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( VUP AT CH. 259+540)



LOADS Max.(KN) Min.(KN)
DUE TO DL = 450.0 450.0
DUE TO SIDL = 179.0 23.0
DUE TO LL = 929.6 56.0 I.F. = 1.12
TOTAL = 1670.152 535.7

Normal case(kN) Seismic case(kN)

Max LL Min LL Max LL Min LL
Load per bearing = 1670.2 535.7 814.9 484.2
Design movement of one bearing = 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Design Rotation = 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
Braking force per bearing = 22.8 22.8 88.2 88.2


Design of Elastomeric Bearing (Normal case)

bo = 440 mm b = 428 mm
lo = 500 mm l = 488 mm
n = 5 hs = 4 mm
hi = 12 mm c = 6 mm
he = 6 mm ns = 6

Total elastomer thickness, h = n hi + 2 he

= 5 x 12 + 2 x 6 = 72 mm

Outer dimension , ho = h + ns x hs
= 72 + 6 x 4 = 96 mm

i) Check for plan dimension ( as per cl. 916.3.3 of IRC: 83 (PART II)) and calculation of shear rating

lo / bo = 500 / 440 = 1.136

> or = 1 ;< or =2 Hence O.K.

ii) h = 72 mm
<=bo / 5 i.e. 88 mm
>=bo / 10 i.e. 44 mm Hence O.K.

iii) Shape factor S = loaded surface area excluding cover (A)

Surface area free to buldge for an elstomer layer ( excluding cover) A'

A= 428 x 488 = 208864 mm^2

A'= 2 x ( 428 + 488 ) x 12 = 21984 mm^2

S= 208864 / 21984 = 9.50 Since 6 < S < 12 Hence O.K.

iv) Calulation of shear stress

Shear rating Vr of an elastomer is defined as force required to cause unit translation =G A / ho

Where G = Shear Modulus of Elastomer Bearing = 1.0 Mpa
A = Effective Plan Area of Bearing = 208864.0 mm^2
(IRC:83-Part-II-1987,Appendix-I,clause-916.2-note no.-1)
Max. avg. normal stress
max = 1670.2 x 1000 = 8.00 < 10Mpa Hence O.K.

Min. avg. normal stress

min = 535.7 x 1000 = 2.56 > 2Mpa Hence O.K.
v) Check for rotation ( As per cl. 916.3.6 of IRC : 83 ( part II)-1987)

Design rotation d <  x n x  bi,max.

bi,max= x m x hi 0.5 x 10 x 12
b. S^2 428 x 90

= 1.6E-03 rad.

 = m = 1

Hence n x  bi,max = 5 x 1.6E-03

= 0.0078 rad.
d = 0.007 rad. ( As calculated earlier )
Hence okay

4) Check for translation ( As per cl. 916.3.4 of IRC:83 ( PART II ) -1987)

Shear strain of elastomer bearin d < 0.7

Shear strain due to movement =  L /h =

0.010 = 0.0001
Shear strain due to Braking Forc = Braking Force per bearing / ( Area x Shear Modulous)

= 22.8 x 1000 = 0.109

208864 x 1

Total shear strain = 0.0001 + 0.109 = 0.109 < 0.7

Hence OK
5) Check for friction (As per cl. 916.3.6 of IRC :83 (Part II) - 1987)

d < 0.2 + 0.1  min.

0.2 + 0.1 min = 0.2 + 0.1 x 2.565 = 0.456

d = Shear strain of Elast. Bearing = 0.109 < 0.456 Hence OK

6) Check for total shear stres (As per cl. 916.3.7 of IRC :83 (Part II) - 1987)

c + y +   5 MPa

c = 1.5 m / s = 1.5 x 2.565 = 0.405 MPa


y = d = 0.109
 = 0.5 x b x  bi

 = 0.5 x 428 x 1.6E-03 = 0.988

cy  0.405 + 0.109 + 0.988

= 1.502 < 5.0 MPa Hence OK


Seismic case(kN)
Load per bearing = 814.920 484.200
Design movement of one bearing = 0.010 0.010
Design Rotation = 0.007 0.007
Braking force per bearing = 88.193 88.193

Design of Elastomeric Bearing (Seismic case)

bo = 440 mm b = 428 mm
lo = 500 mm l = 488 mm
n = 5 hs = 4 mm
hi = 12 mm c = 6 mm
he = 6 mm ns = 6

Total elastomer thickness, h =

n hi + 2 he
= 5 x 12 + 2 x 6 = 72 mm

Outer dimension , ho = h + ns x hs
= 72 + 6 x 4 = 96 mm

i) Check for plan dimension ( as per cl. 916.3.3 of IRC: 83 (PART II)) and calculation of shear rating

lo / bo = 500 / 440 = 1.136

> or = 1 ;< or =2 Hence O.K.

ii) h = 72 mm
<=bo / 5 i.e. 88 mm
>=bo / 10 i.e. 44 mm Hence O.K.

iii) Shape factor S = loaded surface area excluding cover (A)

Surface area free to buldge for an elstomer layer ( excluding cover) A'

A= 428 x 488 = 208864 mm^2

A'= 2 x ( 428 + 488 ) x 12 = 21984 mm^2

S= 208864 / 21984 = 9.50 Since 6 < S < 12 Hence O.K.

iv) Calulation of shear stress

Shear rating Vr of an elastomer is defined as force required to cause unit translation =G A / ho

Where G = Shear Modulus of Elastomer Bearing = 1.0 Mpa
A = Effective Plan Area of Bearing = 208864.0 mm^2
(IRC:83-Part-II-1987,Appendix-I,clause-916.2-note no.-1)
Max. avg. normal stress
max = 814.9 x 1000 = 3.90 < 10Mpa Hence O.K.

Min. avg. normal stress

min = 484.2 x 1000 = 2.32 > 2Mpa Hence O.K.

v) Check for rotation ( As per cl. 916.3.6 of IRC : 83 ( part II)-1987)

Design rotation d <  x n x  bi,max.

bi,max= x m x hi 0.5 x 10 x 12
b. S^2 428 x 90

= 1.6E-03 rad.
 = m = 1

Hence n x  bi,max = 5 x 1.6E-03

= 0.0078 rad.
d = 0.007 rad. ( As calculated earlier )
Hence OK

4) Check for translation ( As per cl. 916.3.4 of IRC:83 ( PART II ) -1987)

Shear strain of elastomer bearin d < 0.7

Shear strain due to movement =  L /h =

0.010 = 0.0001
Shear strain due to Braking Forc = Braking Force per bearing / ( Area x Shear Modulous)

= 88.2 x 1000 = 0.422

208864 x 1

Total shear strain = 0.0001 + 0.422 = 0.422 < 0.7

Hence OK
5) Check for friction (As per cl. 916.3.6 of IRC :83 (Part II) - 1987)

d < 0.2 + 0.1  min.

0.2 + 0.1 min = 0.2 + 0.1 x 2.318 = 0.432

d = Shear strain of Elast. Bearing = 0.422 < 0.432 Hence OK

6) Check for total shear stres (As per cl. 916.3.7 of IRC :83 (Part II) - 1987)

c + y +   5 MPa

c = 1.5 m / s = 1.5 x 2.318 = 0.366 MPa


y = d = 0.422
 = 0.5 x b x  bi

 = 0.5 x 428 x 1.6E-03 = 0.988

cy  0.366 + 0.422 + 0.988

= 1.776 < 5.0 MPa Hence OK


Braking force is considered 20 % of Live Load coming on the span as per cl. 214.2 of IRC : 6.

Normal case :

Fh due to 70 R Wheeled = 0.2 x ( 1000.00 + 0.00 ) = 200 kN

Max. LL on span

Fh due to Class A 1 Lane = 0.05 x ( 554 + 0) = 27.7 kN

Total Braking Force (Fh) coming on span = 200 + 27.7 = 227.7 kN

Horizontal force per bearing = 227.7 / 10 = 22.77 kN

Seismic case :

Seismic horizonatal force due to Superstruc = 4400.00 x 0.15 = 660.00 kN

( Total DL +SIDL of superstructure)
otal Horizonatal force (Fh) = = 45.54 + 660.000 = 705.54 kN

Horizontal force per bearing = 705.54 / 8 = 88.19 kN


Sa/g -Longitudinal Seismic Case = 2.5

Sa/g -Transverse Seismic Case = 2.5
Sa/g -Vertical Seismic Case = 2.5

Seismic Zone = II
Type of soil = medium
Zone factor Z = 0.1
Importance factor I = 1.2

Horizontal seismic coeff. -Long., AhL' = (Z/2)*(I)*(Sa/g)(Long.) = 0.15

Horizontal seismic coeff. -Trans., AhT' = (Z/2)*(I)*(Sa/g)(Trans.) = 0.15
Vertical seismic coeff. Av' =2/3 Ah = 0.10

Response Reduction Factor, Rlong. = 1

Response Reduction Factor, Rtrans. = 1
Response Reduction Factor, Rvert. = 1

Design Horizontal Longitudinal seismic coeff., AhL = Ah'/R(Long.) = 0.15

Design Horizontal Transverse seismic coeff., AhT = Ah'/R(Trans.) = 0.15

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