Rulebook e Quest Labyrinth of Ruins

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INTRODUCTION Component overview

An ancient city’full ofperil and mystery’ awaits in the ruins of This section describes the various components in detail.
Sudanya, a lost civilization on the edges ofTerrinoth. Horrid
creatures haunt the heroes' every step, but powerful allies will guide PLASTIC flGURES
them through the twisting maze of wilderness and broken cityscape.
The heroes and monsters included in
this expansion are represented on the
Labyrinth ofRuin is an expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark
game board by plastic figures.
Second Edition, introducing a new epic campaign for players to
experience. Also included in this expansion are new heroes, monsters,
classes, and more. Green power dice
This expansion adds a new type of die: the

Component list green power die. These dice follow the same
rules as the yellow and red power dice.
• This Rulebook/Quest Guide
• 4 Hero Figures hero Sheets
• 13 Monster Figures, consisting of: The heroes in this expansion each have a
corresponding Hero sheet containing all the
- 4 Goblin Witchers; 3 tan and 1 red
information needed to play that hero.
- 4 Volucrix Reavers; 3 tan and 1 red
- 3 Carrion Drakes; 2 tan and 1 red Class Cards
- 2 Arachyura; 1 tan and 1 red These cards are divided into four separate decks
that represent the four different hero classes
• 2 Custom Six-sided Green Power Dice included in this expansion: the Apothecary, the
• 3 Plastic Stands Beastmaster, the Hexer, and the Treasure Hunter.
Each deck contains all the skills and starting
• 4 Hero Sheets
equipment belonging to that class.
• 77 Small Cards, consisting of:
- 43 Class Cards Shop item Cards
- 11 Act I Shop Item Cards These cards represent the different items heroes
can find or purchase in the game. They are divided
- 10 Act II Shop Item Cards
into Act I items and Act II items, and added to
- 4 Condition Cards their respective existing decks.
3 Relic Cards
- 6 Ally Skill Cards
Condition Cards
These cards describe the rules for the new Cursed
• 42 Bridge-sized Cards, consisting of: condition.
19 Overlord Cards
- 8 Monster Cards RELIC CARE’S
- 5 Lieutenant Cards These cards represent unique and powerful items
that can be found during a campaign.
- 2 Ally Cards
- 8 Travel Event Cards Ally Skill Cards
• 109 Tokens, consisting of: These cards represent powerful abilities that allies
can gain during a campaign.
18 Map Tiles
- 4 Lieutenant Tokens
2 Ally Tokens
8 Elixir Tokens
Overlord Cards
These Overlord cards represent a new deck
20 Hex Tokens of basic Overlord cards. Additionally, two
1 Wolf Familiar Token Universal cards are included, as well as Quest
Reward cards that are available to the overlord
3 Overgrowth Tokens
during a campaign.
- 5 Condition Tokens
- 7 Objective Tokens MONSTER CARE’S
- 1 Sun Stone Token The monsters in this expansion each have a
corresponding Act I and Act II Monster card
20 Damage Tokens containing all the information pertaining to
20 Fatigue Tokens the monster.
Lieutenant Cards Sun Stone ToKgN
These cards list all the information for the This token represents a powerful relic used in the
overlord’s new lieutenants. Some lieutenants “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign.
have both an Act I and an Act II card.
These tokens track the amount of damage
or fatigue heroes suffer during a quest. The
Ally Cards damage tokens are also used to track damage
These cards list all the information for the monsters, lieutenants, and allies have suffered.
new allies. Allies are characters that are unique
to the “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign and may
join the heroes during their adventures.
Expansion icon
Travel Event Cards All the cards and sheets found in this expansion
These cards are used to determine if an event are marked with the Labyrinth ofRuin expansion
occurs for the heroes while traveling during a icon to distinguish these components from those
campaign. found in the base game.

Map Tiles using This Expansion

These puzzle-cut tiles represent This section describes how to incorporate Labyrinth ofRuin components
different locations heroes explore during into the Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition base game.
the game. Each quest has a unique
layout that uses different combinations Before starting a game, all players must agree upon which expansions
of map tiles. All map tiles are double­ to include. When including this expansion, players use all Labyrinth of
sided, with one side showing an indoor Ruin components unless instructed otherwise. This means that when
location and the other side showing an using the Labyrinth ofRuin expansion, players have access to the new
outdoor location. heroes, classes, items, travel events, monsters, and Overlord cards. Simply
mix all components found in this expansion with their corresponding
LIEUTENANT TOKgNS components found in the base game (see “Expansion Setup” below).
These tokens represent lieutenants on the map.
The new Labyrinth ofRuin Lieutenant, Relic, Ally, and Ally Skill cards
The art on the token matches the art on the
are used only when specified in a quest included in this expansion.
corresponding Lieutenant card.
When using multiple expansions, simply mix together the respective
ALLY TOKgNS components. For example, players should mix together the Shop Item
These tokens represent allies on the map. cards from this expansion with the Shop Item cards from the base game as
The art on the token matches the art on the well as the Shop Item cards from all other expansions being used.
corresponding Ally card.
The Labyrinth ofRuin expansion includes a new campaign that can be
played instead of “The Shadow Rune” campaign found in the Descent:
Class Tokens Journeys in the Dark Second Edition base game. Before starting a
These tokens are used with the new classes campaign, players must agree upon a single campaign to play, as well as
introduced in this expansion, and consist of elixir which expansions to include. All components from the chosen expansions
tokens for the Apothecary, a single familiar token are available for the duration of this campaign.
for the Beastmaster, and hex tokens for the Hexer.
Expansion Setup
Overgrowth and Before playing with this expansion, carefully punch out all tokens and
plastic Stands map tiles from the cardboard frames. Then, perform the following:

These tokens are similar to doors, and are 1. Incorporate New Cards: Add all Shop Item and Travel Event cards
inserted into the included plastic stands. from this expansion to their respective decks.
Overgrowth represents a barrier that can be
moved through, but blocks line of sight. Take the new Class, Condition, Overlord, and Monster cards and
add them to the pool of available cards. These function like their
counterparts found in the base game.
Condition Tokens
These tokens correspond to the Cursed 2. Set Aside Campaign Cards: Place the Lieutenant, Relic, Ally, and
Ally Skill cards from this expansion aside. They are used only when
Condition card and are used to mark when a
playing the “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign.
monster is affected by Cursed.
3. Incorporate Other Components: Add the green power dice, Hero
OBJECTIVE TOKgNS sheets, hero and monster figures, all tokens, and map tiles from this
expansion to their respective supplies.
These tokens mark the locations of objectives on
the map. Objective tokens have a unique colored
back for use in specific quests.
The Hexer class has several skills that interact with hex
Expansion Rules tokens. These tokens are used specifically with the Hexer
This section describes how to incorporate the rules and components from class. When a player chooses the Hexer class during Hero
this expansion into Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition. It is Setup, he places the hex tokens in a supply near his play area.
important to note that all rules in this section should always be used when
playing the Labyrinth ofRuin expansion. When a monster is hexed through the use of a Hexer Class card, the hero
player places one hex token near the monster as a reminder. A monster
with at least one hex token is known as a HEXED MONSTER. The number
of hex tokens a monster may have is limited only by the supply.
The green power die included in this expansion functions similarly to the
red and yellow power dice. Some weapons and abilities will specifically A hero attacking a hexed monster may discard one or more hex tokens
call for the use of the green power die. from the target monster, after rolling dice. For each hex token discarded,
the attack deals one additional damage to the target monster. This ability
QUESTS is printed on the “Enfeebling Hex” Hexer Class card as a reminder.
This expansion adds 19 new quests, found in the Quest Guide at the
back of this rulebook. During step 1 of General Setup, these quests are NEW OVERLORD DECIL
added to the available selection of quests. These quests have either one Some of the Overlord cards included in Labyrinth ofRuin make up an
or two encounters and may be linked together to form a campaign (see alternate deck of 15 basic cards. These alternate basic Overlord cards are
“Labyrinth of Ruin Campaign Rules” on page 5). identified by the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion icon and are labeled “Basic
II.” This alternate Overlord deck may replace the basic Overlord deck
If playing an Act II quest from this expansion outside of the “Labyrinth
found in Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition.
of Ruin” campaign, players should use the Epic Play rules listed on page
19 of the Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition rulebook. These At the start of a campaign, the overlord player may choose which basic
quests should be played at the Expert Level. deck he wishes to use. The overlord player cannot mix basic cards
between decks. After choosing his basic deck, he simply returns all other
new Classes basic Overlord cards to the game box, and shuffles all cards belonging to
This expansion adds four new classes to those found in the base game the chosen basic Overlord deck together to create his deck.
(one for each archetype). These classes include the Apothecary (Healer),
Many of these new Overlord cards have an additional effect if played
Beastmaster (Warrior), Hexer (Mage), and Treasure Hunter (Scout).
on the appropriate hero archetype. These cards list the corresponding
Hero players may choose these classes during the Choose Classes step
archetype on the card. When the card is played on a hero that matches the
during Hero Setup.
listed archetype, the listed effect for the matching archetype is applied in
addition to the card’s normal effect.
The Apothecary class has several skills that interact with Some Overlord cards do not have an experience cost and are labeled
elixir tokens. These tokens are used specifically with the “Quest Reward.” These cards are only available as a reward for specific
Apothecary class. When a player chooses the Apothecary quests. When the overlord receives one of these cards, he shuffles it into
class during Hero Setup, he places the elixir tokens in a his Overlord deck as though it was a purchased Overlord card.
supply near his play area.

Each time a player is instructed to gain one elixir token, he takes one elixir
New Travel Event Cards
token from the supply and places the token on his Hero sheet. Each time Some of the new Travel Event cards included in this expansion allow
a player discards one elixir token, he removes one elixir token from his the heroes to choose a hero belonging to a specific archetype to keep the
Hero sheet and places it back in the supply. Elixir tokens remain on Hero Travel Event card in his play area. If there are no heroes belonging to the
sheets between encounters but are discarded at the end of a quest. The listed archetype, the card is discarded and the players continue to the next
number of elixir tokens a hero may have on his Hero sheet is limited only travel icon. If there is a hero belonging to the listed archetype, the card is
by the supply. placed in his play area and may be discarded to trigger its event. If a Travel
Event card is still in a player’s play area at the end of a quest, the card is
Any hero with an elixir token has the option of discarding it at any point shuffled back into the Travel Event deck.
during his turn to recover damage. This ability is printed on the “Brew
Elixir” Apothecary Class card as a reminder. When a hero discards an
elixir token, he rolls one red power die and recovers damage equal to the
V rolled on the die. A knocked out hero cannot discard an elixir token
during his turn.

Heroes may trade elixir tokens following the trading items rules on page
15 of the Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition rulebook.

Allies and familiars treated as hero figures can also gain elixir tokens. Each
time an ally or familiar treated as a hero figure gains one elixir token, place
it on their card. Allies and familiars treated as hero figures can discard
elixir tokens to recover damage just like heroes. Allies and familiars
treated as hero figures discard all elixir tokens on their card when they are
defeated, when they are summoned, and at the end of each encounter.
Elevation is represented by a dotted red line along
the edge of certain spaces. These lines, also known
Campaign rules
as elevation lines, block movement but not line Dreams offortune and glory, untamed lands, and old mysteries have
of sight. A figure cannot move across an elevation brought you to the edges ofTerrinoth, near to the ruined city of
line, but it can trace line of sight over one. Sudanya. Little is known of this place and its people, but tales and
legends give naught but high allure to the seasoned adventurer.
Adjacent spaces separated by an elevation line are still considered to
be adjacent. However, when a figure declares a Melee attack targeting a A dark omen shrouds your steps when you first discover the scattered
figure on the opposite side of an elevation line, the target figure adds one remains of a Dunwarr expedition to these lands. Dead and burned,
additional black defense die to its defense pool. If the attacking figures the bodies of these explorers transform to caution what was once a
attack has the Reach keyword, the target does not add the additional sense of excitement. Your destination of the Pylia Caravan, formed
black defense die to its defense pool. into an encampmentfor several weeks of local trade, lies not far on
the road ahead.
When determining movement for large monsters, elevation lines block
movement. However, when ending or interrupting movement for
The expeditions fateforces you to recall many dark rumors
large monsters, the monster figure may be placed on spaces containing
regarding the mysterious city. Sinisterforces, terrible magic, and a
elevation lines, as long as those spaces are empty. For example, a large
deep seed of evil led to Sudanya s downfall, or so it is said. Will you
monster may occupy two empty spaces separated by an elevation line. A
unlock the secrets of the forgotten city, or will this grisly scene prove
figure with the “Fly” ability may move through elevation lines.
an ominous sign of things to come...?

Overgrowth Labyrinth ofRuin introduces a new campaign to Descent: Journeys in

This expansion includes a new feature called the Dark Second Edition entitled “The Labyrinth of Ruin.” This new
OVERGROWTH. Overgrowth are set up similar to campaign follows many of the same rules for “The Shadow Rune” found
doors in a quest and are shown as green doors in the base game. The following rules list any changes to the campaign
in Labyrinth ofRuin Quest Guide. Figures rules found on pages 19-22 of the Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second
cannot trace line of sight through overgrowth. Edition rulebook.
Even though adjacent spaces separated by
overgrowth are still considered to be adjacent, figures cannot attack Travel
through overgrowth. However, figures can move through overgrowth.
The “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign uses an all new campaign map. All
In addition, when counting spaces for an ability, players can count spaces
travel is done by referencing the campaign map on the back page of this
through overgrowth. Large monsters cannot occupy two spaces that are
rulebook. When playing the “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign, heroes
separated by overgrowth.
always begin the travel step at Pylia Camp and must follow a continuous
path to the chosen quest location shown on the campaign map.
A figure may perform an open or close a door action to remove one
adjacent overgrowth from the map and return it to the game box. When a
figure does this, it is considered to be opening a door. Choosing quests
Players will play a total of nine quests throughout the “Labyrinth of Ruin”
campaign. The campaign begins with the Introduction quest entitled
“Ruinous Whispers.” Remaining quests are chosen using the campaign log
on page 8 of this rulebook. Players should photocopy the campaign log,
or download and print a copy from Fantasy Flight Game’s official website

Players are restricted as to which quests they can choose during Act I of
the “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign. After completing the Introduction
quest, the winner of the quest chooses either “Gathering Foretold” or
“Honor Among Thieves” as the next quest to be played. This is indicated
by the arrows connecting the quests to the Introduction quest. After
completing an Act I quest, the winner of that quest chooses between the
two available quests listed beneath it on the campaign log. Available quests
are connected to the completed quest by an arrow.

Players should note that two Act I quests are repeated on the quest log.
The quests “Fury of the Tempest” and “Back from the Dead” are always
available during Act I of the campaign, regardless of which quest was
chosen after completing the Introduction quest.
The Interlude is a special quest that marks the transition from Act I to Labyrinth ofRuin introduces a new type of character that can join the
Act II of the campaign. After completing three Act I quests, the Interlude heroes during their adventures called ALLIES. These characters are specific
must be chosen as the next quest. There are two different Interlude to the “Labyrinth of Ruin” campaign and only come into play through
quests and the Interlude to be played is chosen by the winner of the last specific quests. Similar to lieutenants, allies are represented on the map
Act I quest. The winner of the third Act I quest chooses between either by ally tokens, but are treated as hero figures for the purposes of hero
Interlude shown on the campaign log. The Interlude is considered to be abilities, monster abilities and attacks, and Overlord cards. Allies have
an Act I quest. attributes and perform attribute tests just like heroes. Allies are treated as
friendly figures for heroes and enemy figures for monsters. Ally cards list
ACT II the ally’s attributes, abilities, characteristics, and the dice used when the
After completing the Interlude, the campaign transitions to Act II. ally attacks or defends.
Immediately perform the Act II steps listed on page 22 of the Descent:
Journeys in the Dark rulebook. GAINING ALLIES
Hero players may receive an ally as a reward from certain quests. When
The winner of the Interlude chooses which Act II quest will be played the hero players receive an ally, they take the appropriate Ally card and
first. After each Act II quest, the winner of that quest chooses which Act ally token and place them in their play area. Hero players should store ally
II quest will be played next. When choosing Act II quests, players are free components with their hero’s between sessions during a campaign as a
to choose any Act II quest that has yet to be played during the campaign. reminder of which ally they have.
After completing three Act II quests, it is time for the Finale. Players
resolve one Campaign phase as normal and then the heroes travel to the
Finale quest to determine the ultimate winner of the campaign.
Throughout the course л Labyrinth ofRuin
campaign, heroes will have the chance to upgrade
FINALE their allies through the use of ally skills. When the
The campaign ends in an exciting quest known as the Finale. Similar to heroes receive an ally skill as a reward from a quest,
the Interlude, there are two different Finale quests. If the heroes won the heroes take the listed Ally Skill card associated
“Tipping the Scales” during Act II, the players must choose “A Glimmer with their current ally. The Ally Skill card
of Hope” as the Finale quest. Otherwise, the players must choose “Endless functions similarly to Class cards and lists special
Night” as the Finale quest. The Finale is considered to be an Act II quest. abilities and actions now available to the ally.

Certain quests in this expansion allow the heroes to control an ally during
Choosing act i quests the quest. This is listed in the setup section of a quest. Some quests
specifically state which ally is controlled by the heroes. Other quests will
state “The heroes control their ally,” meaning that the heroes control the
ally they received during the campaign. If playing the quest outside of a
campaign, the heroes may choose which ally they control. The ally’s token
must be placed adjacent to a hero at the start of a quest.

During a quest in which the hero players control an ally, the hero players
may activate the ally once each round before the overlord’s turn. The ally
must be activated either before or after a hero has completed his turn. The
ally cannot be activated during a hero’s turn. After activating the ally, the
hero players flip the Ally card facedown to indicate that the ally has been
After winning the Introduction quest, the hero players activated that round.
may choose which Act I quest will be played next.
When activating an ally, the ally may perform up to two actions. Only
Looking at the quests connected to the Introduction
one of these actions may be an attack action. Allies may perform the
quest by an arrow, they see that they can choose between
following actions:
“Gathering Foretold” or “Honor Among Thieves” as the
next quest to be played in the campaign. • Move: The ally moves a number of space up to its Speed.

The heroes choose “Gathering Foretold” as the next quest. • Attack: The ally attacks a monster. Similar to monsters, an ally can
After completing it, the winner of the quest may choose attack only once during its activation.
between “Reclamation” and “Fury of the Tempest” as the • Revive a Hero: The ally revives a knocked out hero whose hero token
next quest to be played. These quests are available because is in an adjacent space.
they are connected by an arrow to the completed quest.
• Ally Action: Allies have unique actions listed on their Ally cards
“Barrow of Barris” and “Secrets in Stone” are not or Ally Skill cards with a If any special action allows the ally to
connected to the completed quest and are no longer perform an attack, it counts as the ally’s one attack action for that
available during the campaign. These quests correspond activation.
to Raythen s story, which the players won’t experience • Open or Close a Door: The ally opens or closes one adjacent door.
completely during this campaign. Since the heroes chose to
follow Serenas story, the players will have to play another • Special: Some quests provide allies with unique actions to perform.
campaign later to experience the other ally’s story. These actions are clearly stated “as an action.”
Allies can suffer damage and be affected by conditions. When an ally is
defeated, remove the ally token from the map. A defeated ally is essentially
Expansion Design: Adam Sadler
out of the game for the remainder of the encounter. Allies recover all
damage at the end of an encounter. Creative Content Development: Rob Kouba, Daniel Lovat Clark, Justin
Kemppainen, Alex Davy, Brady Sadler, and Tim Uren
The Sun Stone Token
The sun stone is a powerful relic unique to this Editing & Proofreading: Brendan Weiskotten
expansion. Along with its Relic card, the sun stone is
Expansion Graphic Design: Dallas Mehlhoff and Wil Springer
also represented by the sun stone token. While a hero is
equipped with the “Sun Stone” relic, he places the sun Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition Graphic Design: Dallas
stone token on his Hero sheet. If that hero is ever defeated, he must place Mehlhoff
the sun stone token in his space and set the “Sun Stone” Relic card aside.
Graphic Design Manager: Brian Schomburg
As an action, a hero or monster may pick up the sun stone token. In the
case of a hero, place the token on his Hero sheet and that hero gains the Art Director: Andrew Navaro
“Sun Stone” Relic card. In the case of a monster, place the token on the
monster s base. If the monster carrying the sun stone token is defeated, Cover Art: Alex Aparin
place the token in the monster’s space.
Map Art: Henning Ludvigsen
If a monster is carrying the sun stone token at the end of any encounter,
the token is returned to the game box and the overlord receives the Interior Art: Yoann Boissonnet, Simon Eckert, David Griffith, Johannes
“Sun’s Fury” Relic card. Any lieutenant may wield the “Sun’s Fury” relic Holm, Charlene Le Scanff, and Christina Vela
in addition to any other relic he wields but does not drop the sun stone
Production Manager: Eric Knight
token when defeated. This is an exception to the normal relic rules that
limit lieutenants to wielding only one relic at a time.
Executive Game Designer: Corey Konieczka

Executive Game Producer: Michael Hurley

Publisher: Christian T. Petersen

Playtesters: Kaitlyn Bendt, Laura Bowman, Rachelle Brown, Rom

Brown, Ben Burch, Jhonn Clements, Michael Combellick, Marcel
Ally Card anatomy Cwertetschka, Chris J Davis, Christopher Estelberger, Simon Forsbrook,
Sean Joesbury, Stephen Kalmas, James Kniffen, Alena Koliander, Josh
Lewis, Scott Lewis, Mai-Li Le, Jed McDonald, Isabella Mattasits, Darren
Nakamura, Olivier Namet, Michael Powell, Ian Tollen, Chad Valente,
James Voelker, Jason Walden, Collin Webster, Daryl Wilson, Galen
Woltkamp-Moon, Stuart Woltkamp-Moon, Donnie Wood, Patrick
Wood, Shannon Wood, and Jamie Zephyr

© 2013 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. No part of this product may be reproduced
without specific permission. Fantasy Flight Supply is a trademark of Fantasy Flight
Publishing, Inc. Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Runebound, Fantasy Flight Games and
the FFG logo are registered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight
Games is located at 1995 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA,
and can be reached by telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for your
Ally card front Ally card back records. Actual components may vary from those shown. Made in China.
Name: This area lists the name of the ally. 13 YEARS OF AGE OR YOUNGER.

Attributes: This area lists all the attributes for the ally
(Might, Knowledge, Willpower, and Awareness).
Abilities: This area lists all the abilities for the ally.
Characteristics: This area lists the characteristics
(Speed, Health, and Defense) of the ally. The ally’s
characteristics differ depending on the number of
heroes playing (represented by the gray silhouettes).
Attack Type Icon: This icon shows the type of attack
{Melee or Ranged) the ally has.
Dice: This area lists the dice used by the ally when
performing an attack.
Ability Rules: This area explains the full details of the
ally’s abilities.


Gathering Foretold Honor Among Thieves

--— .д^ ляд—:

Reclamation Кд) Barrow of Barris Fury of the TempestД«.Д)

Throughthe Mist Back from the Dead flwB) Back from the Dead
' *----------- ...______ -'О'

Fortune and Glory

r -
■ИцУ '.Ш if. 7' Heart of the Wilds
J й) О Fountain of Insight SkQn Web of Power

О Fire and Brimstone

A Glimmer of Hop<

--- ХжТ--- | Overlord

Hero Gold xp W

Permission granted to photocopy lor personal use. > Fantasy Hight Games 2013.

1 __ Campaign log also available lor download at

7--------- After moving at least 1 space, if a traveler ends its You’re about to break the news to her when shefrowns
activation adjacent to a hero, the overlord may move the and says, "Come to think, ofit, Ijust saw one ofthem
Since finding the remains of the Dunwarr camp,your
hero to any empty adjacent space. If no space is available, afew minutes before the attack. He should still be
day has not improved. You arrive near to the Py/ia
the hero suffers 1 d. around here somewhere. ” She pauses. "I was also told of
Caravan encampment to the sight of rising smoke and
the sound of screams. Drawingyour weapons,you a woman who lives nearby. She’s said to be a priestess
After activating a traveler, the activating player places
hurryforward. following the Sndanyan tradition, but I don’t know ifI’ll
1 fatigue token on it as a reminder that he has already go visit her now...’’
Grinninggob/ins chase and harry the panicking moved that traveler. Players remove all fatigue tokens

civilians, but one individual in particular catchesyour Asyou sayyourfarewells, she holds out a pouch of coins.
from travelers at the end of the overlord’s turn. “I’m afraid I can’t payyou much, butyou did save my
eye. A women, garbed in finery high above the station
of other traders and travelers, lies unconscious near a All figures may move through travelers. However, figures life." She hesitates, but also handsyon a small object.
scatteredfirepit. cannot interrupt or end their movement in the same “Here. I bought itfrom the expedition group. It’sfrom
Sudanya, and they said it contains powerful magic.
One of the goblins, dressed in shaman's apparel of space as a traveler. Travelers also block line of sight.
Maybe it will helpyou.”
bones andfeathers, barks a command andpoints a When performing an attack, if the attacking hero
clawedfinger toward her. The othergoblins cease their The heroes win!
is adjacent to a traveler, that hero cannot target any
genera! mischief and rush to obey.
monster adjacent to the same traveler. If a goblin moves off the map while carrying the captive
They must hare some want of her; reason enoughfor
; yon to intervene. woman, read the following aloud:
High-pitched laughterfills the encampment as the goblins
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place drag the woman into the woods. With fires burning all
reinforcements based on the number of heroes, around and other civilians in need,yon decide to assist
respecting group limits: the encampment in picking up the pieces. Cater on,you
MONSTERS 4 heroes: Place 1 goblin archer on the Wild Garden and by to discover some hint of the attackingparty’s trail,
Goblin archers. Goblin witchers. but there's no sign of the goblins or their captive.
1 goblin witcher on the Pond.
Yourfailure to save the woman weighs heavi/у, butyou
SETUP 3 heroes: Place 1 goblin witcher on the Pond. move on withyour task. Gathering information over
the course of the next day, you find the tiniest scrap of a
Place the goblin archers on the Wild Garden. Place the 2 heroes: Place 1 goblin archer on the Wild Garden.
lead. With nothing more logo on, it seemsyou have little
goblin witchers on the Pond.
choice in the matter.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
If there are no goblin archers and no goblin witchers on The overlord wins!
Place 1 red objective token faceup on the Fire Pit as the map, read the following aloud:
indicated. This is the captive woman. REWARDS
Sheathingyour weapons,you set about aiding the victims
The overlord places a number of villager tokens equal to ofthe goblin raid. Within afew minutes, the woman Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
the number of heroes on the Caravan and/or the Fire Pit. regains consciousness and introduces herselfas a minor If the heroes win, they receive 50 gold and the “Sun
These are travelers. ndble with a strong interest in rare antiquities, especially Stone” relic.
thosefrom Sudanya. “Ijust bought afew piecesfrom a
SPECIAL RULES group ofdwarren explorers.” If the overlord wins, he receives the “Sun’s Fury” relic.
The red objective token is a captive woman that the You don’t have the heart to describe the Dunwarr
expedition'sfate, butуon tell her ofyour intentions in the
goblins must carry off the map.
ruined city and askfor information. “Oh, certainly!” she
THE GOBLIN’S CAPTIVE says, blinking. “You can probably find those Dunwarr Entrance
fellowsjust down the road. I'm surprisedyou didn’t run
As an action, while adjacent to the captive woman, a
into them.”
goblin archer or goblin witcher may pick her up. While a
goblin is carrying the captive woman, its Speed is reduced
to 3. If the goblin picked up the captive woman during a
move action, immediately reduce that goblin’s remaining
movement points by 2. In addition, while a goblin archer 26A
is carrying the captive woman, it loses its Scamper ability. Wild Garden
As an action, while adjacent to the goblin carrying the
captive woman, a goblin archer or goblin witcher may
help the goblin. If the goblin carrying the captive woman
is helped, the overlord may immediately move the goblin
1 space in any direction.
While carrying the captive woman, a goblin may move
off the map through the Exit.

Each villager token represents a panicked traveler. After
each hero takes his turn, the overlord chooses 1 traveler
without a fatigue token on it. After choosing the traveler,
the overlord rolls 1 brown defense die. On a blank result, 8A
the overlord may activate the traveler. On any other flRE PIT
result, the hero player who just took his turn may activate
the traveler.
When activating a traveler, the activating player chooses
a direction and moves the traveler 2 spaces in that I2A
direction. If the traveler cannot move the full 2 spaces, it
moves as far as possible in the chosen direction.
Gathering Foretold
< Encounter 1 yj


ou’ve collected bits andpieces of information about If all heroes are adjacent to the villager token at the end If Serena has been rescued and all the heroes move off the
this woman, this priestess of theforgotten city. Vj/mors of any overlord turn, read the following aloud: map through the Exit, read the following aloud:
and conjecture provide a vast array of possibility about Yon burst into the meager shelter to find a lovelyyoung After runningfor whatfeels like hours, you take a
the woman, but one thing seems certain: she possesses
woman dressed in fine clothing, her appearance a moment to catchyour breath and rest. Asyou begin
impressive power for one so young. Armed with the complete contrast to the surrounding wi/ds and modest introducingyonrselves, the priestess shakes her bead and
knowledge of her whereabouts, yon travel with haste. accommodations, Eyes dosed, she kneels on the floor in gestures toward the road. She hasn’t spoken thusfar, but
Sinisterforces seem to be interested in Sndanya and peaceful meditation. Asyou approach, she looks up and with each tiny expression and afew simple emotionsyou
anyone related to it, soyon have to assume she may be
smiles. A touch ofconcern crosses herfeatures as she sees think she may somehow be projecting, this woman, this
in danger.
your wounded state. oracle seems to make her wishes and intentions perfectly
Yon arrive at the hove! where the priestess is known Her eyes close again, and though she hasn’t spoken a dear. Something important lies ahead, andyou must
to reside, but a grim silence surrounds the immediate make haste toward it.
word or even opened her mouth, a song ofsoft beauty fills
area. Something is amiss, andyon hurryforth.
your thoughts. The day’s travel, the exertion and wounds Tired muscles are slow to move, but the woman renews
of combat,yourpain, doubt, and any negative thoughts her silent song. Vigor returns, and you continue onward.
simplyfade away. You loseyourselves in the songfor a
time, but eventually itfades. Yon openyour eyes, and The heroes win this encounter!
she’s waiting by the door. With a tilt ofher head, still not
If the overlord ever has 12 damage tokens in his play
MONSTERS speaking, she implies that it 'f time to get moving.
area, read the following aloud:
Goblin witchers. 1 open group.
Serena is now rescued. Replace the villager token with The guttural cries ofgob/ins pressing in a// around
SETUP Serena’s ally token. Serena immediately performs her continuesfor a timeyou cannot determine. On and on
Soothing Spirit action. This does not count toward the yon fight, prayingfor a moment's respite. AH at once, the
Place the goblin witchers on the Flooded Path. Place rhe battle ceases, and thefewgoblins not dead or dying on the
once per turn limit. Serena is now treated as an ally.
open group on the Forked Path. ground scamper off.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. REINFORCEMENTS A whip-crack ofstrong sensation strikesyou, andyou
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin turn in surprise toward the woman. You canfeel her
Place 1 villager token on the Cabin as indicated. This is anger and concern even beforeyou notice the emotions
witcher on the Flooded Path, respecting group limits.
Serena. etched across heryouthfu/features. Without speaking,
she makesyou understand that the waves ofgob/ins
SPECIAL RULES were sent to delayyou, a task at which they have clearly
At the end of each overlord turn, he places 1 damage succeeded.
token in his play area. If Serena has not yet been rescued
The overlord wins this encounter!
(see below), he instead places 2 damage tokens.
Win or lose, the heroes gain control of Serena as an ally.
For every 3 damage tokens in the overlord’s play area, he
gains 1 fatigue token for use during the next encounter
(Sec Reinforcements on next page).



Flooded path

Forked path


JEW Place 1 villager token under Splig. This is the captive VICTORY
Serena—somehow you simply know her name—imparts If a hero moves off the map through the Exit while
a flurry of images through her silent song. Whatyou The heroes control Serena as an ally. carrying the captive woman, read the following aloud:
see are events: past and present. AH of them blur
Carving a path through the swarm of creatures, you
together, beyond your comprehension to sift through, SPECIAL RULES emergefrom theforest with the unconscious woman in
andyou realise the rumors of herpower were quite Splig is carrying the captive woman. If Splig is defeated, yourgrasp. With Serena’s renewed song driringyou
understated. She shows toyonyour arrival in these
the villager token is placed in his space and may be onward, you easily leave the rest ofyourfoes behind.
lands, your struggle at the Py/ia encampment to save
the goblin’s captive. picked up by a hero as an action.
If the heroes won “Ruinous Whispers,” read the
i ou’re shocked to see multiple outcomes, several of COWARD’S WAY OUT following aloud:
which are different than what happened, but Serena If the overlord has no fatigue tokens left, Splig may move
casts these images aside infavor of one that she affixes “You’ve saved me again,” tears come to the woman's eyes
off the map through the Exit. The villager token is placed as she poursgratitude uponyou. “How could I be so
with a grim certainty. What happened before did not
in the last space Splig occupied before leaving the map. blessed to hare such powerful heroes watching over me?"
matter; right now, this woman is a captive of goblin
forces. If Splig is defeated or moves off the map through the
If the overlord won “Ruinous Whispers,” read the
The last image is of a massive andgrotesque goblin Exit, read the following aloud:
carrying the woman over bis shoulder. You recognise following aloud:
the hideous beast as Sp/ig, the self-styled King of All “Fine!” Sp/ig shouts, hurling his captive towardуon. “I
was already done with her anyway!” Seizing the moment The womanfades in and out ofconsciousness, whispering
Gob/ins. Determined to rescue the woman once andfor of terrible things done to her by the vicious gob/ins. A
all,you readyyourselvesfor the coming battle. ofdistraction, he makes a rude gesture and takes off
running. You readyyourselves to give chase, but Serena sense ofguiltfloods intoyou, but Serena touchesyour
signalsforуon to let him go. emotions, sendingforth a calm reassurance. The woman
has been saved, she seems to say; this is all that matters.
MONSTERS The heroes win!
Each time a hero is defeated, the overlord places 1 hero
Splig. Volucrix reavers. Zombies. 2 open groups. token belonging to that hero in his play area. If the overlord ever has 1 hero token from each hero in
his play area, read the following aloud:
Setup REINFORCEMENTS At somepoint during the eternity offightingforуour
Place Splig and the volucrix reavers on the Ruins. Place At the end of each overlord turn, he may discard 1 lives, the captive woman’s high-pitched scream pierces
the zombies on the Graveyard. Place 1 open group on fatigue token to place 8 Health worth of monsters from the gloom oflate evening. The battle eventually ends,
the Ambush Site. The other open group is not placed his open groups on the Entrance, respecting group limits. and whatfew surviving creatures remain scatter into the
during setup. nearby woods.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. The overlord wins!

Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold.
Exit If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
If Splig is defeated, the heroes receive 50 additional gold.
If Splig is not defeated, the overlord receives the “Splig’s
Revenge” Overlord card.
Ambush Site


Captive woman

Honok Among Thieves


A string of thefts Utters the trail toward the dwarf Each objective token on the map represents a thief that If 2 heroes are ever knocked out at the same time, the
known as Raythen, the lone survivor of the Dunwarr f the heroes must question in order to gain information overlord may remove 1 faceup blue objective token from
expedition massacre. I тот what you're heard, the regarding the combination lock. As an action, a hero his play area.
man is an untrustworthy sort, hut his experience in the may question an adjacent thief. To question a thief, the
ruins of Sudanya may prore vital toyour efforts. hero player flips over the objective token. If the objective REINFORCEMENTS
The trail leadsyou to a broken encampment crawling token is blue, the hero has gathered information. If the At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin
withfoul creatures. They appear to he lookingfor objective token is red or white, the thief is actually a witcher on the Waterfall, respecting group limits.
something, and you quickly discorer toyour dismay
volucrix reaver in disguise (see “Cloak and Dagger”).
that an individualfitting Raythen’s description is VICTORY
imprisoned in a cage at the edge of the camp, sitting on When a hero gathers information, the hero player places
a wagon and waitingfor transport. Sneaking upfor a If the heroes correctly guess the combination and the
the blue objective token faceup in the overlords play
doser look, the mechanism looks quite complex, and overlord has less than 6 fatigue tokens in his play area,
area and chooses a token in the combination lock. The
you doubt your ability to crack it without assistance. read the following aloud:
overlord must flip the chosen objective token faceup.
Luckily, various hooded individuals appear to have / The cage door springs open, and out tumbles a dwarf,
been left alone by the creatures. They watchfrom the At the start of each overlord turn, all objective tokens in
roughed up butfor the most part uninjured. You help
shadows as the encampment is torn apart in the search. the combination lock arc flipped facedown. him to hisfeet, and he grins. “Thanks, lads." You
Perhaps the shadyfigures areformer comrades of the begin to introduceyourselves, but the cry ofapproaching
ruffian yon seek, and perhaps they know something of
reinforcements cutsyou off. Raythen makes a gesture
the cage mechanism. Once per round, as an action, a hero may attempt to toward the tree line. “Run now, chat later, eh?”
Perhaps they’ll even tellyou... for a price. guess the correct order of tokens in the combination
lock. In order to make a guess, the hero must be on the The heroes win this encounter!
Exit and discard one faceup blue objective token from If the heroes correctly guess the combination and the
the overlord’s play area. Then, the hero player points to overlord has 6 fatigue tokens in his play area, read the
each token in the combination lock declaring which following aloud:
Monsters color he thinks each token represents (red, blue, white,
The horse-drawn wagon begins moving, butyou c/ing to
and green). If he is wrong, the hero is placed on the
Goblin witchers. Volucrix reavers. 1 open group. the side. Though it takes a little work,you manage to
dislodge the enclosure. Unfortunately,youfail to keep
SETUP CLOAK AND DAGGER hold ofit, and the cage tumbles and bounces down a
Place the goblin witchers on the Rocky Path. Place the nearby hill, coming to a halt as it crashes into a tree.
A revealed white objective token is replaced with a
open group on the Waterfall. The volucrix reavers are not minion volucrix reaver. A revealed red objective token is Hisformer captors shout asyou haul the dwarf, datyed
placed during setup (see “Cloak and Dagger”). and battered, out of the cage. A little worsefor the wear,
replaced with a master volucrix reaver. When placed, the
at least he’s alive and able to run, an ability that quickly
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. volucrix reavers may immediately perform 1 action.
becomes necessary.
Collect 1 red objective token, 4 blue objective tokens, NO TIME TO WASTE
The heroes pass this encounter!
and 3 white objective tokens. Shuffle the tokens together At the end of each overlord turn, he places 1 fatigue
and place them facedown, on the map as indicated. No token in his play area. If the overlord ever has 6 If the overlord ever has 6 fatigue tokens in his play area
players should know which objective tokens are which. fatigue tokens, the heroes may immediately guess the and the heroes do not correctly guess the combination,
These tokens are thieves. combination if at least 1 hero is on the Exit and there is read the following aloud:
at least 1 blue objective token in the overlord’s play area. The wagon rides off, and thoughyou try to give chase, it
Collect 1 red objective token, 1 blue objective token. 1
white objective token, and 1 green objective token. Place quickly passes out ofsight. It takesyou haIfofthe night,
these tokens facedown in a line in the overlord’s play butyon manage to infiltrate where the dwarfis being
area. This is the combination lock.
Entrance held and set him loose. Unfortunately, the long hours of
captivity and torture have left him in terrible condition.

The overlord wins this encounter!





Honor Among Thieves

In addition, the overlord places Lord Merick Farrow on VICTORY

the Reliquary at the end of the round in which the alarm
Wheiiyou finish telling him of your intentions with If all heroes move off the map through the Entrance after
sounded. If Merick is defeated, the overlord must discard
Stidanya, the dwarf, Raythen, grins in afashionyou revealing at least 50 gold plus an additional 25 gold per
3 fatigue tokens from his play area and he can no longer
aren’t entirely comfortable with. “G/ad to help, I'd hero, read the following aloud:
be, but I might need a little somethin' first, eh?” he discard an Overlord card when the heroes reveal an
says, ignoring thefact thatyoujust rescued himfrom a objective token to roll the green power die. Againyon find yourselvesfeeing, but instead ofa
possible lifetime of imprisonment and torture. “I got a prisoner, this timeyou’ve liberated a healthy score of
TREASURE valuables. A short time later, you arrive atyour lodgings
few debts, see, and ifyou lads help me dear 'em... ”
The value of each objective token is as follows: and examine whatyou’ve obtained. “Not bad, not bad
Not long after, you find'yourselves sneaking onto a at all!" Raythen grins, his eyes glittering with the riches
dig site owned by some lord, ready to raid a temporary • Red: 25 gold and placed in hero play area yon pile infront ofhim. “Stick with me, lads, and we'II
storage vault of hisfindings. Raythen presses a stolen show this land a thing or two!”
key intoyour hands. “Hope he didn’t change the locks. • Blue: 50 gold and placed in hero play area
Oh, and mind the alarms. They’re bloody loud, ” he • Green: Treated like a search token and discarded The heroes win!
says, leavingyou to wonder exactly what he’d done to
get imprisoned. • White: Discarded with no effect If the overlord ever has 12 fatigue tokens in his play area,
read the following aloud:
Merick. Farrow, the /ord whoyon attempted to steal
If a hero performs a rest, stand up, or revive a hero action from, keeps a dark, and cruelprison, and it is many
MONSTERS while in a water space, that hero rolls 1 red and 1 green days beforeyou escape. “Truly sorry, I am, 'bout what
power die. The hero recovers V equal to the V rolled. happened, ” Raythen says asyou drown the memories of
Lord Merick Farrow. Volucrix reavers. 1 open group.
that place in cold ale. “Whatyou doneferme...” he says,
Setup REINFORCEMENTS his demeanor serious and determined. “Thejob went
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 south, to be sure, but I won’tforget it. I’myer dwarf,
Place the volucrix reavers on the Library. Place the open volucrix reaver or 1 monster from his open group on 1 of through and through. Youjust tell me whatyou need.”
group on the Cave. Lord Merick Farrow is not placed the spaces marked with an “X,” respecting group limits.
during setup. The overlord wins!
If a monster’s base cannot fit entirely on the marked
Collect 4 red objective tokens, 4 blue objective tokens, spaces, it cannot be reinforced. REWARDS
3 green objective tokens, and 1 white objective token. Win or lose, each player receives 1 XR In addition, the
Shuffle the tokens together and place them facedown, heroes gain control of Raythen as an ally.
on the map as indicated. No players should know which
objective tokens are which color. These are treasure. If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold and any gold

If the heroes won Encounter 1, they control Raythen as

an ally. If the heroes passed Encounter 1, they control
Raythen and he immediately suffers 4 V-
If the overlord won Encounter 1, read the following
“‘Fraid I can’t come with," Raythen says, holding his
side andgiving a rattling cough. “I’djust stowyou lads
down.”Moving into the shadows,you hear him hiss,
“Find me when it’s done!"

The facedown objective tokens are treasure that the
heroes must collect. As an action, a hero or ally may
flip over an adjacent objective token. The color of the
objective token determines what treasure that token is
(see “Treasure”). When a hero reveals an objective token,
the overlord rolls 1 yellow power die. If he discards 1
Overlord card, he may roll 1 green power die instead. On
a // result, he places 1 fatigue token in his play area. The
overlord cannot do this if Raythen performs an action to
reveal an objective token.


Each time a hero is defeated, the overlord places 1 fatigue
token in his play area. In addition, if the heroes do not
reveal at least 1 objective token during their turns, the
overlord places 1 fatigue token in his play area at the start
of his turn. If the overlord ever has 5 fatigue tokens in his
play area, the alarm sounds (see “Alarm”).

When the alarm sounds, the overlord immediately places
volucrix reavers on any facedown objective tokens of his
choice, up to their group limit. The alarm may sound
only once during this encounter.

— ~A- ‘-г- —1 GOBLIN SNEAKTHIEVES The hero draws a Search card as normal. In addition, the
As an action, a goblin witcher minion or goblin archer overlord places 1 goblin witcher in the space containing
The more timeyou spend with Serena, the oracle,
may steal a Talisman of Protection from an adjacent the final search token. He places the remaining goblin
the moreyou find yourselves in awe of herpower. p
hero. When stealing a Talisman, place the hero token on witchers in empty spaces within 3 spaces of the first (or
She hasyet to speak a word, thoughyon don't know
if she lacks the means or simply prefers to impart the goblin figure’s base. If the monster is defeated, the in the closest available space). The master goblin witcher
information through images and emotions. Ju doing so, hero token is placed in the monster’s space. As an action, is Izglik. He has 1 additional Health per hero. Izglik
she asks afavor, one whichyou readily accept. a goblin witcher minion or goblin archer may pick up a may immediately perform 1 action after the witchers are
Thejourney is long and difficult, but her song sustains ' Talisman of Protection from an adjacent space. placed. Then, the hero’s turn resumes.
you through arid wastes and insect-infested bogs. A '
few hours outsideyour destination, a flare of alarm A monster carrying a Talisman of Protection may move REINFORCEMENTS
emanates fromyour companion. You instantly ready J off the map through the Exit. If it does so, the overlord At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin
yourselves, but she wavesyou over. Figging into her places the hero token in his play area. archeron the Quarry, respecting group limits. If goblin
pack, she bands each ofyon a small amulet, and her archers arc at their group limit, he may place 1 goblin
silent explanation reveals them to be protective charms. FINDING IZGLIK
witcher within 3 spaces of Izglik, respecting group limits.
A stern glare givesyou the impression that she doesn’t . If the heroes reveal the unique search token, read the
wantyou to lose them. following aloud: VICTORY
Finally, she points ahead and imparts an image of
"№/ quite...” a high-pitched voice speaks inyour mind, If the heroes defeat Izglik, read the following aloud:
a goblin chieftain-lzglik, the name arrives-with a
followed by chittering laughter. A dark chill spreads
number of hisfollowers swarming overyou. It seems IZgUk’s brokenform collapses to the ground, and with
throughoutyour body, certainly someform offoul magic.
an ambush is soon to come. She also sends an image shrieks ofterror bisfellow goblins disengage andflee.
of the same skull andfeather-dadgoblin иnmoving on Serena is ratherpleased atyour success, but she wastes
The hero draws a Search card as normal and is Cursed.
the ground, his minions scattering. little time in spurringyou onward. It seems the real task
The overlord collects all remaining search tokens on the
Your task seems dear enough. still lies ahead.
map, discards 1, shuffles them with the unique search
token, and returns them to the map in the remaining The heroes win this encounter!
spaces (the search tokens that have yet to be searched).
If the overlord ever has a hero token from each hero in
No players should know which search token is the
his play area, read the following aloud:
MONSTERS unique search token.
Serena displays an uncommon anger atyoufor losing
Goblin archers. Goblin witchers. 1 open group. Repeat this each time the unique search token is revealed.
the amulets, a surprising changefrom her usually calm
When the unique search token is revealed and it is the demeanor. You apologize as bestуon can, but she waves
SETUP only search token remaining, read the following aloud: you offandjabs a finger toward the path. From her
Place the goblin archers on the Battlefield. Place the open Thefamiliar cold, a deep sense ofwrong, courses through reaction,уon have to assume those amulets would have
group on the Forked Path. The goblin witchers are not you, and the voice speaks again, this time out loud, “Oh, been valuablefor the battle ahead, but asyou approach
placed during setup (see “Finding Izglik”). very well." your destination,you understand thatyou’ll simply have
to make do without them.
Collect search tokens based on the number of heroes. You spin around, weapons ready. Flanked by his
Replace 1 of these search tokens with the unique search followers, the goblin leader Izglik stands there, bis razor­ The overlord wins this encounter!
sharp teeth set in a wickedgrin. “Yes, you’vefound me,"
token. Shuffle the tokens together and place them based Note which heroes have their hero tokens in the
he says, “but soon I thinkyou'll wishyou hadn’t...”
on the number of heroes. No players should know which overlord’s play area; this is important for Encounter 2.
search token is the unique search token.
The overlord places 2 overgrowth, choosing 2 of the 3
locations indicated on the map. 4OA
Each hero player places 1 of his hero tokens on his hero PATH
figure’s base. These are Talismans of Protection that
Serena has given the heroes.
The heroes control Serena as an ally.

The overgrowth in this encounter is extremely dense and
difficult to move through. It follows normal rules with
the following exceptions:
• Large monsters cannot move through overgrowth.
• After a hero moves through overgrowth, he must Quarry
test § or О (his choice). If he fails, he is Stunned.
• The overgrowth cannot be removed.

A hero carrying a Talisman of Protection adds 1 W to
his results each time he rolls defense dice. When a hero SA
is knocked out, the Talisman of Protection remains in
his space. As an action, a hero may pick up a Talisman of
Protection. A hero cannot carry more than 1 Talisman
of Protection.
V Encounter. 2 >
Crumbling, overgrown mins are all that remain of Any hero still carrying a Talisman of Protection follows If the heroes ever have a number of objective tokens
ibisformer village, which you understand to be an the same rules from Encounter 1 (see “Talismans of in their play area equal to 3 more than the number of
outer settlement of Sudanya. Her silent story toyou, Protection”). Monsters cannot pick up or steal Talismans heroes, read the following aloud:
the series of images describing the city’sJail, is almost of Protection during this encounter.
overwhelming. Blinding light eruptsfrom the great standard. Yon
THE SUN STANDARD shield your eyes against its brilliance, andyon can hear
Son understand that this place, this colony, saw the the terrified screams and wails ofthefew creatures left
final battle, where theforces of darkness wiped the If a hero reveals the unique search token, he draws a standing. When the lightfades, all is quiet, and there is
last of the Sudanyan peoplefrom existence. Through Search card as normal. In addition, the heroes have no sign ofany remainingfoes.
( Serena, you see much of the battle itself, the brave found the Sun Standard. Place the unique search token
and hopelessly outnumbered peoplefighting beneath a A flare ofjoy emanatesfrom Serena as she seizes the
on the Hero sheet of the hero who revealed it to mark still-glowing standard, running to an old watchtower near
glorious golden standard bearing Sudanya’s mark.
that he is carrying the Sun Standard. If the hero carrying the settlement’s edge. She climbs its steps, stares out over
The standard still lies somewhere in these ruins, filled it is defeated, place the unique search token faceup in the landscape, and raises the standard high.
with the power and spirit of its people. Serena wants
his space. As an action, a hero adjacent to the unique You hear her song as never before. The pure, thundering
you to find it, to fight under the sign of the great city
search token may pick it up. Heroes may trade the Sun joy ofit flows intoyou, andfor a moment, a tiny moment,
once again and reclaim this placefrom the evilforces
) that now call it home. Standard following normal rules for trading items. you hear a chorus of voicesjoin in. Glorious melodies and
harmonies make up the true Sudanyan song, a crashing
The hero carrying the Sun Standard is now able to claim wave of overwhelming sound held entirely withinyour
objective tokens. Each time a hero carrying the Sun thoughts. You now understand how important this victory
Standard defeats a monster, the heroes place 1 objective was to Serena, andуon findyourse/ves quite glad to have
MONSTERS token in their play area (2 objective tokens for defeating been a part ofit.
Carrion drakes. Goblin archers. 1 open group. a large monster).
The heroes win!
SETUP If the overlord ever has a number of objective tokens in
If the hero carrying the Sun Standard is defeated, the his play area equal to 3 more than the number of heroes,
Place the carrion drakes on the River’s Edge. Place the
overlord places 1 objective token in his play area. At the read the following aloud:
goblin archers on the Ruins. Place the open group on the
end of each overlord turn, he places 1 objective token in
Hidden Path. Swarms ofhorrid monsters beatyou back. The banner
his play area for each knocked out hero.
is dropped and trampled in the mud, andyou’reforced to
Collect search tokens based on the number of heroes.
As an action, the master carrion drake may search an make a hasty retreat orjoin the ranks ofthe many people
Replace 1 of these search tokens with the unique search
adjacent search token. If the unique search token is slain in this place.
token. Shuffle the tokens together and place them based
revealed, leave it in its space. Otherwise, discard the Beaten and battered,you make it away safe/у and begin
on the number of heroes. No players should know which
search token and the overlord places 1 objective token in a slow march home. You sense nothing at al!from Serena
search token is the unique search token. The unique asyou progress, but the look on herface is one of terrible
his play area.
search token is the Sun Standard. sorrow, afeeling thatyou cannot help but share.
The heroes place 1 objective token in their play area for REINFORCEMENTS
The overlord wins!
each Talisman of Protection they possessed at the end of At the start of each overlord turn, he must place 1
Encounter 1. The overlord replaces each hero token in carrion drake on the River’s Edge and 1 monster from REWARDS
his play area with an objective token. the open group on the Cave, respecting group limits.
Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
The heroes control Serena as an ally.
If the heroes win, Serena receives the “Healing Aura”
The Sun Standard Ally Skill card and the heroes receive 100 gold.
If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
river's Edge

Through the Mist
Encounter. I

SPECIAL RULES the next overlord turn, he removes the wisp from the
map and all remaining heroes and allies are lost.
) onfeel completely lost. Heroes, monsters, and allies can only measure line of
For days,you’ve been traveling through twistingforest sight up to 3 spaces away. If a hero or ally cannot measure REINFORCEMENTS
and mountain pathways. Thefog is so thickyou can line of sight to the wisp and they are not within 3 spaces
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1
hardly see the path beneathyourfeet, andyon pray of a hero or ally that can measure line of sight to the wisp,
nothing happens to Serena, the only one who seems to barghest on either the Caravan or the River’s Edge,
they are lost. Monsters are ignored when measuring line
know where she’s going. respecting group limits.
of sight to the wisp.
Yon get quite nervous when she signalsfor a halt and VICTORY
If a hero becomes lost, remove him from the map, replace
looks around the immediate area with confusion, but
she gesturesforуon to gather around. Herface becomes him with 1 of his hero tokens, and place a fatigue token If all the heroes move off the map through the Exit, read
set with concentration. After afew delicate hand on it (place a fatigue token on the ally token in the case the following aloud:
motions and mental whisperings of a songyou can’t of a lost ally). A lost hero or ally cannot perform actions.
AH at once, you emergefrom the thickfog to find a grassy
quite hear, a tiny, vibrant ball of light winks into If a lost hero or ally ever has line of sight to the wisp or is
clearing and a warm sun high overhead even though it
existence, high aboveyour heads. With Serena’s song within 3 spaces of a hero or ally that can measure line of
had been night moments earlier. A gentle breeze whispers
Hnkingyou to it,you canfee! the guiding light inyour sight to the wisp, the lost hero or ally is no longer lost. through the nearby trees, and an opening at the clearings
minds, present there even when yon doseyour eyes.
edgefeatures a soft, golden glow. A backwardg/anee
A plash of alarm comesfrom Serena as the speck THE WISP
reveals thatyour arrivalpath has disappeared, but this
of light shoots off into thefog, its presence already The wisp is a figure that cannot be targeted or affected by is of little concern;your true destination lies ahead.
fadingfrom your thoughts as it draws further away. A any attack. It has a Speed of 4 and can ignore all figures
chilling howlpierces the night, some creature nearby, and terrain when moving. It may occupy the same space The heroes win this encounter!
andyou realise something is terribly wrong. Not as any other figure.
wishing to loseyour only guide in these fog-shrouded If the wisp is removed from the map or all heroes are lost,
lands,you don’t even need Serena’s urging to begin The wisp is controlled by the overlord and activated at read the following aloud:
running after it. the end of his turn. It may only perform 1 move action Host and alone, the mist presses in all around. Yon call
when activated. When activating the wisp, the overlord out toyour companions, the only response a twisted,
chooses 1 of the unique spaces marked with an “X” and mocking echo ofyour criesfor help. Countless times, a
must move the wisp directly toward that space. After the properpath seems toform infront ofyou, on/у to arrive
wisp leaves a map tile, it cannot move back onto the same at afamiliar crossroads or dead end.
MONSTERS map tile again. The wisp cannot end its movement on After a time indeterminate,you hear the smallest
Barghests. 1 open group. the same tile upon which it started. whisper ofSerena’s song. Desperate,you c/ing to it,
blindly clawingyour way throughfog and mountain
Setup At the end of the wisp’s movement, the overlord checks path. Part ofyou wonders ifit is merely a trick ofthese
Place rhe barghcsrs on the River’s Edge. Place the open to see if any heroes or allies are lost. shapeless lands, but it provides the only hopeyou have of
group on the Caravan. findingyour way oat.
When the wisp moves onto a unique space, it ends its
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. movement. Replace the tile with the Exit. At the end of The overlord wins this encounter!

Place 1 blue objective token faceup on the Entrance as Note which heroes (if any) are lost at the end of this
indicated. This is the wisp. encounter; this is important for Encounter 2.

The heroes control Serena as an ally. Entrance

rivers Edge

The wisp
Through the Mist

SITE OF POWER Serena stands over the lastfissure, its glittering energy
A flat, infinite expanse of forest surrounds you. As an action, while adjacent to an objective token, Serena coursing into her. “Let’s not be hasty, here,” Splig says,
or Splig may begin channeling its energy. If they remain backing away asyou approach with weapons brandished,
You’ve given up wondering how such a thing conid
uninterrupted until the start of their next activation, “fust ajob, see? Weren’t nothin’ personal.” Not waiting
exist atjour location and elevation. Squinting through
take the objective token and place it near the channeling to see ifуoil’ll show mercy, he grabs a nearby goblin.
the trees, you think, yon can seeyourselves staring hack,
Shoving the struggling creature towardyou, he takes off
and each path you take somehow seems to turn upon figure’s card. If, while channeling, Serena or Splig suffer
at a run.
itself. Amazing power resides in this place, no less any amount of V, they must test ©-. If they pass, they
evident by what appears to be brilliant energy spilling Beforeyou can give chase, imagesfrom Serena slam
continue channeling. If they fail, the channeling is
out of cracks in the ground. intoyour mind, along with a sense oftriumph and
interrupted. If an ability, such as Knockback, moves
excitement. The King of Gob/ins is no longer a concern,
“Kyu... pah... no-rei... dab?” Somewhere ahead, Serena or Splig to a space not adjacent to the site of asyour thoughts reveal the city ofSudanya. Yon see the
yon hear the confused recitation of a familiar voice. power, the channeling is interrupted. placeyou seek, and with Serena’s help, you now know
Rounding a corner, you spot Sp/ig, the King of All
bow to get there.
Gob/ins, standing near one of thesefountains of light. If Serena or Splig start their activation adjacent to a
Surrounded by bis scrawnier brethren, he squints at site of power, they may perform 2 actions to place the The heroes win!
markings upon his pudgy hand and mutters more objective token near their card without channeling.
syllables. If Splig ever has 3 objective tokens near his Lieutenant
LOST WOODS card, read the following aloud:
Looking up. he spots you andgrins. ‘And I thought
thisjob wasgonna be too easy... ” He points a clawed All unique spaces marked with an “X” are considered
Reading the incantationfrom his hand, Sp/ig pulls the
' finger at you. "Get 'em, boys!" adjacent for the purposes of movement. A figure in a last ofthe energy into himself. His large body trembles
unique space may spend 1 movement point to move to with the influx ofpower, but after a moment it ceases.
any other unique space. “Phew!” be says, blinking. “Strong stuff!"
Spitting into bis palm, he wipes the ink onto the rags of a
Monsters REINFORCEMENTS nearby gob/in and signalsfor his group to leave. Walking
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin by and seeingyon struggle to rise, he grins. “Easiest
Splig. Goblin archers. Elemental. 1 open group.
archer or 1 monster from the open group on the Rivers thousand I’ve ever made. So long, losers."
SETUP Edge or Ambush Site, respecting group limits.
The overlord wins!
Place Splig on the Pact Stone as indicated. Place the VICTORY REWARDS
goblin archers on the Pact Stone. Place the elementals on
If Serena ever has 3 objective tokens near her Ally card,
the Caravan. Place the open group on the Rivers Edge Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
read the following aloud:
and/or Ambush Site.
If the heroes win, Serena receives the “Aura of Might”
Any heroes who were lost at the end of Encounter 1 arc Ally Skill card.
placed on the Exit.
If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. Entrance
Place 5 objective tokens facedown as indicated. These arc
the sites of power.
The heroes control Serena as an ally.

During this encounter, Serena and Splig follow the same
rules for being defeated as heroes (they arc knocked out
when defeated and as an action, may stand up when
activated). When Splig or Serena are defeated, place
a fatigue token on their token to mark that they arc
defeated. As an action, a hero adjacent to Serena may
revive her.


Site op power


'Thoughyou don’t entirely believe him, Raythen As an action, while adjacent to a pinned or knocked out If all heroes move off the map through the Exit, read the
tellsyou that he overheard Merick Farrow mention hero, a goblin witcher may collect a lock of hair. When following aloud:
Sudanya in connection with an ancient tomb in the collecting a lock of hair, place a hero token belonging to
just beyond a large but diminishedpile ofheavy stones
mountains. Yon think he might hare some personal that hero on the goblin witchers base.
lies what Raythen called the Barrow of Barris. Wind
agenda in mind, but it seems worth checking out. After
If a goblin witcher carrying a lock of hair is defeated, whispers through the moss-covered columns, andyou can’t
days of trudging through insect-infestedfoothills and
place the hero token in its space with a fatigue token on help but wonder what possible purpose this broken place
listening toyour companion’s nonstop chatter, you wish
top of it to represent the hero’s lock of hair. As an action, could serve.
you hadn’t gone along with it.
while adjacent to or in a space containing a lock of hair, Asyou stop to catchyour breath, Raythen scowls and
'Ah, we made it!” Raythen points out a crumbling
a goblin witcher may pick it up. As an action, while says, “This ain’t tea time, lads.” At his insistent
structure some distance up the hill. 'That weren’t so
motions, you continueforward.
bad, eh?” adjacent to or in a space containing a lock of hair, a hero
You hear the sound of rocks shifting above and the may discard it from the map. The heroes win this encounter!
chittering of gob/in tongue, and suddenly a massive As an action, while on the Goblin Camp, a goblin
boulder soars through the air and slams into the If a goblin witcher throws a lock of hair into the
witcher carrying a lock of hair may throw the lock of hair cauldron, read the following aloud:
groundjust shy ofyourgroup. You allpass an angry
glare towardyour companion, who smiles and shrugs. into the cauldron.
High-pitched incantations echo across the hillside as
“Spoke too soon?" the goblins dance around theirfire. The chieftain casts
" Again comes the sound of rocks shifting above, but
REINFORCEMENTS a stolen lock ofhair into the bubbling cauldron, and a
, you spring into action, not intending to make the At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin sharp, acrid smoke fills the air. Their work complete,
easiest of targets. witcher on the Goblin Camp, respecting group limits. the goblins scatter into hills, cackling wildly. Battered
and bruised, a terrible dread hauntsyour steps asyou
stumble up the path toward the tomb.

The overlord wins this encounter!

MONSTERS Note which hero’s lock of hair was collected and
Ettins. Goblin witchers. 1 open group. thrown into the cauldron. Place that hero’s hero token
in the overlord’s play area. This will be important for
Setup Encounter 2.
Place the ettins on the Rock Quarry. Place the goblin
witchers on the Goblin Camp. Place the open group on
the Spiral Stair.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
The heroes control Raythen as an ally.

Once per activation as an action, an ettin on the Rock
Quarry may hurl a boulder at any hero or ally on the map
(if there are only 3 heroes, an ettin may hurl a boulder
twice in an activation). The only exception is a hero or
ally on either the Cabin or the Goblin Camp cannot be
targeted. When hurling a boulder at a hero or ally, the
chosen hero or ally must test O- If he fails, he suffers
2 V and is pinned. An ettin cannot hurl a boulder at a
hero or ally who is already pinned.
When a hero is pinned, place his figure on its side to
show he is pinned. When an ally is pinned, place a fatigue
token on his ally token to show he is pinned. Pinned
heroes and allies still block line of sight and movement.
The only action a pinned hero or ally may perform is
to free himself. In addition, a hero or ally adjacent to
a pinned hero or ally may perform an action to free a
pinned hero or ally. Once freed, stand the hero figure up
or remove the fatigue token from the ally token. A freed
hero or ally may perform actions as normal. If a hero or
ally performed an action to free himself, he may continue
his turn as normal.

THE GREAT SEAL He bolds a rare silencefor hours duringyour travel back
A loir bum resonates near the tomb's broken entrance, If a hero or ally reveals the unique search token, he has through the hills. Whenyou ask why the tomb was so
and as soon as you approach, a figure emergesfrom the discovered the Great Seal. The hero draws a Search important to him, he smiles, shakes his head, and says,
shadows. “What in the } nfernaei is going on out... ” card as normal and places the unique search token in “Maybe someday I’ll tellya. ”
lairdMerick shouts, trailing off upon seeing you. A the heroes’ play area. The heroes can now attack Lord The heroes win!
dark wreath of energy pulses around his body, and bis Merick Farrow.
eyes narrow asyou attack without hesitation. If Lord Merick Farrow destroys all artifacts, read the
Nothing happens; blades bounce off and projectiles PUPPET MASTER following aloud:
fly wide,your weapons unable to penetrate the flowing Once per turn, as an action, Lord Merick Farrow may
The ground underfoot trembles lightly as Lord Merick’s
magic surrounding him. Unconcerned, Lard Merick force the hero whose hero token is in the overlord’s play
power smashes thefinal artifact. Raythen lets loose a
sighs and mutters, ‘Tools,” before turning and area to test ©-. If he fails, the overlord may perform a cry ofanguish and charges the sorcerer, daggersflashing
walking back inside. As you rushforward to pursue, move or attack action with that hero as if the hero were before him. Merick gives the dwarfa look ofpity, saying,
he makes a gesture, and the entrance door slams shut.
one of his monsters. He cannot force the hero to suffer d “Nothing personal, ” before vanishing in a cloud of
Undeterred, you labor to reopen the doorway and or use a Potion, but he may force him to attack himself. smoke.
continue the chase, but Raythen starts shouting. “Ide’s
You can sense how angry Raythen is, but he says nothing
torn loose the sea/!” Hejabs a finger toward the REINFORCEMENTS daring the returnjourney. After afew days pass, his
mangled entrance door. “We’ve gottaget inside and
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 accustomed bravado returns, butyou can still sense his
find it, or we won’t be able to touch him! We’ve gotta
volucrix reaver on the Exit, respecting group limits. bitterness over the whole ordeal. You can get nothing out
4 find it now!”
ofhim on the subject, leavingyou wondering what that
VICTORY place, the Barrisfamily tomb, could have meant to him.
If the heroes defeat Lord Merick Farrow, read the The overlord wins!
following aloud:
Merick almost seems surprised as be staggers backward,
Lord Merick Farrow. Volucrix reavers. Enins. 1 open Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
wounded. Setting bisface in a snarl, he says, “You won't
stop me. She’s given me an opportunity, and I will bring
If the heroes win, they receive 50 gold and Raythen
him back," before vanishing in a flash oflight.
SETUP receives the “Sharp Eyes” Ally Skill card.
You move outside with Raythenfollowing behind,
Place Lord Merick Farrow on the Corrupted Fountains carrying the Great Seat His behavior is unlike anything If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
as indicated. Place the volucrix reavers on the Exit. Place he’s displayed before: calm, serious, almost reverent.
the ettins on the Lava Pit. Place the open group on the Without speaking, he doses the doors to the tomb, and
Corrupted Fountains. soft amber light resonates as he sets the Great Sea! back
in place.
Collect search tokens based on the number of heroes.
Replace 1 of these search tokens with the unique search
token. Shuffle the tokens together and place them based
on the number of heroes. No players should know which
search token is the unique search token. The unique
search token is the Great Seal.
Place objective tokens facedown as indicated based on
the number of heroes. These are the sacred artifacts. LAVA PIT
If the overlord won Encounter 1, he may remove 1
objective token adjacent to the Corrupted Fountains.
The artifact has already been destroyed (see “The Five
The heroes control Raythen as an ally.

During this encounter, Lord Merick Farrow cannot
suffer any V or be attacked by heroes or allies until the
heroes discover the Great Seal (see “The Great Seal”).


Lord Merick is attempting to destroy the sacred artifacts
contained within the Barrow of Barris. As an action,
while adjacent to an objective token. Lord Merick
Farrow may test '8^-. If he passes, discard the objective
token to show that the artifact has been destroyed.

The Great seal


---------------- V ^г
“Beforeya get all uppity, what I’re got in mind isn’t As an action, a hero or ally adjacent to an offering shrine At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1
technically grave robbing, ” Raythen says, sitting down may make an offering. When making an offering, the arachyura in an empty space adjacent to the obstacle on
at the table, i on wonder why so many conversations top objective token in the offering stack is revealed. If the Pact Stone, respecting group limits.
with the dwarf begin this way. the color of the offering token matches the color of the
As always, it takes little time for Raythen to convince offering shrine, the offering is accepted. If the colors do VICTORY
yon tofollow his plan, and before longyou ’re trudging . not match, the offering is rejected. If all offering tokens have been moved from the offering
through the wilderness to once again find a crypt, stack to the accepted stack, read the following aloud:
one he swears has a map to important places in the ACCEPTED OFFERINGS
Sndanyan mins. “Thefamily put up a different sort If the offering is accepted, the revealed offering token zl p"ffofcolored smoke issuesforthfrom the final shrine,
of lock on this one, ” he says, scratching his bead. and the ground shakes beneathyourfeet as the massive
is placed faceup next to the offering stack, creating an
“G/ony lights andprayin’ in the right spots at the entrance stone rumbles open. Raythen grins asyou
accepted stack. Offering tokens added to the accepted
right times, not too hard to figure out. ” approach, saying, “Nice to visit old haunts, eh?”
stack are considered accepted and the order of these
Arriving atyour destination, you hear the rough Ignoring him, you readyyour weapons and move into the
tokens never changes. In addition, if the offering is
scraping of sliding stone. Runningforward,you arrive / shadows.
accepted, the hero or ally who made the offering recovers
to see the heaiy slab of the tomb's entrance settling
back in place. “Someone must’vejust gone inside, We 2 V (heroes also recover 2 /). The heroes win this encounter!
should- ” REJECTED OFFERINGS If all 4 offering shrines have been broken, read the
' Hf’r cut of)' by a splintering crash as a nearby tree is If the offering is rejected, the revealed offering token is following aloud:
1 knocked over, followed by the sounds of skittering in
returned to the top of the offering stack. Then the entire The last Offering Shrine crumbles apart, and afierce
the underbrush. Yon spare little time in drawingyonr
weapons toface the threat. accepted stack is placed facedown on top of the offering light spillsforthfrom every quarter ofthe immediate
stack, without changing the order of any of the tokens. area. You hear a loud crack, and the immense rock
covering the entrance crumbles intofragments.
Wary,you makeyour way toward the yawning shadows
Offering shrines can be targeted and affected by monster ofthe tomb’s entrance. It’s surprising that, with all their
MONSTERS attacks. When attacked, an offering shrine has an effort, these darkforces couldn’tpreventyour entry,yet
Arachyura. 2 open groups. automatic defense result of 6 V (4 V in a 2-hero game) somethingfeels rather amiss. A chilling wind rushesfrom
and cannot be affected by any conditions. If a monster’s the tomb atyour approach, carrying with it a sinister
SETUP attack deals at least 1 V during an attack, the offering voice. “Leave... or suffer...”
Heroes place their figures on the Pact Stone in the shrine is broken and the attacking monster is removed The overlord wins this encounter!
unique spaces marked with an “X.” from the map. Place a fatigue token on a broken shrine.
An offering may still be made at a broken shrine, but the For each offering shrine that was broken, place 1 fatigue
Place the arachyura on the Forked Path. Place 1 open token in the overlord’s play area. These will be important
hero or ally making the offering does not recover V or
group on the River’s Edge. Place the second open group for Encounter 2.
on the Ruins. As an action, an arachyura can immediately break an
adjacent offering shrine without rolling dice (this is not
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
an attack).
Place 1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, and 1 white objective token
faceup as indicated. These are offering shrines.
The overlord places 1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, and 1 white 4A
objective token facedown in a stack in his play area. The RUINS
tokens may be placed in any order the overlord chooses,
but once the order is chosen he cannot change it. This 3?A ЗА
stack is the offering stack. Pact Stone rjver’S Edge
The heroes control Raythen as an ally. Place Raythen
adjacent to 1 hero figure of the heroes’ choice.

Forked path
г Secrets in Stone

- ----- у5|Пуг-ШВЦ^впГП----- Place Ariad in the Map Room. As an action, while VICTORY
adjacent to a search token, Ariad may reveal the token.
Asyou creep about the tomb, Raythen tells yon of an If the heroes pick up all of the map sections or Ariad is
If it is a normal search token, return it to its space. If it is
artifact important to finding the map. “just a trinket, defeated, read the following aloud:
really. Bit о' magic, bit o’ clever design. Let’sya see the the unique search token, Ariad immediately picks up the
Scrying Stone (see “The Scrying Stone”). Scrying stone in hand, you finish examining the map.
truth of things, right? And then it sticks the image
The strange woman shrugs, waving a dismissive band.
into your head. ” Raythen dears his throat. “I’mpretty For this quest, all minion goblin witchers gain the “Unfortunate, but no matter,"she says, frowning as she
sure there should still be one left. ” You glare at him. Bewitch ability. fadesfrom sight. “Cherishyour victory while it lasts. I
“What?” he says, “I saidpretty sure. They had a
promiseyou won’t see many more."
bunch of 'em around last time I mas here. We’llfind PERSISTENT CURSE
one, no problem. ” He grins. “Trust me. ” Her departure doesn’t concernyon, however. The map’s
At the start of each hero’s turn, he must roll 1 gray and 1 image burns intoуour mind, ever)' mountain and valley
A few moments later, the dark passage opens into a black defense die. If the total V rolled is equal to or less dear as day each timeyou closeyour eyes. Yon know
bunal chamber, flickering torches on the wall cementing
than the curse value (the fatigue tokens in the overlord’s where to go. Yon know whatyou seek.
the notion that someone had already come through.
play area), that hero is Cursed until the end of his turn.
“Just be careful, ” Raythen whispers, ‘I’d wager this The heroes win!
place still has afew tricks up its sleeve. ” A Cursed hero that performs a search action immediately
suffers 1 V and 1 d, then resolves the action as normal. If Ariad destroys the Scrying Stone, read the following
Laughing, the woman surges power through her hands.
MONSTERS If a hero or ally reveals the unique search token, he has Your scrying stone crumbles apart, leavingyou with no
discovered the Scrying Stone. The hero draws a Search way ofexamining the map. “Do not despair inyour
Ariad. Goblin witchers. 1 open group. card as normal and places the unique search token in the failure,” she says, smiling as she moves toward the exit.
SETUP heroes’ play area. “Yonface a power beyondyour comprehension, beyond
your meager capabilities. I’d suggestyon give up, but of
Place the goblin witchers on the Torture Chamber. Place As an action, the hero carrying the Scrying Stone may courseyou wouldn’t listen. It isjust as well; I always
the open group on the Crypt. Ariad is not placed during pick up an adjacent map section. If the hero carrying the prefer a challenge, however minor it may be..."
setup. Scrying Stone is defeated, place the Scrying Stone in his
space. As an action, while adjacent to the Scrying Stone, The overlord wins!
Collect search tokens based on the number of heroes. Ariad may pick it up.
Replace 1 of these search tokens with the unique search REWARDS
token. Shuffle the tokens together and place them based As an action, while carrying the Scrying Stone, Ariad
Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
on the number of heroes. No players should know which may destroy it.
search token is the unique search token. The unique If the heroes win, Raythen receives the “Back Strike” Ally
search token is the Scrying Stone. REINFORCEMENTS Skill card.
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 2 goblin If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
Place a number of objective tokens equal to the number
witchers on the Entrance or Exit, respecting group limits.
of heroes facedown on the Map Room as indicated.
These are map sections. Map Section
The number of fatigue tokens in the overlord’s play area
is the curse value. If the overlord won Encounter 1, he
places 1 additional fatigue token in his play area.
The heroes control Raythen as an ally.
The locked door cannot be opened until heroes have Chamber
discovered the Scrying Stone (see “The Scrying Stone”).
If there are ever no monsters remaining from the open
group, remove the locked door from the map.
When the locked door is opened or removed, read the
following aloud:
Ayoung womanyon don’t recognise walks out, smiling
upon seeing the ongoing battle before her. She tosses her
own scrying stone into the air, making a simple gesture,
and the stone explodes intofragments. “Sooner than I
expected” she says, “but no great concern. ”

Exit Map ROOM

The Scrying Stone

IOB Entrance


r Research into the city of Sudanya providesyon with During this encounter, Splig follows the same rules If a hero or ally reveals the unique search token, he has
rumors of a great andpowerful artifact, said to give for being defeated as heroes (he is knocked out when discovered the Storm Altar. The hero draws a Search card
its wie/der the ability to crack the sky itself and rain defeated and as an action, may stand up when activated). as normal and the unique search token remains in the
fury upon haplessfoes. Yon discover a great deal of When Splig is defeated, place a fatigue token on his space in which it was revealed. The Storm Altar has no
conjecture on the subject, but learning of possible token to mark that he is knocked out. additional rules, it simply remains on the map.
resting place of this object is good enoughforyou to
Much of the information is confirmed as yon travel As an action, while adjacent to or in a water space, a At the start of each overlord turn, he may place monsters
across storm-blasted wastelands. Fierce winds and hero may drink from the water to become marked by the from the open group up to that monster group’s limit on
pelting rain hinderуour every step, but eventuallyyon storm. Place a blue objective token on his Hero sheet to the Fire Pit.
arrive at the promised location. “Drink the sacred
mark this. While a hero is marked, each time he suffers
water, ’’your instructions say. “Only those worthy shall
cross the Fields of Thunder to gain control of the 1 he also suffers 1 V- If a hero is defeated, he discards VICTORY
heavens themselves. ” the blue objective token and is no longer marked. After the last hero moves off the map through the Exit,
/ if the number of blue objective tokens near the Exit is
Ahead lies the promisedpool, and a wide plain of At the end of each overlord turn, every marked hero on
scorched earth lies beyond it. Toуour dismay, you see the Open Field is struck by lightning. The marked hero equal to or greater than the number of search tokens on
the rotundform of Sp/ig, the King of AH Gob/ins. suffers 2 V, the overlord chooses an empty space within the map, read the following aloud:
Though he hasn’t spottedyouyet, he labors to cany 3 spaces of the hero, and the hero is placed in the chosen Dodging bolts oflightning, your hair stands on end as
an open cask, filled with some bubbling caustic liquid.
space. This counts as entering the space. yon pass through the aptly-named Fields ofThunder.
He appears to be hauling this vile substance toward the
An intense electrical barrier barsyourpath, butyoufeel
sacredpool, soyou think it best to hurry. Heroes may move off the map through the Exit. If a
the cleansing power ofthe water coursing throughyou.
marked hero moves off the map, place his blue objective Unafraid,yon strideforward, passing through unscathed.
token near the Exit.
The heroes win this encounter!
MONSTERS If Splig moves off the map through the Entrance after
Splig starts the quest carrying a cask of poison. While
Splig. Ettins. 1 open group. poisoning the water, or if the last hero has moved off the
carrying the cask of poison, Splig can perform only 1
map through the Exit and the number of search tokens
Setup movement action per activation (unless an Overlord
on the map is greater than the number of blue objective
cards allows him additional movement). As an action,
Place Splig on the Fire Pit as indicated. Place the ettins tokens near the Exit, read the following aloud:
while adjacent to or in a water space, Splig may place the
on the Open Field. Place the open group on the Fire Pit.
green objective token faceup in the space to mark that The cask sinks into the water, andyou can hear the
Collect search tokens based on the number of heroes. the water is poisoned. Splig cannot drop or discard the King ofAll Gob/ins laughing as be walks away. Within
Replace 1 of these search tokens with the unique search cask of poison except when performing this action, even moments of the sacredpool’s defilement, an ill-sensation
token. Shuffle the tokens together and place them based if he is defeated. courses throughyou. Terrible spasms wrackyour bodies,
andyou stay consciousjust long enough to see Splig walk
on the number of heroes. No players should know which
After the water has been poisoned, heroes cannot be by, still laughing as he venturesforth.
search token is the unique search token. The unique
marked by the storm and Splig may move off the map
search token is the Storm Altar. The overlord wins this encounter!
through the Entrance.
Collect a number of blue objective tokens equal to the
number of heroes and place them near the map. Place Splig BLESSED HERO
1 green objective token under Splig’s token. This is the
cask of poison (see “Splig’s Poison”).
The heroes control their ally.


Exit Entrance

Storm Altar

Venter. >
Rain trickles down through cracks and holes in the Heroes can trade objective tokens following normal rules If the hero carrying the Gauntlets of Power moves off the
building’s ceiling, and your skin still tinglesfrom for trading items. If a hero ever has both blue objective map through the Exit, read the following aloud:
the energy in the air outside. Straight ahead,yon see tokens on his Hero sheet, he discards them and gains
Goblin scum flee in terror beforeyou, screeching asyou
Sp/ig and a pack of his goblin brethren. “She told me the “Gauntlets of Power” Relic card. A hero with the
rain bolts of lightning down upon their heads. Indeed,
there’d be two!" he shouts between crashes of thunder. Gauntlets of Power relic may move off the map through the rumors seem to be true;you now wield the power of
“Find them both, and bring them to me!" The goblins the Exit. the heavens.
scatter to begin the search.
How fortunate you overheard, as the rumors and If Splig is ever carrying both blue objective tokens, he The heroes win!
research didn 7 tell you exactly what to look for. Sp/ig discards them and gains the “Gauntlets of Spite” Relic
at least seems to think that the artifact has two pieces, card. If Splig has the Gauntlets of Spite relic, he may If Splig moves off the map through the Exit while
both hidden in this place and waiting to be rejoined. move off the map through the Exit. carrying the Gauntlets of Spite, read the following aloud:
You spring into action, very much wanting to find the IF7/Z* uncanny strength, Splig slams the ground with
If either happens, read the following aloud:
pieces first. both fists. A deafening boom resounds, and the earth
A blinding flash of lightning surgesfrom the sky, splits before him, huriingyou out of his way. Laughing,
striking the cold metal of the gauntlets. The stench of he saunters toward the exit, pausing only to wag a
o%one is thick in the air, and when itfades the gauntlets gauntletedfinger atyou before he departs.
glow and crackle with power.
MONSTERS The overlord wins!
Splig. Goblin archers. Elemental. 1 open group. If a figure is defeated while carrying a relic or a blue
objective token, place an objective token in that figure’s REWARDS
SETUP space. As an action, while adjacent to or in a space Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
Place Splig on the Sacred Cavern as indicated. Place the containing an objective token, a figure may pick it up.
If the heroes win, they receive the “Gauntlets of Power”
Goblin archers on the Sacred Cavern, in any empty space
that is not marked with an “X.” Place rhe elementals

in any unique space marked with an “X” (all spaces At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 2 goblin If the overlord wins, he receives the “Gauntlets of Spite”
occupied by an elemental must be marked with an “X”). archers on the Exit and 1 elemental on any unique relic.
Place the open group on the Cave. space marked with an “X” (all occupied spaces must be
marked), respecting group limits.
Collect a number of red objective tokens equal to the
number of heroes. Shuffle theses red objective tokens
together with 2 blue objective tokens and place them
facedown based on the number of heroes. No players
should know which objective tokens are red and which
objective tokens are blue.
If the overlord won Encounter 1, he may choose 2 of
the objective tokens and look at them without revealing
them to the heroes. Exit
If the heroes won Encounter 1, they may choose 2 of Splig 26B
the objective tokens and look at them without revealing Sacred Cavern
them to the overlord.
The heroes control their ally.

During this encounter, Splig follows the same rules
for being defeated as heroes (he is knocked out when
defeated and as an action, may stand up when activated).
When Splig is defeated, place a fatigue token on his
token to mark that he is defeated.
The objective tokens in this quest are treated as if they
were search tokens. If a red objective token is revealed,
the hero draws a Search card as normal. If a blue
objective token is revealed, instead of drawing a Search
card, the hero places the token on his Hero sheet.
As an action, while adjacent to or in a space containing
an objective token, Splig or a goblin archer may reveal
the objective token. If it is a red objective token, the
token is discarded. If it is a blue objective token, place the
token on the figures base to mark that it is
being carried by that figure.
As an action, while adjacent to Splig, a
goblin archer carrying a blue objective
token may give the token to Splig. As
an action, while adjacent to a goblin
archer carrying a blue objective
token, Splig may take the token. In
both cases, place the objective token
on Splig’s token.

A crumpled, blood-stained note is /eft atyour lodgings, At the start of each overlord turn, he may place zombies If there are ever fatigue tokens in the heroes’ play area
signed by someone claiming to hare been the leader up to their group limit on the Graveyard. In addition, the equal to the number of heroes, read the following aloud:
of the slaughtered Dunwarr expedition. Recalling overlord must place goblin witchers up to their group
Wave after wave of thesefoul creatures batter at the
the efficient butchery and charred remains,you can't limit on the Stone Bridge. cabin, clambering over theirfallen brethren to assailyour
help but wonder how this could be. The shaky scrawl
position. For halfof the night,you beat them back until
requests a meeting as soon as possible in an empty
none are left standing.
cabin awayfrom the Py/ia encampment.
Ifthe heroes control Raythen:
The ambush has ended. You’ve seen nothing of this
supposed survivor, but perhaps there's something more
The dwarf shakes his head, “1 didn’t see what going on here than a simple ambush. Dawn should be
happened to оГ Hul/dyr, but TH eat my shoes if arriving soon, but at leastyou’llget a chance to rest
someone else made it outta there. Like to be a trap. ” beforeyou continue the search.
Ifthe heroes control Serena:
Caution radiatesfrom Serena, her clairvoyant senses The heroes win this encounter!
indicating strong danger related to this message. At the start of the overlord’s turn, if the number of
Risks aside, the potential lead has to be investigated. monsters on the Cabin is greater than the number of
Travelingfor afew hours in a light misting rain, you heroes on the Cabin, read the following aloud:
L arrive within sight of the cabin. The exterior windows
glow with a hearth-fire, andyou think perhaps this Tfo cabin doors burst open once more, andyet another
meeting might be genuine. wave ofundead andgob/ins fiood inside. The barred
windows smash inward, andyou hear the sounds ofmore
With afew more steps, the hushed chittering of goblin I9A foes crawling on the roof.
speak somewhere nearby and the sudden, rotting stink Stone bridge You can’t hold this position any longer. You’reforced to
of undead quickly proveyou wrong. Before the trap is
sprung, you rush toward the cabin, your only defensible cutyour way through the horde ofcreatures andflee into
position. the night.

The overlord wins this encounter!

Note the number of fatigue tokens in the heroes’ play
area; they are important during Encounter 2.
Zombies. Goblin witchers.

Place the zombies on the Graveyard. Place the goblin Cabin
witchers on the Stone Bridge.
Place search tokens as indicated, regardless of the
number of heroes.
Place a number of damage tokens equal to the number
of heroes next to the door between the Stone Bridge and
the Cabin. This door has been barricaded.
The heroes control their ally.

As an action, while adjacent to a door, a hero may
attempt to barricade the door. When attempting to
barricade a door, the hero rolls 1 brown defense die. For
each V rolled, he places 1 damage token near that door.
A door with at least 1 damage token near it cannot be
opened by monsters.
If a hero opens a door, remove all damage tokens near it.
As an action, while adjacent to a door, a monster may
discard 1 damage token near the door.
Each time a goblin witcher is defeated, place 1 fatigue ИА
token in the heroes’ play area.

but cannot attempt to move through the same VICTORY
overgrowth during this turn.
You’ve managed to follow some of the ambushing If the heroes defeat Ariad, read the following aloud:
goblins, and a strong sense of unease settles over you as • Red: The hero suffers 2 V and must then test §. If
Scowling, the strange woman backs away, clutching at a
you walk through the twistedforest. As you approach he passes, he may move through the overgrowth. If wound. With her concentration lapsed, her spell collapses
a shrouded clearing, you notice an odd look to the he fails, he is Cursed. The hero may then continue along with the bewitched, undead dwarf. The woman
tangledgrowth of the lines and trees, and the sense of his turn, but cannot attempt to move through the seems to prepare herselfto renew thefight, but instead she
unease, of a tingling magic in the air, only rises asyou same overgrowth during this turn. smiles. “Anotherpuppet, then. You can keep this one.”
creepforward. With a crackle ofenergy, she vanishesfromyour midst.
Sitting at thefar edge of the clearing, you see a dwatf, ACTIVATING HULLDYR
and your ally confirms it to be Hulldyr, the survivor. At the start of the overlord’s turn, he reveals the objective If the heroes control Serena, read the following aloud:
You’re surprised that you’re actually managed to find tokens in his play area and activates Hulldyr based on the
him, but something seems wrong. His skin is ashen, Standing over thefallen dwarf, yon bearyet another
colors. The objective tokens have the following effects: ofSerena’s silent songs. The expedition leader’s corpse
and bis eyes are blank. He almost looks... dead.
• White: Hulldyr gains 1 movement point. The twitches as herpowerflows through him, and bis blank
"Come to me... ” a woman’s chilling voice echoes in the
overlord rolls 1 red power die. For each V rolled, eyesglow with a soft light. Finishing, Serena looks
trees, and the dwarf raises his head and stands. “Lead
towardyou. Images flash inyour thoughts: the leader’s
me to the city... ” she calls again, and under some spell, Ariad recovers 1 V-
memories, including Sudanyan locations. It seems this
the wretched dwarf begins walking...
• Green: Hulldyr gains 2 movement points. The terrible night was worthwhile after all.
overlord rolls 1 red power die. For each V rolled,
Splig recovers 1 V- If the heroes control Raythen, read the following aloud:

• Blue: Hulldyr gains 1 movement point. If at least “Sony, Hully m’boy," Laythen says, rifling through
MONSTERS 1 hero is Cursed. Hulldyr gains 1 additional bisfallen leader’s clothing. Atfirstyou scowl at what
Ariad. Splig. Goblin witchers. 1 open group. appears to be looting, but Laythen seems to be looking
movement point. The overlord may place any
for something specific. Cut of a hollow sole on the dead
number of monsters from the open group on the
SETUP Bog, respecting group limits.
dwarf’s boot, afew cleverly hidden patches sewn into
his soiled clothing, and several other locations, Laythen
Place Ariad and Splig on the Bog as indicated. Place the withdraws scraps ofdoth. Laying them out, he reveals
• Red: Hulldyr gains 2 movement points. If at
goblin witchers on the Battlefield. Place the open group a filthyyet legible map ofkey locations in Sudanya.
least 1 hero is Cursed, Hulldyr gains 1 additional
on the Bog. “C/ever old dog.” Laythen chuckles.
movement point. The overlord may place any
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. number of goblin witchers on the Entrance, The heroes win!
Place 1 villager token on the map as indicated. This is respecting group limits.
If Hulldyr moves off the map through the Exit, read the
Hulldyr. When activated, Hulldyr may only perform 1 move following aloud:
The overlord collects 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, and 1 white action. Hulldyr can move through hero figures, but
cannot move through monster figures. He cannot be IP7/A her hand on his shoulder, the strange woman leads
objective token. He chooses 1 of these and places it the undead dwarfout of the clearing. A flash oflight
facedown in his play area. He places the remaining 3 moved by any means except those described above.
blindsyou, and by the timeyou enter theforest path, yon
facedown on the map, 1 adjacent to each overgrowth. Hulldyr may move off the map through the Exit.
can see no sign of the woman or her captive.
If there was at least 1 fatigue token in the heroes’ play If at least 1 overgrowth is still on the map at the end of
The overlord wins!
area at the end of Encounter 1, the heroes may reveal 1 of the overlord’s turn, he may choose 1 objective token
adjacent to an overgrowth, and replace that token with
the facedown objective tokens on the map. If the heroes REWARDS
won Encounter 1, they may reveal 1 additional facedown one from his play area.
Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
objective token on the map.
REINFORCEMENTS If the heroes win, they receive 75 gold.
The heroes control their ally. None (see “Activating Hulldyr”).
If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
Figures cannot remove overgrowth as normal. As an
action, while adjacent to an overgrowth, and if another
hero is adjacent to the same overgrowth, a hero may
remove the overgrowth from the map. When an
overgrowth is removed, place the adjacent objective
token facedown in the overlords play area.
If a hero attempts to move through an overgrowth, he
must reveal the adjacent objective token, resolve the
effect, and place it facedown in its original space. The
objective tokens have the following effects:
• White: The hero may move through the
• Green: The hero must test. If he passes, he
may move through the overgrowth. If he fails,
he suffers 2 V and is Poisoned. The hero’s turn
• Blue: The hero must test ft. If he passes, he may
move through the overgrowth. If he fails, he suffers
2 V and the overlord may place the hero’s figure
in an empty space within 3 spaces of his original
space. The hero may then continue his turn,
You’re finally set to explore the ruins of Sudanya, and As an action, while adjacent to a guardian, a hero may At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1
what better destination than the main temple, said to perform a rest action to suffer any amount of d. For each arachyura on the Pond, respecting group limits.
have vanished during the great city’sfall. Anticipation 2 d suffered, the guardian recovers 1 V- In addition, if
rising,you can only imagine what amazing secrets are the heroes control Serena, a guardian may be affected VICTORY
heId within. by her “Soothing Spirit” ability. Heroes can also use the If all heroes move off the map through the Exit, read the
Crawling over the city's crumbling exterior wallproves healing waters from the Pond to heal the guardians (see following aloud:
easy enough, but you see little asidefrom the ravages of “Blessed Waters”).
time upon the buildings and structures. Much of it has You cross a shimmering barrier, arriving inside the most
been picked dean by scavengers over the years, butyou If an objective token ever has less than 5 damage tokens glorious structureyou’ve ever seen. Statues, paintings,
■ aren ’t interested in minor trinkets. near it, that guardian is revealed. If the token is red or sculptures, trinkets... countless examples ofSudanyan art
You arrive at theformer location of the temple, only blue, it remains in its space. If the token is white, replace and artifacts lay beneath a high-vaulted ceiling covered
a scattered set of guardian statues remaining where a the corresponding map tile adjacent to the Alcove in murals and etchings. Stacks ofbooks are evetywhere,
with the Entrance. If the token is green, replace the and all of the mysteries of theforgotten city seem to be at
grand structure once stood. Though marred with age,
these statues seem almost alive under the midday sun. corresponding map tile adjacent to the Alcove with the
You know them to be part of the enhy ritual to the Exit. Revealed guardians also gain special abilities (see “Hm. Soyon made it," a woman’s voice echoes in the
hidden temple, so perhaps in some way thy once were. room, comingfrom behindyon. Beforeyou can turn,
“Powers of the Guardians”).
a suddenforce hurlsyou back toward the entrance.
BLESSED WATERS Through the barrier,yonfall onto the softgrass outside.
As an action, while in or adjacent to a water space, a hero The heroes win!
may pick up 1 jar of water. A hero with a § value of 3 or
If the war and peace guardians are destroyed, read the
MONSTERS more can pick up 1 additional jar during the same action.
Place hero tokens on the hero’s Hero sheet to indicate following aloud:
Ariad. Arachyura. 1 open group.
how many jars that hero is carrying. As the final statue crumbles apart, a high-pitched
SETUP Any monster attacking a hero carrying a jar of water may
wailing screams inyour mind. More dreadful than
anythingyou could’ve imagined,yonJail to the ground
Place Ariad on the Alcove as indicated. Place the spend 1 // to remove 1 jar of water as long as the hero
just as the grand spell breaks and the air infront ofуon
arachyura on the Pond. Place the open group on the suffered at least 1 V from the attack. shimmers. Before long, the massive, beautiful temple lies
Rocky Path. beforeyou.
As an action, while adjacent to a guardian, a hero
Heroes place their figures on the Graveyard in the carrying 1 or 2 jars of water may discard his hero tokens Energy spills out ofthe broken statues, swirling around
unique spaces marked with an “X.” to roll 1 red power die per hero token discarded. The the immediate area before coursing toward a woman you
guardian recovers V equal to the V rolled. now notice standing infront ofthe enormous cathedra/.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. Her eyes close as this energy surges into her.
Collect 1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, and 1 white objective POWERS OF THE GUARDIANS
The overlord wins!
token. Shuffle these tokens together and place them A revealed guardian that is not destroyed is considered
facedown on the map as indicated. Place 5 damage active and gains special abilities based on the color of the Regardless of the winner, read the following aloud:
tokens near each objective token. These are guardians. objective token. If the sage or pathfinder guardian ever TAe woman raises her arms, crying out a dark,
suffer V equal to its Health, it is no longer active. incantation. With a deafening blast, the temple explodes
The heroes control their ally.
• White: The sage guardian allows a hero to perform outward, andyou scramblefor cover asfragments of
SPECIAL RULES stone shower the immediate area. The overhead sun dims
a special action once per round. As an action, a
noticeably, at firstyou think due to the thick cloud of
The Alcove is not connected to the map at the start of hero may look at the top 3 cards of the Overlord spreading dust, but in looking upyou see tiny, obscuring
the quest. The heroes must discover the Entrance to the deck. He can then place all 3 cards back on top of threads weaving across the surface andfading its light to
Alcove in order to move onto it. In addition, the heroes the deck in any order or place all 3 on the bottom a dull orange.
must also discover the Exit in order to move off the map of the deck in any order. In addition, while this “Much better...” the woman says, looking none the
(see “Healing the Guardians”). guardian is active, a hero adjacent to this guardian worsefor the wear in spite of the hail ofshattered stone
can spend 2 movement points to place his figure on stillfalling around her. She turns toyou, smiling, and
ANCIENT GUARDIANS the Entrance. her body shifts in appearance several times. Toyour
The objective tokens in this quest represent guardian surprise and dismay, you see many peopleyou recognise
• Green: The pathfinder guardian can move up to 3 fromyourjourney: the womanyou rescued uponyour
statues. Guardians can be targeted and affected by
spaces in a straight line after any hero’s turn, once arrival in these lands, a peddler and serving girl in the
monster attacks but do not suffer V from hero attacks
per round. In addition, players can move off the encampment, and a helpful scholar who handedyou tome
or abilities. Each guardian begins the quest with 5 V
map through the Exit while this guardian is active. after tome ofuseful information. You realise not oniy
already suffered.
has she been spying onyou, she might have been directing
• Blue: Each hero and ally within 3 spaces of the
Guardian peace guardian (including the peace guardian)
your actions as well.
“I am calledAriad,” she says, settling herform on one
Health: 20 Speed: 0 gains 1 additional gray die to his defense pool.
ofdark and terrible beauty, “andyou have my gratitude
Defense: • Red: The war guardian performs a Ranged attack foryour assistance.”A sense ofco!d, deep evil resonates
targeting a monster of the heroes’ choice at the from her, and she looks skyward, frowning. “Dreadful,
If a guardian ever suffers V equal to its Health, end of the overlord’s turn. This attack rolls 1 blue isn't it? Evenfaded, it’s still so... warm..." She shudders.
the objective token is revealed. If the token is blue “Won’t life be better once it’s gone?” You indicate
attack die, 1 red power die, and 1 green power die.
disagreement by raisingyour weapons, but she sighs.
or red, the guardian is destroyed, and the objective
token is discarded. If the token is white, replace the
OFFERINGS OF THE SUN “I see. Pity.” She makes a smallgesture, and herform
flickers briefly before disappearing.
corresponding map tile adjacent to the Alcove with the As an action, while adjacent to a guardian, a hero with
Entrance. If the token is green, replace the corresponding the Sun Stone relic may return the “Sun Stone” Relic
map tile adjacent to the Alcove with the Exit. card to the game box and place the sun stone token REWARDS
on the guardian. The hero rolls 3 red power dice. The Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
If 2 guardians have 0 Health and the overlord has not guardian recovers V equal to the V rolled. In addition,
won yet (see “Victory”), he places Ariad in an empty If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold.
the guardian adds 1 additional black die to its defense
space adjacent to 1 of the guardians at 0 Health. pool for the remainder of the quest. If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
Peace Guardian Graveyard Sage Guardian
f^ INTERLUDE 2 ^1,

ortune and Glory =====

Encounter. I
—— After revealing the green objective token, read the At the start of each overlord turn after the alarm has
following aloud: sounded, he places 1 fatigue token in his play area.
F/w whatyou’ve discovered, an underground vault
An old woman lies huddled in the corner, chained to a If there are ever 3 fatigue tokens in his play area, all
of Sudanyan treasures and secrets lies before yon with
only a ma%e of twisting passageways ahead to binder section ofwall. Her eyes are cloudedgray, but she hears objective tokens are immediately revealed and resolved.
yourprogress. your approach. “Who’s there?” she asks, her voice light If the green objective token is revealed, it remains in its
‘The Prisoner will lead the way " is scrawled in andfrail. current space.
glowing letters at the entrance. Yon find it odd, Yon have no idea how something could’ve survived down
considering nothing aboutyonr research or discoveries
along the way mentioned anything the like. Perhaps it’s
some part of aforgotten entry method, butyon can't
[ here, butyou think she must be an apparition, part of
the ritual itself Still, she seems tangible enough asyou
free her ofthe chains and help her up, even a little heavier
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1
monster from the open group on the Entrance, 1 minion
be sure. thanyou’d have thought. from the open group adjacent to the white objective
Nothing else in the dim undergroundgives any notion token, and 1 monster from the open group adjacent to
of who this prisoner might be, butyou’re reminded THE PRISONER the red objective token, respecting group limits.
that old magic still lives in these walls. It’s been said While carrying the prisoner, a hero must reduce his
that the Sudanyans held the veiy night and day in the Speed by 1. If the prisoner is picked up during a move VICTORY
palm of their hand, so obeying their laws and rituals
action, the hero immediately loses 1 movement point, If the hero carrying the prisoner moves off the map
would not at all be unwise.
if able. A hero can trade the prisoner following normal through the Exit, read the following aloud:
rules for trading items. In addition, a hero may spend 1
“Oh... thankyon kindly,” the old woman says asyou
movement point to drop the prisoner in his space.
carefully escort her through corridor after corridor. It
As an action, while adjacent to or on the green objective almost seems likeyou’regoing in circles, and all the while
MONSTERS token, a hero can pick up the prisoner. The prisoner can she keeps saying. “We’re almost there. Canyonfeel it?
be targeted and affected by monster attacks while not It’s ahead. Three... three to open.” You're not sure what
Ettins. 1 open group (no large monsters). she means, butyou continue moving regardless.
being carried by a hero. The prisoner cannot recover V
SETUP by any means and is immune to all conditions. The heroes win this encounter!
Place the ettins on the Spiders Den. The open group is
not placed during setup.
PRISONER. If the prisoner is defeated, read the following aloud:
Health: 5 per hero Speed: 0 Blood seeps through the blind woman’s ragged clothing.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. “Ob dear...” she says, collapsing to the ground. You cut
The overlord collects 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, and 1 white through the wretched creatures swarming over her, but it’s
too late; her wounds are grave.
objective token and places them facedown on the map as After discovering the prisoner, heroes may move off the
indicated. The green objective token is the prisoner. She motionsforyou to come in doser. “I--find the door...”
map through the Exit.
she whispers. “Th-tbree locks. The first key... buried.
The heroes control their ally. THE ALARM Tookfor the si... signs.” With a bloodied band, she
grasps an amulet bearing a spider-shaped sigil “The
SPECIAL RULES If there is a hero or monster adjacent to the revealed
signs...” she repeats with herfinal breath before going
blue objective token at the start of the overlords turn, he limp and vanishing into the stone floor.
As an action, while adjacent to a facedown objective
may place 1 ettin in an empty space adjacent to the blue
token, a hero may reveal the token (leaving the token in The pathways are not as difficult to traverse asyou might
objective token, respecting group limits. have expected without the apparition’s guidance. Still,
its space) and resolve the effect as described below:
the cold andgloom ofthese tunnels press in heavi/у, and
• White: The overlord may immediately place 1 yon have to wonder at the purpose this ritual served, as
minion from the open monster group in an empty Entrance well as what negative consequences will comefrom baring
space adjacent to this objective token. failed it.

• Green: The hero revealing this token places it on The overlord wins this encounter!
his Hero sheet. He is now carrying the prisoner.
Then reveal and resolve all other objective tokens.
• Blue: The hero has sounded the alarm. The
overlord may immediately place 1 ettin in an
empty space adjacent to this objective token.
• Red: The overlord may immediately place 1
monster from the open monster group in an empty
space adjacent to this objective token.




Fortune and Glory

THE THREE LOCKS If the overlord ever has 7 fatigue tokens in his play area
(8 fatigue tokens if the heroes won Encounter 1), read
There are a large number of doors in the chambers The hidden passage is scaled with 3 locks.
the following aloud:
ahead, and yon haven ’/ thefaintest idea which one As an action, while adjacent to the hidden passage, a hero
leads to the Sndanyan treasure vault. They al! seem The massive door is blasted offofits hinges, sending
carrying cither the prisoner or the blue objective token
quite similar, down to the engraving, “Beware, ” etched shards ofsplintered wood and metal in eve/y direction.
may discard the green objective token.
in the stone above each one. “Mutuum.. excellent.” The old blind woman, free of
As the ramblings of the blind woman described, the The red lock must be destroyed. Heroes adjacent to wounds and even her bentposture, walks byyou up to the
door itself, the oneyou’re actually lookingfor, has three the hidden passage may attack the door as if it were a entrance. Turning back, she smiles.
locks. You’re beginning to grow weary of the strange monster. The lock has 5 Health per hero and rolls 1 black The overlord wins!
entry ritual, butyou must begetting dose to yourgoal defense die. As soon as the lock has suffered V equal to
its Health, discard the red objective token. Regardless of the winner, read the following aloud:

The white lock requires a series of attribute tests. As an The о/d woman changes her shape several times.
action, while adjacent to the secret passage, a hero may “Tamiliar, am I?” she asks, and toyour surprise, she
is. You first met her as the woman being kidnapped
MONSTERS test ©-. If he passes, place his hero token near the door.
by gob/ins and many more people you saw duringyour
Ettins. 1 open group. 1 small monster open group (no This is repeated for О and then 'S&-, placing a hero
journey. “Blunt instruments,” she gestures toward
large monsters). token each time a hero performs the action and passes you before motioning to herself, “Ariad. Ariad, blunt
the test. As soon as the third hero token is placed, discard instruments. ” JAe finishes the introduction, laughing as
SETUP the white objective token. her shifting image settles on one young and beautiful but
Place the open group on the Hall. Place the small radiating malice.
monster open group on the Stairs. “Doуoufeel it?” she asks. “The power of night and
While adjacent to the hidden passage, a hero with the day lies at rest here. Thank you so muchfor helping me
Collect 4 search tokens, regardless of the number of Sun Stone relic may return the card to the game box to find it.” She turns back to the open door, and behind her
heroes. Replace 1 of these search tokens with the unique either remove the first lock, deal 10 V to the second you see not a glittering storehouse of wealth, but a vast
search token. Shuffle the tokens together and place them lock, or automatically pass 1 of the tests for the third chamber Hued andfilled with casks ofentombed dead.
on the map as indicated. No players should know which lock. This docs not require an action. Before yon can notice much else, Ariad daps her bands
search token is the unique search token. together, and a loud rumblingfills the air.

Collect 3 red objective tokens and 1 blue objective token

REINFORCEMENTS The entire series ofchambers aroundyou begins to
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 collapse, andyou startfeeing down crumbling corridors
and shuffle them together facedown. If the overlord as ereiything shakes andfalls aroundyon. Gaspingfor
won Encounter 1, he places these tokens facedown on monster from the small monster group on the Entrance,
breath,you burst out into the afternoonjust before heavy
the map as indicated. No player should know which respecting group limits. If all doors but the hidden
stones collapse the entrance behindyou. As you take
objective tokens are red and which are blue. passage are opened, he may also place 1 ettin on 1 of the bearings and catch your breath, you notice something off
unique spaces marked with an “X.” about the daylight, hooking up, the sun bears afaded
If the heroes won Encounter 1, place the objective tokens
color, as ifsome terribleforce has dimmed its power.
facedown in the overlord’s play area (see “Wanted: Dead VICTORY Yon have little doubt of who is responsible.
or Alive”). The hero that carried the prisoner off the map If all 3 locks are discarded, read the following aloud:
in Encounter 1 is still carrying the prisoner. Replace the
green objective token with a villager token. 7'Zie last lock releases, and the door is flung open by a REWARDS
gust ofwind that knocksyou offyourfeet. “Hm. Not Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
The heroes control their ally. idea/, but good enough,” a voice soundsfrom behindyon.
You turn to see the old blind woman, standing upright If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold.
SPECIAL RULES and uninjured.
If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
At the start of each overlord turn, he places 1 fatigue
token in his play area. If the overlord won Encounter 1, The heroes win!
he needs to collect 7 fatigue tokens. If the heroes won
Encounter 1, he needs to collect 8 fatigue tokens (see


The prisoner follows the same rules as Encounter 1. If
the prisoner is ever defeated, place the objective tokens
from the overlord’s play area on the map as indicated.
As an action, while adjacent to an objective token, a hero
may reveal the token. If the token is red, it is discarded
with no effect. If the token is blue, place it on the hero’s
Hero sheet to mark that he is carrying it.


Doors cannot be opened or closed normally.
If a hero or ally reveals the unique search token, he draws
a Search card as normal. In addition, the door adjacent
to the unique search token is the hidden passage and all
other doors are immediately opened. Place 1 green, 1
red, and 1 white objective token near the hidden passage.
These objective tokens represent the 3 locks (see “The
Three Locks”).
Heart of the Wilds
Encounter.) J
Ifyou’re to stop Ariad’s ritual of darkness, you’ll As an action, while adjacent to an objective token, a If there are ever no objective tokens on the map, read the
hare toprepareyourselves accordingly. \’ou’ve heard zombie may climb the vine. When a zombie climbs a following aloud:
rumors of a piece of powerful magic, said to He in a vine, place 1 fatigue token near the figure to indicate the
section of the city reclaimed by wilderness. The reports Surrounded by thefallen undead, you slice open the
zombies progress. If a zombie ever has 3 fatigue tokens pulsing vinesyou’ve collected, and a heavily-scentedfluid
from explorerspaint afrightening picture, and many near it, remove the zombie from the map and place 2
who have ventured in search of this artifact eitherfed gushes out. Grimacing,you apply liberal amounts to
fatigue tokens in the overlord’s play area. yourselves, hoping it will hideyoufrom the aggressive
in terror or were never seen again.
plant-life above.
Allplant-life in this region has exploded with vitality. Only 1 zombie may climb each vine at any 1 time, but
Lushgreenery lies all around, some of it lively enough if a climbing zombie is defeated or is removed from the The heroes win this encounter!
to snap atyou as you walk by. Manyfearful accounts board due to progress, another zombie may then climb
from travelers described vicious, bone-crushing plant­ that vine. While climbing, a zombie cannot perform If there are ever 2 fatigue tokens per hero in the
life, and asyou progress, larger and largerfoliage leads a move action and ignores any game effect that would overlords play area, read the following aloud:
yon to believe them. force it to move. last ofthe undead crawls into the tangledgrowth
One particular theorist suggested a method by which overhead, disappearingfrom sight. The essence-carrying
an explorer con/d acclimate themselves to the more Heroes may attack climbing zombies, measuring range
vines shrivel and decay, and after afew moments, the
aggressive vegetation. The account even describes, before and line of sight to the zombie’s space as normal. If the entire mass of vegetation shudders aroundyou. A low,
bloodstains and torn pages obscure the rest of the zombie has more than 1 fatigue token near it, heroes keening wail resounds about the area, andyou make
\ recoveredjournal, a particular, essence-carrying vine cannot target the zombie with an attack using a Melee haste toward the exit.
found in some of the underground tunnels. weapon, unless the weapon has Reach.
You enter one of these tunnels, the excess overgrowth The overlord wins this encounter!
still surroundingyou. A tangled series of vines, TRIMMING THE VINES
For each objective token on a Hero sheet or Ally card,
flowers, and otherplant-life stretches out overhead, As an action, while adjacent to an objective token, a hero
a hero may discard the objective token to place a hero
only bare shades of cracked stone and earth between or ally may remove the token from the map and place it
token on his Hero sheet, indicating he is carrying a
the thick covering. Perhapsyou can find the described on his Hero sheet or Ally card. A zombie with at least
essences in this place. Iron/ what you’re seen of the vine during Encounter 2. The overlord keeps all fatigue
1 fatigue token near it, may continue climbing until it
- plant-life above,you could definitely use them. tokens in his play area for Encounter 2.
accumulates 3 fatigue tokens or is defeated.

At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 zombie
MONSTERS minion on the Exit. There may never be more than 4
minion zombies on the map at a time. He may also place
Zombies. Arachyura. 1 open group.
1 arachyura on the Crumbling Path, respecting group
SETUP limits.

Place a number of zombie minions equal to the number

of heroes on the Exit. Place the arachyura on the Sewer.
Place the open group on the Crumbling Path.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
Place objective tokens facedown based on the number of
heroes. These are vines.
The heroes control their ally.


HEART of the Wilds
r Encounter 2
Emergingfrom the underground chamber, yon dodge At the end of each overlord turn, each flailing tendril If a hero picks up the Heart of the Wilds, read the
past one of the large tendrils before it can consider yon with a hero, monster, or ally within 2 spaces of it is following aloud:
a threat. Some distance ahead, a brilliant colored light provoked. When provoked, the flailing tendril will
A magnificent, glowing sphere lies beforeyon, and
spills past an overgrown staircase and courtyardfilled perform 1 attack targeting each hero, monster, and ally
inyonr thoughtsyon can hear a soft, rejuvenating
with more of the /ashing vegetation. Beforeyon can within 2 spaces of it. The attack rolls 1 blue attack die melody. Grasping if, the rose comesfree easily, its song
catch a glimpse of its source, /horned vines lash across and 1 red power die. If a figure suffers any V from a nndiminished asyon carefully stow it away. Whatfew
the small opening, twisting themselves together toform flailing tendril’s attack, that figure is Poisoned. remain ofAriad’s minions scatter beforeyon, andyon
a thick barrier.
think thefaded snn shinesjnst a little brighter in the
A high-pitched squeal redirectsyonr attention. Coming As an action, while adjacent to a flailing tendril, a hero,
wake ofyonr victory.
down anotherpath, yon see a goblin flailing high in the ally, or monster may remove it from the map. Flailing
air, swinging back andforth in the grasp of one of the tendrils are considered obstacles for the purposes of line The heroes win!
tendrils. Several othergob/ins scamper around, slashing of sight and movement.
at the tendril, jumping to grab at its captive, and in If there are ever 4 fatigue tokens per hero in the
genera! trying in rain to help theirpitiful comrade. A hero carrying a vine (a hero token on his Hero sheet overlord’s play area, read the following aloud:
from Encounter 1) will never provoke a flailing tendril.
A wretched stench ofdecay floods the immediate area,
However, that hero is still affected by a flailing tendril’s choking and vile. Within moments, all of the lush
attack if provoked by another figure. Vines cannot be greenery snrronndingyonfades to an ashen hue and
traded during this quest.
Monsters shrivels away. Asyon crawl backward to escape this
horridfield ofdeath and decay, yon spot what remains
Goblin archers. Flesh moulders. 1 open group.
of the artifact through the withered overgrowth. Dark
As an action, while on the Wild Garden, a monster with energy radiatesfrom a small sphere sitting upon a
SETUP the Cursed monster trait may sacrifice itself. When pedestal.
Place the goblin archers on the Pond. Place the flesh sacrificing itself, the monster is removed from the map, Numerous rotting hands burstfrom the nearby earth,
moulders on the Graveyard. The open group is not and the overlord places 2 fatigue tokens in his play area. and every creatureyou’ve dispatched rises to new life
placed during setup. If the monster was a large monster, he places 4 fatigue along with dotyens ofothers. Far too many to battle,
tokens instead. especially inyonr wounded and sickened state, soyon
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. have no choice but to flee.
Any monster sacrificed in this way is removed from the
Place 1 white objective token faceup on the map as quest and set aside. Those monsters cannot be placed The overlord wins!
indicated. This is the Heart of the Wilds. when placing reinforcements.
Place 10 objective tokens facedown as indicated. These REWARDS
are flailing tendrils. REINFORCEMENTS Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 2 goblin
The heroes control their ally. If the heroes win, they receive the “Living Heart” relic.
archers on the Pond, respecting group limits. At the end
of each overlord turn, he may place 2 flesh moulders If the overlord wins, he receives the “Fallen Heart” relic.
or 1 monster from the open group on the Graveyard,
The overgrowth adjacent to the white objective token
respecting group limits.
cannot be moved through or removed from the map
following the normal rules. Heroes must destroy the
overgrowth in order to get to the Heart of the Wilds.
Heroes or allies adjacent to an overgrowth may attack
it as if it were a monster. The overgrowth has 8 Health
per hero, but rolls no defense dice. At the end of each
overlord turn, the overgrowth recovers all V. As soon
as the overgrowth has suffered V equal to its Health,
remove it from the map.
As an action, after the overgrowth has been removed and
while adjacent to the white objective token, a hero may
pick it up.

Heart op the Wilds

[Tailing Tendrils
7 SPECIAL RULES If the overlord moves a chain link into a hero figures
space, that hero must test If he passes, he may move
The idiotic King of AH Goblins bus no idea what he’s During this encounter, Splig follows the same rules
to an empty adjacent space. If he fails, he suffers 2 V and
getting into, and yet while exploring through Sudanya, for being defeated as heroes (he is knocked out when
you again come across him working at some task that the overlord may move him to an empty adjacent space.
defeated and as an action, may stand up when activated).
would undoubtedly assist Ariad in her mad desires. If the overlord moves a chain link into a monsters space,
When Splig is defeated, place a fatigue token on his
You’re loathe to help the horrid brute, but even he must move the monster to an empty adjacent space.
token to mark that he is knocked out.
someone as thick-headed as Splig must understand
that, assuming be received any compensation at all, When Splig stands up, read the following aloud: REINFORCEMENTS
owning every scrap of the world’s wealth would A crackling bolt of black energy strikes through At the start of each overlord turn, he may place either 1
accomplish little if ereryone, including him, died. the walls onto thefallen goblin king. “Get up,you master goblin archer or up to 2 minion goblin archers on
Yon spot him laboring at a massive black chain, gargantuan oaf," Ariad's exasperated voice drifts into the Hallway, respecting group limits.
dragging it toward a deep crevice on the other side of the room. Sp/ig’s massive body trembles as the dark
the room. Dark energyflows back andforth over the power raises and sets him upright. ’Though warering on VICTORY
links, and though yon are uncertain of what Sp/ig’s unsteadyfeet, Splig blinks afew times before bending If all of the open group monsters have been defeated and
actions might accomplish, you can think of no reason down andpicking up the chain once more. Splig is knocked out at the start of any overlord turn,
to allow it.
read the following aloud:
As an action, while adjacent to the white objective token, The same surge of dark magic strikes the da-^ed,
unconscious Splig, but this time nothing happens.
Splig may pull the chain. When pulling the chain, the
“Disappointing," Ariad's voice echoes soft/у. The room
overlord moves the white objective token to an empty
MONSTERS pulses black fora moment before a surge ofpower sends
adjacent space (even across elevation). Then the overlord Sp/ig’s huge body rocketing through the air toward the
Splig. Goblin archers. Zombies. 1 open group. places 1 objective token facedown in the space where the crevice. The poorgoblin is still out cold as he disappears
chain end moved from. from sight, down into the pit.
Place Splig on the Hallway as indicated. Place the goblin Chain links do not block line of sight; each time a figure- The heroes win this encounter!
archers on the Hallway. Place the zombies and open other than Splig enters a space containing a chain link,
that figures turn immediately ends. A space containing If Splig and the chain end are both in the unique space-
group on the Collapsed Chamber. marked with an “X” at the start of the overlords turn,
the chain base or the chain end do not block movement
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. or line of sight. read the following aloud:

Place 1 green objective token faceup as indicated. This is Gripping the chain, Splig comes to the edge ofthe dark
At the end of each overlord turn, if Splig is adjacent to
the chain base. crevice. He takes one look, over bis shoulder, watching
the chain end and not knocked out, he may move each
you still engaged in fighting Ariad’s minions. His
Place 1 white objective token faceup as indicated. This is chain link to any space. However, after all links have expression is one ofmild uncertainty asyou shout at him
the chain end. been moved, each link must be in a continuous series of to stop, but be turns back toward the pit.
adjacent spaces between the chain base and chain end. The King ofAll Goblins shakes his head, steeling
Place 3 objective tokens facedown as indicated. These are
chain links. himself before crawling down into the darkness.

Place the remaining objective tokens facedown in apool The overlord wins this encounter!
near the overlord s play area.
The heroes control their ally. 4B

Chain Link.


Chain End

Chain base

LET the Truth be Buried
Encounter, 2
While controlled by the heroes, Splig cannot use his VICTORY
“Not Me!” ability. Splig does not activate during the
Yon don 7 know boil' Sp/ig сон/d be so completely If Splig moves off the map through the Exit while
overlord’s turn and the overlord cannot control him
unaware of Ariad’s terrible intentions, but he appears controlled by a hero player, read the following aloud:
(except when using “Dark Charm” or similar abilities).
to befocusing on/у on what is likely herfalse promise
Splig swats aside the last spider blockingyour exit, h
of vast wealth. Beating him senseless didn 7 work, so If the heroes reason with Splig, read the following aloud: expression is glum, and be mutters angrily during the
perhaps the answer lies with reason. The very idea
“She’sgoing to kill the sun?” Sp/ig asks, scratching bis entire climb through the underground tunnel. Asyou
seemsfoolish, but Ariad doesn’t appear to have direct
head. “Does this mean I’m notgoing to get paid?” With arrive into thefresh evening air, he shootsyou a glare.
control over him. If he cou/d be convinced of herfinal
afew more harsh words, you manage to hammer into “Don’t go thinking I oweyou anything!” he shouts,
intentions, perhaps he would abandon her cause.
bis thick skull that not only will he not get paid, be and shoving pastyou as be runs off.
Youfollow him down into the pit, a short dropfollowed
everything else in the world willperish in the quite literal
by a steep incline, and only dim lighting illuminates the The heroes win!
darkness thatfollows.
tunnels below. The rocky surface is slick with moisture,
and onefalse step cou/d mean a very longfall. Asyou The reality of the situation finally arrives upon his dim If Splig moves off the map through the Exit with 3
carefully crawl downward,you hear the King of All features, butyou’re given no more time to discuss it as a objective tokens on his Lieutenant card or if Splig is
Goblins some distance away, muttering about vast nearby spider launches itselfonto the goblin king’s back defeated, read the following aloud:
riches and cursing the difficult climb. and sinks itsfangs into his neck. Screeching, Sp/ig tosses
the creature away, bis eyes widening as another wane of Dark reaHs'ation dawns upon the goblin king’sface as
its brethren boils out ofgaps in the walls. he becomes surrounded by countless spiders. Sp/ig looks
towardyon,fear in his eyes as he screams, “Help me!”
FALLING before the arachnids swarm over him. You fightyour way
MONSTERS During this encounter, the heroes are in constant risk of
forward, still hying to rescue thefoolish gob/in, butyou
Splig. Cave spiders. Arachyura. Carrion drakes. cannot break through Ariad’s monstrous horde.
falling due to the steep incline. Falling can occur in the
following ways: As the battle continues, you manage to catch one glimpse
SETUP ofa large, squirming cocoon being dragged through the
Choice: A hero may choose to fall during his turn. narrow tunnels ahead. More and more spiders boil out of
If the heroes won Encounter 1, place Splig on the Spider
The hero player’s turn ends immediately after he nearby gaps in the walls, andyou’reforced to run orface
Den as indicated. If the overlord won Encounter 1, place a similarfate.
resolves his fall.
Splig on the Throne Room as indicated. Place the cave
spiders on the Exit or any unique space marked with an Defeated: When a hero is defeated, he replaces his The overlord wins!
“X.” Place the arachyura on the Spider Den. Place the figure with a hero token and he then moves the
carrion drakes on the Throne Room. token according to the rules for falling (see below). REWARDS
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
Injured: When a hero suffers any amount of V. he
Place 3 objective tokens facedown on the map as must test Jfr. If he fails, he immediately falls. Allies If the heroes win, they receive 150 gold.
indicated. These arc the treasury keys. and familiars do not test О after suffering V.
If rhe overlord wins, he receives I additional XP.
The heroes control their ally. When a hero falls, he immediately moves his figure in a
straight line in the direction indicated by the arrow near
SPECIAL RULES the map (down). He is interrupted if there are no more
While Splig is under the overlord’s control, he cannot empty spaces in that straight line or the next space he
suffer V or be defeated. would move into is a blocked space. When falling, a hero
cannot move through other heroes, allies, or Splig. A
The flooring in this quest is on an extremely steep falling hero does move through monsters.
incline. When a hero performs a move action, he only
receives 1 movement point, regardless of his Speed or Immediately after falling, a hero is dealt 1 V for each
hero ability. Allies and familiars gain movements points space he moved during the fall. He may roll defense dice
equal to their Speed as normal when performing a move as if this was an attack.
action. However, allies and familiars may only perform 1 If the fall was interrupted by another figure, that figure is
move action per turn. also dealt 1 V for each space moved during the fall. He
All monsters move normally. may roll defense dice as if it was an attack.

As an action, while adjacent to an objective token, Splig REINFORCEMENTS

may place the token on his Lieutenant card. While
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 2 cave
controlled by the heroes, Splig may move off the map
spiders on the Exit and/or any unique space marked with
through the Exit. While controlled by the overlord,
an “X,” respecting group limits.
Splig may move off the map through the Exit if he has
3 objective tokens on his Lieutenant card.


As an action, while adjacent to Splig, a hero may attempt IB
to reason with him. When a hero reasons with him, Splig
Throne room
must test If the hero’s О is greater than Splig’s ©-,
add 1 V to the result for each point that the hero’s О is
greater than Splig’s. If the hero’s О is less than Splig’s fr,
subtract 1 V from the result for each point that the hero’s
t> is less than Splig’s.
In addition, whenever Splig tests Xy, he subtracts 1 V
from the result for each cave spider adjacent to him.
If Splig foils, he is treated as a hero figure for the rest of
the Encounter. From this point on, Splig activates at the
end of the last hero turn each round and is controlled by Treasury rey
the hero player who takes his turn last.
■ ' ■


Inyour exploration of the mined city, you begin The ally tokens in this encounter are not treated as At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1
lookingfor something that moldy texts describe as allies until they are cleansed. Until the heroes reveal the volucrix reaver on the Exit, respecting group limits. If
"the waters of knowledge.” Some sources suggest it unique search token, the allies cannot be activated and an ally has been cleansed, he may instead place it on the
to be an archive of books, parchment, scrolls, and they cannot suffer any V. Entrance.
other information, lint others seem to think, it more
literal and magical in nature. Accounts agree on one As an action, while adjacent to an ally token and after VICTORY
thing: it existed as an archive of potential Sudanyan revealing the remedy, a hero may test ■&£-. If he passes,
knowledge, andfinding it might be very important to If a lieutenant is defeated or if the cave in occurs, read the
the ally is cleansed and follows normal rules for allies.
discovering more about the city and, ifyou’refortunate, following aloud:
Ariad’s final intentions. Only 1 ally may be cleansed, and the heroes gain control
The chamber rumbles as heavy stones dropfrom the
of the cleansed ally for the remainder of the campaign.
While exploring underground tunnels, your torchlight ceiling, blocking the path behindyou. ’Yaking one
vanishes, leavingyou in pitch darkness. You hear the The ally keeps any skills gained during the campaign up
look behind, through the cracksyou spot the corrupted
sounds of skitteringfootsteps all around as numerous to this point. prisoner still hying to c/awforward, sinister eyes staring
figures brush pastyou, followed by a muffled ay. back atyou. Perhaps defeating Ariad will return the
Whenyou manage to relightyour torches, you notice poor captive’s soul, butfor nowyou mustfocus upon the
At the start of the overlord’s turn, if he has a monster task at hand.
your ally is gone, andyou hurryforth with thoughts of
rescue. Moving through the halls,you come to a c/osed adjacent to the white or blue objective token, he may
possess an ally. The heroes win this encounter!
' door with ajagged message carved into the wood:
"Choose. ’’ If the monster is adjacent to the white objective token, If a lieutenant moves oft the map through the Exit or an
he possesses Serena. If the monster is adjacent to the blue ally is defeated, read the following aloud:
objective token, he possesses Raythen. The overlord can Ariad’s new puppet turns back, watchingyour continued
only possess 1 ally and cannot possess an ally that has struggle against the vicious monsters. You thinkyou see
been cleansed.
MONSTERS a flicker ofpity, perhaps a shred ofreturning will, but
it passes quickly. The captive disappears, and though it
Volucrix reavers. 1 open group. When possessed, the overlord replaces the ally token
doesn’t takeyou long to finish the battle, the delay has
with the corresponding Lieutenant token and claims grantedyourfoes afair lead.
SETUP the corresponding Lieutenant card. The possessed ally is
Place the volucrix reavers on the Monster Pit. Place the now treated as a lieutenant controlled by the overlord. The overlord wins this encounter!
open group on the Exit. Discard both possession stones from the map. The If neither ally was cleansed, the heroes gain control of the
lieutenant may move off the map through the Exit.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. The ally that was not possessed during this encounter.
unique search token is the remedy. CAVE IN The overlord keeps the Lieutenant card of the ally he
As an action, an ally adjacent to the red lever may test О possessed. If neither ally was possessed, the overlord takes
Place 1 red objective token faceup as indicated. This is
or tr (heroes’ choice). If the ally passes, the heroes win the Lieutenant card of the ally that was not cleansed
the red lever.
the encounter (see “Victory”). during this encounter. This is used during Encounter 2
Place 1 white objective token and 1 blue objective token as well as later in the campaign.
faceup as indicated. These are possession stones.
Place both ally tokens on the map as indicated.




Possession Stone
... td

Fountain of Insight

SPECIAL RULES If there are ever 6 fatigue tokens on Ravthen’s Ally card,
read the following aloud:
The rumors are proven true, but you find no storehouse As an action, while adjacent to a wellspring, a hero or
of written history or documentation. Instead, an f monster may open or close the wellspring. The figure The dwarflets out a /ond belch, wiping his mouth with
ornatefountain liesjust ahead, filled with pure, flips the red objective token faceup to indicate it is open a sleeve. A soft glow issuesfrom his eyes, and he blinks,
shimmering water. I 'our spouts pour into it, and a or facedown to indicate it is closed. reeling with the new power coursing within him. “Phew!”
large engraving on thefountain itself gives you pause. he says. “A fella couldget good and sodden on this stuff!
‘Thou of Sudanyan blood, drink deep and know thy As an action, once per round, an ally adjacent to the We shouldfill ajar or two to sell down at...” he trails off,
people’s might. All others beware, lest thou drink and I Fountain of Insight may drink from it. Place 1 fatigue noticingyour annoyedglare. “Oh flue,” he says, trying to
know only death. ” I. token on the ally’s Ally card each time the ally drinks shake off the lingering effects, “let’s be off.”
Ifthe heroes control Serena: from the Fountain of Insight.
The heroes win!
The silent priestess doses her eyes, kneeling at the t BLOOD THIRSTY
greatfountain as she dips a band into the coo! If all 4 wellsprings are closed at the same time or if the
water. You hearfragments of a reverent song inyour When a monster is defeated, 1 monster adjacent to the
ally is defeated, read the following aloud:
thoughts, perhaps an oldprayer, and Serena sets defeated monster may immediately perform 1 attack or
about a careful series of motions and meditations. move action. A metallic dang resounds inside the walls as the last
ofthe wellsprings is closed. The glowing waters ofthe
If the heroes control Raythen:
You’re ready to turn back infrustration, not willing
REINFORCEMENTS fountain quickly drain out, leaving none remainingfor
yonr ally to drink. A renewed cry soundsfrom nearby
to risk anything against the warning, when Raythen At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin reinforcements, and with nothing togain by staying,yon
steps forward. Pulling a battered tin cupfrom his witcher on the Exit, respecting group limits. If there are make a rapid departure.
pack, he scoops up some of the water. “What, didn't 4 or more fatigue tokens on the ally, the overlord may
1 mention?’’ be takes a sip, winking. “My great instead place this figure on the Entrance. The overlord wins!
grandmother’s sister’s cousin, once or twice removed.
Should serve well enough, eh?” VICTORY REWARDS
Asyour ally begins drinking, you hear the sound of If there are ever 6 fatigue tokens on Serena’s Ally card, Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
clanging nearby, and one of the spouts ceases flowing. read the following aloud:
Knowing Ariad’s new puppet must be somewhere If the heroes win, they receive either the “Holy Hammer”
nearby,you draw weapons and move to investigate. Serena’s entire body glows with the magicflowing through or the “Night Prowler” Ally Skill card, depending on the
her. Her eyes open, and she gives a radiant smile. From ally they control.
behind, another ofAriad’s minions leaps out and
attacks, but asyou turn, Serena moves infront ofyou. If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP.
A bolt oflucent energy lashes outfrom her hands, and
MONSTER'S the creature's flesh crackles as itflies backward, smashing
Serena or Raythen. Goblin witchers. 1 open group. into thefar wall. You watch in awe as she presses the
attack, and thefew remaining monsters are crushed by
SETUP her newfound might.
Place Serena or Raythen and the goblin witchers on the The heroes win!
Hallway. Place the open group on the Exit.
If the heroes won Encounter 1, roll 2 red power dice.
The new lieutenant suffers V equal to the V rolled. If fOUNTAlN Of INSIGHT
the overlord won Encounter 1, place the new lieutenant 8B
adjacent to the Exit instead of on the Hallway. Sanctuary
Place search tokens based on the number of
Collect 4 red objective tokens. Place 2 of these
tokens faceup on the map as indicated and
2 of them facedown as indicated. These are
Place 1 white objective token faceup on the
Sanctuary as indicated. This is the
Fountain of Insight.
The heroes control
their ally.


Though research into Sudanyan religion hasn’t been The unique spaces marked with an “X” are the Scales of If the scales are balanced, read the following aloud:
high oriyourpriority list, the diminished state of the Truth. The heroes must balance both of the scales with a
IF7/A the scales balanced, a wall ofstone near the
sun leadsyou to take great interest in it, especially weight of 6 or more on each scale. Both scales must have
entrance shimmers andfades, revealing a side passage.
whenyou discover theirprimaty worship revolved the same value of weights placed in the unique spaces. Hurryingforward,yon more down a spiral stairway into
around the cycles of day and night. You manage to
Once the scales are balanced, the quest immediately ends a small burial chamber containing a heavy stone coffin.
find details regarding one important temple, said to be
hiddenfar underground and dedicated to ceremonies of (see “Victory”). Ariad’s creatures are right behindyou, so there’s no
darkness. Though lost and buried al! these centuries, it time to be delicate. Tossing the heavy stone lid aside, it
seems the most likely location for Ariad’s final ritual.
MYSTERIOUS WATERS smashes tofragments on the ground. Inside the coffin lies
When a hero stands up or is revived while on the a withered corpse in moth-eaten robes, and in this dead
You break into an old crypt said to contain one of the
Mysterious Waters, he rolls 2 additional red power dice. priest’s grasp is a glowing metallic disc. Asyou take hold
high priests of this underground temple, supposedly
In addition, while Ariad is on the Mysterious Waters, she ofit andprepare to flee, yonfeel a tugging sensation, and
buried with a key to a secret passage leading there.
the roomfades aroundyou.
Engraved on the arch overhead,you see the phrase, cannot spend yd for any abilities.
As day and night, seek balance in all things. ” It A cool breeye wafts overуour skin asyou emerge into the
mast mean something important, likely related to the HEAVYHANDED hollow remains ofa half-standing building somewhere
numerous glowing stones of various colors spread out During this encounter, each of Ariad’s attacks gains: in the city. The disc vibrates with power, and it almost
on pedestals beforeyou. seems to be pullingyoti again. You quickly stow it away,
yd ydyd~. Exchange the target’s carried weight with realising it best to find out more about the object before it
\ “Lookingfor a shortcut areyou?” You hear Ariad’s
another weight either 1 higher or 1 lower weight (if sendsyon somewhereyou don’t wish to be.
; voice comingfrom somewhere nearby, along with the
available). If the carried weight is already “ 1,” Ariad may
lowgrowl of some hideous beasts. “How almost The heroes win!
clever... ” shatter the weight. Shattered weights are discarded.
If the overlord ever has 4 fatigue tokens in his pl'ay area,
Weights are limited by the supply of objective tokens. If
there are already 5 blue objective tokens in play, Ariad or if it is ever impossible to balance the scales based on
cannot reduce a “2” weight to a “1” weight because there the remaining weights, read the following aloud:
are no more blue objective tokens available. The magic ofthe strange scales diminishes asyet another
MONSTERS Each time Ariad shatters a weight, the overlord places 1
ofthe balancing stones is shattered, and the entire
structare trembles aroundyou. Stones and earth shower
Ariad. 2 open groups (1 from water/cold and 1 from fatigue token in his play area. At the end of each overlord from the crumbling ceiling, and soon after everything
hot/cursed). turn, if there is not a hero carrying a weight or if the only begins to collapse. Not wishing to be buried alive,you flee
hero carrying a weight is on the Mysterious Waters, he up the stairs and out into the night.
SETUP places 1 fatigue token in his play area.
Place Ariad on rhe Exit as indicated. Place the water/cold The overlord wins!
open group on the Armory. Place the hot/cursed open REINFORCEMENTS
group on the Cave.
At the start of each overlord turn, he places 1 damage
token in his play area. In addition, he rolls 1 gray defense Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
die and places 1 damage token in his play area for each V If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold. In addition,
Place 2 red, 2 white, 2 blue, and 2 green objective tokens rolled. Then the overlord may spend damage tokens to when choosing the Finale, the players must choose “A
faceup as indicated. Place the remaining objective tokens reinforce his monster groups. Glimmer of Hope” as the Finale quest.
near the overlords play area. These are weights.
To determine which monster may be reinforced, the If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP. In
The heroes control their ally. overlord rolls 1 brown defense die. On a blank result, the addition, when choosing the Finale, the players must
water/cold group may be reinforced on the Armory. On choose “Endless Night” as the Finale quest.
SPECIAL RULES any other result, the hot/cursed group may be reinforced
As an action, while adjacent to a faceup objective token, on the Cave.
a hero may pick it up. Each hero can only carry 1 weight
at a time. As an action, a hero carrying a weight may The overlord must pay a number of damage tokens equal
place it in an adjacent unique space marked with an “X.” to the number of spaces the reinforced monster occupies.
Only 1 objective token may be in a unique marked space. For example, an arachyura occupies 4 spaces and would
Heroes can trade weights following normal rules for cost 4 damage tokens to reinforce. The overlord may
trading items. reinforce up to 2 monsters, respecting group limits.

Monsters cannot pick up objective tokens. If a hero Ariad may be reinforced on the Exit at the cost of 3
carrying a weight is defeated, he drops the objective damage tokens.
token in his space.
The values of the weights are as follows:
. Blue: 1
. Red: 2
Green: 3
White: 4








While Ariad has at least 1 fatigue token on her REINFORCEMENTS
Lieutenant card, she cannot move, be moved, or be
Yon scour the cityfor days in search of Ariad ot­ At the end of each overlord turn, he may place 1
activated. However, she can still be targeted and affected
her wretched followers. The sun in the sky remains arachyura on the Exit, respecting group limits.
by hero and ally attacks. Her defense pool is determined
diminished and bleak, and youfee/ it’s on/у a matter
of time before it's blotted out entirely. by the number of fatigue tokens on her Lieutenant card: VICTORY
Catching a glimpse of several spiders moving about the • 1 fatigue token: 2 brown defense dice If Ariad is defeated, read the following aloud:
rains, yon folloir them underground. Through torch-lit
halls and tight corridors, yon arrive at the spiders’ • 2 fatigue tokens: 2 gray defense dice You cut through the thick webbing and strike a heavy
destination to the sound of chanting and a deep sense blow against the vulnerable, still-human sorceress. Crying
• 3 fatigue tokens: 2 black defense dice
I offoal magic in the air. out andglaring angrily, Ariad pulls her handsfree of
Additionally, while she has at least 1 fatigue token on her the webbing. “Another time, then, ” she says, and with a
Drawing weapons,yon chargeforth to stop whatever
Lieutenant card, Ariad is immune to all conditions. quick incantation and a flash of light, she disappears.
terrible ritual being conducted, but something else
catches your eye. \ Making upward,you notice that the FALLING SPIDERS If Queen Ariad is defeated, read the following aloud:
high-vaulted ceiling aboveyou appears to be moving.
Hundreds more spiders craw! upon thick webbing that At the start of each round, the overlord secretly looks at The massive spidergives a wretched screech ofpain,
stretches in a// directions, including to the ground in the top objective token of the stack in his play area. If a skittering backward while dark green ichor spills out of
front ofyon. None of them appear to have noticedyon hero enters an empty space adjacent to a faceup objective its wounds. The creature’sform convulses, shrinking and
thusfar, butyou’ll have to move carefully in order to token of the matching color, the overlord reveals the top twisting back into the sorceress’ original shape. Asyou
Ц keep it that way. objective token from the stack. He then places 1 cave move infor the kill, a swarm ofher minions attackуon
from behind.
spider on the faceup objective token.
A short and brutalflight ensues, but by the timeyou
For the rest of the round, the revealed objective token finish offthe smaller spiders, Ariad is gone.
remains faceup in the overlord’s play area. The above
effect triggers each time a hero moves into an empty The heroes win!
MONSTERS space adjacent to the matching objective token. If there is
If Queen Ariad moves off the map through the Exit, read
already a cave spider on the token, do not place another.
Ariad. Arachyura. Cave spiders. 1 open group. the following aloud:
Once all tokens from the stack have been revealed,
Ariad easily swatsyou aside with one of her huge legs,
SETUP shuffle the tokens back together and create a new stack.
moving toward the chamber exit. Taming back, her eight
Place Ariad adjacent to the Prison as indicated. Place TRANSFORMATION massive eyes peer hungrily atyou as she hisses, “Notyet,
the arachyura on the Sewer. Place the open group on the If Ariad ever has 3 fatigue tokens on her Lieutenant my little morsels, but soon..." Her mandibles drip with
Lava Pit. The cave spiders are not placed during setup card, the transformation ritual is nearly complete and dark venom. “Very soon..."
(see “Falling Spiders”). monsters can no longer assist her. The overlord wins!
Place search tokens based on rhe number of heroes. From now on, at the start of each overlord turn, remove
1 fatigue token from her Lieutenant card. When there REWARDS
Place 2 red, 2 white, 2 blue, and 2 green objective tokens
faceup as indicated. These arc webs. are no fatigue tokens left on her card, discard any damage Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
tokens she has suffered, and replace Ariad’s Lieutenant If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold.
Collect 1 red, 1 white, 1 blue, and 1 green objective card and token with Queen Ariad’s Lieutenant card and
token, shuffle them together, and place them facedown token. If there are not enough empty spaces to place the If the overlord wins, he returns Ariad’s Lieutenant card
in a stack in the overlord’s play area. No players should token, Queen Ariad must perform an immediate move to the game box. For the rest of the campaign, during any
know which objective tokens are which. action. Read the following aloud: quest that allows the overlord to use Ariad, he instead
The heroes control their ally. uses Queen Ariad.
The largest spideryou’ve ever seen bursts out ofthe
enshrouding webs. Colorings across its bristled body
SPECIAL RULES resemble the clothing Ariad was wearing, and with
Ariad is attempting to undergo a transformation ritual. horroryou realise this monstrous creature is the sorceress
In order to start the ritual, she must be in the unique herself, hideously transformed.
space marked with an “X.” A harsh, grating noise issuesfrom the beast, and it takes
you a moment to realise she’s laughing. “What’s wrong?”
While Ariad is in the unique space, cave spiders and she says, her voice as twisted as her monstrous body.
arachyura may assist in the ritual. To do so, they may “Am I not beautiful?”
target Ariad with an attack action. If a yd is rolled during
the attack, the monster may spend it to place 1 fatigue Queen Ariad may move off the map through the Exit.
token on Ariad’s Lieutenant card. In addition, Ariad
recovers V equal to the V rolled. If a yd is not rolled
during the attack, it is considered a miss and all results
are ignored. Only 1 X таУ be spent this way during an
attack. Ariad does not roll defense dice when attacked by
cave spiders or arachyura.




V Encounter,! ,\J>
A cold wind rushes over the ruins of Sudanya, and During this quest. Lord Merick Farrow and Sir Alric If Lord Merick Farrow or Sir Alric Farrow is defeated,
the darkened san pulses in the sky: a sure sign of Farrow cannot move or be moved for any reason. read the following aloud:
another terrible ritual Whoever engages in thisfoolish
During his activation, as an action. Lord Merick Farrow The tether ofenergy connecting the two men snaps back
act makes no attempt to hide it; black mists condense
may continue his ritual. If he does, the overlord may into Merick with a flash of brilliant red light. There is
andflow toward it, allowingyon to easily track down
place 1 fatigue token in the overlords play area. a briefmoment ofstillness before the armor containing
the location.
Sir Abie's sou! crumples to the ground. “No!” Merick
You stand before a small clearing, andjust ahead, At the end of each overlord turn, he may move any cries out, staggeringforward, the red energy stillflowing
past a gathered crowd of monsters and through a wide number of damage tokens between Lord Merick Farrow around him.
doorway,you spot the cloakedform of Lord Merick and Sir Alric Farrow’s Lieutenant cards. A soft white glow emanatesfrom the unmoving set of
Farrow. He stands acrossfrom a set of shining steel
armor, rising and coalescing into the shape ofSir Alric
armor: his resurrected brother SirAlric. A pulsing SUMMONING AID in his nobleman’s garb. Merick stares in awe at the pale
red band of energy connects the two brothers.
As an action, Lord Merick Farrow may summon cither specter ofhis brother, who sad/у shakes his head. “What
At your entrance, Merick spotsyou immediately. zombies or an elemental to aid him. If he summons was I to do?” Merick asks. “Tell me, please! What
“No, not this time, ” he shouts, hisface twisting into a was I to do?!” The spiritgives no answer, featuring only
zombies, place 1 zombie per hero adjacent to either Lord
snarl. ‘This time it will work, and I won’t hare any a pitying expression as it rises upward andfadesfrom
Merick Farrow or Sir Alric Farrow. If he summons an
interference!” He makes a sharp gesture toward you. sight. “No! No, come back, Alric!" the sorcerer shouts,
“Kill them all!” The heavy doors slam dosed, and a elemental, place 1 elemental on the Pond. In both cases
trying to runforward. The energy around him pulses,
\ thick, wrought-iron lock clicks into place. the overlord must respect monster group limits.
and he stops short, looking down at himselfin confusion.
, Getting through the door and stopping the ritual is THE IRON DOOR The energy tetherglows red around Merick, pulling bis
the least of your concerns, however, as the horde of arms and legs together and constricting his breath. He
The locked door represents a rune-inscribed iron door
creatures begins the attack. cries out in pain, hisface stricken with terror as he turns
that cannot be opened normally. As an action, a hero or
bisgat^e uponyou. He seems to be trying to speak, to call
ally adjacent to the locked door may test '8ft- or SL If he
outfor help, butyou only hear Ariad’s voice, whispering
passes, place 1 damage token near the locked door. inyour thoughts, “just the one, then.” Without even
If there are ever a number of damage tokens near the a scream, Lord Merick’s body flares a bright red and
locked door equal to the number of heroes, the lock is disappears.
MONSTERg broken and the door can be opened normally. The heroes win!
Lord Merick Farrow. Sir Alric Farrow. Goblin archers.
Zombies. Elementals. 1 open group. REINFORCEMENTS If there are ever 13 fatigue tokens in the overlords play
At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin area, read the following aloud:
Setup archcron the Field, respecting group limits. “Yes...yes!” Lord Merick cries out as his powerflows
Place Lord Merick Farrow and Sir Alric Farrow on the through the binding tether into bis brother. Hisface
Ritual Chamber as indicated. Place the Zombies on is wild with anticipation, andyou continue hying to
fight through to them as aflash oflight ends the ritual.
the Ancient Battleground. Place the open group on the
Breathing hardfrom the exertion, Merick’sjoy quickly
Pond. The goblin archers are not placed during setup
turns to confusion as he notices that the energy tether
(see “Reinforcements”). The elementals are not placed reforming. “What-?” be begins to ask before he is
during setup (see “Summoning Aid”). draggedforward.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. “What?No! What’s happening?”Merick cries out,
struggling against the binding that continues to haul him
toward bis passive brother. He panics, hurling bolts of
magic in every direction. Falling to the ground, he c/aws
forpurchase at the smooth marble floor.
Lord Merick screams as a final wrench slams him into
the suit ofarmor containing his resurrected brother, his
body glowing red as the terrible sorcety pulls him inside.
Images ofthe two brothers flicker back andforthfor a
moment, featuring the cold nothing ofA trie’s armor and
the abject terror ofLord Merick, still struggling against
the ritual he wasfooled into completing.
“Good, good,” Ariad’s voice echoes in the chamber.
“These two will do nicely,” she says, laughing as the twin
souls shimmer and disappear in a crackle ofred energy.

The overlord wins!

Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
If the heroes win, they receive 100 gold.
If the overlord wins, he receives the “Twin Souls”
Overlord card.





Field POND

In the days of searchingfor Ariad and digging During this quest, Ariad has 10 additional Health per At the end of each overlord turn, he may place 1 master
through the spiraling ma%e of underground tunnel hero. In addition, Ariad gains the following abilities: monster that has not yet been placed during this quest.
systems, the pale red sun is swallowed by the blackened He may place 1 master ettin in the Summoning Circle, 1
sky, casting the /and into complete darkness. The • Earth Shield (Green): Add 1 additional black
master arachyura on the Throne Room, 1 master carrion
terrible ritual has finished, but perhaps it isn 't defense die to the monsters defense pool.
drake on the Antechamber, or 1 master cave spider (with
permanent. Perhaps there’s still time to return the • Burning Might (Red): Each of the monster’s 3 minion cave spiders) on the Torture Chamber.
sun’s light.
attacks gains 1 yd to the results.
More than once, as countless collapsed tunnels block When defeated, these monsters arc removed from
yourpath, you consider abandoning all hope and • Water Blast (Blue): Each of the monster’s attacks the quest and set aside. They can not be placed as
turning back. After days of crawling blindly through gains “X: Immobilize (if this attack deals at least 1 reinforcements again.
twisting paths, you emerge at the top of a worn V after the defense roll, the target is Immobilized).
stairway cut into the rock. Peering down, you see the In a 2 hero game, place 1 minion ettin, 1 minion carrion
huge temple spread out be/owyou. • Air Form (White): The monster can only be drake, or 1 minion arachyura instead of their respective
affected by attacks from adjacent figures. master monsters. Additionally, only place 1 minion cave­
A hum of energy radiates in the air, and in the
main chamberyou can see the rile sorceress, Ariad. Each monster also gains the ability that matches the color spider with the master instead of 3.
She trembles as tiny flickers of golden light shimmer of the objective token on their corresponding Monster
through her skin, quickly smothered by a dark, magic VICTORY
card, with the exception of minion cave spiders.
swirling around her. It seems she’s drawn the sun's If Ariad or Queen Ariad is defeated, read the following
power into herself. Ifyou could somehow defeat her As an action, a hero adjacent to a facedown objective aloud:
and release it... token may reveal the token and pick it up.
You strike a vicious, final blow, and Ariad cries out in
Looking upward, she spotsyou and smiles. ‘Ah, As an action, while adjacent to Ariad or the pain, staggering backward beforefalling to the polished
you’re late. I was beginning to worry... ”
corresponding monster, a hero carrying an elemental marblefloor. Spears ofsunlight pierce through her broken
stone may discard the token. The adjacent monster flesh, the dark energy around her unable to contain it.
suffers 10 V and the overlord discards the corresponding "No...” Ariad whispers as her body begins to glow,
objective token. Ariad and all monsters can no longer use rising into a brightyellow. “No!” herpiercing scream
MONSTERS the ability associated with that color. disappears behind a deafening hum, andyou coveryour
eyes as the lightflares into a blinding, searing white.
Ariad. Lord Merick Farrow. Splig. Serena or Raythen. WEBS OF DECEIT When itfades, nothing but a blackened scorch remains
Ettins. Carrion drakes. Cave spiders. Arachyura. 1 open As an action, while adjacent to a knocked out hero, a where she had stood.
group. lieutenant may place 1 fatigue token on the adjacent hero The returnjourney is long through the underground
If the overlord won “Web of Power,” Ariad will not be token. The knocked out hero is now webbed. He cannot pathways, and though confident,you’re not entirely sure
present. Replace Ariad with Queen Ariad. stand up or be revived while he is webbed. of whatyou’llfind whenyou reach the surface.
All ofуourfears arefor naught. Emerging into the cool
If the heroes won “Let the Truth Be Buried,” Splig will As an action, while adjacent to a webbed hero, any morning, the cloudless blue sky holds a gloriousyellow
not be present. monster may pick the hero up following normal rules for sun.
carrying objective tokens.
SETUP The heroes win!
As an action, while adjacent to a webbed hero not being
Place Ariad, Lord Merick Farrow, Splig, and Serena carried by a monster, a hero may discard the fatigue If all heroes are slain, read the following aloud:
or Raythen on the Throne Room in or adjacent to the token from the adjacent hero token. The knocked out In the black pit, you struggle andfight against the
unique spaces marked with an “X.” Place the open group hero is no longer webbed. terrible binding webs, but nothingyои can do breaksyou
on the Stairs. free. Youfee! Ariad's sickening magicflowing all around,
THE BLACK PIT coursing intoyou.
The ettins, carrion drakes, cave spiders, and arachyura are
As an action, while adjacent to a pit space, a monster Sounds ofskittering comefrom somewhere nearby, surely
not placed during setup (see “Reinforcements”).
carrying a webbed hero may throw him into the pit. marking what will bringyour end. Your only consolation,
Place 1 red objective token faceup on the ettin Monster The webbed hero is slain and removed from the game as the creatures draw near and chitier with hungry
card. Place 1 blue objective token faceup on the permanently. excitement, is thatyou won’t have toface the eternal
arachyura Monster card. Place 1 white objective token darkness, andyourfailure, above.
Additionally, if a knocked out hero in a pit is webbed, the
faceup on the carrion drake Monster card. Place 1 green
hero is slain and removed from the game permanently. The overlord wins!
objective token faceup on the cave spider Monster card.
This is the final battle!
The tokens represent the additional abilities available to
the monsters.
This is the final quest. The winner of this quest is the
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. overall winner of the entire campaign.
Collect 1 red, 1 white, 1 blue, and 1 green objective
token. Shuffle them together and place them facedown
as indicated. No players should know which objective
token is which. These are elemental stones.
The heroes control their ally.
A rind’s ritual continlies to spread more enshrouding The locked doors in this quest represent rune locked If all heroes are in a unique space marked with an “X” on
threads over the suns surface. The sparse daylight doors that cannot be opened normally. As an action, a the Throne Room, read the following aloud:
produces little more than a dark, redgloom, and you hero adjacent to a locked door may choose to test either
think, it only a matter of hours before she’sfinished. Working as one, you smash apart the vessel containing
8^- or If he passes, place 1 damage token near the the sun’s energy. Blinding light sears the immediate area,
The secret passage to the temple, this metal disc you’ve door. If the door ever has damage tokens near it equal to andyon coverуour eyes, fumblingfor the metal disc as the
obtained, obviously allows transport. However, it takes the number of heroes, the door is unlocked and may be chamber rumbles aroundyou.
considerable time and effort for you to discover its main opened normally.
function in bringing the bearers to one of two locations: Within moments, you reappear on the surface of the
' the priest’sformer home, and the temple below. Wary When the first locked door is opened, read the following ruined city, back into the priest’s home. A deep tremor
not to expend any finite energy it might have, you shakes everything aroundyou at the continued collapse
hurry back to the broken hove! where the high priest ofthe underground tunnels, butyou find none of this
The large underground temple spreads out beforeyou. concerning.
once lived.
Through various side openings, you can see Ariad’s A bright, beautifulgolden sunrise peeks over the
You activate the disc, experiencing thefamiliar, pulling vicious monsters prowling back andforth, but they
sensation. The world shimmers, and you arrive in a horizon.
appear to be trapped behind curtains ofenergy. Bright,
dark, andfoul-smelling room. ] righting torches, you brilliant light issues out ofa room across the main If the heroes control Serena, read the following aloud:
notice a swarm of horrid undead standing right in chamber, as blinding and dappling as the son itself.
front of you, blocking an exit door that appears to Yo// canfeel Serena’s song almost bursting out ofher as
4 have a rather elaborate lock. Ariad stands in an adjacent room, smiling when she sees she stares into the renewed sun. Turning back, she smiles
you. “You’ve already made it past my little gifts, and atyon. “Thankyou... ’’you hear her speak out loudfor
you’re still so early. Mmm... how ever will we pass the thefirst time. “Thankyou. ”
If the heroes control Raythen, read the following aloud:
The dwarfsquints up into the bright daylight, frowning.
Ariad. Lord Merick Farrow. Splig. Serena or Raythen. The objective tokens in this quest represent magical
“Not much ofa payoff, ifyou ask me...’’ he mutters,
Zombies. 4 open groups. wards that limit where monsters can move. A monster straightening his rumpled clothing. “I don’t supposeyou
cannot move onto a tile containing an objective token. lads would spare a coin or twofor services..." Noting
If the overlord won “Web of Power,” Ariad will not be In addition, a monster already on a tile with an objective your reaction, he trails off. “All right, all right.” He
present. Replace Ariad with Queen Ariad. token cannot move off that tile. holds up his hands, grinning. “A fella had to ask, eh?”
If the heroes won “Let the Truth Be Buried,” Splig will As an action, while adjacent to a magical ward, a
not be present. The heroes win!
lieutenant can place 1 fatigue token on the objective
token. When the second fatigue token is placed, the If there are ever 5 fatigue tokens in the overlord’s play
SETUP area, read the following aloud:
objective token is discarded from the map.
Place Ariad and 1 lieutenant of the overlord’s choice on
At the end of each overlord turn, if there are no objective When the first ofyourpartyfalls, those remaining hurry
the Exit. Place the zombies on the Summoning Circle in
tokens on the map, place 1 fatigue token in the overlord’s to thefar chamber, hying to crack the artifact containing
the unique spaces marked with an “X.” the sun’s energy. Lacking the strength to do so,you’re
play area.
The master zombie is Goligeth. Goligeth has 5 additional quickly defeated and captured by Ariad’sforces.
Health per hero. In addition, when Goligeth uses his LOOTING THE FALLEN You’reforced to watch, beaten and broken, as the
“Grab” ability, he can choose to target 2 heroes. Each time a master monster from an open group is darkening ceremony continues. The vile sorceress pulls
defeated, the closest hero (of the heroes’ choice) may the sun’s power into herself, and though several times
The remaining lieutenants are not placed during setup she almost seems ready to burstfrom the wild energy,
draw 1 Search card.
(see “Reinforcements”). eventually the ritual concludes.
Gather 1 red, 1 blue, I green, and 1 white objective MORTAL WOUNDS When it is finished, a dark and terrible magic swirls
token. Place 1 objective token faceup on each open At the end of each overlord turn, he places 1 fatigue around her as she saunters over. “Don’t worry, ” she
token in the his play area for each knocked out hero. If whispers, leaning in dose. “I haven’tforgotten about
monster group’s Monster card.
there arc ever 5 fatigue tokens in the overlord’s play area,
Collect 1 red, 1 white, 1 blue, and 1 green objective
the quest immediately ends (see “Victory”). The overlord wins!
token. Shuffle them together and place 1 faceup in each
indicated space. These are magical wards. REINFORCEMENTS REWARDS
Place each open group on the tile containing the At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 2 minion This is the final quest. The winner of this quest is the
objective token matching the color of the objective token zombies on the Summoning Circle in the unique spaces overall winner of the entire campaign.
on that group’s Monster card. marked with an “X,” respecting group limits.
The heroes control their ally. At start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 remaining
lieutenant of his choice on the Entrance. If a lieutenant
is defeated, the overlord returns the corresponding
Lieutenant card to the game box.

Arachvura: It takes many,

Volucrix Reaver: The origin
Goblin Witcher: None are many years in the deepest of
of these terrifying creatures is
certain of how the slightly underground caves for a simple
a great mystery, and no scholar
dimwitted goblin race managed spider to mutate to such an
in his right mind would dare
to discover and utilize magic, \ absurd size, but thus far their
to investigate lest he discover
but no one can question the reclusive nature has typically led
more intimately what they are
result. Though blunt, brutal, them to be seldom encountered.
capable of. With no intention or
and undeniably evil, these goblin ' Why these terrible creatures
goal besides mindless slaughter,
sorcerers have proven themselves j have emerged from their dark
these bladed horrors are nigh
equal parts vicious and effective, \ hovels is unknown, but it bodes
unstoppable, especially when
possessing a power most believe ( ill tidings for all of the surface
found in large numbers.
to be far beyond their intellect. / dwelling peoples.
------------- ~

Carrion Drakes: As bottom- i

feeding scavengers, the carrion
drakes subsist upon disease and
decay. Often found near bodies
of water and holding a tendency I
towards nocturnal activity, one I
finds these vile creatures more ,
than willing to adjust habits
when there’s something to J
devour nearby, even if there’s a !
fair amount life remaining to the /
poor soul...
Character descriptions

HEROES Lieutenant
Ulma Grimstone: As a dwarf with decades of alchemic Ariad: A vile, deeply clever sorceress, Ariad will stop
experimentation, Ulma Grimstone is hard-pressed at nothing to bring total darkness to the world and its
to remember the last time she had much in terms of people. Though her motivations are unclear, she remains a
eyebrows. Lately, however, she’s spent much of her time dangerous foe not to be underestimated.
out in the field, searching for strange, new components,
and her skills continue to improve each and every day. ALLIES
Best yet, as she understands it, her earliest test subjects are
Raythen: Escaping the certain death of the Dunwarr
finally starting to regrow their fingernails and teeth.
expedition massacre, this clever rogue understands one
Logan Lashley: Never one to volunteer out of the simple thing: the greater the stakes, the greater the payoff.
goodness of his heart, Logan Lashley works for the highest Not one to be easily frightened off, he knows there has to
bidder and knows a good score when he sees one. Skilled be something valuable left in Sudanya to create this kind of
enough to have amassed plenty of wealth to live out his brutal response. Whatever riches may be found, Raythen
days, he continues to ply his trade out of sheer enjoyment. just needs to find another group of rubes-or rather
Though loyalty is not high on his list of personal traits, he stalwart heroes-capable of getting him there.
knows the value of a good ally, meat-shield, or scapegoat...
Serena: This peaceful-seeming priestess of the Sudanyan
Dezra the Vile: A deep fascination and aptitude with tradition has lived alone in the wilderness for many
darker magic has made Dezra a bit of an outsider all her years, her days filled with base survival needs and endless
life, but this has never bothered her. Her mannerisms meditation. Beautiful and powerful, she knows the time
and habit of staring at people as if visually dissecting draws near when she will be called to serve the ancient city,
them provided her with the title of “Vile,” and her odd and she has no intention of shirking her duty.
tendencies have often led townsfolk to forcefully request
her departure. This also hasn’t bothered her. For Dezra,
discovering the secrets of flesh and magic has always
been more important than the petty trappings of polite
society, and no force in the world will keep her from
satisfying this morbid curiosity.

Pathfinder Durik: From the earliest times in his life,

Durik has been far more comfortable in the wilderness
than in any town or village. To him, nothing can beat
soft grass underfoot and a cool breeze under a starry
night sky. As such, he’s proven himself time and again
as a valuable tracker and guide, easily able to find
shelter and sustenance in the least hospitable places,
to discover a safe travel path in the darkest night,
and to defend himself and his charges against
the deadly perils of the wild.

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