Sde Resolution

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A RESOLUTION ON, Promoting Gender Inclusivity and Respect in Graduation Ceremonies

WHEREAS, it has come to our attention through Miss Trans Global 2020 Mela Franco Habijan’s viral
Facebook post that four transgender women - Nicole, Kendi, Jade, and Rey - were prohibited from marching
their graduation unless they cut their hair and donned male clothing;

WHEREAS, it is essential to recognize and respect the gender identity and expression of all individuals,
including transgender students, in order to create an inclusive and safe education environment;

WHEREAS, equality and non-discrimination are fundamental principles that should guide educational
institutions in fostering a culture of respect and acceptance;


1. The school administration shall ensure that graduation ceremonies are inclusive and respect the gender
identity and expression of all students. No student shall be denied the opportunity to participate based on
their gender identity or expression,
2. A clear policy will be established that explicitly prohibits discrimination against transgender students in
graduation ceremonies, including restrictions on their clothing and grooming choices.
3. The school will review and modify its existing dress code policy to ensure it aligns with principles of
inclusivity and fairness, removing any gender-based restrictions that disproportionately affect
transgender students.
4. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to transgender students upon request, allowing them to
express their gender identity without any undue burden or obligation,
5. Student support services will be developed, including counseling and education resources, to provide
guidance and support to transgender students, and to educate the broader school community about
transgender issues and the importance of respect and inclusivity.
6. Regular training and professional development programs will be conducted for teachers, administrators,
and staff to raise awareness and understanding of gender diversity, promote cultural sensitivity, and
prevent discrimination.
7. An anonymous reporting system and dedicated personnel will be made available to address any
complaints or concerns related to discrimination against transgender students during graduation
ceremonies. Prompt investigations and appropriate actions will be taken to address any violations of the
inclusive policy.
8. Graduation supervisors and organizers will receive clear guidance to ensure the smooth and respectful
inclusion of all students during the ceremony, making certain that gender identity and expression are
respected at all times.
9. All school stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and students, will be encouraged to foster a culture
of acceptance, respect, and inclusivity, promoting understanding and empathy for transgender students.
10. Regular reviews and evaluations will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the resolution's
implementation, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to the evolving needs of transgender

This resolution is aimed at promoting gender inclusivity and respect in graduation ceremonies, establishing a
framework for an inclusive educational environment that affirms and supports the rights and identities of all
students. It is feasible and doable within our community, and its successful implementation will contribute to a
more inclusive and accepting school environment for everyone.


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