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MN2706K November 2023

The objective of this exercise is to teach you to think critically about human resource
management and what it involves, and how to express that critical thinking.

Please note: the times indicated below are indicative only; you may take more or less time
as you need.

1. The Issue (15-30 minutes)

Working in groups, go to (or the Straits Times, or any other RESPECTABLE
news site of your choice).

Find a news item that is relevant to Human Resource Management.

Briefly explain how the news item is relevant to HRM, and identify a controversy or debate
over the issue.

Article: Is HR ever really your friend? - BBC Worklife

The controversy or debate :

whether HR departments should prioritize the interests of the organization or the interests of


Relevance to HRM: Labour recruitment, labour shortages, workers’ rights

Controversy or Debate: Should Britain encourage immigration in order to fill labour

Show your result to the lecturer. If I approve your choice and stance, you can proceed to
part two!

2. The Argument (30 minutes)

Familiarise yourself with five-paragraph essay format:
Draft a one-page, five-paragraph essay on the controversy or debate, taking a position in
support of one or the other sides. You can refer to outside sources if you like.

3. Feedback from Fiona (and your friends!)

Present that argument to the class. Be prepared for your friends to argue the other side!

4. Counterargument

When your friends present their arguments, the other groups MUST argue the other side to
them. I will be assessing you on this part of the assignment as well, so listen to them carefully
and prepare a good counterargument.

The article is titled “The rise of the ‘workation’: Is it good for you?”.
Whether workations are a good or bad idea?

Workations have been a topic of debate since their inception. While some people believe that

workations are a great way to travel while working, others argue that they bring negative

effect to both work and leisure.

The Pros of workations proponents of workations argue that they offer several benefits. For

instance, workations can help you achieve a better work-life balance by allowing you to

spend more time with your family and friends. Additionally, workations can be cost-effective

since you can work while on vacation. Moreover, workations offer the flexibility to work

from anywhere with an internet connection, which can be a boon for people who want to

travel while working.

The cons of workations opponents of workations argue that they have several drawbacks. For

example, workations can be distracting, especially if you’re in a new place and want to

explore. Additionally, workations can lack the structure of a traditional office environment,

which can make it difficult to stay focused. Moreover, it can be difficult to unplug from work

while on a workation, which can lead to burnout. Finally, workations can blur the boundaries

between work and leisure, which can make it difficult to switch off from work.

The impact of workations on productivity One of the most controversial aspects of

workations is their impact on productivity. While proponents argue that workations can boost

productivity by breaking the monotony of work, opponents argue that workations can be

distracting and lead to burnout. Moreover, workations can lack the structure of a traditional

office environment, which can make it difficult to stay focued.

In conclusion, workations are a controversial topic that has sparked debate among

professionals. While proponents argue that workations offer several benefits, opponents argue

that they have several drawbacks. Ultimately, whether workations are a good or bad idea

depends on your personal preferences and work style. It’s important to weigh the pros and

cons and decide if a workation is right for you

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