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A Mother Eagle's Lessons in Soaring to


Narration: Once upon a time, in a vast forest
lived a family of eagles. The mother eagle and
her three little ones.

(Mother eagle flies in with her kids following


Mother Eagle: "Good morning, my little ones!

Today, we are going to learn how to fly."

Little Eagle 1: "But mom, we're scared."

Mother Eagle: "Don't be scared, my dear. I

will teach you how to soar high in the sky like
The First Lesson

The mother eagle taught her little ones

how to spread their wings and catch the

(Mother eagle and her little ones are

practicing flying)

Little Eagle 2: "This is too hard, Mom.

Can't we just stay in the nest?"

Mother Eagle: "No, my little one. You must

learn to fly if you want to survive in this
The Second Lesson
The next day, the mother eagle taught
her little ones how to hunt for food.

(Mother eagle and her little ones are

perched on a tree)

Little Eagle 3: "Mom, can't we just

wait for you to bring us food?"

Mother Eagle: "No, my little one. You

must learn to fend for yourself if you
want to grow strong and healthy."
The Third Lesson
The third day, the mother eagle
taught her little ones how to build
their own nests.

(Mother eagle and her little ones are

collecting branches)

Little Eagle 1: "Mom, this is hard

work. Can't we just sleep in your

Mother Eagle: "No, my little one. You

must learn to be independent if you
want to survive in this world."
The Big Test
After several days of practice, the
mother eagle decided it was time for
her little ones to put their skills to
the test.

(Mother eagle and her little ones are

perched on a cliff)

Mother Eagle: "Okay, my little ones.

Are you ready?"

Little Eagle 2: "Ready as we'll ever


Mother Eagle: "Good. Now, let's see

you fly."
The Lesson Learned
To the mother eagle's delight, her little
ones spread their wings and soared high
in the sky.

(Mother eagle and her little ones are

flying together)

Little Eagle 3: "Mom, this is amazing! I

never knew we could fly so high!"

Mother Eagle: "I'm proud of you, my

little ones. You have learned a valuable
lesson today. Always believe in yourself
and never give up."

And from that day on, the little eagles

learned to stand on their own feet, but
they knew their mother would always be
there to guide them. The end.

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