In Vitro Fertilization Ivf 2021

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Preparation for Fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of tech-
niques used to help with fertility or prevent genetic
problems and assist with the conception. During IVF,
oocytes are collected from ovaries and fertilized by
spermatozoa in a laboratory. The fertilization can be
done using the patient’s oocytes and the partner’s
sperm or donor oocytes and partner’s/donor sperm.
All gametes (spermatozoa and oocytes) should be
correctly prepared and selected before the initiation
of the fertilization process.

Sperm Preparation (for IUI, IVF, ICSI)

For assisted reproductive technology (ART), semen
samples must first be processed in a procedure that Figure 9.1 The sperm specimen should be collected into a sterile
imitates the natural conditions, where the best viable container (tissue grade and sperm-toxicity tested) following a
24–72-hour period of abstinence and delivered to the laboratory
spermatozoa are separated from other elements of the within 1 hour of ejaculation. Each sperm specimen should be
ejaculate and actively migrate through the cervical treated in separate stands.
mucus. To maintain fertilization capacity of sperm,
viable sperm cells must be separated from other ele-
ments of the ejaculate within 30–60 minutes of ejacu- the ejaculate volume is measured, and sperm cells are
lation [1]. It is also recommended by the World counted and tested for motility, all this visually
Health Organization (WHO) and suggested to limit observed under a light microscope (Figure 9.2).
damage from cells (leukocytes, dead and dying sperm Following complete liquefaction, sperm wash med-
cells) present in the semen. All sperm preparation ium is added to the ejaculate to remove the seminal
procedures should be conducted under aseptic condi- plasma containing prostaglandins (to prevent uterine
tions, i.e., in a biological class II laminar flow biosafety contractions in case of intrauterine insemination
cabinet. [IUI]), seminal particulate debris, crystals of spermin
Sperm must be personally delivered to the IVF phosphate, proteins, and microbial contamination,
laboratory by the ovum pickup (OPU) patient’s male and to minimize reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
partner presenting a photo ID card as proof of the keep spermatozoa at neutral pH. Also, the presence of
specimen ownership. The sperm specimen should be large numbers of nonviable spermatozoa in the sam-
collected into a sterile container (tissue grade and ple can inhibit the capacitation of viable spermatozoa
sperm-toxicity tested) by masturbation following [6]. Prolonged sperm cell exposure to seminal plasma
a 24–72-hour period of abstinence [2–3], or by 1–3 is not recommended.
hours of abstinence according to other references [4], A number of methods for spermatozoa separation
and delivered to the laboratory within 1 hour of eja- and isolation from the seminal plasma have been devel-
culation (Figure 9.1). After liquefaction (sperm lique- oped, including swim-up, swim-down, two-layer dis-
fies typically within 5–20 minutes of ejaculation [5]), continuous gradient centrifugation, sedimentation 95

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Section 2: Assisted Reproductive Procedures

Figure 9.2 After liquefaction the ejaculate volume is measured, and sperm cells are counted. (A) Sperm volume measurement; (B) and (C)
sperm preparation in counting chamber; (D) sperm cells visually observed under a light microscope for motility.

methods, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) droplet swim- to naturally swim up and come out of the sample into
out, magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), fluores- the clear medium, where they are aspirated. The main
cence cell sorting methods, glass wool filtration, and disadvantage of this method is the relatively low yield
electrophoresis. The ideal sperm preparation method of motile spermatozoa retrieved. Only 5–10% of the
should be cost-effective and allow for the processing of sperm cells subjected to swim-up are retrieved; when
a large ejaculate volume, maximizing the number of a concentrated cell pellet is used, some motile sper-
spermatozoa available. Examination of spermatozoa in matozoa may be trapped in the middle of the pellet
the ejaculate cannot evaluate the spermatozoa capaci- and cannot move up as far as those that are located at
tation capacities, the acquisition of sperm cell surface the edges of the pellet.
proteins required for zona pellucida (ZP) binding and
Migration–sedimentation technique. The migra-
penetration, and the ability to fertilize the oocyte.
tion–sedimentation method is usually used for sam-
Swim-up technique. Swim-up is one of the most ples with low motility, as it relies on the natural
universally used sperm preparation techniques and movement of spermatozoa due to gravity. Specially
can be used on a cell pellet or a liquefied semen sample developed tubes, called Tea-Jondet tubes, are used for
covered with culture medium (sperm wash). Tubes migration–sedimentation. Sperm cells swim from
are incubated at a 45° angle for 1 hour at a ring-shaped well into the culture medium above
96 a temperature ranging between 4 and 30°C (do not and then settle through the central hole of the ring.
go above 34–35°C), which allows active, motile sperm The advantage of this method is that it is a gentle
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Chapter 9: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

method, and thus the amount of ROS produced is particles stabilized with covalently bonded hydrophi-
negligible. However, the special tubes that are used lic silane supplied in HEPES. The two gradients used
are relatively expensive. are a lower phase (90%) and an upper phase (45%).
Semen is gently layered on top of the upper phase.
Swim-down technique. The swim-down technique
After centrifugation, the interphases between seminal
relies on the natural movement of spermatozoa.
plasma and 45% density gradient, and 45% and 90%
The semen sample is placed above a discontinuous
gradient containing the leukocytes, cell debris, and
serum albumin medium, which becomes progres-
morphologically abnormal sperm with poor motility
sively less concentrated toward the bottom of the
are discarded. The highly motile, morphologically
tube; the tube is then incubated for 1 hour. During
normal, viable spermatozoa form a pellet at the bot-
migration, the most motile sperm move downward
tom of the tube. Centrifugal force and time are kept at
into the gradient.
the lowest possible values (~300 × g) in order to
Density gradient centrifugation. Density gradient minimize the production of ROS by leukocytes and
centrifugation separates sperm cells by their density, nonviable sperm cells [8]. Sperm washing medium
which differs between morphologically normal and (with 5.0 mg/ml human albumin) is used to wash
abnormal spermatozoa (Figure 9.3). A mature mor- and resuspend the final pellet.
phologically normal spermatozoon has a density of Magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS). MACS
1.10 g/ml or more, whereas an immature and mor- separates apoptotic spermatozoa from non-apoptotic
phologically abnormal spermatozoon has a density of spermatozoa. During apoptosis (programmed cell
1.06–1.09 g/ml [7]. Density gradient sperm separation death), phosphatidylserine residues are translocated
fraction includes a colloidal suspension of silica from the inner membrane of the spermatozoa to the

Centrifugation for 20 minutes at 300 x g


White blood cells, debris

Abnormal &
Upper phase non-motile

Lower phase
90% Viable
motile sperm

Figure 9.3 Sperm density gradient centrifugation. 97

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Section 2: Assisted Reproductive Procedures

outside. Annexin V has a strong affinity for phospha- [10–12]. To protect spermatozoa from “cold shock,” it
tidylserine but cannot pass through the intact sperm is essential to ensure that all components of the gradient
membrane. Thus, annexin V binding to spermatozoa and sperm wash medium are at room temperature
indicates compromised sperm membrane integrity. before use. Sperm cells incubated at 37°C have
Colloidal magnetic beads (~50 nm in diameter) are a shorter life span than sperm cells incubated at room
conjugated to specific anti-annexin V antibodies and temperature.
used on a column to separate dead and apoptotic Spermatozoa retrieved from the uterine cavity or
spermatozoa by MACS. All the unlabeled, annexin vicinity of oocytes, with the potential to bind oocytes,
V-negative, non-apoptotic spermatozoa pass through were found to be more uniform in appearance than
the column, while the annexin V-positive (apoptotic) those from a native semen sample. This in vivo observa-
fraction is retained on the column. tion helped define the appearance of potentially fertiliz-
For the isolation of functionally normal sperma- ing, morphologically normal spermatozoa [13]. Human
tozoa, sperm migration techniques and gradient cen- sperm morphology has been defined as an essential
trifugation remain the most popular methods [9]. parameter for the diagnosis of male infertility and
Sperm preparation using density gradient centrifuga- a prognostic indicator of natural [14] or assisted [15]
tion has become a standard technique for sperm pre- pregnancies.
paration for use in ART. Semen quality is better
preserved in a two-layer density gradient compared Oocyte Preparation
with the swim-up isolation process [10]. Thus, the
most commonly used method for sperm recovery is Oocytes for IVF. In stimulated cycles, 36 ± 2 hours
a combined method of density gradient, followed by after triggering of ovulation, a typical mature preovu-
swim-up. latory cumulus–oocyte complex (COC) displays
radiating corona cells surrounded by an expanded,
Density gradient combined with swim-up. After loose mass of cumulus cells (CCs). The COCs
initial semen specimen washing and centrifugation intended for classical IVF post-OPU are incubated
(900 × g for 5–7 minutes), the formed pellet is resus- in an equilibrated medium under 5% CO2, 5% O2,
pended and gently dispensed onto the top of a two-layer 90% N2 at 37°C, until insemination.
density gradient (90% lower phase and gently dispensed
45% upper phase, or 80% and 40% respectively) tube. Oocyte denudation for ICSI. The optimal timing for
The gradient must be used within a short time of pre- oocyte denudation (or stripping) and ICSI remains
paration as the two phases eventually blend into one under debate [16–18], and the effect of manipulating
another, blurring the initially sharp interface between these intervals concerning the human chorionic gona-
the two. An accepted three-layered column at a ratio of dotropin (hCG)/agonist–OPU interval is currently
1:3 v/v (90%, 45% gradient, and upper phase of washed unclear. Late OPU is associated with more available
resuspended sperm fraction) provides for good separa- embryos than early OPU and significantly higher rates
tion of the cells. The three-layered tube is centrifuged at of fertilization and pregnancy. Some studies showed
300 × g for 20 minutes. After centrifugation, all layers that the length of incubation before or after denudation
are carefully aspirated, without disturbing the pellet, and did not affect fertilization and pregnancy rates, regard-
discarded. The formed pellet, containing suitable motile less of OPU timing [19]. Immediate (up to 30 minutes)
spermatozoa, is extensively washed with sperm washing and early (0.5–2 hours) denudation showed no statis-
medium and centrifuged at 900 × g for 5–7 minutes. The tically significant differences in fertilization and preg-
supernatant is discarded, and the pellet with motile nancy rates between these groups [20].
spermatozoa is covered with a small volume of fresh Oocytes are denuded using enzymatic (hyaluroni-
sperm washing medium and then incubated at room dase) and then mechanical (stripper tips of ~300–
temperature at an angle of ~45° to ensure increase in 140 µm) techniques. Commercial denudation solution
surface area. Active, motile sperm cells swim out from typically consists of 80 IU/ml hyaluronidase in a HEPES
the pellet into the clear medium, which is then aspirated buffered medium supplemented with human serum
and stored until the fertilization process (IUI, classic albumin (5 mg/ml) and gentamicin (10 μg/ml).
IVF, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection [ICSI]). This A lower concentration of hyaluronidase (8 IU/ml) has
method of sperm preparation results in a high percen- been suggested to improve the fertilization rate and
98 tage of motile spermatozoa with nuclear integrity embryo quality [21].

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Chapter 9: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Partially denuded

Denuded oocyte

Figure 9.4 Denudation of oocytes.

CCs are partially removed from retrieved oocytes Nuclear maturity alone is insufficient for the determina-
within 1–2 minutes of pipetting in hyaluronidase, which tion of oocyte quality. Nuclear and cytoplasmic matura-
is followed by further mechanical stripping of oocytes in tion should be completed in a coordinated manner to
buffered washing medium by gradually reducing the ensure optimal conditions for subsequent fertilization.
diameter of the stripper tips from ~300 µm to In the fully matured oocyte (MII), the meiotic spindle
~140 µm to complete denudation (Figure 9.4). The aligns with the first PB position. The appearance of the
oocyte size must be appropriately defined visually as spindle is time dependent, with maximal appearance
incorrect use of a narrow tip for a large oocyte may occurring between 39 and 40.5 hours post-hCG [25].
damage the oocyte. After stripping, oocytes should be Mature oocytes have a short fertile life span and are
thoroughly washed to remove traces of hyaluronidase. highly sensitive to external conditions, e.g., pH, tempera-
Removal of the CC mass provides the unique opportu- ture, light, accuracy of stripping, and others (Figure 9.6).
nity of evaluating oocyte morphology before the fertili- Spontaneous maturation of immature oocytes,
zation process, and in particular, the nuclear maturation generally at the MI stage, retrieved after conventional
status. Oocyte nuclear maturity status, as assessed by gonadotropin stimulation, can be induced by in vitro
light microscopy, is assumed to be at the metaphase II culture, but are associated with lower fertilization and
(MII) stage when the first polar body (PB) is visible in implantation rates compared with in vivo-matured
the perivitelline space. Generally, 85% of the oocytes oocytes [26–27]. Human oocytes matured in vitro
retrieved following ovarian hyperstimulation display require at least 1 hour to complete nuclear maturation
the first PB and are classified as MII, whereas 10% after first PB extrusion [28].
present show an intracytoplasmic nucleus called the Incomplete denudation (oocytes with attached
germinal vesicle (GV). Approximately 5% of the oocytes CCs) was shown to increase the quality of subsequent
have neither a visible GV nor a first PB, and these cleavage embryo and blastocyst development by
oocytes are generally classified as metaphase I (MI) improving the cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation
oocytes [22]. Following a morphological assessment of of retrieved oocytes and preimplantation develop-
the stripped oocyte, all oocytes are separated by matur- ment [29]. The oocyte would be cultured also with
ity level and cultured until fertilization. other autologous CCs and then transferred to the
The current literature remains contradictory with uterus. This process is called cumulus-assisted
regards to the value of oocyte morphology as embryo transfer and has been shown to increase preg- 99
a predictor of IVF outcome (Figure 9.5) [23–24]. nancy rates [30].
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Figure 9.5 Morphology of oocytes: (A) and (B) normal and mature (MII) oocyte; (C) immature oocyte with two GVs; (D) immature (MI) oocyte
with compact CC; (E) fragmented oocyte, (F) vacuolated oocyte; (G) dark ooplasm and septum in perivitelline space; (H) non-regular edges; (I)
huge PB; (J) two (or fragmented) PBs; (K) formless oocyte; (L) granulated ooplasm and a few PBs; (M) absence of perivitelline space; (N) big
perivitelline space; (O) oval oocyte; (P) pear-shaped oocyte; (Q) two oocytes with common ZP; (R) connected oocytes.
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Chapter 9: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Figure 9.5 (cont.)

Figure 9.6 Damaged oocyte after stripping process. (A) Partial extrusion of the ooplasm from damaged oolemma; (B) leaked ooplasm from
damaged oolema.

Fertilization identity of gametes before starting fertilization

Human life is created with the fertilization of an is mandatory. Once the oocyte and the sperm fuse,
oocyte. This procedure in the laboratory is highly the oocyte and sperm chromosomes are first 101
sensitive ethically; therefore, a double check of the packaged into two separate male and female
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Section 2: Assisted Reproductive Procedures

membrane-enclosed nuclei. Both nuclei then either clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins [41–42].
slowly move toward each other to the center of the In stimulated cycles two preovulatory follicles are
fertilized egg, called the zygote. There, they con- suitable. Three preovulatory follicles, especially in
tinue occupying distinct territories in the zygote older women, are acceptable [35], while most cen-
throughout the first cellular division. How the ters cancel the procedure if more than three mature
autonomy of parental genomes is retained after follicles are observed. The hCG–IUI interval
fertilization remains unclear, but involves male showed no impact on clinical pregnancy (any con-
and female chromosome separation machinery, ception that is detected by ultrasound or serum hCG
which increases the probability that chromosomes levels developed to pregnancy): 24 versus 36 hours
are separated into multiple, unequal groups, which of an interval [43] or 24 versus 48 hours of an
may compromise embryo development and give interval [44]. Either one or two inseminations are
rise to spontaneous miscarriage. valid for this procedure, and should ideally be per-
formed within the window of 12–38 hours after
Fertilization by Intrauterine ovulation induction. Follicle rupture and uterine
contractions visualized by ultrasound following
Insemination (IUI) IUI are favorable prognostic factors.
IUI is considered the simplest and least invasive
insemination procedure, with reasonable live birth
rates and costs. Inseminations have been per- In Vitro Insemination (classic IVF)
formed in domestic and farm animals since the In vitro insemination (or classic IVF) provides
1900s, while artificial inseminations in humans a higher probability for sperm–oocyte collision
began only in the 1940s. Human IUIs were first through the availability of high concentrations of
reported in 1962 [31]. spermatozoa, which include numbers of motile and
While sperm motility seems to be the most valu- morphologically normal spermatozoa adequate to
able predictor of IUI success [32], total motile sperm achieve fertilization [45]. Desirable sperm counts
cell count (TMC) used for insemination has been should provide for a ratio of 2000–10 000 sperm
cited as the most predictive index of conception cells per oocyte, depending on semen parameters
after IUI cycles [33]. A minimal TMC of 1 million [46]. Insemination is carried out by placing one
for insemination was initially reported to be required oocyte with sperm cells in each ~20 µl microdroplet
to achieve pregnancy [34], but later it was found that of carbon dioxide pre-equilibrated culture medium
the native sperm TMC in the range of 5–10 million is overlaid with light paraffin oil and incubated in a 5%
the best correlate with IUI success [35–36]. CO2, 5% O2, 90% N2 humidified atmosphere, at 37°C.
We suggest an ejaculatory abstinence period of 1–2 Up to five oocytes can be cultured with 50 000 sperm
days before IUI, despite a lower TMC inseminated cells in a volume of 300 µl. For standard IVF proce-
compared with more prolonged ejaculatory abstinence, dures, oocytes are incubated with spermatozoa for
which is generally associated with increased sperm 16 hours, mainly for practical reasons because it cor-
count, but decreased motility and no impact on responds to the timing for the observation of pronu-
sperm morphology [37]. An extended period of absti- clei. According to several studies, prolonged oocyte
nence (more than 5–7 days) may be related to a higher exposure to high concentrations of spermatozoa may
exposure of sperm cells to ROS and, consequently, to be detrimental, especially in male factor infertility
greater sperm DNA damage. cases, because of ROS formation [47].
Age is the most important factor in the success In humans, sperm entry into the COC occurs
rate of IUI. The chances of achieving a live birth are within 15 minutes of in vitro insemination [48].
negatively correlated with advanced maternal age Following 1 hour of oocyte exposure to spermatozoa,
[38]. The age-related drop in female fecundity has a large part of the cumulus oophorus is disassociated,
been well documented in women undergoing IUI verifying an immediate interaction between the
with donor spermatozoa [39]. In women older than gametes. However, it is interesting to note that in
40 years, IVF treatment is more preferred as the most some male factor cases, although the CCs are still
successful strategy [40]. intact after 1 hour of in vitro insemination, fertiliza-
IUI performed in natural cycles has roughly half tion still occurs. Consequently, this could mean that
102 the pregnancy rate of that of cycles stimulated with the cumulus plays an essential role in the entrapment
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Chapter 9: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Figure 9.7 Types of fertilization.

of spermatozoa within the vicinity of the oocyte [49]. injected without increasing the rate of polyspermy,
The higher fertilization rates and enhanced embryo while injection of 5–10 sperm is associated with
development and viability achieved after a short a 50% rate of polyspermy [54]. Initial studies reported
(1 hour) insemination indicate that prolonged expo- fertilization rates of 25–71% with this technique [52];
sure of oocytes to high concentrations of spermatozoa however, overall clinical pregnancy rates remain low, at
is detrimental [50]. a rate of only 2.9% of the embryos transferred [54].
Initial micromanipulation techniques. The first
micromanipulation techniques, e.g., partial zona dis- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
section (PZD) and subzonal insemination (SUZI), ICSI involves the direct injection of a single immobi-
were developed in the 1980s, to enhance the success lized sperm cell into the oolema of a mature oocyte
of IVF in couples with male factor infertility. and is superior to PZD or SUZI, methods which have
PZD facilitates sperm entry into the oocyte by creat- been used before 1992 (Figure 9.7). ICSI is used for
ing one or more holes in the ZP. The hole is mechani- the cases when sperm cells may not penetrate the
cally created with a needle or chemically induced using oocyte (male/female factors) during natural concep-
acidic Tyrode’s solution [51]. Results of PZD in cases of tion and classical IVF. A randomized comparison
male factor infertility were promising with fertilization found that ICSI doubled the fertilization rate com-
rates of 68% compared with 33% with conventional pared with SUZI and generated embryos in 83% com-
insemination [51]. However, PZD results in up to 57% pared with 50% of SUZI cycles [55].
polyspermy, as the number of sperm entering the peri- The first births after the use of ICSI technology
vitelline space cannot be controlled. were reported by Palermo and colleagues in 1992 [56].
SUZI is a more direct method of fertilization, invol- The direct injection of a single sperm cell into
ving the insertion of one or more spermatozoa directly a mature oocyte bypasses the natural processes of
into the perivitelline space, under the ZP [52]. This sperm selection; oocyte survival rate after this
method effectively addresses severe male factor inferti- mechanical intervention was 94%. The use of ICSI in
lity and decreases rates of polyspermy due to control IVF cycles has increased from 36.4% in 1996 to 93.3%
over the number of spermatozoa injected [53]. It has in 2012 among cycles with male factor infertility [57].
been demonstrated that up to four spermatozoa can be ICSI has become a well-established universal method 103

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Section 2: Assisted Reproductive Procedures

as an effective form of treatment for couples with fertilization rate or embryo quality was found on day
infertility and has become the standard of care for 2 or day 3 of embryo development [67]; no statistically
patients with male factor infertility, with fertilization significant differences were found between early (1–-
rates of 60–70%, similar to rates of conventional inse- 2 hours post-denudation) and late (5 hours post-
mination in men with normal semen parameters [58]. denudation) injection on ICSI outcomes, embryo
Sperm suspensions after preparation are combined implantation, clinical pregnancy or live birth rates
with medium containing PVP or hyaluronate to [68]. However, the aging of oocytes after OPU has
increase viscosity and to facilitate spermatozoa hand- been described and late fertilization (more than
ling, though the efficacy and safety of these substances 5 hours) remains a controversial topic.
have been questioned [59]. Micromanipulation for In contrast to in vivo fertilization, ICSI intro-
ICSI involves a standard holding pipette for the oocyte duces a whole sperm cell into the ovum cytoplasm
and a sharpened injection pipette for the sperm cell. (Figure 9.8). In such a way, paternal mitochondria
For injection, a single, motile, and overtly morpholo- from sperm neck is introduced into the ovum.
gically normal sperm cell is selected from the PVP drop There is a theory that the paternal mitochondria
and immobilized using the injection pipette. The tail of are tagged with ubiquitin shortly after fertiliza-
the sperm cell is positioned at a 90° angle to the injec- tion, successfully eliminating them from the cyto-
tion pipette, which is lowered and drawn across the tail, plasm [69].
resulting in membrane permeability as in nature
(initiation of capacitation) and loss of motility; both Selection of Spermatozoa
of these factors enhance fertilization [60]. The immo-
bilized sperm cell is aspirated tail first, into the injec- for Fertilization
tion pipette. The oocyte is held with the holding pipette Sperm selection for ICSI is based on the visual mor-
and positioned such that the PB is adjacent to 6 or 12 phological assessment by an embryologist. Therefore,
o’clock, a position which prevents spindle destruction exploring the relationship between sperm morphol-
by the injection pipette (3 o’clock entry point of the ogy and fertilization capacity is of critical importance
injection pipette). The injection pipette is gently to the success of ICSI [70]. Since structurally abnor-
inserted through the ZP and into the plasma mem- mal human sperm cells do not necessarily contain an
brane of the oocyte. The membrane must be ruptured abnormal chromosome constitution [71], it is not
by gentle manipulation of the injection pipette. The surprising that many normal babies have been born
sign of broken membrane is the ooplasm backflow into after ICSI using a low morphology sperm cell, includ-
the injection pipette. The sperm cell is then carefully ing round-headed sperm cell without acrosomal caps
released into the ooplasm and the pipette is withdrawn, [72], stump-tail sperm cell [73], and immotile sperm
completing the procedure. cell of men with axonemal defects [74]. It has even
The spindle view (PolScope) system has been been possible to produce pregnancy and birth from
developed to identify a location of the spindle, use- oocytes fertilized by ICSI with immature spermatozoa
ful information to prevent oocyte damage at the as round spermatids [75].
time of ICSI, thereby increasing the likelihood of Sperm cells from some men may be immotile due to
successful, normal fertilization [61]. low intracellular concentrations of cAMP. “Awakening”
The survival rate of oocytes following the ICSI such spermatozoa using a phosphodiesterase inhibi-
procedure is 94%, and the fertilization rate with tor, e.g., pentoxifylline or theophylline, that elevates
ejaculated spermatozoa and surgically obtained cAMP levels and enhances motility before perform-
spermatozoa is 75% and 69.8%, respectively [62]. ing ICSI has resulted in healthy children [76]. Some
Complete fertilization failure following ICSI has immotile spermatozoa are acceptable for ICSI use, as
been linked to oocyte activation failure or incom- indicated by functional sperm tail membrane integ-
plete sperm decondensation [63–65]. DNA frag- rity, measured by a pulse of diode laser at the tail;
mentation in female or male gametes is believed to a viable spermatozoon curls its tail in response to the
be the primary cause of fertilization failure [66]. laser. ICSI results are significantly improved when
The timing of the ICSI procedure may be critical. spermatozoa are selected through diode laser, as
The time between OPU and ICSI ranges from 1 to opposed to the hypo-osmotic swelling sperm selec-
104 10 hours. No effect of the OPU–ICSI interval on tion technique [77].

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Chapter 9: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Figure 9.8 Intracytoplasmic sperm cell

injection (ICSI).

MACS adapted to separate apoptotic spermatozoa surrounding the oocyte during the natural human
from non-apoptotic spermatozoa was found to improve fertilization process. The extracellular matrix is
sperm specimen quality. Spermatozoa isolated by den- a barrier that can only be overcome by mature sper-
sity gradient centrifugation followed by MACS have matozoa that have extruded their specific receptors to
a higher percentage of motile and viable sperm cells HA and digest the matrix by hyaluronidase. After
and lower expression of apoptotic markers than samples that, they penetrate the ZP and fertilize the oocyte
prepared by density gradient centrifugation only [78]. [80]. Spermatozoa which are unable to bind HA exhi-
It was also found that impaired morphology of the bit many aspects of immaturity; they retain cytoplasm
sperm cell head, which can be observed by embryol- on the sperm neck and excess histones in the nucleus,
ogists in the routine sperm selection process, corre- show greater aberrant sperm head morphology, and
lates with poorer ICSI outcomes. Motile sperm have lower genomic integrity [81–82]. To improve
organellar morphology examinations demonstrated fertilization results the noninvasive method, based
a positive correlation between the morphological nor- on selective binding of the mature sperm cells to
malcy of the sperm cell nucleus and the potential to HA, was suggested. This method has been associated
achieve fertilization and pregnancy after ICSI [79]. with a higher quality of embryo scores with significant
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is naturally present in the decrease in aneuploidies and higher pregnancy rates
extracellular matrix of the cumulus oophorus [83]. HA-based spermatozoa selection is useful to 105

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Section 2: Assisted Reproductive Procedures

improve the results of fertilization in some IVF cycles. Semen Viscosity

Nevertheless, sperm cell morphology in conjunction
To reduce semen viscosity, specimens can be
with its motility is considered to be the best predictor
diluted with a sperm wash medium. Liquefaction
of successful fertilization during natural conception,
achieved due to this procedure is not suitable for
IUI conception, conventional IVF method, and ICSI.
highly viscous samples. Alternatively, the viscous
Selection of sperm cells for ICSI by a combination of
semen can be forced through a needle with
different methods is highly recommended.
a narrow gauge but it is associated with sperm
During the ICSI procedure, the whole spermato-
cell damage [5]. A commonly used treatment to
zoon is injected, including its outer plasma membrane
reduce viscosity involves enzymatic liquefaction
and acrosome cap. Then enzymes within the ooplasm
using trypsin. If the semen fails to liquefy after
break down the sperm cell plasma membrane before
a 20-minute incubation at 37°C, trypsin is added
sperm-derived oocyte-activating factor can activate the
directly to the semen specimen. The specimen is
oocyte [84]. This delay of oocyte activation often results
then swirled and incubated for an additional 10
in an extension of the normal sperm head remodeling
minutes, resulting in complete liquefaction of the
progression. Consequently, an asymmetry in sperm
sample. However, no data regarding the effect of
chromatin decondensation develops due to the persis-
trypsin treatment on integrity and health status of
tence of perinuclear theca at the base of the acrosome.
sperm cells are available.
This delay in chromatin decondensation leads to
a delay in the subsequent nuclear remodeling process,
including the recruitment of nuclear pore constituents, Sperm Preparation after Retrograde
and also leads to a delay in DNA replication and the
first cell cycle following fertilization [85]. Ejaculation
A sperm cell may not be able to induce Ca2+ oscilla- Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen is redir-
tions if it undergoes premature chromatin condensa- ected into the urinary bladder during ejaculation. The
tion, or fails to undergo decondensation at the acidity of the urine, toxicity of urea, and hypotonic
appropriate time [86]. Application of a Ca2+ ionophore osmotic conditions in urine quickly affect the viability
to rescue an oocyte, which failed to activate, resulted in of sperm cells. In cases of low sperm volume and a low
a healthy child delivery [87]. Implantation rates after number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, the urine
ICSI with testicular spermatozoa improved when arti- needs to be analyzed for sperm cells. Upon arrival at
ficial oocyte activation using a Ca2+ ionophore was the laboratory, the patient should empty his bladder,
performed but were not improved when ejaculated or and drink a cup or two of water. As soon as the patient
epididymal spermatozoa were used [88]. Sperm- feels an urge to urinate, he should masturbate and
specific cytosolic phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) induces collect the ejaculated specimen. Immediately after the
Ca2+ oscillations within the oocyte. Globozoospermic semen collection, the patient should empty his blad-
sperm cells can have deficient production or release of der into a large container. The total volume and pH of
PLCζ, which is associated with oocyte activation fail- the urine are measured and recorded, and the urine is
ure. Injection of PLCζ with such sperm cell to oocyte poured into 50 ml conical centrifuge tubes. Following
could greatly improve the rate of oocyte activation and centrifugation for 10 minutes at 800–1000 × g, the
fertilization [89]. supernatant is discarded and pellets are resuspended
It has been noted that the rates of fertilization by in a small volume of sperm wash medium. The treated
cryopreserved sperm cells were consistently higher retrograde and antegrade specimens are tested for
than with fresh sperm cells. This phenomenon can sperm cells.
be explained due to the plasma membrane damaging For clinical application of retrograde sperm for
of freeze–thaw cycles. During the cryopreservation fertilization, the patient is asked to drink one table-
process, the sperm cell plasma membrane weakens spoon of bicarbonate with a glass of water 2 to 3 hours
and ruptures under the stress of osmotic pressure before masturbation. If urine pH is still too low,
and the formation of ice crystals. This membrane increase the amount of bicarbonate to two tablespoons
condition may accelerate sperm chromatin release at the next evaluation. The concentrated retrograde
from the sperm cell upon entry into the ovum by specimen and the antegrade specimen are usually pre-
106 ICSI, resulting in higher fertilization rates [90]. pared using density gradient centrifugation [91].

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Chapter 9: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Sperm Preparation after Assisted of the oocyte. Additionally, the sperm cell is injected
with PVP/hyaluronate into the oocyte. These struc-
Ejaculation tural alterations and injection of chemical compounds
Direct penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) [92] or indir- may have epigenetic effects on the fertilized oocyte
ect rectal electro-stimulation [93] are used to retrieve and gene expression in the newly formed embryo.
semen from men who have disturbed ejaculation or It was suggested that men with nonobstructive
who cannot ejaculate due to health conditions, such as azoospermia and extreme oligozoospermia are at
spinal cord injury (SCI), or young boys (before oncol- increased risk of hiding genetic lesions related to
ogy treatments). Infertility is a significant complication infertility, including Y chromosome deletions [97].
of SCI in men, 90% of whom cannot create children via As such, men can successfully father children by the
sexual intercourse. Patients with SCI often have ejacu- ICSI method, but the genetic trait relating to their
lates with a high sperm concentration, low sperm infertility may be transmitted to their male offspring
motility, and contaminations of red blood cells and [98].
white blood cells. It has been reported that semen It was shown that use of semen with impaired
obtained by PVS has better quality than semen quality significantly reduces the fertilization rate
obtained by rectal electro-ejaculation for men with [99]. The ICSI procedure has proven to be successful
SCI [94]. Obtained ejaculates are most effectively pre- in achieving fertilization in cases of a broad spec-
pared with density gradient centrifugation [91]. trum of male factor issues, including the most severe
Variation in sperm preparation methods is avail- oligozoospermia, and ejaculates completely lacking
able to process sperm for ART use. A suitable sperm normal sperm cells [100]. Apparent sperm cell moti-
preparation method should be carefully examined lity deficiencies can result from a variety of condi-
and chosen for each infertile couple. tions, such as infection and obstructive azoospermia.
However, genetic reasons, such as immotile cilia
syndrome, can also result in spermatozoa with
Abnormalities after Fertilization inherently nonfunctional flagella [101]. ICSI out-
Concerns about fertilization and genetic abnormal- comes with this patient population are particularly
ities arising after classic IVF and ICSI have been poor [102]. It has been estimated that there are
voiced. Following ICSI, decondensation and remodel- various levels of spermatogenesis present in at least
ing of the sperm chromatin are delayed and structu- 60% of azoospermic men, and surgical sperm cell
rally distinct, resulting in a delay in the onset of DNA isolation followed by ICSI has been successful even
synthesis in the first cell cycle [85; 95]. The ICSI in cases classified as Sertoli cell-only syndrome
method bypasses and mimics the natural events of [103]. The well-characterized correlation between
sperm–ovum interaction and fusion. One of the cri- cystic fibrosis (CF) mutations and congenital bilat-
tical events during this interaction is membrane eral absence of the vas deferens is another distinct
fusion and exocytosis of the sperm acrosome. These infertility risk factor requiring surgical retrieval
events result in an extension of the normal sperm [104]. Men with idiopathic obstructive azoospermia
head remodeling process as well as the creation of are also at increased risk of harboring CF mutations
asymmetry in chromatin decondensation. The apical [105].
portion of the sperm cell chromatin is disturbed, It was shown that immature male germ cells can be
leading to decondensation of the posterior portion used to reach fertilization by ICSI. A few pregnancies
of the sperm chromatin, while the apical portion have been reported following the oocyte injection with
remains intact. This delay in chromatin decondensa- round spermatids; however, the success rate of obtain-
tion leads to a delay in subsequent nuclear remodeling ing a viable embryo is extremely low [106].
processes, including the recruitment of nuclear pore Theoretically, it was assumed that if round spermatids
constituents, and a delay in DNA replication (by both exist in a biopsy or ejaculate, then later stages, such as
maternal and paternal pronuclei) and the first cell elongated spermatids and mature spermatozoa, should
cycle following fertilization [96]. also be present. Normal children births have been
During ICSI, the oocyte membrane is ruptured by reported following elongated spermatid injection; how-
the ICSI pipette, and ooplasm aspiration into the ever, the overall success of these techniques is also
injection pipette damages the cytoskeleton structure much lower than ICSI with mature spermatozoa [107]. 107

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Section 2: Assisted Reproductive Procedures

Safety of ICSI children compared with the general population

The direct injection of a single sperm cell into
Children conceived through IVF or ICSI are six
a mature oocyte bypasses the natural physiological
times more likely to have Beckwith–Wiedemann syn-
processes of typical sperm selection. This method
drome, a disease where there is a loss of imprinting of
raises questions regarding the potential risk of con-
the H19 gene on chromosome 11 (locus 11p15.5).
genital malformations and genetic defects in children
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome patients with loss
born after ICSI [108]. ICSI with testicular sperm cells
of imprinting tend to display hypermethylation of
raised even more questions with regard to the safety of
H19, resulting in an under-expression of H19 and,
the ICSI technique itself. The chromosomal or genetic
therefore, hyperactivation of insulin-like growth fac-
constitution of testicular sperm cells increases the risk
tor-II, leading to tumor growth [117]. Also, children
of possibility of genomic imprinting at the time of
conceived through ART have a greater tendency to
fertilization [109–110].
develop Angelman syndrome, a neurogenetic disor-
der characterized by severe intellectual and develop-
Prenatal Diagnosis in ICSI Pregnancies mental disability caused by the loss or inactivation of
Prenatal evaluations have shown a statistically signifi- genes located at q11-q13 on chromosome 15.
cant increase in sex chromosome aberrations and de
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