection.
pretreatments were carried out under various temperatures, i.e., 150, Prior to the tests, the substances were freeze-dried for approximately
170, and 190 °C, respectively. After 1-h of dwelling at various pre- 48 h by a freeze dryer (Christ Alpha 1–2 LD plus, Germany).
treatment temperatures, the reactor was quenched to less than 35 °C by
tap water. The suspension was filtrated (200-mesh sieve) and DI water 2.6. Langmuir adsorption
washed for three cycles. The solid substance was collected and kept in a
refrigerator (4 °C). The resulted substances were named AW-150 °C, Langmuir adsorption tests were conducted to investigate the en-
AW-170 °C, and AW-190 °C, respectively, corresponding to their pre- zyme adsorption on the substances (Tu et al., 2009). Cellulase C2730
treatment temperatures. Triplicate experiments were performed for enzyme (low β-glucosidase) was used for the tests. The protein content
each pretreatment in this work. The chemical compositions of the of the enzyme suspension was 41 mg mL−1. Briefly, the substance was
pretreated samples were investigated through the NREL procedure mixed into sodium citrate buffer for preparing samples with various
(Sluiter et al., 2008), and then converted to calculate the contents of enzyme amounts, i.e., 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg mL−1, respectively.
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The prepared samples were then placed in an incubation shaker with
150 rpm of orbital rotation and at 50 °C of environmental temperature.
2.2. High-pressure CO2 hot water pretreatments After equilibrium (approximately 12 h), the free enzyme concentrations
were obtained. Being subtracted from the initial concentrations, the
An innovative approach combining high-pressure carbon dioxide adsorbed enzyme concentrations were calculated. The correlation be-
(CO2) and hot water pretreatment was developed and tested on waste tween free and adsorbed enzyme concentrations was established as
aspen branch chips. The experiments were performed in a 2-litre her- follows:
metical reactor connected with an external CO2 gas tanker. Similar to
max KC
that performed by regular hot water pretreatment at 190 °C, the soaked =
(1 + KC ) (1)
aspen branch chips were subjected for 1 h cooking at 190 °C. During the
pretreatments, the pressures in the reactor were kept at 34 or 68 atm where ‘Γ’ = adsorbed enzyme concentration; ‘Γmax’ = maximum en-
(500 or 1000 psi) by introducing high-pressure CO2 gas, and the re- zyme concentration (i.e., enzymes fully covered the surface of sub-
sulting solid substances were named as AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 and AW- stance); ‘K’ = Langmuir constant; and ‘C’ = free enzyme concentration.
190 °C-68atmCO2, respectively. All other procedures were the same as The distribution coefficient (R) can be defined:
those conducted in the regular hot water pretreatment. R= (2)
max K

2.3. High-pressure N2 hot water pretreatment

2.7. Yeast fermentation to produce bioethanol
As a control variant and comparison to the high-pressure CO2 pre-
treatment, high-pressure N2 hot water pretreatment was also carried The commercially available Fleischmann’s yeast (Saccharomyces
out. The N2 is an inert gas that does not react with water, thus con- cerevisiae) was employed for the fermentation experiments. The dried
sidering a suitable control variant for examination of the effect of yeast was pre-cultured in yeast extract peptone dextrose medium (YPD)
pressure on the pretreatment. All the procedures were the same as those at 30 °C for 12 h. The grown strains were subsequently harvested,
for producing AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 substance from aspen branch concentrated by centrifuging, sterile DI-water washed, and inoculated
chips, except with high-pressure N2 as the introduced gas, i.e., N2 at into 125-mL serum bottles. The inoculation amount of yeast was kept
1000 psi (68 atm). The treated substance was named as AW-190 °C- 2.0 g L−1 for each bottle, the initial glucose concentration was adjusted
68atmN2. to 20 g L−1 by adding pure glucose, and liquid (pH = 6.0) volume was
60 mL, respectively. The batch fermentation was then conducted in an
2.4. Enzymatic hydrolysis incubation shaker with 150 rpm of orbital rotation and 30 °C of en-
vironmental temperature. Sampling 0.5 mL mixture at various in-
The enzyme activity of Novozym 22C cellulase was determined in cubation time durations (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 h, respectively)
terms of NREL standard (Sluiter et al., 2008), which was 110 FPU g−1. was used for detecting the glucose and bioethanol concentrations by
By using Novozym 22C cellulase, the enzymatic hydrolysis was per- HPLC method. The ethanol standard solutions were prepared in the lab
formed in 250-mL flasks. The detail procedures were followed ac- using ethanol (≥99.5%).
cording to a previously reported method (Sun et al., 2016). Briefly, the
substance with 2% glucan (w/v) was added to each 250-mL flask, fol- 3. Results and discussion
lowed by 50 mL freshly prepared citrate buffer (pH = 4.8) and 10 FPU
enzymes (equivalent to 10 FPU g−1 glucan). All the flasks were set up 3.1. Chemical compositions of the substances
on an incubator shaker and the enzymatic hydrolysis of the substances
was performed under 150 rpm of orbital rotation and 50 °C of en- The chemical compositions of the substances (i.e., untreated AW,
vironmental temperature. AW-150 °C, AW-170 °C, AW-190 °C, AW-190 °C-34atmCO2, and AW-
For analysis by Agilent 1260 (USA) high-performance liquid chro- 190 °C-68atmCO2) are listed in Table 1. The mass fractions of the main
matography (HPLC) (Aminex HPX-87P column), small amounts (0.5 mL compounds of the untreated AW including glucan, xylan, and lignin
each time) of samples were taken at various incubation time durations (total of acid-soluble lignin and Klason lignin) were analyzed to be
(i.e., 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively) for determining the 45.0%, 16.3%, and 26.8%, respectively, which were closed to other
cellulose and glucose concentrations. The cellulose and glucose stan- reports (Liu and Zhu, 2010; Wang et al., 2018). The glucan fraction was
dard solutions were prepared in the lab using Avicel (pure cellulose) gradually increased to 48.9% (AW-150 °C), 53.0% (AW-170 °C), 56.2%
and D-glucose (≥99.5%), respectively. Divided by the theoretical glu- (AW-190 °C) with the increase of hot water temperature, and furtherly
cose availability in each substance, the determined glucose concentra- increased to 60.0% (AW-190 °C-34atmCO2) and 61.5% (AW-190 °C-
tion in the flask was used to calculate the hydrolysis yield. 68atmCO2) by introducing high-pressure CO2 gas. Similar to the glucan,

Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

Table 1
Chemical composition of the untreated, regular hot water (150, 170 and 190 °C) pretreated, and high-pressure CO2 (34 and 68 atm) pretreated aspen wood.
Composition[a] (%) Klason lignin Acid-soluble lignin Glucan Xylan Galactan Arabinan Mannan Total

[b] [e]
Untreated AW 24.6 ± 0.3 2.1 ± 0.0 45.0 ± 0.6 16.3 ± 0.3 1.6 ± 0.0 1.1 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.0 92.9
AW-150 °C[c] 29.1 ± 1.0 2.9 ± 0.2 48.9 ± 2.6 9.6 ± 0.7 0.7 ± 0.0 0.9 ± 0.0 1.7 ± 0.1 93.7
AW-170 °C 29.5 ± 1.5 3.0 ± 0.3 53.0 ± 2.3 8.4 ± 1.3 0.5 ± 0.0 0.6 ± 0.0 1.1 ± 0.0 96.0
AW-190 °C 30.3 ± 1.2 2.8 ± 0.2 56.2 ± 3.5 5.6 ± 1.0 0.5 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 96.8
AW-190 °C-34atmCO2[d] 32.4 ± 1.8 2.0 ± 0.3 60.0 ± 2.3 1.8 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.0 0.5 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.0 97.8
AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 31.7 ± 1.9 2.0 ± 0.3 61.5 ± 2.5 1.9 ± 0.4 0.3 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.0 97.7

Notes: [a] Determined in terms of the NREL standard procedure (Sluiter et al., 2008); [b] AW = aspen wood; [c] AW-150 °C = hot water (150 °C) pretreated aspen
wood; [d] AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 = hot water (190 °C) pretreated aspen wood in the presence of 34 atm CO2 gas; [e] Mean values of replicates (n = 3) are reported
with ± standard deviations.

the lignin fractions in the substances were increased, i.e., from un- (AW-170 °C) and 5.0% (AW-190 °C) after regular hot water pretreat-
treated AW at 26.8% to treated AWs at 32.0% (AW-150 °C), 32.5% ments, and to 1.8% (AW-190 °C-34atmCO2) and 1.6% (AW-190 °C-
(AW-170 °C), 33.2% (AW-190 °C), 34.5% (AW-190 °C-34atmCO2), and 68atmCO2) after high-pressure CO2 hot water pretreatments. The results
33.6% (AW-190 °C-68atmCO2), respectively. The increase of glucan and revealed that hot water pretreatments could dramatically reduce the
lignin fraction was probably derived by the dramatical reduction of hemicellulose in the substance but have fewer effects on the cellulose and
xylan contents in the substances (Table 1). The hot water pretreatments lignin components (Tian et al., 2019). Additionally, further decomposi-
broke down the xylan content from 16.3% (untreated AW) to 9.6% tion of the hemicellulose by high-pressure CO2 gas might benefit the
(AW-150 °C), 8.4% (AW-170 °C), and 5.6% (AW-190 °C), respectively. subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic substances (Tian et al.,
The addition of CO2 gas to the pretreatments could furtherly reduce the 2019). High-pressure CO2 was likely to have increased the formation of
xylan content to 1.8% (AW-190 °C-34atmCO2) and 1.9% (AW-190 °C- carbonic acid, which might promote the hydrolysis of hemicellulose
68atmCO2), respectively. A similar phenomenon was illustrated by Tian (Morais et al., 2014).
et al. (2019), which was mainly due to the various decomposition rates
of glucan (mainly in cellulose), lignin and xylan (mainly in hemi-
3.2. Parameters of the pretreatments with high-pressure CO2
cellulose), because hemicellulose is much easier to be hydrolyzed into
small molecules in the hot water pretreatment compared to cellulose
The enzymatic hydrolysis of the substances was performed (Fig. 2a).
and lignin.
Compared to the untreated AW (3.4%), the hydrolysis yields at 72 h of
The saccharide contents in the substances were converted from their
the hot water pretreated AWs were dramatically increased, i.e., 36.2%
chemical compositions (Table 1), i.e., 43.6% cellulose and 19.7%
for AW-150 °C, 44.5% for AW-170 °C, and 53.8% for AW-190 °C. The
hemicellulose for untreated AW, 47.4% and 11.8% for AW-150 °C, 51.3%
hot water pretreatment with higher temperatures could produce the
and 10.1% for AW-170 °C, 54.4% and 6.8% for AW-190 °C, 58.2% and
substance with higher enzymatic hydrolysability, which was inversely
2.6% for AW-190 °C-34atmCO2, and 59.6% and 2.4% for AW-190 °C-
correlated with their hemicellulose contents (Table 1), i.e., less hemi-
68atmCO2 (Fig. 1a). By incorporating the solid yields of the treated AWs
cellulose in the substance was beneficial to the hydrolysis yield
(i.e., 85.9% for AW-150 °C, 78.6% for AW-170 °C, 73.1% for AW-190 °C,
(Ngamsirisomsakul et al., 2019). Those improvements were probably
68.1% for AW-190 °C-34atmCO2, and 66.7% for AW-190 °C-68atmCO2)
derived by the reduction of hemicellulose that resulted in the micro-
with their component compositions (Fig. 1a), the component yields from
structure damage of the substance, and thereby increasing the enzyme
the raw AWs were calculated (Fig. 1b). It was shown that the cellulose
accessibility onto the cellulose surface (Garrote et al., 1999). However,
yields of the treated AWs were very close (39.6 – 40.7%), which were
the hydrolysis yields of the hot water pretreated AWs were still much
slightly lower than that of untreated AW (43.6%). The lignin yields of the
lower than that of the Avicel control (70.4%), which was probably
treated AWs were also very close to each other but presenting slight
owing to the relatively high remaining hemicellulose that reduced the
decrease with the increase of pretreatment temperature and CO2 pres-
cellulose accessibility (Bansal et al., 2012). It was indicated that the hot
sure, i.e., 27.5% for AW-150 °C, 25.5% for AW-170 °C, 24.3% for AW-
water pretreatment may not be enough to pretreat the AW for preparing
190 °C, 23.5% for AW-190 °C-34atmCO2, and 22.4% for AW-190 °C-
highly hydrolysable substrates.
68atmCO2. In comparison, the decrease of hemicellulose yields were very
To improve the pretreatment, dilute acid was an attractive method
significant from 19.7% (untreated AW) to 10.2% (AW-150 °C), 8.0%
to be used in the preparation of enzymatic hydrolysis substances, since

Fig. 1. Component compositions of the untreated,

(a) Others Hemicellulose
(b) Others Hemicellulose
based on the resulted biomass (%)

Cellulose regular hot water (150, 170 and 190 °C) pretreated,
Lignin Cellulose Lignin
and high-pressure CO2 (34 and 68 atm) hot water
based on the raw AW (%)
Component composition
Component composition

100 100 pretreated aspen wood from 100 g raw aspen wood,
based on the resulted biomass (a) and raw material
80 80
(b). Mean values of replicates (n = 3) are reported
60 60 with standard deviations given as error bars.

40 40

20 20

0 0
C C C 2 2

AW 0° 0° O O
8a O 2

A W 0°C

A W 0°C


5 7 9

ed -1 -1 -1 tm tm

A W °C 19


t a a


AW AW AW 34 68

90 4a

r - -



°C °C


U 0 0

19 19

- -



Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

Fig. 2. Enzymatic hydrolysis results of (a) Avicel

(a) (b) control, untreated and hot water (150, 170 and
120 120
Enzymatic hydrolysis yield

Enzymatic hydrolysis yield

Avicel Avicel AW-190°C 190 °C) pretreated aspen wood, (b) high-pressure
AW-150°C AW-190°C-34atmCO2
CO2 (34 and 68 atm) pretreated aspen wood, and (c)
AW-170°C AW-190°C-68atmCO2
80 AW-190°C 80 high-pressure N2 (68 atm) pretreated aspen wood.
Untreated AW Mean values of replicates (n = 3) are reported with

standard deviations given as error bars.
40 40

0 0
0 24 48 72 0 24 48 72
Incubation time (h) Incubation time (h)

Enzymatic hydrolysis yield

80 AW-190°C-68atmN2


0 24 48 72
Incubation time (h)

the hemicellulose could be easily hydrolyzed in the acidic condition, 190 °C-68atmCO2 exceeded 80%, indicating that the hydrolysis reac-
and in turn enhancing the enzyme accessibility to the cellulose surfaces tion was almost completed for the substance after being treated at
(Pu et al., 2013). The acidic condition was formed by dissolving high- 190 °C combined with 68 atm CO2 (Santa-Maria and Jeoh, 2010). The
pressure CO2 into water, which might promote the hemicellulose de- increment of the hydrolysis yield of 68 atm CO2 treated AW (AW-
composition (Morais et al., 2014). In terms of the enzymatic hydrolysis 190 °C-68atmCO2) could be 54%, compared to the regular hot water
results from hot water pretreated AWs (Fig. 2a), the optimized hot treated AW (AW-190 °C).
water processing temperature at 190 °C was chosen for the high-pres-
sure CO2 hot water pretreatments. The enzymatic hydrolysis curves of 3.3. Beneficial mechanism behind incorporation of high-pressure CO2 into
the Avicel and treated AWs (i.e., AW-190 °C, AW-190 °C-34atmCO2, hot water pretreatment
and AW-190 °C-68atmCO2) are presented in Fig. 2b. The 72-h hydro-
lysis yields of AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 and AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 were The mechanism behind this approach was investigated and dual
77.6% and 82.9%, respectively, which were dramatically increased beneficial effects can be derived. The dual effects of high-pressure CO2
from 53.8% for AW-190 °C. The highest 72-h hydrolysis yield of AW- on the hot water pretreatment of AW are illustrated in Fig. 3. Compared

Regular hot water pretreatment

Aspen wood (AW) Hot water pretreated AW

High-pressure CO2 hot water pretreatment

CO2 + H2O H+ + HCO3-
(II) Gas releasing

High-pressure CO2 gas

Lignin High-pressure CO2 hot
water pretreated AW

Fig. 3. Illustration of the dual-effects mechanism of high-pressure CO2 in the hot water pretreatment of aspen wood.

Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

to the regular hot water pretreatment, the high-pressure CO2 dramati- To further confirm the contribution of acidic condition to the hy-
cally enhanced the hydrolysability of the pretreated substance from drolysis, the hot water (190 °C) pretreatment with 68 atm N2 for AW
53.8% to 82.9% (Fig. 2b). As shown in Fig. 3, the dual effects of the (AW-190 °C-68atmN2) was performed. The enzymatic hydrolysis curves
high-pressure CO2 were likely to have contributed to the increased of AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 and AW-190 °C-68atmN2 are compared in
hydrolysability. Firstly, the introduction of high-pressure CO2 aided in Fig. 2c. Obviously, the 72-h hydrolysis yield of AW-190 °C-68atmCO2
decomposing the hemicellulose from the treated substance, i.e., the (82.9%) was higher than that of AW-190 °C-68atmN2 (61.2%), proving
hemicellulose content of AW-190 °C (5.0%) was reduced to 1.6% after that the acidic condition generated by CO2 could promote the hydro-
introduction of 68 atm CO2 (Fig. 1b). Secondly, the high-pressure lysis of pretreated substance. However, the hydrolysis yield at 72 h of
condition enlarged the surface area of the treated substance and in turn AW-190 °C-68atmN2 (61.2%) was higher than that of AW-190 °C
contributed to improved enzyme adsorption. Both the effects increased (53.8%), indicating that the high-pressure environment itself also
the access of enzymes to the cellulose molecules, leading to enhanced contributed to preparing pretreated substance with better enzymatic
hydrolysability of the treated substance. It has been reported that the hydrolysability.
CO2 dissolved in the aqueous solution could form carbonic acid to help Inspired by the physical foaming process using high-pressure gas
reduce the hemicellulose in the substance (Morais et al., 2014), which that could expand the pores in the substance (Hamidinejad et al., 2018),
could promote the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. Apart from the the pores in the AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 and AW-190 °C-68atmCO2
effect as an acid source, a novel mechanism of high-pressure CO2 on the substances might be expanded by the high-pressure CO2. The porosities
pretreatment was firstly proposed and verified in this study. It was and pore distributions of AW-190 °C, AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 and AW-
suggested that the release of pressurized CO2 might increase the pore 190 °C-68atmCO2 were determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry.
area and porosity of the substance, leading to adsorption of more en- The cumulative pore areas and pore distributions of the substances are
zymes onto the substance and thereby enhancing the enzymatic hy- shown in Fig. 4a–b, and the corresponding parameters are presented in
drolysis process. Table 2. The total pore areas and porosities were increased from 4.3 m2
The hemicellulose contents of AW-190 °C, AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 g−1 and 46.3% (AW-190 °C) to 5.3 m2 g−1 and 51.4% (AW-190 °C-
and AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 were 6.8%, 2.6% and 2.4%, respectively 34atmCO2) after adding 34 atm CO2 to the pretreatment, and the values
(Fig. 1a). It was revealed that the hemicellulose content was reduced by were further increased to 5.5 m2 g−1 and 53.6% (AW-190 °C-
61% and 65% after the application of high-pressure CO2 (34 and 68atmCO2) when the pretreatment CO2 pressure was 68 atm. Further-
68 atm, respectively). The slight difference of the residual hemi- more, the increases of average pore diameter in the substance were
cellulose content between AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 and AW-190 °C- more significant, i.e., from 2.2 µm (AW-190 °C) to 4.5 µm (AW-190 °C-
68atmCO2 was probably attributed to the lower pH at higher CO2 34atmCO2) and 4.8 µm (AW-190 °C-68atmCO2). The results were per-
pressure (Peng et al., 2013). The decomposition of hemicellulose by fectly matched with the assumption that high-pressure CO2 would ex-
CO2 was commonly reported (Morais et al., 2014), and the explanation pand the pores in the substance for a higher pore area and porosity
could be the formation of carbonic acid from CO2 and water, promoting (Fig. 3).
hemicellulose hydrolysis in the substance. The lower hemicellulose Langmuir adsorption tests of the substances were performed to
content in the substance dramatically contributed to the enzymatic evaluate their capabilities on enzyme adsorption (Fig. 4c and Table 3).
hydrolysis of the corresponding substance (Bansal et al., 2012), e.g., Commonly, the higher Γmax of the substance could result in higher
53.8% of 72-h hydrolysis yield for AW-190 °C, 77.6% for AW-190 °C- hydrolysis yield (Lai et al., 2015). The distribution coefficient (R) in-
34atmCO2, and 82.9% AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 (Fig. 2b). creased with the raising of CO2 pressure from 0 to 68 atm, indicating

Fig. 4. Cumulative pore area (a) and pore distribution (b) of the regular hot water (190 °C) and high-pressure CO2 (34 and 68 atm) pretreated aspen wood. Cellulase
adsorption isotherms (c) on Avicel, the regular and high-pressure CO2 (34 and 68 atm) hot water (190 °C) pretreated aspen wood.

Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

Table 2 those obtained from SHF using different pretreatment conditions in the
Mercury intrusion porosimetry results of the regular hot water and high-pres- literatures. The ethanol production was calculated incorporating pre-
sure CO2 pretreated aspen wood. treatment, hydrolysis and fermentation yields, reflecting the overall
Substance Total pore area Porosity Average pore diameter efficiency of the SHF process. Compared to the literatures, the ethanol
production using high-pressure CO2 in this work exhibited higher value
(m2 g−1) (%) (µm) (0.157 g g−1 dry biomass) compared to those using other pretreatment
AS-190 °C[a] 4.3 46.3 2.2
conditions in the literature: 0.126 g g−1 dry biomass using 4 vol%
AS-190 °C-34 atm CO2[b] 5.3 51.4 4.5
AS-190 °C-68 atm CO2 5.5 53.6 4.8 H2SO4 (Zhu et al., 2011), 0.084–0.144 g g−1 dry biomass using dilute
acid (Abedinifar et al., 2009; Jutakridsada et al., 2019; Slathia et al.,
Notes: [a] AW-190 °C = aspen wood after hot water (190 °C) pretreatment; 2020), 0.135 g g−1 dry biomass using H2SO4 and H2O2 (Kaushal et al.,
AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 = aspen wood after hot water (190 °C) pretreatment 2016). This is probably contributed by the high cellulose retention in
in the presence of 34 atm CO2 gas. the pretreatment stage and the subsequent high hydrolysis yield when
using high-pressure CO2 hot water pretreatment.
Table 3
Langmuir adsorption parameters of Avicel and the pretreated aspen wood.
Substance Γmax[c] K[d] R[e] 3.5. Energy consumption and techno-economic analysis

(mg g−1) (mL mg−1) (L g−1) The ethanol production from waste aspen branch chips can be de-
Avicel 53.7 5.52 0.296
scribed by three major steps, namely: pretreatment of the raw aspen for
AW-190 °C [a] 19.3 0.64 0.012
AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 [b]
28.0 0.79 0.022 upgrading the feedstock, SHF of the feedstock for ethanol production,
AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 39.2 0.81 0.032 followed by distillation and dehydration to produce concentrated
ethanol. The major energy consumption was from the stages of pre-
Notes: [a] AW-190 °C = aspen wood after hot water (190 °C) pretreatment; treatment, distillation and dehydration (Piccolo and Bezzo, 2009).
AW-190 °C-34atmCO2 = aspen wood after hot water (190 °C) pretreatment Piccolo et al reported that the energy consumption in the pretreatment,
in the presence of 34 atm CO2 gas; [c–e] definition in Eqs. (1) and (2).
distillation and dehydration processes were approximately 4.7 and
3.5 MJ L–1 ethanol, respectively, which were estimated from the com-
that the cellulose surface accessibility for the enzymes was gradually
mercial SHF process with 80% hydrolysis yield and 92% ethanol yield
enhanced, which resulted in the higher hydrolysis yields (Fig. 2b). The
(Piccolo and Bezzo, 2009). For comparison, the energy consumptions of
increased CO2 pressure slightly enhanced the Langmuir constant (K)
SHF process for AW-190 °C and AW-190 °C-68atmCO2 samples were
value, indicating the improvement of affinity between enzymes and
calculated (Table 4). The calculations were conducted by considering
lignin (Lai et al., 2015). These results were perfectly matched with the
the hydrolysis and ethanol yields and assuming the same condition as
assumption from mercury intrusion porosimetry tests (Fig. 4a–b and
reported by Piccolo and Bezzo (2009). It was found that the major
Table 2), i.e., the higher porosity and larger pore area of the substance
energy consumption of SHF using 68 atm CO2 approach was 8.6 MJ L–1
would absorb more enzymes (Fig. 4c and Table 3).
ethanol, which was reduced by 35% compared that without adding CO2
It could be concluded that the addition of high-pressure CO2 is
(13.2 MJ L–1 ethanol) (Table 4).
beneficial to producing hydrolysis substance with desirable properties
Economic comparison of SHF process before and after introducing
from AW (Fig. 3). The acidic condition from the formed carbonic acid
68 atm CO2 was carried out by counting the material and energy costs
would greatly remove hemicellulose from the substance, and the high-
(Table 5). The consumption of enzyme (approximately 44%) was con-
pressure environment could create a larger pore area, benefiting to
sidered as a major cost (Khajeeram and Unrean, 2017). The price of the
adsorbing enzymes. The combined effects contributed to the enzymatic
enzyme was assumed to be 0.9 USD kg−1 (Pratto et al., 2020). Ac-
hydrolysis of the pretreated AWs (Fig. 2b).
cordingly, the material cost was estimated in terms of the use of en-
zymes in the hydrolysis stage. The energy used in this study was as-
3.4. Bioethanol production from hydrolyzed glucose sumed from the electricity consumed, which was estimated to be 80.8
USD per MWh (Longati et al., 2018). Besides, 10% of the cost was added
The yeast fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae was con- to the total for representing the other expenditures (Pratto et al., 2020).
ducted (Ewanick et al., 2007), to evaluate the performance of the glu- As a result, the total cost of bioethanol from SHF with 68 atm CO2 was
cose-rich mixture from the enzymatic hydrolysis of AW-190 °C- estimated to be approximately 0.615 USD L–1 ethanol, which was
68atmCO2 (namely hydrolyzed glucose). The glucose and ethanol
curves showed similar trends for the glucose control and the hydrolyzed
glucose (Fig. 5), representing as good fermentability of the hydrolyzed
glucose for yeast. However, the glucose consumption time was a lightly
prolonged of the hydrolyzed glucose, i.e., 12 – 24 h, which was ap-
proximately 12 h for glucose control (Fig. 5). The ethanol production of
the hydrolyzed glucose was simultaneously delayed, but the yield (8.7 g
L–1) increased 10%, which was 7.9 g L–1 for glucose control. The initial
fermentation rate of the hydrolyzed glucose (3.1 and 1.0 g L–1 of glu-
cose consumption and ethanol production, respectively) was lower than
that of glucose control (4.3 and 1.4 g L–1) (Fig. 5), probably due to the
weak inhibitors in the hydrolyzed glucose solution. Wahlbom and
Hahn-Hägerdal (2002) reported that moderate weak inhibitors could
inhibit the initial fermentation but improve the final ethanol yield.
Another potential reason could be the availability of other carbon re-
sources in the hydrolyzed glucose which increased its final ethanol
yield through yeast fermentation, compared to the glucose control Fig. 5. Yeast fermentation results of the hydrolyzed glucose and glucose con-
(Zhang et al., 2018). trol, i.e., glucose consumption and ethanol concentration. Mean values of re-
A comparison of ethanol production in this work was made with plicates (n = 3) are reported with standard deviations given as error bars.

Y. Wu, et al. Bioresource Technology 313 (2020) 123675

Table 4
Comparison of energy consumption of bioethanol production from different approaches.
Pretreatment approach Hydrolysis yield Ethanol yield Pretreatment energy Distillation and dehydration energy Total energy consumption (MJ
(%) (%) consumption (MJ L–1 ethanol) consumption (MJ L–1 ethanol) L–1 ethanol)

Piccolo and Bezzo (2009) 80 92 4.7 3.5 8.2

190 °C (this study) 53.8 84.8 7.6 5.6 13.2
190 °C with 68 atm CO2 82.9 84.8 4.9 3.7 8.6
(this study)

Table 5 Declaration of Competing Interest

Production cost (USD L–1 ethanol) estimation of SHF for bioethanol production.
Pretreatment approach Material Energy Other expenditures[a] Total The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
190 °C 0.698 0.297 0.099 1.094 ence the work reported in this paper.
190 °C with 68 atm CO2 0.367 0.192 0.056 0.615

Note: [a] Other expenditures represent the costs from minor energy use ex- Acknowledgments
cluding pretreatment, distillation and dehydration, operation, etc., which was
assumed to be 10% of Material and Energy in the table (Piccolo and Bezzo, This authors acknowledge financial support from the National
2009). Natural Science Foundation of China (31901372), the Natural Science
Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20190758), and the China
reduced by 44% compared to that without CO2 (1.094 USD L–1 ethanol) Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019M661851). The authors also
(Table 5). The cost of bioethanol production (0.615 USD L–1 ethanol) thank to the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu
was comparable with other reports, for instance, 0.623 USD L–1 ethanol Higher Education Institutions (PAPD), the Golden Goose Research
from sugarcane (Pratto et al., 2020), 0.634 USD m−1 ethanol from Grant (GGRG) (Vot 55191) by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, and the
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