Chapter III

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Chapter III


The integration of technology in education and the rise of online

teaching have highlighted the need for a suitable Learning Management

System (LMS). This study focuses on identifying the preferred LMS among

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) teachers in a state university in

Northern Mindanao. By employing a mixed-methods research design,

including surveys and interviews, this research aims to understand the factors

influencing LMS preferences and provide insights for effective online TVL

instruction. The findings have the potential to enhance the quality of distance

learning in the field of TVL education.

This chapter outlines the methodology employed in conducting the

study, presenting a comprehensive overview of the research design, research

setting, sampling and participants, research instrument, data gathering

procedure, data analysis, and potential ethical issues. The methodology

section provides a clear framework for understanding how the research was

carried out, ensuring transparency and reliability in the study's findings.

Research Design

This study adopts a mixed-methods research design, combining

quantitative and qualitative approaches to gather and analyze data. The

mixed-methods design allows for a comprehensive exploration of the

preferred LMS among TVL teachers in the state university, considering both

objective measures and subjective experiences.

Quantitative Approach:

The quantitative component of the research design involves the

distribution of surveys to a representative sample of TVL teachers. The survey

will include structured questions aimed at assessing factors influencing LMS

preferences, such as usability, functionality, technical support, and

adaptability to TVL subjects. The survey data will be analyzed using

descriptive statistics, allowing for a quantitative assessment of the most

preferred LMS among the participants.

Qualitative Approach:

The qualitative aspect of the research design involves conducting in-

depth interviews with a subset of TVL teachers. These interviews will delve

into the teachers' experiences, perceptions, and challenges regarding online

teaching and LMS usage. The interviews will be semi-structured, allowing for

flexibility to explore emerging themes and gather rich, contextualized data.

The interview data will be transcribed, coded, and thematically analyzed to

extract meaningful insights and patterns.

Integration of Data:

The quantitative and qualitative data will be integrated to provide a

comprehensive understanding of TVL teachers' preferred LMS for online

teaching. The quantitative findings will offer a broader perspective on LMS

preferences, while the qualitative data will provide nuanced insights into the

teachers' experiences and perceptions. The integration of data will enable

triangulation and the generation of a holistic picture of the preferred LMS.

Research Setting and Participants:

The study will be conducted in a state university located in Northern

Mindanao. The participants will consist of TVL teachers from various

disciplines within the university. A purposive sampling technique will be

employed to select participants who have experience in online teaching and

have used different LMS platforms.

By employing a mixed-methods research design, this study aims to

provide valuable insights into the preferred LMS among TVL teachers in the

state university, contributing to the improvement of online teaching practices

and enhancing the quality of distance learning in the field of technical

vocational livelihood education.

Research Setting

This study will be conducted in a state university located in Northern

Mindanao, Philippines. The university serves as the primary educational

institution for Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) programs in the region.

The university's TVL department offers a diverse range of vocational courses,

providing hands-on training and skills development to prepare students for

various technical career paths.

The university's online teaching environment will serve as the research

setting. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shift to remote

learning, online teaching has become the primary mode of instructional

delivery within the university. The TVL teachers have undergone training and

adaptation to facilitate effective online teaching practices.

The research setting provides an ideal context for investigating TVL

teachers' preferred Learning Management System (LMS) for online teaching.

It offers a diverse pool of teachers with varying levels of experience and

expertise in using different LMS platforms. By focusing on this specific state

university, the study aims to generate insights and recommendations that are

relevant to the local TVL education context in Northern Mindanao.

Sampling and Participants

The participants for this study will consist of TVL teachers from the

state university in Northern Mindanao who have experience in online teaching

and have utilized various Learning Management Systems (LMS). For this

research on "TVL Teacher's Preferred Learning Management System (LMS)

For Online Teaching in a State University in Northern Mindanao," specifically

targeting the TVL teachers in the CSTE (College of Science and Technology
Education) department, the following considerations can be made for

sampling and participants:

Sampling Method

To select participants from the CSTE department, the researcher

considers using purposive sampling, which involves intentionally selecting

individuals who meet specific criteria relevant to your research objectives.

Purposive sampling allows you to target participants who have expertise in

computer science and technology education, have experience in online

teaching, and have utilized different LMS platforms.


The participants will consist of TVL teachers from the CSTE

department who meet the inclusion criteria. Here is a potential description of

the participants:

1. TVL Teachers in CSTE Department: The participants will be teachers

who are actively involved in delivering TVL courses in the CSTE

department of the state university. They should have a background in

computer science and technology education and be familiar with the

specific requirements and challenges of teaching TVL subjects in an

online environment.

2. Experience in Online Teaching: The participants should have

experience in online teaching, having successfully transitioned their

TVL courses to an online format. This experience ensures that they

have familiarity with various aspects of online instruction and can

provide valuable insights into their preferred LMS for online teaching.

3. Use of Different LMS Platforms: It is important to include participants

who have utilized different LMS platforms in their online teaching

practices. This diversity allows for a comprehensive understanding of

their experiences and preferences, as well as a comparison of different

LMS options.

By focusing on TVL teachers within the CSTE department, the

research can specifically examine the preferences and experiences of

educators in the field of computer science and technology education. This

targeted approach allows for a deeper understanding of the unique

requirements and challenges faced by TVL teachers in this department when

selecting an LMS for online teaching.

Research Instruments

The research instruments for this study on TVL teachers' preferred

Learning Management System (LMS) for online teaching in the CSTE

department of a state university in Northern Mindanao can include the


1. Survey Questionnaire: A survey questionnaire will be developed to

gather quantitative data regarding TVL teachers' preferences and

ratings of various LMS features, usability factors, technical support,

and overall user experience. The questionnaire will consist of closed-

ended questions, allowing participants to select their responses from

predefined options. Likert scale items can be used to quantify

responses and measure the degree of agreement or preference.

2. Open-Ended Questions: The survey questionnaire can also include

open-ended questions to capture qualitative data. These questions will

allow participants to provide detailed explanations, opinions, and

insights regarding their experiences with LMS platforms. Open-ended

questions provide an opportunity for participants to express their

thoughts freely and contribute valuable qualitative information to

complement the quantitative data.

3. LMS Demonstration and Evaluation: In addition to the survey

questionnaire, participants can be provided with the opportunity to

interact with and evaluate different LMS platforms. This can involve

giving teachers access to demo accounts or simulated environments

where they can explore the functionalities, interface, and user

experience of various LMS options. Their feedback and observations

from these hands-on experiences can be recorded and analyzed to

gain deeper insights into the preferred LMS features.

4. Interviews or Focus Groups: Depending on the research design and

available resources, conducting interviews or focus groups with a

subset of participants can provide in-depth qualitative data. These

methods allow for more detailed discussions and probing of

participants' preferences, experiences, and recommendations

regarding LMS platforms. Interviews can be conducted either in person

or through virtual platforms, while focus groups involve group

discussions facilitated by a researcher.

Data Gathering Procedure

`The data gathering procedure for this research on TVL teachers' preferred

Learning Management System (LMS) for online teaching in the CSTE

department of a state university in Northern Mindanao can be outlined as


1. Preparation: Begin by obtaining necessary approvals and permissions

from relevant authorities, such as the university's research ethics

committee or departmental administrators. Ensure that ethical

considerations, including informed consent and data confidentiality, are

addressed and communicated to participants.

2. Questionnaire Development: Design a comprehensive survey

questionnaire that includes both closed-ended and open-ended

questions. The questionnaire should cover aspects such as LMS

features, usability factors, technical support, and overall user

experience. Ensure that the questions align with the research

objectives and capture the preferences and experiences of TVL

teachers in the CSTE department.

3. Pilot Testing: Conduct a pilot test of the questionnaire with a small

sample of TVL teachers outside the actual study participants. This step

helps identify any potential issues, ambiguities, or improvements

needed in the questionnaire's design or wording. Modify the

questionnaire based on the feedback received during the pilot testing.

4. Distribution: Administer the survey questionnaire to the TVL teachers in

the CSTE department. The distribution method can be electronic (via

email or online survey platforms) or physical (paper-based

questionnaires). Provide clear instructions, deadlines, and any

necessary login credentials or access codes for online surveys.

5. LMS Demonstration and Evaluation: If included in the research

instruments, provide participants with access to demo accounts or

simulated environments of different LMS platforms. Encourage them to

explore the functionalities, interface, and user experience of each

platform. Collect their feedback, observations, and evaluations during

this hands-on experience.

6. Interviews or Focus Groups: If interviews or focus groups are part of

the data gathering process, schedule and conduct the sessions with a

subset of participants. Prepare a structured interview guide or

discussion topics to ensure consistency and cover relevant areas.

Record the interviews or focus group discussions for later transcription

and analysis.

7. Data Collection Timeline: Establish a specific timeframe for data

collection to ensure participants have ample time to respond to the

survey questionnaire or participate in interviews/focus groups.

Reminders can be sent to encourage participation and meet the

desired sample size.

8. Data Management: As data is collected, ensure that it is securely

stored and organized. Maintain confidentiality by anonymizing

participant responses and using identification codes instead of

personal information.

9. Data Analysis: Once data collection is complete, proceed with data

analysis. Quantitative data from the survey questionnaires can be

analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, mean

comparisons, or factor analysis. Qualitative data from open-ended

questions, interviews, or focus groups can be analyzed through

thematic analysis to identify patterns, themes, and recurring insights.

By following a systematic data gathering procedure, you can ensure the

collection of relevant and reliable data from TVL teachers in the CSTE

department. This process allows for a comprehensive exploration of their

preferences and experiences with LMS platforms for online teaching,

contributing to the overall findings and conclusions of the research.

Data Analysis

The researcher will classify tabulation and analyzed the data gathered

for the study. For data analysis approaches of this research on TVL teachers'

preferred Learning Management System (LMS) for online teaching in the

CSTE department of a state university in Northern Mindanao the following

tools will be employ.

1. Descriptive Statistics: Calculate frequencies, percentages, means,

and standard deviations to summarize TVL teachers' preferences

and ratings of different LMS features. This approach provides an

overview of the data and allows for easy interpretation of the


2. Comparative Analysis: Compare the ratings or preferences of

different LMS platforms using statistical techniques such as t-tests

or analysis of variance (ANOVA). This analysis helps identify

significant differences in preferences based on factors like teaching

experience or subject specialization.

3. Qualitative Thematic Analysis: Analyze qualitative data from open-

ended questions, interviews, or focus groups to identify recurring

themes and key insights regarding TVL teachers' experiences with

LMS platforms. This approach provides rich, in-depth understanding

of teachers' perspectives.

Based on the nature of the research and the available data, a

combination of descriptive statistics and qualitative thematic analysis may be

the best option. Descriptive statistics will provide a concise summary of TVL

teachers' preferences, while qualitative thematic analysis will capture the

nuances and in-depth insights related to their experiences. This combination

will allow you to triangulate the findings and provide a comprehensive

understanding of TVL teachers' preferred LMS for online teaching in the

CSTE department.

Possible Ethical Issues

In conducting the research on TVL teachers' preferred Learning

Management System (LMS) for online teaching in the CSTE department of a

state university in Northern Mindanao, it is important to be aware of and

address potential ethical issues. Some of these ethical considerations may


1. Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from all participants,

ensuring they understand the purpose of the study, their voluntary

participation, and the potential risks and benefits. Clearly explain how

their data will be collected, stored, and used to maintain transparency

and protect their rights.

2. Confidentiality and Anonymity: Safeguard the privacy and

confidentiality of participants by ensuring that their personal information

and responses remain confidential. Anonymize participant data by

assigning identification codes instead of using their names or other

identifying information.

3. Voluntary Participation: Ensure that participation in the study is

voluntary and that participants have the freedom to withdraw at any

time without facing any negative consequences. Emphasize that their

decision to participate or not will not impact their employment or

academic standing.

4. Data Security: Implement appropriate measures to protect participant

data, both during data collection and storage. Use secure platforms for

data collection, encryption for data transmission, and store data in

password-protected electronic files or locked physical storage.

5. Potential Emotional Impact: Recognize that discussing experiences

with LMS platforms and online teaching may evoke emotional

responses from participants. Be sensitive to their experiences and

provide resources or referrals to support services if needed.

6. Bias and Objectivity: Maintain objectivity throughout the research

process, ensuring that personal biases or conflicts of interest do not

influence the study design, data collection, or analysis. Strive for

fairness, transparency, and accuracy in reporting the findings.

7. Institutional Approval: Seek necessary approvals from the university's

research ethics committee or relevant authorities before commencing

the study. Adhere to the ethical guidelines and regulations set forth by

the institution and ensure compliance with local research ethics


It is crucial to address these potential ethical issues to protect the rights

and well-being of the participants and maintain the integrity and validity of the

research. Adhering to ethical principles fosters trust, promotes responsible

research practices, and ensures that the study is conducted in an ethical


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