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1. Give one example of solution having gas as solute & gas as solvent.
2. Give one example of solution having liquid as solute & gas as solvent
3. Give one example of solution having solid as solute & gas as solvent.
4. Give one example of solution having gas as solute & liquid as solvent.
5. Give one example of solution having liquid as solute & liquid as solvent
6. Give one example of solution having solid as solute & liquid as solvent.
7. Give one example of solution having gas as solute & solid as solvent.
8. Give one example of solution having liquid as solute & solid as solvent
9. Give one example of solution having solid as solute & solid as solvent
10. Amongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly
soluble in water?(i) phenol (ii) toluene (iii) formic acid(iv) ethylene glycol (v) chloroform (vi)
11. Suggest the most important type of intermolecular attractive interaction in the following
pairs.(i) n-hexane and n-octane(ii) I2 and CCl4(iii) NaClO4 and water(iv) methanol and acetone (v)
Acetonitrile (CH3CN) and acetone (C3H6O).
12. Based on solute-solvent interactions, arrange the following in order of increasing solubility in n-
octane and explain. Cyclohexane, KCl, CH3OH, CH3CN.
13. Define: Molality, Molarity, Mass percentage, Volume percentage, Parts per million (ppm), Mole
fraction. Write their formulas also.
14. Which out of the Molality & Molarity is better way to express the concentration of solution and
15. How does a change in temperature influence values of molarity and molality.
16. Concentration terms such as mass percentage, ppm, mole fraction and molality are independent
of temperature, however molarity is a function of temperature.Explain.
17. Under what conditions molarity and molality of a solution nearly the same.
18. A solution is heated from 25oC to 50oC.Will its molarity be same less or more. Comment.
19. What is the sum of the mole fractions of all the components in a three component system?
20. State Henry law with its mathematical expressions. Explain the significance of Henry’s law
constant. At same temperature, hydrogen is more soluble in water than helium .Which will
have larger value of KH
21. What is the significance of Henry’s Law constant KH?
22. Mention some of important applications Henry law.
23. Why do gases always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the temperature is raised?
24. What is the effect of rise in temperature on solubility of a gas?
25. Why do aquatic species remain more comfortable in lakes in winters than in summers?
26. Explain the following phenomena with the help of Henry’s law.(i) Painful condition known as
bends. (ii) Feeling of weakness and discomfort in breathing at high altitude.
27. Why soda water bottle kept at room temperature fizzes on opening?
28. State Raoults law for a solution of volatile liquids .Give its mathematical relationship.
29. How is the vapour pressure of a solvent affected when a non volatile solute is dissolved in it.
30. Why is vapour pressure of a solution of glucose in water lower than that of Water?
31. What is an ideal solution? What type of solutions are likely to behave as ideal solutions? Draw
the plot of vapour pressure and mole fraction of an ideal solution at constant temperature.
32. Explain along with diagrams the conditions for the Non ideal solutions exhibiting Positive
deviations. Write some examples of Non ideal solutions exhibiting Positive deviations.
MAHENDRA KALRA …… 9462305605
33. Explain along with diagrams the conditions for the Non ideal solutions exhibiting Negative
deviations. Write some examples of Non ideal solutions exhibiting Negative deviations
34. Draw a diagram to iilustrate the relationship between vapour pressure and mole fraction of a
components in a solution to represent negative deviation.
35. What role does the molecular interaction play in solution of alcohol and water?
36. When X and Y are mixed the solution becomes warmer and Y and Z are mixed the solution
becomes cooler? Which of these solutions will exhibit positive deviation and solutions will
exhibit negative deviation?
37. What type of non idealities are exhibited by cyclohexane –ethanol and acetone-chloroform
mixtures? Give reasons for your answer.
38. Why a mixture of carbondisulphide and acetone shows positive deviation from Raoults law? What
type of azeotropic mixture will be formed by this solution.
39. What are Azeotropes? Give one example each of minimum boiling and maximum boiling azeotropes.
40. In non ideal solution what type of deviation shows the formation of maximum boiling azeotrope.
41. In non ideal solution what type of deviation shows the formation of mimimum boiling azeotrope.
42. Components of a binary mixture of two liquids A and B were being separatedby distillation. After
some time separation of components stopped and composition of vapour phase became same as
that of liquid phase. Both the components started coming in the distillate. Explain why this
43. What general name is given to binary mixtures which show deviation from Raoult’slaw and whose
components cannot be separated by fractional distillation. How many types of such mixtures are
44. Acetone (bp329K) and carbon disulphide (bp320K) are mixed in a definite composition so that the
mixture of two behaves like pure liquid and boils at 312 what name can be given to such a mixture?
45. 10cc of a liquid A is mixed with 10 cc of liquid B.The volume of resulting solution was found to be
19.9cc.what do you conclude.
46. What type of azeotropic mixture will be formed by the solution of acetone-chloroform
mixtures?Justify on the basis of strength of intermolecular interactions that develop in the solution.
47. Define colligative properties.
48. Show that Relative Lowering of vapour pressure is a colligative property.
49. Why does a solution containing no volatile solute have higher boiling point than pure solvent. Show
that Elevation of boiling point is a colligative property
50. How will you determine the molecular mass of a non volatile substance by study of Elevation of
boiling point of a solution?
51. Out of 1M glucose and 2M glucose which one has a higher boiling point and why.
52. What is molal elevation constant? What are its units? How is it related to enthalpy of vaporization of
53. Why common salt is added to water used for boiling eggs to get hard boiled eggs?
54. 10 g of sucrose and 10 g of glucose are dissolved in same volume of water to prepare two solutions
X and Y .will they have same or different boiling points?
55. Show that depression of freezing point is a colligative property.
56. How will you determine the molecular mass of a non volatile substance by study of depression of
freezing point of a solution.
57. An aqueous solution of sodium chloride freezes below 273 K.Expalin the lowering in freezing point
of water with the help of a suitable diagram.
58. What is molal depression constant? What are its units? How is it related to enthalpy of fusion of
59. How does sprinkling of salt help in clearing the snow covered roads in hilly areas? Explain the
phenomenon involved in the process.
60. What are antifreeze solutions? Which substance is commonly used as antifreeze?
61. What is osmotic pressure? Show that it is a colligative property.
62. Define (i)Semi permeable membrane(ii) osmosis (iii) isotonic (iv) Hypertonic (v) Hypotonic solution.
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63. What is edema.
64. What is reverse osmosis? Give its application.
65. When kept in water, raisin swells in size. Name and explain the phenomenon involved with the help
of a diagram. Give three applications of the phenomenon.
66. Discuss biological and industrial importance of osmosis.
67. How can you remove the hard calcium carbonate layer of the egg without damaging its
semiprermiable membrane? Can this egg be inserted into a bottle with a narrow neck without
distorting its shape? Explain the process involved
68. Give an example of a material used for making semipermeable membrane for carrying out
reverse osmosis
69. What care is generally taken during intravenous injection and why?
70. What happens when the external pressure applied becomes more than the osmotic pressure of
the solution.
71. How will you determine the molecular mass of a substance by study of osmotic pressure
72. Measurement of osmotic pressure method is preferred for the determination of molecular
masses of macromolecules such as proteins and polymers.Give two reasons.
73. What will happen if RBC are placed in (i)0.5% NaCl Solution (ii)1% NaCl Solution?
74. What happens when we place the blood cell in water (hypertonic solution).Give reason.
75. Give reason :
a) A raw mango placed in concentrated salt solution shrivels into pickle.
b) Wilted flowers revive when placed in fresh water.
c) A carrot that has become limp placed into the water making it firm once again.
d) Water movement from soil into plant roots and subsequently into upper portion of the
e) The preservation of meat by salting and of fruits by adding sugar protects against bacterial
76. Define abnormal molecular mass.
77. What is Van’t Hoff’s factor? What is value of Van’t Hoff’s factor when the solute undergoes (a)
association (b) dissociation?
78. Write the modified equations of colligative properties when Van’t Hoff’s factor is introduced.
79. How is Van’t Hoff’s factor related to degree of dissociation & degree of association.Give
80. Why is the mass determined by measuring a colligative property in case of some solutes abnormal
? Discuss it with the help of Van’t Hoff factor.
81. Elevation of boiling point of 1M KCl solution is nearly doubled than that of 1 M sugar
82. The depression in freezing point of water observed for same amount of acetic acid, trichloroacetic
acid, and trifluoroacetic acid increases in the order given above .Explain briefly
83. Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 5 g of NaOH in 450ml solution.(ANS: 0.27M)
84. Concentrated nitric acid used in the laboratory work is 68% nitric acid by mass in aqueous solution.
What should be the molarity of such a sample of the acid if the density of the solution is 1.504
g/ml? (ANS: 16.23M)
85. Calculate the amount of benzoic acid required for preparing 250 ml of 0.15M solution in methanol.
86. Calculate molality of 2.5g of ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) in 75g of benzene. (ANS: 0.556 m)
87. Calculate the mass of urea (NH2CONH2) required in making 2.5 Kg of 0.25 molal of aqueous
solution. (ANS: 37g)
88. Calculate the molarity of following :( a) 30g of Co(NO3)2.6H2O in 4.3L of solution (molar mass of
Co(NO3)2.6H2O= 291g/mol)(b) 30ml of 0.5H2SO4 diluted to 500ml. (ANS : (a):0.023M (b)0,03M
89. An antifreeze solution is prepared from 222.6g of ethylene glycol. C2H4 (OH) 2 and 200g of water.
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Calculate molality of solution. If the density of the solution is 1.072 g/ml then what shall be the
molarity of the solution? (ANS :17.95 m. 9.11 M)
90. Calculate Molality, Molarity & Mole fraction of KI if the density of 20 %( mass/mass) aqueous KI is
1.202g/ml. (Molar mass of KI=166gm/mol) (ANS : 1.51 m , 1.45 M, 0.0263)
91. A solution of glucose in water is labelled as 10% w/w. What should be the molality and mole
fraction of each component in the solution? If the density of solution is 1.2g/ml, then what shall be
the molarity of the solution? ( ANS :0.62 m, 0.011, 0.989, 0.67 M)
92. If the density of some lake water is 1.25 g/ml and contains 92g of Na+ ions per Kg of water,
calculate the molality and molarity of Na+ ions in the lake.( ANS :4m, 5M)
93. Calculate the mole fraction of ethylene glycol. C2H4 (OH) 2 in a solution containing 20% of ethylene
glycol. C2H4 (OH) 2 by mass. (ANS :0.068 , 0.932)
94. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in solution containing 30% by mass in carbon tetrachloride
(CCl4). (ANS :0.458)
95. A sample of drinking water was found to be contaminated with chloroform (CHCl3) supposed to be
carcinogen. The level of contamination was 15ppm (By mass). (i) Express this in percent by mass.
(ii)determine the molality of chloroform in the water sample. (ANS : (i)1.5 x 10-3% (ii)1.25x 10-4 m)
96. Calculate the mass percentage of aspirin (C9H8O4) in acetonitrile (CH3CN)when 6.5g of (C9H8O4) in
dissolved in 450g of (CH3CN). (ANS :1.42 %)
97. Calculate the mass percentage of benzene (C6H6) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)if 22g of benzene
is dissolved in 122g of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). (ANS :15.28 & 84.72%)
98. Calculate the percentage composition in terms of mass of a solution obtained by mixing 300g of a
25% and 400g of 40% solution by mass(ANS :33.5 & 66.5%)
99. If the solubility product of CuS is 6 X 10-16, calculate the maximum molarity of CuS in aqueous
solution. (ANS :2.45 × 10−8 mol L−1)
100. Nalorphene (C19H21NO3), similar to morphine is used to combat withdrawal symptoms in
narcotic users .Dose of Nalorphene, generally is 1.5 mg.Calculate the mass of 1.5 X 10-3 molal aq.
(ANS : 0.0032 kg or 3.2g)
101. If N2 gas is bubbled through water at 298 K, how many millimoles of N2 gas would dissolve in 1
litre of water .Assume that N2 exerts a partial pressure of 0.987 bar . Henry’s law constant for N2 at
293K is 76.48 bar. (ANS : 0.7×10−3=0.7 milimoles)
102. H2S a toxic gas with rotten egg like smell is used for the qualitative analysis. If the solubility of
H2S in water at STP is 0.195m, calculate Henry’s law constant . (ANS : 282 bar)
103. Henry’s law constant for CO2 in water is 1.67x 108Pa at 298 K .calculate the quantity of CO2 in
500ml of soda water when packed under 2.5 atm CO2 pressure at 298 K. (ANS : 1.848 g)
104. The partial pressure of ethane over a solution containing 6.56 x 10-3 g of ethane is 1 bar. If the
solution contains 5.00 x 10-2 g of ethane, then what shall be the partial pressure of the gas?
105. Henry’s law constant for the molality of methane in benzene at 298 K is 4.27 × 105 mm Hg.
Calculate the solubility of methane in benzene at 298 K under 760 mm Hg. (ANS : 1.78×10−3)
106. Vapour pressure of chloroform (CHCl3) and dichloroform (CH2Cl2) at 298 K are 200 mm Hg and
415 mm Hg respectively. (i) Calculate the vapour pressure of the solution prepared by mixing 25.5 g
of CHCl3 and 40.0 g of CH2Cl2 at 298 K and (ii) mole fractions of each component in vapour phase.
(ANS : 349.92, 0.688, 0.322)
107. The vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B are 450 and 700 mm Hg respectively at 350 K .Find
out the composition of the liquid mixture if total vapour pressure is 600 mm Hg .Also find the
composition of the vapour phase. ( ANS :xA=0.4, xB=0.6, YA=0.3, YB=0.7)
108. Heptane and Octane form ideal solution .At 373 K, the vapour pressures of the two liquid
components are 105.2kPa and 46.8kPa respectively. What will be the vapour pressure, in bar of a
mixture of 25.0g heptane and 35.0g of octane? ( ANS : 73.08 kPa)
109. Benzene and toluene (C7H8)from ideal solution over entire range of composition .The vapour
pressure of pure benzene and toluene at 300K are 50.71mmHg and 32.06 mmHg respectively
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.Calculate mol fraction of benzene in vapour phase if 80 g of benzene is mixed with 100 g toluene.
( ANS : Mole fraction of benzene in vapour phase = 0.60)
110. 100 g of liquid A(molar mass 140g/mol) was dissolved in 1000g of liquid B(molar mass
180g/mol)the vapour pressure of pure B was found to be 500 torr.Calculate the vapour pressure of
pure A and its vapour pressure in solution if total vapour pressure of a solution is recorded as 475
torr. ( ANS :280.7 torr)
111. Vapour pressure of water at 293K is 17.535 mm Hg .calculate vapour pressure of water at 293 K
when 25 g of glucose is dissolved in 450 g of water. (ANS : 17.44 mm of Hg.)
112. A solution is prepared by dissolving 10 g of non volatile solute in 200 g of water .It has a vapour
pressure of 31.84 mm of Hg at 308 K.Calculate the molar mass of the solute.(Vapour pressure of
pure water at 308K is 32 mm of Hg.) (ANS :180 g/mol)
113. At 250C the saturated vapour pressure of water is 3.165 k Pa (23.75 mm Hg).Find the saturated
vapour pressure of a 5% aqueous solution of urea at same temperature.(molar mass of urea =60.05
g/mol) (ANS :3.118 k Pa)
114. The vapour pressure of pure benzene at a certain temperature is 0.850 bar. A non volatile, non
electrolyte solid weighing 0.5 g when added to 39.0 g benzene (molar mass 78g/mol).vapour
pressure of the solution ,then is 0.845 bar. what is the molar mass of the solid substance? (ANS
:170 g/mol)
115. Calculate the mass of a nonvolatile solute (molecular mass = 40) which should be dissolved in
114g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%. (ANS :8 g)
116. A solution containing 30g of non-volatile solute exactly in 90g water has a vapour pressure of
2.8 kPa at 298K. Further 18g of water is then added to solution, the new vapour pressure becomes
2.9kpa at 298 K.Calculate (a) Molecular mass of solute (b) Vapour pressure of water at 298K (ANS
:23 g/mol ,3.53 kPa)
117. An aqueous solution of 2% nonvolatile solute exerts a pressure of 1.004 bar at the boiling point
of the solvent .what is the molecular mass of the solute? (Vapour pressure of pure water
=1atm=1.013 bar) (ANS : 41.35 g mol - 1.)
118. Vapour pressure of pure water at 298 K is 23.8 mmHg .50 g of urea (NH2CONH2)is dissolved in
850 g of water .calculate the vapour pressure of water for this solution and its relative lowering.(
ANS : vapour pressure is 23.4 mm of Hg and its relative lowering is 0.0173)
119. The vapour pressure of water is 12.3 kPa at 300 K. Calculate vapour pressure of 1 molal solution
of a non-volatile solute in it. .( ANS :12.08 kPa)
120. 18 g glucose C6H12O6 is dissolved in 1 kg of water in a saucepan. At what temperature will
solution boil ? Kb for water is 0.512 KKgmol-1. ( ANS :373.202 K)
121. Find the boiling point of a solution containing 0.520 g of glucose dissolved in 80.2 g of water. K b
for water is 0.52 KKgmol-1. (ANS :0.0018,100.00180C)
122. A solution of glycerol(C3H8O3) in water was prepared by dissolving some glycerol in 500 g of
water. This solution has a boiling point of 100.42°C. What mass of glycerol was dissolved to make
this solution? (Kb for water = 0.512 K kg mol–1) (ANS :37.73gram)
123. The boiling point of benzene is 353.23K.when 1.80 g of a non volatile solute was dissolved in 90
g of benzene, the boiling point is raised to 354.11K.Calculate the molar mass of the solute? Kb for
benzene is 2.53 KKgmol-1. (ANS :57.5 gram)
124. Boiling point of water at 750 mmHg is 99.630C.How much sucrose is to added to 500 g water
such that it boils at 100o C. (ANS : 121.67 g )
125. What would be the molar mass of a compound if 6.21 g of its dissolved in 24 g of chloroform to
form a solution that has a boiling point of 68.04 oC .The boiling point of pure chloroform is 61.7oC
and Kb for chloroform is 3.63 oC /m. (ANS : 148.1 g mol - 1.)
126. A solution of 3.800 g of sulphur in 100 g of CS2 (boiling point = 46.30° C) boils at 46.66° C. What
is the formula of sulphur molecule in this solution ? (Atomic mass of sulphur = 32 g mol-1 and Kb for
CS2 = 2.40 K kg mol-1)(ANS :S8)
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127. A solution prepared by dissolving 1.25g of oil of wintergreen in 99.0g of benzene has a boiling
point of 80.310C .Determine the molar mass of this compound(B.P. of pure benzene = 80.100C and
Kb for benzene is 2.53 KKgmol-1.) (ANS : 152 g mol - 1.)
128. 1.00 g of non-electrolyte solute is dissolved in 50 g of benzene lowered the freezing point of
benzene by 0.40K.The freezing point depression constant of benzene is 5.12KKgmol-1 .Find the
molar mass of the solute. (ANS : 256 g mol - 1.)
129. 45g of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2)is mixed with 600g of water .calculate(a)Freezing point
depression (b)Freezing point of the solution. Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1 (ANS : 2.25 K, 270.75 K)
130. Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid (C6H8O6) to be dissolved in 75g of acetic acid to lower its
melting point by 1.5oC. Kf for acetic acid = 3.9 K kg mol-1 (ANS : 5.08 g)
131. A solution containing 2.56 gm of sulphur in 100 g of carbon disulphide gave a freezing point
lowering of 0.383 K .Calculate the molecular formulae of Sulphur [ kf of carbon disulphide = 3.83 K
kg/mol Atomic mass of S =32 amu] (ANS :S8)
132. 15g of an unknown molecular substance was dissolved in 450g of water.The resulting solution
freezes at -0.340C.What is the molar mass of the substance. (ANS :182.17 g mol -1)
133. What mass of ethylene glycol(molar mass =62) must be added to 5.50kg of water to lower the
freezing point from 00C to -100C?( Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1
134. Two elements A & B form compounds having molecular formula AB2 & AB4. When dissolved in
20g of C6H6, 1g AB2 lowers the freezing point by 2.3 & 1.0g AB4 lowers it by 1.3K.The molar
depression constant for benzene is 5.1Kg mol-1. Calculate atomic mass A & B. (ANS :Atomic mass A
= 25.59 u Atomic mass of B = 4.64 u.)
135. A 5% solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has freezing point of 271.15 K. calculate the
freezing point of 5% glucose in water if freezing point of water is 273.15 K. (ANS :269.06 K)
136. A 4% solution (by mass) of sucrose in water has freezing point of 271 K. calculate the freezing
point of 5% glucose in water if freezing point of water is 273.15 K. (ANS :268.4 K)
137. Calculate the temperature at which a solution containing 54g of glucose in 250g of water will
freeze. Kf for water is 1.86 KKgmol-1.) (ANS : Freezing point of solution =273.15−2.23=270.92K
138. In a solution of urea, 3.0 g of its is dissolved in 100 ml of water. What will be the freezing point
of this solution ? State the approximation made if any. [Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1, molar mass
of Urea = 60 g mol-1] (ANS :Freezing point of a solution is 272.07 K.)
139. Some ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is added to your cars cooling system along with 5 kg of water.If
the freezing point water-glycerol is -15oC ,what is the boiling point of the solution? (Kf=1.86 K kg
mol-1 & Kb=0.52 K kg mol-1 for water) (ANS : )
140. 200 cm3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of the protein .The osmotic
pressure of such a solution at 300K is found to be2.57x10-3bar.calculate the molar mass of the
protein . (ANS :61,039 g mol-1)
141. 10.0 gm of an organic substance when dissolved in 2 litres of water gave an osmotic pressure of
0.60 atm. at 27 0C Calculate the molecular mass of substance. (ANS :194.6 g/mole)
142. Calculate the osmotic pressure in Pascals exerted by a solution prepared by dissolving 1.0 g of
polymer of molar mass 185,000 in 450ml of water at 37oC. (ANS : 30.95 Pa)
143. At 300 k, 36g of glucose present per litre in its solution has an osmotic pressure of 4.98 bar. If
the osmotic pressure of solution is 1.52 bars at the same temperature, what would be the
concentration? (ANS :0.061 mol)
144. A 5 % solution of canesugar is isotonic with 0.877% of substance X.Find the molecular weight of
X. (ANS :59.9 or 60 g mol-1)
145. 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in enough water to make 10ml of a solution. If this solution has
an osomotic pressure of 13.3 mm Hg at 250C,what is the molar mass of protein?(R=0.0821Latmmol-
1 -1
K and 760mmHg=1atm) (ANS :13963.42 g/mol)
146. A solution prepared by dissolving 8.95mg of a gene fragment in 35.0ml of water has an osmotic
pressure of 0.335 torr at 250C .Calculate its molar mass (ANS :14193.3 g/mol).
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147. A 1m aqueous solution of trichloroacetic acid is heated to its boiling point .The solution has the
boiling point 100.18oC .Determine the vant Hoff factor for trichloroacetic acid. Kb for water is 0.512
KKgmol-1. (ANS : i=0.351)
148. Calculate the boiling points of solution when 2 gm of Na2SO4 (molecular mass 142 gm/mol) was
dissolved in 50 gm of water assuming Na2SO4 undergoes complete ionization. Kb for water =
0.512 K Kg mol (ANS : 0.439K , 373.589K)
149. Calculate the boiling point elevation for a solution prepared by adding 10 g of CaCl2 to 200 g of
water. Kb for water = 0.512 K Kg mol-1 & Molar mass of CaCl2= 111 g/mol. (ANS : 0.69 K)
150. Calculate the freezing point of an aqueous solution containing 10.5g of magnesium bromide in
200g of water assuming complete dissociation of magnesium bromide .(Molar mass of magnesium
bromide= 184 g/mol & Kf for water is 1.86 KKgmol-1.) (ANS :1.59 K,271.56K)
151. Calculate the boiling point of solution containing 4.0 g of magnesium sulphate in 100g of
water assuming complete dissociation of magnesium sulphate.(Molar mass of magnesium sulphate
= 120 g/mol Kb for water = 0.52 K Kg mol-1.) (ANS :373.49 K.)
152. Calculate the boiling point of solution containing 15.0 g of NaCl in 250g of water.(Molar mass
of NaCl = 58.44 g/mol Kb for water = 0.512 K Kg mol-1.) (ANS :ΔTb= 0.525K Tb = 373.675K )
153. Calculate the mass of NaCl (molar mass =58.5) must be dissolved in 37.2 g of water to lower
the freezing point by 20C assuming complete dissociation of NaCl. Kf for water is 1.86 KKgmol-1 .
(ANS: 1.17 g)
154. What mass of NaCl (molar mass =58.5) must be dissolved in 65g of water to lower the freezing
point by 7.50C ? Assume Van’t Hoff’s factor =1.87. . (ANS: 8.199g)
155. Calculate the freezing point depression for 0.711m aqueous solution of sodium sulphate if it is
completely ionised in solution.If this solution actually freezes at -0.3200C ,What is the value of
Van’t Hoff factor for it at the freezing point. (ANS:i =2.42)
156. A 0.561 m solution of unknown electrolyte depresses the freezing point of water by 2.930C .
What is the value of Van’t Hoff factor for this electrolyte. Kf for water is 1.86 KKgmol-1(ANS:i=2.82)
157. Determine the amount of CaCl2 (i = 2.47) dissolved in 2.5 litre of water such that its osmotic
pressure is 0.75 atm at 27° C. ( ANS: 3.42 g)
158. Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 25 mg of K2SO4 in 2 litre of
water at 25° C, assuming that it is completely dissociated.( ANS:5.27 x 10-3 atm)
159. Osmotic pressure of a 0.0103 molar solution of an electrolyte is found to be 0.70 atm at 270c .
calculate Vant Hoff factor.( R=0.082 L atom mol-1 K-1) (ANS:i=2.95)
160. 3.9g of Benzoic acid dissolved in 49 g of benzene shows a depression in freezing point equal to
1.62 K. calculate Vant Hoff factor and predict the nature of solute associated or dissociated. (Kf for
benzene is 4.9 K Kg mol-1 & molar mass of Benzoic acid = 122 g/mol.) (ANS:i=0.5067)
161. 2g of Benzoic acid dissolved in 25 g of benzene shows a depression in freezing point equal to
1.62 K. Kf for benzene is 4.9 K Kg mol-1. What is the percentage association of acid if it forms
dimer(ANS: α = 0.99 2=99.2%.)
162. Phenol associates in benzene to a certain extent to form a dimer .A solution containing 20g
phenol in 1.0 kg of benzene has its freezing point lowered by 0.69K.Calculate the fraction of phenol
that has dimerised. Kf for benzene is 5.1 K Kg mol-1 (ANS:α =0.733,73.3%)
163. Calculate the boiling point of one molar aqueous solution of Potassium chloride.Density of KCl
is 1.04 g/ml . Assume,Potassium chloride is completely dissociated ( Atomic mass of K = 39.& Cl =
35.5, Kb for water = 0.52 K Kg mol-1.) (ANS:1.0780C,101.0780C)
164. 19.5 g of CH2FCOOH is dissolved in 500 g of water. The depression in the freezing point of water
observed is 1.00 C. Calculate the van’t Hoff factor and dissociation constant of fluoroacetic acid.
(ANS: 1.0753, 0.0753, 0.00307 )
165. Calculate the depression in the freezing point of water when 10 g of CH3CH2CHClCOOH is added
to 250 g of water. Ka = 1.4 × 10–3, Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1 (ANS: i= 1.065, 0.647o)

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1. Define Electrochemical cell.What happens when applied external opposite potential
becomes greater than Eocell of electrochemical cell.
2. Explain the working of the galvanic cell by taking an example.
3. Explain the function of the salt bridge.
4. Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298K:
a) Mg(s)/Mg2+(0.001M)//Cu2+(0.0001)/Cu(s); EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V, EoMg2+/Mg = -2.36
b) Fe(s)/Fe2+(0.001M)//H+(1M)/H2(g)/Pt(s) EoFe2+/Fe= -0.44 V
c) Zn/Zn2+(0.1M)//Cd2+(0.01)/Cd; EoZn2+/Zn = -0.76V , EoCd2+/Cd = -0.40V
d) Cu/Cu2+(2M)//Ag+(0.05M)/Ag ; EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V , EoAg+/Ag = + 0.80V
e) Mg(s)/Mg2+(10-3M)//Cu2+(10-4M)/Cu(s); EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V, EoMg2+/Mg = -2.36
f) Zn/Zn2+(2M)//Cu2+(0.5M)/Cu; EoZn2+/Zn = -0.76V , EoCu2+/Cu = 0.34V
g) Sn/Sn2+(0.050M)//H+(0.020M)/H2(g)/Pt(s) EoSn2+/Sn= - 0.14V
h) Sn/Sn2+(0.04M)//H+(0.02M)/H2(g)/Pt(s) EoSn2+/Sn= - 0.14V
i) Pt(s)/Br2(l)/Br-(0.010)// H+(0.030M)/H2(g)/Pt(s)
5. Calculate the emf of the cell at 25oC for the following :
a) Mg(s) + 2Ag+(0.0001M)→ Mg+2(0.130M) + 2Ag(s). if Eocell =3.17V.
b) Ni(s) + 2Ag+ (0.002M)→ Ni+2(0.160M) + 2Ag(s),Given Eocell =1.05 V
c) 2Cr(s) + 3Fe2+(0.1M) → 2Cr3+(0.01M) + 3Fe(s) EoCr3+/Cr= - 0.74V , EoFe2+/fe= - 0.44V
6. The emf of the cell Zn/Zn2+(0.1M)//Cd2+(M1)/Cd has been found to be 0.3035 V at
298K.Calculate the value of M1. EoZn2+/Zn = -0.76V, EoCd2+/Cd = - 0.40V.
7. Calculate the potential for half cell containing .10M K2Cr2O7(aq),0.20MCr3+(aq) and 1.0x 10-4
H+ (aq) ,The half cell reaction is Cr2O72-(aq) + 14 H+ (aq) + 6e-→ 2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O(l) and the
Standard cell potential E0cell = 1.33V
8. How would you determine the standard electrode potential of the system Mg2+|Mg?
9. Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution whose pH is 10.
10. A Zinc rod is dipped in 0.1M solution of ZnSO4.The salt is 95% dissociated at this dilution at
298K.Calculate the electrode potential.
11. Using the Eo values of X & Y predict which is better for coating the surface of iron to prevent
rust and why? EoFe2+/Fe = -0.44V, EoX2+/x = -2.36V, EoY2+/Y = -0.14V
12. Calculate the emf of the cell . The following chemical reaction is occurring in an
electrochemical cell. Mg(s) +2Ag+ (0.0001 M)→ Mg2+(0.10M) + 2
Ag(s) The electrode values are Mg2+ / Mg = – 2. 36 V Ag+ / Ag = 0.81 V. For this cell calculate
/ write (a) (i) E0 value for the electrode 2 Ag+ / Ag (ii) Standard cell potential E0cell. (b) Cell
potential (E)cell (c) (i) Symbolic representation of the above cell. (ii) Will the above cell
reaction be spontaneous?
13. A voltaic cell is constructed at 25oC with the following half cell Ag+(0.001M)/Ag and Cu+2
(0.01M)/Cu what would be the voltage of this cell? Given EoAg+/Ag = + 0.80V, EoCu2+/Cu =
14. A Copper –silver is set up.The copper ion concentration in its is 0.10M.The concentration of
silver is not known.The cell potential measured 0.422V.Determine the concentration of
silver ion in the cell. EoAg+/Ag = + 0.80V, EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V).
15. One half cell in a voltaic cell is constructed from a silver wire dipped in silver nitrate
solution of unknown concentration .The other half cell consists of a zinc electrode in a
0.10M solution of Zinc nitrate .A voltage of 1.48V is measured for this cell.Use this

MAHENDRA KALRA …… 9462305605
information to calculate the concentration of silver nitrate solution.( EoZn2+/Zn = -0.763V,
o +
E Ag /Ag = + 0.80V)
16. A voltaic cell is set up at 250C With the following half cells :Al(s)/Al3+(0.001M) and
Ni2+(0.50)/Ni(s) ,Write the equation for the cell reaction that occurs when the cell generates
an electric current and determine the cell potential (givenEoNi2+/Ni = -0.25V, Eo Al3+/Al(=-1.66V)
17. Calculate ΔrG0 & value of equilibrium constant for the following :
a) Mg(s)/Mg2+//Cu2+/Cu(s); EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V, EoMg2+/Mg = -2.36
b) Zn(s) + Cu2+  Zn2+ + Cu EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V, EoZn2+/Zn = -0.76V
c) Cu (s) + 2Ag+  Cu +2+ 2Ag(s) EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V, EoAg+/Ag = + 0.80V
d) 2Fe3+ + 2I- → 2Fe2+ + I2 has Eocell =0.236 V
e) Fe2+(aq) + Ag+ → Fe3+(aq) + Ag(s),EoAg+/Ag = + 0.80V, EoFe3+/ Fe2+ = +0.77V
f) 2Cr(s) + 3Cd2+ → 2Cr3+ + 3Cd(s) EoCr3+/Cr= - 0.74V , EoCd2+/Cd= - 0.40V
18. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction Calculate the equilibrium constant for
the reaction In the button cell widely used in watches and devices the following reaction
takes place: Zn (s)+ Ag2O(s) + H2O(l)→ Zn2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s) + 2OH- (aq) Determine ΔrG0 &E0
for the reaction. EoZn2+/Zn = -0.76V, EoAg+/Ag = + 0.80V
19. Calculate emf and ΔG for the following cell : Mg(s)/Mg2+(0.001M)//Cu2+(0.0001M)/Cu(s);
EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V, EoMg2+/Mg = -2.37V
20. Calculate ΔrG0 for the reaction at 250C :Au(s) +Ca+2 (1 M)→ Au3+(1M) + Ca (s) , EoCa2+/ Ca=–
2.87 V, EoAu3+/ Au=+1.50V. Predict whether the reaction will be spontaneous or not at 25 0C
which of the above two half cells will act as an oxidizing agent and which one will be a
reducing agent?
21. Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction:Zn+Ag+→Zn2++2Ag takes place. Further
show:(a)Which of the electrode is negatively charged?(b)The carriers of the current in the
cell. (c)Individual reaction at each electrode.
22. Two half cell reactions of an electrochemical cell are given below:
(i)MnO4- + 8 H+ + 5 e- →Mn2+ + 4 H2O Eo =+1.51V (ii)Sn2+ → Sn4++ 2e- Eo = +0.15V. Construct
the redox reaction from the two half cell reaction and predict if the reaction favours
formation of reactants or product shown in the reaction
23. Given the standard electrode potentials,:K+/K = –2.93V, Ag+/Ag = 0.80V, Hg2+/Hg = 0.79V
Mg2+/Mg = –2.37 V, Cr3+/Cr = – 0.74V.Arrange these metals in their increasing order of
reducing power
24. Tarnished silver contains Ag2S. Can this tarnish be removed by placing tarnished silver
ware in an aluminium pan containing an inert electrolytic solution such as NaCl. The
standard electrode potential for half reaction : Al3+ + 3e → Al is -1.66 and Ag2S + 2e → 2Ag+
+ S-2 is -0.71
25. The electrochemical cell given alongside converts the chemical energy released during the
redox reaction to electrical energy:
It gives an electrical potential of when concentration and ions is unity. State
the direction of flow of current and also specify whether zinc and copper are deposited or
dissolved at their respective electrodes when:
(i) an external opposite potential of less than 1.1 V is applied.
(ii) an external potential of is applied.
(iii) an external potential of greater than is applied.
26. Define conductivity,molar conductivity &. limiting molar conductivity.
27. Distinguish between Electrical conductance & Electrolytic (ionic conductance)
MAHENDRA KALRA …… 9462305605
28. Express the relation among the cell constant ,the resistance of the solution in the cell and
the conductivity of the solution .How is the conductivity of a solution related to its molar
29. The resistance of 0.01M NaCl solution at 25oC is 200ohm.The cell constant of the
conductivity cell is unity .calculate the molar conductivity of the solution.
30. The conductivity of 0.20M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.0248SCm-1.Calculate its molar
31. The Molar conductivity of a 1.5M solution of an electrolyte is found to be 138.9 SCm2 mol-1 .
Calculate the conductivity of this solution.
32. The resistance of conductivity cell containing 0.001M KCl at 298K is 1500 ohm. What is cell
constant if conductivity of 0.001M KCl at 298K is 0.146X 10-3Scm-1.
33. When a certain conductance cell was filled with 0.1M KCl solution it has resistance of 85
ohm at 25oC.When the same cell was filled with an aqueous solution of 0.052M of
unknown electrolyte the resistance was 96 ohm. Calculate the molar conductivity of
electrolyte. The conductivity of 0.1 M solution of KCl is 1.29 x 10-2Scm-1.
34. Resistance of conductivity cell filled with 0.1molL-1 KCl solution is 100 ohm. If the resistance
of the same cell when filled with 0.02molL-1 KCl solution is 520 ohm. Calculate the
conductivity & molar conductivity of 0.02molL-1 KCl solution. The conductivity of 0.1 molL-1
solution of KCl is 1.29Sm-1.
35. The electrical resistance of a column of 0.05 molL-1 NaOH solution of diameter 1 cm and
length 50 cm is 5.55 X 103 ohm. Calculate its resistivity, conductivity & molar conductivity.
36. State Kohlrausch law and its application. Limiting molar conductivity of NaCl, HCl and NaAc
are 126.4, 425.9 &91 SCm2 mol-1.Calculate Limiting molar conductivity of HAc.
37. Define the term degree of dissociation.Write an expression that relates the molar
conductivity of a weak electrolyte to its degree of dissociation.
38. Calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic at 298K,given that Λm(CH3COOH)=11.7 SCm2 mol-1
, Λ0m(CH3COO-)=40.9 SCm2 mol-1 , Λ0m(H+)=349.1 SCm2 mol-1
39. Conductivity of 0.00241M acetic acid is 7.896 X 10-6 S cm-1. Calculate its molar conductivity.
If Λ0 for acetic acid is 390.5 S cm2 mol-1. What is its dissociation constant?
40. Conductivity of 0.001028 M acetic acid is 4.95 X 10-5 S cm-1. Calculate its molar conductivity.
If Λ0 for acetic acid is 390.5 S cm2 mol-1. What is its dissociation constant?
41. The molar Conductivity of 0.025 molL-1 methanoic acid is 46.1 S cm2 mol-1. Calculate its
degree of dissociation & dissociation constant. If λ0(H+) is 349.6 S cm2 mol-1 and λ0(HCOO-) =
54.6 S cm2 mol-1.
42. How do you account for molar conductivity of strong and weak electrolyte with
concentration? Plot the graphs also.
43. Why on dilution the Λm of CH3COOH increases drastically, while that of CH3COONa increases
44. Solutions of two electrolytes ‘A’ and ‘B’ are diluted. The Λm of ‘B’ increases 1.5 times while
that of A increases 25 times. Which of the two is a strong electrolyte? Justify your answer.
45. In an aqueous solution how does specific conductivity of electrolytes change with addition
of water?
46. Out of HCl and NaCl, which do you expect will have greater value for Λm and why?
47. Why does the conductivity of a solution decrease with dilution?

MAHENDRA KALRA …… 9462305605
48. State Faradays law of electrolysis.
49. How much charge is required for following reduction: (i) 1 mol of Al3+ to Al (ii) 1 mol of Cu2+
to Cu (iii) 1 mol of MnO4- to Mn2+
50. How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce (i)20g of Ca from molten
CaCl2 (ii) 40g of Al from molten AlCl3
51. How much electricity in terms of Coulomb is required for the oxidation of (i) 1 mol of H2O to
O2 (ii) 1 mol of FeO to Fe2O3
52. How much electricity in terms of Coulomb is required to reduce 1 mol of Cr2O72- to Cr3+.
53. A current of 1.50 A was passed through an electrolytic cell containing AgNO3 solution with
inert electrodes.the Weight of silver deposited was 1.50g.How long did the current flow?
(Molar mass of Ag = 108gmol-1)
54. A solution of Ni (NO3)2 is electrolysed between platinum electrodes using a current of 5
amperes for 20 minutes. What mass of Ni is deposited at the cathode?
55. A solution of CuSO4 is electrolysed using a current of 1.5 amperes for 10 minutes. What
mass of Cu is deposited at the cathode?
56. Calculate the time to deposit 1.27g of copper at the cathode when a current of 2A was
passed through the solution of CuSO4. (Molar mass of Cu = 63.5gmol-1)
57. How many moles of mercury will be produced by electrolyzing 10M Hg(NO 3)2 solution with a
current 0f 2.00A for three hours. (Molar mass of Hg = 200.6 gmol-1)
58. Chromium metal is electroplated using an acidic solution containing CrO 3 according to the
equation : CrO3(aq) + 6H+ + 6e-→Cr(s) + 3H2O calculate how many grams of Chromium will
be electroplated by 24000 coulombs.How long will it take to electroplate 1.5g Chromium
using 12.5 A current. (Molar mass of Cr = 52 gmol-1)
59. Three electrolytic cells A,B,C containing solutions ZnSO4,AgNO3,and CuSO4 respectively are
connected in series .A steady current of 1.5 amperes was passed though them until 1.45g of
silver deposited at the cathode of cell B.How long did the current flow? What mass of
copper and zinc were deposited? (Molar mass of Zn = 65,Cu = 63.5, Ag = 108 gmol-1
60. A steady current of 2 amperes was passed through two electrolytic cells X & Y connected in
series containing FeSO4 &ZnSO4 until 2.8 g of Fe deposited at the cathode of cell X.How
long did the current flow? What mass of zinc were deposited? (Molar mass of Zn = 65,Fe =
56 gmol-1 )
61. How many electrons flow through a metallic wire if a current of 0.5A is passed for 2 h .
Questions based on Batteries and Corrosion.
62. Define Corrosion. How it is prevented.
63. Rusting of iron is said to be an electrochemical phenomenon. Explain using reactions.
64. Classify Primary Cell or Secondary cell: Dry Cell ,Mercury Cell ,Lead Storage Battery Nickel
cadmium cell .
65. Write the name of the cell which is generally used in transistors. Write the reactions taking
place at the cathode and anode of this cell.
66. Set up Nernst equation for the standard dry cell.Using this equation show that the voltage
of a dry cell decreases with use.
67. Write the name of the cell which is generally used in hearing aids. Write the reactions
taking place at the cathode and anode of this cell
68. Why does the voltage of a mercury cell remain constant during its operation.
69. Write the name of the cell which is generally used in automobiles & inverters?
70. Write the reaction involved in the Lead Storage Battery. What happens when Lead Storage
Battery is recharged?
MAHENDRA KALRA …… 9462305605
71. What is Nickel-Cadmium cell.State its one advantage & disadvantage over Lead Storage
72. Which cell was used in Apollo space programme.
73. What is Fuel Cell? Explain with diagram & reaction involved in the following cell.
74. Write two advantages of H2-O2 fuel cell over ordinary cell.
75. Suggest two materials other than hydrogen that can be used as fuels in fuel cells.
76. Define Corrosion. How it is prevented.
77. The Chemistry of corrosion of iron is essentially an electrochemical phenomenon .Explain
the reactions occurring during the corrosion of iron in the atmosphere


78. Predict the products of electrolysis: (a) An aq. Solution of AgNO3 with silver electrodes. (b)
An aq. Solution of AgNO3 with platinum electrodes. (c). An aq. Solution of H2SO4 with
platinum electrodes. (d). An aq. Solution of CuCl2 with platinum electrodes. (e) Aqueous
sodium bromide (f) Copper sulphate using inert electrodes (Pt) (g) Molten NaCl (h) Aqueous
sodium chloride solution
79. Following reactions occur at cathode during electrolysis of Aqueous solution of AgCl
(a)Ag+ (aq) + e-→Ag(s) E0=+0.80V (b) H+ (aq) + e-→H2(s) E0=0.00V on the basis of their
standard electrode potential values which reaction is feasible at the cathode and why?
80. During electrolysis of Aqueous solution of NaBr solution there are two possible reactions
(a)2H2O(I) -→O2 +4H+ + 4e- E0=+1.23V (b) 2 Br- (aq) -→Br2(s) + 2e E0=1.08 V on the basis of
their standard electrode potential values which reaction is feasible at the anode and why?
81. On the basis of E° values, O2 gas should be liberated at anode but it is Cl2 gas which is
liberated in the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl. Explain

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