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Part 1

Read carefully before answering the questions.

1. The boat was finally found after 2 days and was …………. Out of the water.

a. Hoisted
b. Stolen
c. Hidden

2. Bruno lost his wallet due to his…………………. He left it on the café table last night.

a. Happiness
b. Sadness
c. Carelessness

3. There are so many…………. On the road today that it is causing a traffic jam.
I think I am going to be late for school.
a. Vehicles
b. Pedestrians
c. Drivers

4. Elssa’s pen was hidden ………… her chair when she played with her younger sister. She
could not find it.

a. Underneath
b. Inside
c. Above

5. Everyone enjoyed themselves ……………. at the Fantasia Marine Aquarium today. We

saw many different types of fish.

a. Curiously
b. Seriously
c. Tremendously

6. For climbing up to high places called.

a. Ladder
b. Mallet
c. Nail
7. For cutting wire or pulling nails out.

a. scissors
b. pliers
c. screwdriver

8. We have to ……………. For the airport early. Before boarding pass time or we can be late
if we do not leave immediately.

a. go
b. depart
c. leave
9. Deliza was totally …………… about what the father was talking as she just entered her
the bed room. She had missed something important especially to her job.
a. Understand
b. Clueless
c. Hear
10. We have to ………. Carefully on the freshly mowed grass to avoid damaging it when we
walk on it.
a. Walk
b. Run
c. Tread

11. Someone who makes and repairs things made of iron.

a. Electrician
b. Carpenter
c. Blacksmith
12. What is sound of electric fan?
a. Whirs
b. Creack
c. Splutter

13. Someone who makes and repairs wooden objects.

a. Cobbler
b. Carpenter
c. Locksmith
14. Someone who fits electrical wires and repairs electrical equipment.
a. Blacksmith
b. Cobbler
c. Electrician
15. What is sound of machines ?
a. Scream
b. Clank
c. Creak

16. I was terrified when the fierce dog started ………… toward me. I was so scared it would
bite me.
a. Charging
b. Attack
c. Hit
17. For turning of screws.

a. Screwdriver
b. Pliers
c. Mallet
18. My friends laughed at my …………….. when I told them about earth was flat. I did not
know about the science truly.
a. Ignorance
b. Knowledge
c. Idea
19. My mom told me for the ……………… time that I should be careful during driving a car.
She told me so many time till her voice was ringing in my head.
a. umpteenth
b. several
c. many
20. What’s antonym of laugh?
a. cry
b. Hate
c. like

Part II
Match the occupations on the box to the correct definitions below.

locksmit electrician carpenter blacksmith cobble

1. Someone who makes and repairs shoes : ____________

2. Someone who makes and repairs wooden objects. : _____________
3. Someone who makes and repairs things made of iron: ______________
4. Someone who fits electrical wires and repairs electrical equipment: ___________
5. Someone who makes and repairs locks. : ___________

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