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Report Chapter 3

Yinelsie Caceres Haussman Giménez

First Semester
Introduction to Artificial intelligence
Teacher Joseph Huang
Ming Chuan University
Taipei Campus
October 2023
As we have previously have learn, at this digital era we are living in, data is the lifeblood of
information and technology. It comes in variety of forms, and each one has own characteristics and
applications. Acknowledging the types of data is crucial to understand and work properly in the fields of
computing, analytics, and decision-making. Numbers, texts and multimedia content, the variety of data
types enables us to represent, manipulate, and extract meaning from the uncountable amount of
information that surrounds us in this modern world. In this report, I would like to share what I have been
learning about the different types of data, so let’s dive into definitions and my point of view of how they
are fundamental to facilitate our life.

Data collection source is where information comes from. We could call it a place or procedure that gathers
data, these sources provide the data the system use for actions like research or making decisions.

Open data it’s information that's freely available for anyone to access and use, like government reports or
public records. This helps transparency, facilitate fluent communication, and make decisions without any

Data sets can be like collections of information. Visualize a bunch of numbers, words, or facts that are put
together, so people can study and analyze them, learn and share them, also facilitates the procedure of
making decision.

Machine learning datasets are computer’s homework. They're also collections of information that
computers learn from but these datasets include exemplification and patterns, so the computer will get
better by practicing tasks like recognizing images; a clear example the teacher gave us in the class was the
image of a cat, in three different poses, that in some point the computer take as a challenge of solving
problems, and have to make a final decision; Is it a cat or not?

By its side web crawling is kind of a digital explorer for the internet. It's actually a computer program, that
reads and collect information by going from one webpage to another. The term "web crawling” refers to a
spider moving through a web. Search engines like Google use web crawling to find and index websites,
making it way more easy for internet users to search for information on the cyberspace.

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