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When Mei-Gu Guan’s 1960 Postmen Get Empowered with Bell’s 1964 Nonlocal Correlations

Nonlocal Advantage in Vehicle Routing Problem
Abhishek Banerjee and Pratapaditya Bej
Centre for Astroparticle Physics and Space Science, Bose Institute,
EN 80, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091, India.

Amit Mukherjee
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342030, India.

Sahil Gopalkrishna Naik, Mir Alimuddin, and Manik Banik

Department of Physics of Complex Systems, S. N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences,
Block JD, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700106, India.

Vehicle routing problems, a comprehensive problem category originated from the seminal Chinese Postman
Problem (first investigated by Chinese mathematician Mei-Gu Guan), entail strategic and tactical decision mak-
ing for efficient scheduling and routing of vehicles. While Chinese postman problem is aimed at finding the
arXiv:2311.17772v1 [quant-ph] 29 Nov 2023

minimum length cycle for a single postman, the broader challenges encompass scenarios with multiple post-
men. Making cost-effective decisions in such cases depends on various factors, including vehicle sizes and
types, vehicle usage time, road tax variations across routes, and more. In this work, we delve into a class of such
problems wherein Bell nonlocal correlations provide advantages in optimizing the costs for non-communicating
postmen, and thus establish a nascent utilization of quantum entanglement in traffic routing problem. Our in-
vestigation unveils promising applications for nonlocal correlations within combinatorial optimization and op-
erational research problems, which otherwise have predominantly been explored within the quantum foundation
and quantum information theory community.

Introduction.– The seminal 1964 theorem by John S. Bell collectively fall under the umbrella of Arc Routing Problems
drastically revolutionized our worldview [1] (see also [2, 3]). [34]. Lately, there has been a burgeoning body of research
In an attempt to addressing a longstanding foundational de- on VRPs [30]. In a VRP scenario, a fleet of vehicles is en-
bate [4–6], Bell introduced an inequality whose violation, as trusted with a set of transportation requisites, prompting the
demonstrated in several milestone experiments [7–11] (see quest for an optimal compilation of vehicle routes that ful-
[12] for an comprehensive list of other important Bell tests), fill these demands while economizing resources. The practi-
establishes the incompatibility of quantum theory with local cal applications of VRPs are diverse, encompassing delivery
hidden variable models. Subsequently, the advent of quan- logistics, transportation networks, and more (as exemplified
tum information theory has facilitated practical utility to Bell by [35, 36]). The appeal of these problems stems from their
inequalities by identifying numerous usages of quantum cor- practical significance and the intricate nature of determining
relations violating such an inequality. Applications of quan- optimal solutions. This intricacy is further underscored by the
tum nonlocal correlations include establishing cryptographic classification of VRPs as NP-hard problem in general [30].
keys between distant parties, certifying and expanding true
randomness, witnessing the dimension of Hilbert spaces, pro- In this work we demonstrate how nonlocal correlations
viding efficient equilibrium strategies in Bayesian games, en- can offer advantages in tackling intricate challenges of VRPs
hancing the zero-error capacity of noisy communication chan- when multiple postmen /delivery personnel are involved. We
nels, and more [13–28] (see also [29] and references therein). consider the situation where distant postmen do not share
communication among them and hence become ignorant
Here, we report on a useful application of nonlocal cor- about the choices of other fellows’ delivery routes. In such
relations in real-world problems that have been extensively a scenario, correlations provided to the postmen as assistance
studied within the combinatorial optimization and operational through the traffic signals can help them to choose their in-
research community. We delve into a category of problems dividual routes in a cost-efficient manner. Through concrete
known as Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) [30], which stand instances we establish how nonlocal correlations, acting as in-
as an extension of the famous Chinese Postman Problem termediaries between remote traffic signals, can substantially
(CPP) [31]. CPP was first explored by the mathematician enhance the efficiency of complex vehicle routing problems.
Mei-Ko Kwan (modern PinYin spelling: Mei-Gu Guan) in We explore the simplest Bell scenario that involves two distant
1960, amidst the Great Leap Forward era [32]. Guan tackled parties each having two different inputs and each input yield-
an optimized variant of the renowned Euler’s bridges problem ing two different outputs – a configuration succinctly termed
[33]. While Euler inquired whether one can traverse a graph as the 222-Bell scenario [29]. The nonlocal nature of correla-
by passing through each edge exactly once, the CPP delves tions observed in such experiments is depicted through the vi-
into determining the minimum aggregate length of additional olation of different Bell-type inequalities. Within this frame-
edges required to render a graph Eulerian. These intricacies work, we consider two specific inequalities: the Clauser-

type ti earns a salary denoted as $i (ti ), where ti ∈ [k] for

all i ∈ [m]. Toll costs for different vehicle types typically
vary. Furthermore, the toll cost for a specific tollway may also
be influenced by the number of distinct vehicle types passing
through it during each delivery round. Different tollway oper-
ators, responsible for maintaining various routes, often offer
attractive discount policies to attract more traffic to their re-
spective paths. In addition to their base salary, post-persons
receive incentives from their employer based on the discounts
they can secure on the toll charges. These incentives, denoted
as Ii , are received by the ith post-person and depend on the
traffic flow of the tollway they choose, i.e., Ii ≡ Ii (l, N ⃗ l ).
Post-persons also strive to minimize their travel times to maxi-
FIG. 1: An instance of VRP. One post-person from each of mize their rewards (R) offered by the courier service for com-
the m distant SOs aims to deliver parcels to the GPO. The pleting a greater number of deliveries. This motivates them
post-persons are provided different types of vehicle that they to avoid congested tollways. The travel time of the ith post-
can drive through different tollways. Toll-costs across differ- person, and consequently their corresponding reward Ri , is
ent tollways can vary depending on traffic-flow which further influenced by the traffic flow, i.e., Ri ≡ Ri (l, N ⃗ l ). In ad-
determine the incentive received by the post-persons who also dition to fulfilling their delivery obligations, the post-persons
gets additional rewards depending on how fast they can com- endeavor to optimize their collective earnings by making pru-
plete their trip. The post-persons can be assisted through cor- dent decisions regarding their delivery routes. The choices of
related traffic signals to choose the tollways that maximize delivery routes made by the post-persons define a ‘path con-
their total earnings. figuration’ within the aforementioned traffic network. There-
fore, from a mathematical perspective, the collective objective
of the post-persons can be formulated as the following opti-
Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality [37] and the tilted- mization problem:
CHSH inequality [38], and showcase the advantages of non-
local correlations violating these inequalities in two distinct E⋆ = max EP C , (1)
path configurations
classes of simplistic VRPs. m h i
The problem setup.– Consider a network consisting of m EP C := ⃗ l ) + Ri (l, N
$i (ti ) + Ii (l, N ⃗ l) ,
geographically distinct regional sub-post offices (SOs) en- i=1
trusted with the responsibility of delivering parcels to a central
hub – the General Post Office (GPO). To facilitate this pro- where EP C denote total earning in a particular path configu-
cess, the postal department employs a courier service. During ration and maximization is done over all possible path con-
each delivery round, one post-person transports parcels from figurations. In the above, while we have considered that the
each SO to the GPO. The selection of the vehicle type allo- incentive and reward depend only on the traffic flow and the
cated to the post-persons is contingent upon the size of the tollway, and the salary depends on the type of vehicles only,
parcels and is drawn from a set 1, 2, ..., k, which we represent in real-world problems several other factors might play crucial
as [k]. The choice of the vehicle type, denoted as ti , for the ith role. For instance, the parcels could be categorized depending
post-person is made by the postal department and remains un- on how urgently they need to be delivered, and there could
known to the post-person beforehand. The post-persons lack be no toll cost on certain parcels, such as the medical related
any means of communication amongst themselves. Conse- items.
quently, the ith post-person is unaware of the vehicle types, Assistance through traffic signal.– In order to choose a path
tj , assigned to their colleagues, where both i and j are within that eventually maximizes their collective earnings the post-
the range [m], and i ̸= j. There exist n distinct tollways, each persons can follow different strategies. In a deterministic
of which can be used by a post-person at their discretion to strategy each post-persons chooses a definite tollway based
reach the GPO. The scenario can be depicted using a directed on the vehicle type they are assigned. Mathematically a de-
graph with nodes labeled as v ∈ {0, 1, · · · , n} ≡ [[n]]. In terministic strategy can be represented as a mapping from the
this representation, node ‘0’ corresponds to the GPO, while set of vehicle types to the tollways, i.e., f : t 7→ l. One
the other nodes correspond to the entry points of the tollways. can consider a more general mixed strategy wherein depend-
Therefore, the directed edges el := (l, 0) represent various ing upon the vehicle types different tollways are chosen in a
tollways, with l ∈ [n] (see Figure 1). The flow of traffic on stochastic manner, i.e., ith post-person’s strategy
Pn is a proba-
the lth tollway reflects the number of different types of vehi- bility distribution {p(li |ti ) | p(li |ti ) ≥ 0 & li =1 p(li |ti ) =
cles traveling on that specific route. This traffic flow can be 1, ∀ ti ∈ [k], i ∈ [m]}. Operationally, this can be achieved
expressed as a k-tuple N ⃗ l = (n1 , n2 , · · · , nk ). through traffic poles at the SOs’ that instruct the post-persons
l l l
The salary of each individual post-person for each deliv- to choose their tollways (see Fig. 1). The combined strat-
ery round is contingent upon the type of vehicle assigned to egy is thus a product probability distribution p( ⃗l | ⃗t ) :=
them. Precisely, the ith post-person operating a vehicle of Πm ⃗ ×m
and ⃗t ∈ [k]×m . The post-
i=1 p(li |ti ), where l ∈ [n]

persons can follow even a more general correlated strategy l1 l2

11, 22 12, 21
wherein the probability distribution p( ⃗l | ⃗t ) is not factorized
11 (2s, u1 , x1 ) (2s, z1 , y1 )
in the above form. In other words, the strategy of different 12 (s + l, u2 , x2 ) (s + l, z2 , y2 )
post-persons are not independent anymore, rather their actions t1 t2
21 (s + l, u3 , x3 ) (s + l, z3 , y3 )
become correlated. At this point we will assume the correla- 22 (2l, u4 , x4 ) (2l, z4 , y4 )
tion p( ⃗l | ⃗t ) to satisfy the no-signaling (NS) conditions, that
prohibits any information transfers among the post-persons to TABLE I: The Payoff Matrix. The payoffs corresponding to
known each other vehicle types. Assistance of such corre- the total salary, incentive and reward are provided in paren-
lation is vastly studied in Bayesian game theory where the theses and determined by 18 real parameters. For instance, if
players have incomplete information [39]. The solution con- the assigned vehicles are t1 = 1, t2 = 1 and the chosen toll-
cept of correlated equilibrium – a general notion than the well ways are l1 = 1, l2 = 1 the respective payoffs are given by
known concept of Nash equilibrium [40] – turns out to be nat- (2s, u1 , x1 ).
ural while studying the Bayesian games [41–43]. Here we aim
to study how such correlations provided as assistance through
traffic signals can be advantageous in optimizing the earnings. depends on the type of vehicles assigned and the tollways they
Local vs Nonlocal Assistance.– Interestingly, the correla- travel (see the payoff matrix in Table I). The payoff elements
tions p( ⃗l | ⃗t ) can be of two type – classical and beyond. are chosen following real-world rational requirements.
J. S. Bell in his seminal work [1] (see also [2]) have shown
that any correlation obtained in classical world allows a local- (i) The salary s for driving the small vehicle is assumed to
causal description. Mathematically this boils down to the fact be less than the salary l of the large vehicle, i.e., s < l.

Rthat any classical correlation can be expressed as p( ⃗l | ⃗t ) = (ii) Different operators operating the tollways offer dis-
dλ p(λ)Πi=1 p(li |ti , λ), where λ ∈ Λ is some classical counts over the toll cost to attract more traffic. The
variable (popularly called ‘hidden variable’ within quantum discount depends on the number as well as the size
foundation community) shared among the distant traffic sig- of the vehicles. This discount amount is provided to
nals, and p(λ) in a probability distribution on Λ. Correlations the post-persons as incentive. In Table I we assume
that are not local are called Bell-nonlocal or in short non- uj ≤ uj+1 & zj+1 ≤ zj and z1 ≤ u1 .
local. Often, nonlocal nature of a correlation is established
through violation of some Bell type inequalities [29]. Inter- (iii) The post-persons are provided more rewards depend-
estingly, multipartite quantum systems prepared in entangled ing on how fast they complete the trip. Accordingly,
states lead to violations of such inequalities, and thus estab- Ri ’s are inversely proportional to tollway congestion
lishes the nonlocal nature of quantum world [7–11]. and directly proportional to vehicle speed. It is nat-
For instance, in the scenario involving two parties, each per- ural to assume that vehicle speed is inversely propor-
forming two dichotomic measurements (the 222 scenario), the tional to vehicle size. Thus in Table I we have xj+1 ≤
joint probability distribution can be expressed as xj & yj+1 ≤ yj . Furthermore we have x2 = x3 := x
and y2 = y3 := y which tells that rewards do not
(p(11|ij), p(12|ij), p(21|ij), p(22|ij)) change under swapping of the paths. Additionally, we
≡ (cij , mi − cij , nj − cij , 1 − mi − nj + cij ), (2) have x1 ≤ y4 denoting the fact that vehicles moving in
different paths face no congestion at all.
where mi and nj respectively denote the marginal probabili-
While the requirements (i)-(iii) are fixed in a particular way
ties of outcome ‘1’ for Alice’s ith input and Bob’s j th input.
and represent a broad class of VRPs, one can fix the require-
The Bell CHSH expression for this correlation reads as
ment in other ways too. We now proceed to analyze a smaller
set of VRPs in the above framework by fixing
B = 2 + 4 (c00 + c01 + c10 − c11 ) − 4 (m0 + n0 ) , (3)
 
u1 = 2us , u4 = 2ul , u2 = u3 = us + ul ,
where, B := ⟨11⟩ + ⟨12⟩ + ⟨21⟩ − ⟨22⟩, with ⟨ij⟩ := 
 
x1 = x + (l − s) + (ul − us ), y < ul + us + x,
P2 
 
a,b=1 (−1) p(ab|ij). A 222 correlation will allow a ; (4)
local-causal description if and only if it satisfies the Bell- x4 = y − (l − s) − 2ul , z1 = z2 = z3 = z4 = 0,

 

CHSH inequality |B| ≤ 2 and its relabeled versions [44]. In- 
y1 = y + (l − s), y4 = x − (l − s) + (us + ul ),

terestingly, bipartite quantum systems prepared in entangled
states can lead to correlations that violate this inequality and where us and ul refer to the incentive corresponding to small
thus become nonlocal. In the next, we will demonstrate with and large vehicle, respectively. Note that, the constraint x1 ≤
explicit examples how such nonlocal correlations prove ad- y4 implies (l − s) ≤ us . The VRP in Eq.(4) is specified
vantageous in optimizing the quantities in Eq.(1). by six independent variables s, l, ul , us , x, y. Considering all
An Example.– Consider a VRP that consists of two SOs these constraints, a set of feasible VRPs exists within a six-
each connected to the GPO through two different tollways, dimensional region specified by:
and post-persons are assigned two types of vehicles, either a
0 < s < l, l − s ≤ us < ul
small one or a large one, i.e., m, li , ti ∈ [2] for i ∈ [2]. The . (5)
salary, the incentive, and the reward provided to post-persons 0 < x < y < ul + us + x

As already pointed out, the post-persons aim to maximize nonlocal correlations in combinatorial optimization and op-
their total earnings. Please note that, in Eq.(1) the opti- erational research problems. The nonlocal behavior of the
mization is formulated under the consideration that the post- quantum world was first pointed out by J. S. Bell in his sem-
persons follows a definite path configuration. However, given inal 1964 work, whereas vehicle routing problems emerge as
a NS correlation (2) they can follow more general strategies generalizations of the famous Chinese Postman Problem orig-
by choosing different path configurations in correlated man- inally studied by Mei-Gu Guan in 1960, which subsequently
ners. Given such a correlation as assistance through traffic gave birth to the field of combinatorial optimization and oper-
signal their total earning read as ational research. Despite these concepts being contemporary,
X the potential use of nonlocal correlations in those real-world
EP := Tr[( ($i + Ii + Ri ))T · P], (6) optimization problems was missing until now.
The present work extends an invitation to the community
where the elements of P are given by p(l1 l2 t1 t2 ) := engaged in the exploration of nonlocal correlations, as well as
p(t1 t2 )p(l1 l2 |t1 t2 ), and T denotes transpose of the resulting to researchers dedicated to operational research, encouraging
payoff matrix obtained from Table I. For the case p(t1 t2 ) = 41 , them to delve into more exotic and transformative applica-
the earning of the VRP (4) becomes (see Appendix A) tions of quantum nonlocal correlations in real-world problem-
solving. At this juncture, we draw attention to recent and per-
tinent contributions in the realm of network communication
ul + us + x + y (ul + us + x − y) B
EP := l + s + + , theory [47–49]. In these studies, authors have adeptly show-
2 8
cased how distant senders, united in their goal to communicate
an increasing linear function of the Bell CHSH expression. with a common receiver, can gain advantages by correlating
The highest value B can achieve classically is 2, but,
√ by using their encoding strategies through utilization of nonlocal cor-
a quantum state |ψ⟩AB = (|00⟩AB + |11⟩AB ) / 2 with the relations. While communication setups strive to optimize si-
multaneously achievable capacity regions, the focus in VRPs
local projective measurements √ Mt1 =1 := σz , Mt1 =2 :=√σx
and Mt2 =1 := (σz + σx ) / 2, Mt2 =2 :=√(σz − σx ) / 2, shifts towards maximizing the overall payoff for the involved
B can reach the Tsirelson’s bound of 2 2 . This re- parties. The intricacies in the VRPs we examine stem from the
sults in a higher expected payoff EP in the quantum case delicate balance between payoffs as incentives and rewards.
than in the classical case. A natural question arises: are The escalation of congestion results in diminished rewards but
there VRP games where non-maximally entangled states are heightened incentives, transforming the problem into a man-
the best resource states? To that end, we propose an- ifestation of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) chal-
other class of VRPs by increasing the incentives for ve- lenges [50]. This particular problem class has garnered sub-
hicle allotment of types t1 and t2 and by adding a posi- stantial attention in the domain of Operations Research, with
tive quantity 2ζ to the payoffs for choosing routes 11 and examples ranging from the intricacies of portfolio manage-
12, respectively. All other payoffs, conditions, and con- ment –meticulously selecting optimal financial instruments
straints remain the same (see Appendix B). This makes the from a dynamic market landscape to the subtleties of per-
new average earning E ′ P := l + s + u2l + u2s + x2 + y2 + sonnel selection, where decision-makers endeavour to identify
1 the most suitable candidates amid a myriad of criteria, energy
8 (ul + us + x − y) (B + 2ζm0 ). Note that, (B + 2ζm0 ) is planning etc. [51–53]. While our investigation sheds light on
tilted Bell type expression [38]. The optimum value of this
expression in quantum regime can be obtained using a quan- the quantum advantage within a specific family of VRP sce-
tum state |ψ⟩AB = cos θ |00⟩AB + sin θ |11⟩AB with the local narios, a broader goal is to find quantum advantages in other
projective measurements Mt1 =1 := σz , Mt1 =2 := σx and classes of MCDM problems.
Mt2 =1 := cos βσz + sin βσx , Mt√ 2 =2
:= cos βσz − sin βσx ;
where tan β = sin 2θ and ζ = 2/ 1 + 2 tan2 2θ [45, 46].
Discussion.– Throughout the history of scientific discovery, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
disciplines with no apparent common ground, and at times be-
longing to different scientific spheres, have revealed unsus- SGN acknowledges support from the CSIR project
pected connections. Occasionally, these intersections have 09/0575(15951)/2022-EMR-I. MA and MB acknowledge
yielded remarkable and highly fruitful outcomes. For in- funding from the National Mission in Interdisciplinary Cyber-
stance, while Einstein’s formulation of General Relativity in Physical systems from the Department of Science and Tech-
1915 utilized the mathematical tools of differential geome- nology through the I-HUB Quantum Technology Foundation
try originally introduced by Riemann in 1854, Noam Chom- (Grant no: I-HUB/PDF/2021-22/008). MB acknowledges
sky’s significant work on linguistics influenced the develop- support through the research grant of INSPIRE Faculty fel-
ment of formal language theory in computer science. With a lowship from the Department of Science and Technology,
similar spirit, in this work, we establish an intriguing connec- Government of India, and the start-up research grant from
tion between quantum foundations and operational research SERB, Department of Science and Technology (Grant no:
problems. Particularly, we demonstrate utility of quantum SRG/2021/000267).


We begin by presenting the complete payoff matrix of the Table I. The payoffs corresponding to the total salary, incentive and

l1 , l 2
11 12 21 22
t1 , t 2
11 (2s, u1 , x1 ) (2s, z1 , y1 ) (2s, z1 , y1 ) (2s, u1 , x1 )
12 (s + l, u2 , x2 ) (s + l, z2 , y2 ) (s + l, z2 , y2 ) (s + l, u2 , x2 )
21 (s + l, u3 , x3 ) (s + l, z3 , y3 ) (s + l, z3 , y3 ) (s + l, u3 , x3 )
22 (2l, u4 , x4 ) (2l, z4 , y4 ) (2l, z4 , y4 ) (2l, u4 , x4 )
reward are provided in parentheses and determined by 18 real parameters. The total payoffs ( i ($i + Ii + Ri )) taking into
account the salary, the incentive, and the reward corresponding to different choices of vehicles ti ∈ {1, 2} and routes li ∈ {1, 2}
from Table I can be represented by the following matrix. Each element of the matrix below represents the sum of three payoffs:

l1 , l 2
11 12 21 22
t1 , t2
11 (2s + u1 + x1 ) (2s + z1 + y1 ) (2s + z1 + y1 ) (2s + u1 + x1 )
12 (s + l + u2 + x2 ) (s + l + z2 + y2 ) (s + l + z2 + y2 ) (s + l + u2 + x2 )
21 (s + l + u3 + x3 ) (s + l + z3 + y3 ) (s + l + z3 + y3 ) (s + l + u3 + x3 )
22 (2l + u4 + x4 ) (2l + z4 + y4 ) (2l + z4 + y4 ) (2l + u4 + x4 )

the salary, the incentive, and the reward corresponding to the same element in Table I.
The considered VRP game is subject to the following requirements: (i) - (iii) and Eq.(4). Straightforward algebraic manipu-
lations reduce these constraints to the following (Eq. (5)):
0 < s < l, l − s ≤ us < ul , 0 < x < y < ul + us + x.
Besides, in the scenario involving two parties, each performing two P dichotomic measurements (the 222 scenario), the
′ ′
joint probability distribution that adheres to no-signaling conditions l1 p(l1 l2 |t1 t2 ) = l1 p(l1 l2 |t 1 t2 ) ∀t1 , t1 , l2 , t2 and
′ ′
l2 p(l1 l2 |t1 t2 ) = l2 p(l1 l2 |t1 t2 ) ∀t2 , t2 , l1 , t1 is given by the following matrix as given in the Eq.(2): If the traffic signals

l1 , l 2
11 12 21 22
t1 , t 2
11 c00 −c00 + m0 −c00 + n0 c00 − m0 − n0 + 1
12 c01 −c01 + m0 −c01 + n1 c01 − m0 − n1 + 1
21 c10 −c10 + m1 −c10 + n0 c10 − m1 − n0 + 1
22 c11 −c11 + m1 −c11 + n1 c11 − m1 − n1 + 1

share this correlation as assistance, the players’ total earnings are given by the average payoff expression:
 !T 
EP := Tr  ($i + Ii + Ri ) · P . (7)

In this equation, the elements of P are defined as p(l1 l2 t1 t2 ) := p(l1 l2 |t1 t2 )p(t1 t2 ), where T represents the transpose of the
payoff matrix derived from Table I. We assume that the choice of vehicles for each player is entirely random and independent of
each other, indicating p(t1 t2 ) = p(t1 )p(t2 ) = 41 for all t1 , t2 ∈ {1, 2}. The average payoff, EP is thus given by,
 T  
2s + u1 + x1 2s + z1 + y1 2s + u1 + x1 2s + u1 + x1 c00 −c00 + m0 −c00 + n0 c00 − m0 − n0 + 1
1   s + l + u2 + x2 s + l + z2 + y2 s + l + z2 + y2 s + l + u2 + x2  c01 −c01 + m0 −c01 + n1 c01 − m0 − n1 + 1 
EP = · Tr 
   ·   ,
4 s + l + u3 + x3 s + l + z3 + y3 s + l + z3 + y3 s + l + u3 + x3  c10 −c10 + m1 −c10 + n0 c10 − m1 − n0 + 1
2l + u4 + x4 2l + z4 + y4 2l + z4 + y4 2l + u4 + x4 c11 −c11 + m1 −c11 + n1 c11 − m1 − n1 + 1
 ul us x y  (ul + us + x − y)
= l+s+ + + + + B,
2 2 2 2 8
where, B the CHSH expression (see Eq.(3) in the main manuscript).


In this new game, we consider a somewhat modified scenario. If both post persons are provided small cars, they will have
the opportunity to transport some extra utensils. However, there are specific conditions to consider. Person 1 must deliver the

items to a designated location on route 1, whereas person 2 can choose to deliver them on either route 1 or route 2. Successful
completion of this task will result in both individuals receiving an additional cash bonus of ζ. Note that the only change is in
the introduction of the constant 2ζ. The rest of the conditions all remain exactly the same as before. The modified payoff table
corresponding to this is presented below: The payoffs corresponding to the total salary, incentive and reward are provided in

l1 , l 2
11 12 21 22
t1 , t 2
11 (2s, u1 + 2ζ, x1 ) (2s, z1 + 2ζ, y1 ) (2s, u1 , x1 ) (2s, u1 , x1 )
12 (s + l, u2 , x2 ) (s + l, z2 , y2 ) (s + l, z2 , y2 ) (s + l, u2 , x2 )
21 (s + l, u3 , x3 ) (s + l, z3 , y3 ) (s + l, z3 , y) (s + l, u3 , x3 )
22 (2l, u4 , x4 ) (2l, z4 , y4 ) (2l, z4 , y4 ) (2l, u4 , x4 )

parentheses and determined by 19 real parameters.

Similarly as in I, The total payoffs ( i ($i + Ii + Ri )) taking into account the salary, the incentive, and the reward corre-
sponding to different choices of vehicles ti ∈ {1, 2} and routes li ∈ {1, 2} from the above table can be represented by the
following matrix.

l1 , l 2
11 12 21 22
t1 , t 2
11 (2s + u1 + x1 + 2ζ) (2s + z1 + y1 + 2ζ) (2s + u1 + x1 ) (2s + u1 + x1 )
12 (s + l + u2 + x2 ) (s + l + z2 + y2 ) (s + l + z2 + y2 ) (s + l + u2 + x2 )
21 (s + l + u3 + x3 ) (s + l + z3 + y3 ) (s + l + z3 + y3 ) (s + l + u3 + x3 )
22 (2l + u4 + x4 ) (2l + z4 + y4 ) (2l + z4 + y4 ) (2l + u4 + x4 )

Each element of the matrix above represents the sum of three payoffs: the salary, the incentive, and the reward corresponding
to the same element in the above table. The players’ total earnings are given by the average payoff expression:
 !T 
E ′ P := Tr  ($i + Ii + Ri ) · P . (8)

Where the payoff matrix is now the above table instead of the previous one. Thus the average payoff now becomes
 T  
2s + u1 + x1 + 2ζ 2s + z1 + y1 + 2ζ 2s + u1 + x1 2s + u1 + x1  c00 −c00 + m0 −c00 + n0 c00 − m0 − n0 + 1
 
 s + l + u2 + x2

s + l + z2 + y2 s + l + z2 + y2 s + l + u2 + x2  
c01 −c01 + m0 −c01 + n1 c01 − m0 − n1 + 1 
· Tr 
   
  · 
4  s + l + u3 + x3

s + l + z3 + y3 s + l + z3 + y3 s + l + u3 + x3 

c10 −c10 + m1 −c10 + n0 c10 − m1 − n0 + 1

2l + u4 + x4 2l + z4 + y4 2l + z4 + y4 2l + u4 + x4 c11 −c11 + m1 −c11 + n1 c11 − m1 − n1 + 1

Which can be simplified to :

 ul us x y  (ul + us + x − y) (B + 2ζm0 )
E ′P = l + s + + + + +
2 2 2 2 8
Where B is given √ by Eq.(3). The expression B + 2ζm0 is the so called Tilted-Bell expression. This expression attains a
maximum value of 2 2 for a particular choice of measurements and a particular non-maximally entangled state for each value
of ζ.
The rest of the arguments remain exactly the same as of Appendix I.

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