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John is my bosom friend. He studies at SJK(C) Pei Cheng. There was a

Spring cleaning day for his school last Saturday. On that day, all the pupils
gathered(集合) early in school. All of them were very excited to attend this
Pupils were divided into different groups. All pupils brought their plastic
bags and gloves. Meanwhile, the school also provided(提供) some brooms,
dustpans and paint brushes for the pupils.

Some of the pupils were assigned (被分派)to sweep the dries leaves
and pick up rubbish in the school compound while John was assigned to clean
up the windows. Some of his friends painted the bench, too. All of the pupils
cooperated to clean up the school together. They enjoyed themselves when
cleaning the school. Every pupil worked up to their bones(努力干活).

At the end of the day, the school become spick and span(干净). They
were on cloud nine while they found their school was as clean as a new pin
(焕然一新). The headmaster was so proud of them and praised (称
赞)the teachers and pupils on their impressive(印象深刻) and wonderful
work. Although they were very tired, they were very happy because now their
school is clean and tidy(整齐). It was an unforgettable day for them.

1. came early in the morning equipped (装备)with the cleaning materials

like mops, pails (水桶)and clothes.
2. Then, they mopped the floor. The boys arranged the chairs and tables
(排桌椅) neatly and tidily(整齐). It was really hard work to finish
cleaning up their classroom.

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