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Political Aspects of

Agricultural Policy
Describes the laws, instruments and measures related to the
domestic farm sector and trade in agricultural products.
Agricultural policies encompass a wide range of issues,
including providing sufficient food at reasonable prices for
consumers, securing food safety and improving
environmental quality.
-refers to the influence of government policies, decision-making
processes, and political institutions on a particular issue or sector,
such as agriculture. It involves the allocation of resources, regulation,
governance structures, and the role of various stakeholders in
shaping and implementing policies related to that issue.
Importance of Political Aspect
The political aspect of It can also be a tool for addressing
agricultural policy serves social and environmental concerns
within the agricultural sector, reflecting
several purposes, including
the broader societal values and
addressing issues related to priorities. In essence, the political
food production, rural dimension of agricultural policy aims to
development, and balance various interests and meet the
needs of both the agricultural industry
economic stability.
and the broader population.
Key Political Aspects of Agricultural Policy

Land Reform - Land reform Rural Development: Agriculture is a

policies aimed at addressing vital component of the Philippine
landlessness and promoting rural economy. Politicians often
equitable land distribution have prioritize rural development
been a major political concern. initiatives, such as infrastructure
The Comprehensive Agrarian development, access to credit, and
Reform Program (CARP) and its agricultural extension services, to
subsequent extensions and gain support from rural
reforms have been central to constituents.
this debate.
Government Subsidies and
Food Security: Ensuring Support: The government
a stable and affordable International Trade provides subsidies and
food supply is a political and Agreements: support to farmers through
priority. Negotiations and programs like the Rice
decisions regarding Competitiveness
tariff rates, import Enhancement Fund (RCEF)
Rice Policy:
quotas, and trade and the Agricultural
Policymakers must
liberalization can be Competitiveness
balance the need for
highly political, as Enhancement Fund (ACEF).
self-sufficiency in rice
they affect domestic The allocation of these funds
production with the
farmers' and their effectiveness can
desire to keep rice
competitiveness. be contentious political
prices affordable for
Some Laws Implemented Republic Act No. 10068
in Agriculture (Organic Agriculture Act of
2010): This law promotes and
supports organic farming
Republic Act No. 7900 (High- practices, which are
Value Crops Development Act of environmentally friendly and
1995): This law aims to develop
sustainable. It provides
high-value crops such as fruits,
incentives and support for
vegetables, and ornamental plants
farmers engaged in organic
to diversify agriculture and
improve farmers' income.
Republic Act No. 7308
Republic Act No. (Seed Industry
Republic Act No. 7607 11203 (Rice Development Act of
(Magna Carta for Small Tariffication Law): 1992): This act aims to
Farmers): Is a creditable promote the
This law liberalized
law aimed at improving development of the
the rice importation
the lives of the small seed industry in the
farmers by empowering
regime in the
Philippines, ensuring
them and harnessing Philippines, which
the availability of high-
their potentials and had significant
quality seeds for
abilities. implications for the farmers.
rice industry and
agricultural policy.
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