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SEW207: Statistik Gunaan

Excel: Describing Data (Chapter 2)

Objective: To use Pivot table wizard to create:

• Frequency table (pg.22)

• Relative frequency count
• Pie Chart
• Histogram(pg. 33)
Dataset used: Applewood Auto Group Data

Task 1: Create Frequency Table

Open the Applewood Auto Group Data file.

1. Click on any cell, in the spreadsheet (data set)

2. Click on the Insert Menu in the toolbar. Then click Pivot-Table.

3. The following screen appears.

4. Click on the Select a table or range. (Select the data range that you wish to capture by
highlighting the area in the dataset, using your mouse to drag).

5. For this exercise, select the whole dataset. So the range will be as shown in the table (as
selected as default by Excel).

6. Click New Worksheet. (You want the table to be place on a new worksheet). Then click,

7. On the new worksheet, you will see the following table on the right.

Excel: Describing Data Dr.Y.J.Loke

Click on the field you wish to tabulate
the frequency.

The chosen field In the frequency table, you will notice

will appear here. that the chosen field appears in “Rows”

Drag the chosen field to here to

tabulate the frequency

8. To tabulate frequency for “Vehicle-Type”, click Vehicle Type in the screen above. You
will see it appear in the “Row Labels” box.

9. Then drag, the chosen field, i.e “Vehicle Type” to the Ʃ Values box.

10. You will then see the tabulation of the frequency for “Vehicle Type”.

Row Labels Count of Vehicle-Type

Compact 27
Pivot Table showing the frequency
Hybrid 9 count for Vehicle Types
Sedan 72
SUV 54
Truck 18
Grand Total 180

Excel: Describing Data Dr.Y.J.Loke

Task 2: Compute Relative Frequencies

1. Click on the body of the Pivot Table Field List, on “ Ʃ Values” box, click on the pull-down
menu for “Count of Vehicle Type”.

2. Select the “Value Field Settings”. You will see a number of selections that can be used to
summarize the variables in a Pivot Table.

3. Click on the tab “Show Values as”, and in the pull down menu, select “%of Grand Total”.

4. The frequencies will now be converted into relative frequencies.

Row Labels Count of Vehicle-Type

Compact 15.00% Pivot Table showing the relative
Hybrid 5.00% frequency for Vehicle Type
Sedan 40.00%
SUV 30.00%
Truck 10.00%
Grand Total 100.00%

Task 3: Create Pie Chart

1. To create pie chart, frequencies should be converted to relative frequencies.

2. Click on any cell in the Pivot Table that has the relative frequencies tabulated (e.g the Pivot
table above). Then select Insert menu. From within the Charts group, select pie chart.

3. You may select the type of pie chart you wish.

4. Click “2D” and select the first option. A pie chart will be produced.

5. Using the left mouse click on the pie chart to configure the pie chart.

6. Select “Add data labels” to add percentages values into each sector of the pie chart

7. Select “Format data series” if you wish to change the colour of each sector

Excel: Describing Data Dr.Y.J.Loke

Task 4: Create Histogram: (Profit)

1. Click on Insert menu, then click on Pivot Table.

2. Select data range (choose the default) and click on New Worksheet.

3. A Pivot Table Field list will appear.

4. To summarize “Profit” variable. Click on “Profit” and drag it to “Row Labels” box.

5. Click on “Profit” and drag it to “Ʃ Values” box. On this box, click the pull down menu for

6. Then on the left column of the Pivot Table, right click the mouse. A menu appears. Select
“Group” from the menu to create classes.

7. Enter the lower limit of the first class as “Starting at” value (=294) and the upper limit of
the last class as the “Ending at” value (=3294). Then enter the class interval as the “By”
value (=500). Click OK.

Row Labels Count of Profit

294-794 11 Pivot table showing frequency distribution of the
794-1294 23 the profit count by groups. Note:
1294-1794 45 • Starting value is 294 and ending value is 3294.
1794-2294 57 • Intervals is =500. You can change the intervals
• Count of profit: shows the frequencies that falls
2294-2794 31 for each class of profits.
2794-3294 13
Grand Total 180

8. To create histogram, select a cell on the Pivot Table above, and click “Insert”. Then
select “Column Chart”, Select “2D” the first option.

50 45
40 31
30 23
20 11 13

Excel: Describing Data Dr.Y.J.Loke

9. On the Histogram, Left click on the histogram to “Format Data Series”, “Format Data
Labels” to customize the histogram accordingly by adding value labels, changing the colour
of the bar and if you do not want spaces in your chart etc.

Excel: Describing Data Dr.Y.J.Loke

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