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Chapter 1:

1. How do you feel about having a manager’s responsibility in today’s world characterized by
uncertainty, ambiguity, and sudden changes or threats from the environment? Describe
some skills and qualities that are important to managers under these conditions.
2. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness? Which is more important for
performance? Can managers improve both simultaneously?
3. Discuss the 10 managerial roles proposed by Mintzberg.
4. Discuss how the managerial skills that are needed by first line managers differ from the
skills that are needed by top managers? You can give examples to demonstrate your

Chapter 3:
1. What do you think are the most important forces in the external environment creating
uncertainty for organizations today? Do the forces you identified typically arise in the
task environment or the general environment? Discuss your answer with examples.
2. Discuss the external factors that have an impact on Uber operations in Egypt in the
coming few years.
3. Discuss some business models that have arisen as a result of the change in the socio-
cultural forces in Egypt in the past 10 years.
4. The text book describes four types of culture which are: (Adaptability culture,
achievement culture, involvement culture, and consistency culture). Discuss which type
of culture is most suitable for the organization you are working at, and why?

Chapter 7: (Planning and goal setting)

1. How do you think planning in today’s organizations compares to planning 25 years ago?
Do you think planning becomes more important or less important in a world where
everything is changing fast and crises are a regular part of organizational life? Why?
2. In what types of organizations do you think event-based planning would be most useful?
What about scenario planning? Why?
3. Give examples of strategic plans, tactical plans and operational plans.
4. Do you think that management by objectives (MBO) suits the organization you are
working? And why?

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