Writing Assignment1 Draft

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Why the best friendships are formed in school?

When did you meet your best friend? For me, the trusted companionship are

established in the high school periods which was a extraordinary unforgettable

memory. Thus, I agree with the view that best-trusted friends are founded during the

school days. Although some people will support the opinion that best friendships

aren’t created in school periods, I personally think that friendships in school days is

the most precious because they have the same experience and common interests. In

this paper, I will discuss the point of view.

Firstly, one of the reasons is students can know each other inside out during the

school days. It means that students almost spend all the day hours in the classroom to

do the same things, it’s has beneficial for students to choose to make friends. Anshul

Gandhi(2015) point out that stay together for a huge time can help teenagers to

understand others also can bring the advantages in creating a strong connection

between peers. Considering the findings, it is evident that best-trusted friendships

are well-created in school periods. When students are in the school, they have

much of time to do the selection by group activities which can improve a very

strong friendships of friends they chosen. Therefore, I agree the bonds of

friendship are formed when a person finds and creates more shared experiences

because they share plenty of time spend together for them to know each other well

both inside and out.

The second reason for the best friends are made in school is that friendships are

usually formed around common interests. It is believed that students who have the

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same interest which can bring students together and promote friendship. A friendship

arises when two or more partners discover that they have some insight, interest, or

even taste in common that the others do not (Able, 2020). Given the findings, It can

be seen that the strong friendships are established in the high school periods because

of common interests. It shared activities help for build friendships which involved

entertainment, same friends, shared history and problems. In other words, mutual

interest bring students together for a goal, and deep friendship is created in the

process of achieving that goal. Thus, best friends are made in school since friendships

are usually formed around common interests.

Some people say that when students leave the comfort of school and start to

work, they will probably meet new friends. Also create opportunities to build

relationships with new friends and possibly leave old friends behind. However, most

of the people still keep in touch with the friends that made in school periods. School is

the preferred place for teenagers to spend time with their closest friends by far. More

than four in five teens (83 percent) say they often spend time with this friend at

school(Lenhart, 2019). In light of evidence, school would be the most favourite place

for friends to meet that people still have connection with the school friends. These

research data show that although some people will meet new friends in workplace, but

most of the person still hang out and keep in touch with the closest friends.

In conclusion, close companionship are always can be founded during the school

time because students who have the common interests and similar experience so that

they shared the time together and it would be easily formed in friendships . It is

generally accepted that students may few of students possibly leave old friends

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behind. Nevertheless, the most time where you spend and the person you with whom

is still a large influence on friendships formed. A possible solution is to try to spend

more time on school friends by doing recreational or leisure activities together.

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Able, V. (2020, February 21). “The love between angels” - c.s. Lewis on friendship.

The Dewdrop.


Lenhart, A. (2019, December 31). Chapter 2: How teens hang out and stay in touch

with their closest friends. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech.



Friends - common interest: Possibilities unlimited. Possibilities Unlimited | Ralph

White Business Coach. (2022, November 14).


14 reasons why school friends are friends for life. www.mensxp.com. (2019, May 9).



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