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Date : 25-Nov-2023 Grade: 10th (ICSE) Time: 1.75Hrs


(Attempt all questions from this section)
Question 1
Choose the most appropriate answer from the following options:
(i) Across a period, the electropositive character ________, and down a group the [1]
electronegative character ________
(a) decreases, decreases (b) decreases, increases (c) increases,
decreases (d) increases, increases
(ii) Most favourable conditions for ionic bond are: [1]
(a) Low ionization potential of one atom and high electron affinity of another atom.
(b) High ionization potential of one atom and high electron affinity of another atom.
(c) Low ionization potential of one atom and low electron affinity of another atom.
(d) High ionization potential of two atom and low electron affinity of another atom.
(iii) A base obtained when lead nitrate undergoes thermal decomposition is __________ [1]
(a) trilead tetroxide (b) lead [IV] oxide (c) lead [II] oxide (d) None of these
(iv) During the electrolysis of concentrated hydrochloric acid, the product obtained at [1]
anode is:
(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen (c) Chlorine (d) All of the above
(v) The reducing agent used for the reduction of Copper (II) oxide to copper: [1]
(a) Oxygen (b) nitrogen (c) Copper (d) None of these
(vi) Across a period – Atomic size and metallic character _________ while I.P., E.A., [1]
E.N. and non-metallic character __________ .
(a) increase, increase (b) increase, decrease
(c) decrease, increase (d) decrease, decrease
(vii) The covalent molecule containing three single covalent bonds is ________. [1]
(a) water (b) methane (c) ammonia (d) Nitrogen
(viii) Hydracids – are those acids which contain: [1]
(a) Hydrogen with any metal
(b) Hydrogen, a non-metal & oxygen
(c) Hydrogen & a non-metal other than oxygen

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(d) Hydrogen & acid only
(ix) Copper is a __________ conductor of electricity but is a ___________. [1]
(a) good, non-electrolyte (b) good, electrolyte
(c) bad, non-electrolyte (d) bad, electrolyte
(x) Zinc hydroxide is a ____ precipitate ________ in excess of sodium hydroxide. [1]
(a) Gelatinous white, soluble (b) Gelatinous white, insoluble
(c) Reddish brown, soluble (d) Reddish brown, insoluble
(xi) The most metallic element in its respective group is placed : [1]
(a) At the top (b) At the bottom
(c) In the middle stage (d) Sometimes in the middle and sometimes at the top
(xii) Which of the following compounds neither dissociate nor ionise in water? [1]
(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Sodium hydroxide
(c) Sodium Nitrate (d) Carbon tetrachloride
(xiii) The more volatile acid obtained when the less volatile acid reacts with sodium [1]
bicarbonate is __________
(a) sulphuric acid (b) carbonic-acid (c) nitric acid (d) Phosphoric acid
(xiv) Cathode is a reducing electrode because: [1]
(a) It has less number of electrons (b) It has deficiency of protrons
(c) Cations gain electrons from cathode (d) Anions lose electrons to cathode
(xv) In laboratory, Copper sulphate is prepared by: [1]
(a) Displacement (b) Synthesis
(c) Direct combination (d) Decomposition by an base
Question 2
(i) Name the following: [5]
(a) The type of elements, which have their two outermost shell incomplete [1]
(b) A bond formed by a shared pair of electrons, each bonding atom contributing one [1]
electron to the pair
(c) One example of an oxide which is a base [1]
(d) The gas released at the cathode when acidulated water is electrolyzed. [1]
(e) From the list of substances given – Ammonium sulphate, Lead carbonate, [1]
chlorine, Copper nitrate, Ferrous sulphate – State a solution of the compound
which gives a dirty green precipitate with sodium hydroxide
(ii) Give one word/chemical term for the following: [5]
(a) The tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when combined in a [1]

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(b) The chemical bond formed by a shared pair of electrons, each bonding atom [1]
contributing one electron to the pair.
(c) The property by which certain hydrated salts, when left exposed to atmosphere, [1]
lose their water of crystallization and crumble into powder.
(d) The process by which certain ores, specially carbonates, are converted to oxides in [1]
the absence of air.
(e) The substance that releases hydronium ion as the only positive ion when [1]
dissolved in water.
(iii) Answer the following in one/two sentences: [5]
(a) Identify: The element which has the highest ionization potential. [1]
(b) How are electrons involved in the formation of a covalent compound? [1]
(c) Give a suitable chemical term for : [1]
A salt formed by incomplete neutralisation of an acid by a base.
(d) Write two applications of electrolysis in which the anode diminishes in mass. [1]
(e) Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following: Reaction of sodium [1]
hydroxide solution with iron (III) chloride solution.
(iv) Fill in the blanks: [5]
(a) If an element has a low ionization energy then it is likely to be___________. [1]
(b) Ammonium ion contains ___________. [1]
(c) Superphosphate is an example of a compound called ________. [1]
(d) The electrode where the current enters the electrolyte is called the ____________. [1]
(e) Both ammonium and sodium hydroxide are used in analytical chemistry for [1]
identifying __________ of salts
(v) Define the following: [5]
(a) Transition elements [1]
(b) Electrovalency [1]
(c) A base [1]
(d) Electrolysis [1]
(e) Actinides [1]
(Attempt any four questions)
Question 3
(i) Halogens have a high electron affinity. Explain [2]
(ii) Complete the following calculations. Show working for complete credit: [2]

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Calculate the mass of Calcium that will contain the same number of atom as are
present in 3.2 gm of Sulphur. [Atomic masses: S=32, Ca = 40]
(iii) M is an element in the form of a powder. M burns in oxygen and the product [3]
obtained is soluble in water. The solution is tested with litmus. Write down only
the word which will correctly complete each of the following sentences.
(i) If M is a metal, then the litmus will turn ___________.
(ii) If M is a non-metal, then the litmus will turn ____________.
(iii) If M is a reactive metal, then _________ will be evolved when M reacts with
dilute sulphuric acid.
(iv) If M is a metal, it will form ____________ oxide, which will form ____________
solution with water.
(v) If M is a non-metal, it will not conduct electricity in the form of _________.
(iv) State the observations at the anode and at the cathode during the electrolysis of: [3]
(i) fused lead bromide using graphite electrodes.
(ii) copper sulphate solution using copper electrodes.
Question 4
(i) How will the addition of barium chloride solution help to distinguish between [2]
diluted HCl and diluted H₂SO₄.
(ii) An element X belong to 3rd period and 17th group, state [2]
(i) number of valence electrons in it. (ii) name of the element
(iii) name the family to which it belongs.
(iv) write the formula of the compound fromed when it reacts with
(iii) How many atoms of each kind are present in the following molecules: calcium [3]
oxide, chlorine, water, carbon tetrachloride ?
(iv) Write correctly the balanced equations for the reaction of dilute Sulphuric acid [3]
with each of the following: (a) Copper carbonate (b) Lead nitrate solution (c) Zinc
Question 5
(i) Distinguish between A cation and an anion. [2]
(iii) The elements of one short period of the periodic table are given in order from left [3]
to right: Li, Be, B, C, O, F, Ne.
(i) To which period do these elements belong. Which is the missing element and
where should it be placed?
(ii) Which element exhibits catenation. Place the elements F, Be and N in order of
increasing electronegativity.

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(iii) Which of the given element belongs to the halogen series?
(iv) With the help of the figure Show HCl is a polar molecule. [3]
Question 6
(i) The skin has and needs natural oils. Why is it advisable to wear gloves while [2]
working with strong alkalis ?
(ii) Give reason: [2]
Lead bromide undergoes electrolytic dissociation in the molten state but is a non-
electrolyte in the solid state.
(iii) The following table shows the tests a student performed on four aqueous [3]
solutions A, B, C and D. Write down on your answer sheet the observations (i) to
(iv) that were made.

(iv) An element has 2 electrons in its N shell. [3]

(i) What is its atomic number ? (ii) State its position in periodic table
(iii) Is it metal or non-metal ? (iv) State the name assigned to this group.
Question 7
(i) Draw orbit structure and electron dot diagrams of NaCl, MgCl₂ and CaO. [3]
(ii) Answer the following questions, relating your answers only to salts in the list [3]
given below :

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Anhydrous Calcium Chloride, Copper Sulphate-5-water, Sodium Carbonate-10 –
(a) Which compound is efflorescent? (b) Which compound is blue in colour?
(c) Which compound is deliquescent? (d) What would be seen on mixing a solution
of Calcium chloride with a solution of Sodium carbonate?
(e) Write the balanced equation for occurring when a solution of Calcium chloride
is mixed with a solution of Sodium carbonate.
(iii) Study the given figure and answer the question that follow : [4]

(ii) Which anode is preferred and why ?
(iii) Why crucible is heated from outside ?
(iv) Write the equations of the reaction which take place at the cathode and anode.
Question 8
(i) What do you observed when : [2]
When sodium hydroxide is added to a solution of ferric chloride write equation for
the reaction taking place
(iii) Give electron dot diagram of the following : [3]
(a) nitrogen, (b) magnesium chloride, (c) methane.
(iv) You are supplied with five solutions : A, B, C, D and E with pH values as follows : [3]
A = 1.8, B = 7, C = 8.5, D = 13, and E = 5
Classify these solutions as neutral, slightly or strongly acidic and slightly or
strongly alkaline.
Which solution would be most likely to liberate hydrogen with :
(a) magnesium powder,
(b) powdered zinc metal. Give a word equation for each reaction.
-------- All the Best --------

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