The Anatomy of Kidney and It

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The anatomy of kidney and it's function

○The human have 2 kidneys the right kidney and the left kidney, the right kidney sits lower than the left
kidney. The reason why its lower than the left of the liver that is on the top of the right kidney.

○so the kidney receive a blood from the renal artery and take that blood and it will filter that and after
filters it takes what it needs and ii will send it back to the renal vein

○So inside the kidney we have filtration, absorption, secretion, and excretion going on and what will
happen is that the kidneys will produce filtrate which is liquid that turn into urine it will down through
your ureters that connect to each kidney then we'll go down into the bladder to be stored and as a
bladder becomes full you will feel the urge to void and then it will exit to the urethra.

○now let's look inside the kidney, which looks like a bean-shape, so around the kidney is this outer
capsule and it is called the renal capsule, the renal capsule protects the kidney from infection that may
be present in other organs.

○Inside the kidney this is where the things get done, this is where our urine is going to be created. This
outer part of this layer is the renal cortex,then you have a little thin layer and this is called the renal
medulla. Inside where the medulla is, we have these areas that are look like pyramids and it's called
renal pyramids so inside inside the renal pyramids you have part of the nephrons and the nephrons is
running straight parallel in these pyramids. So this is where the urine us really going down through the
ureters into the bladder this is where once it's created in this area up in here. Again this is renal
pyramid, then the renal papilla which is the tip of the pyramid then when the urine comes down
through the renal papilla it will go into the calyx and the minor calyx and the major calyx then the urine
will progress down through the renal pelvis which will go down into ureters and its bladder and then
the urethra. In between renal pyramids is the renal column and the renal columns contain a network off
where renal artery and renal vein branch of into this capillaries and arterioles

○now let's look at the nephron, which is the functional part of the kidney that allows it to filter reabsorb
end secrete waste and things we don't need . Each kidney contains million of these little nephron

○So here is a basic structure of a nephron and if you took a nephron and just stretched it out this is what
it looks like. Show the nephron has different sections which is known as the renal corpuscle that is
responsible for filtration and it is the bowman's capsule and the glomerulus this is where filtration
happens your blood clean filters things that are being pulled out out like water ions and waste and then
you have the second section called the renal tubules and then this section this is where reabsorption
and secretion are happening.

○So we received blood from the heart that is needs to be filtered. So the renal artery break off and it will
break off into what's called the afferent arteriole and this is going to the first part of the nephron the
glomerulus it is a bunch of capillaries. as a blood flows through there it creates filtration process which
allow that blood to be filtered and release what's called filtrate down into the bowman's capsule. So this
filtrate will include like water amino acids glucose and ions like potassium chloride sodium magnesium
calcium phosphate and waste like urea and creatinine. The filtrate goes to the proximal convoluted
tubule which is the most reabsorption occur, so the biggest thing to be reabsorbed is glucose and amino

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