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Full Marks : 30
Time: 3 hours

Answer any three question : 3x10=30

(1)(a) Prove, that

d n n−1 x n e
( x e )=(−1) .
dx n x n+1

(b) Find the asymptotes of the curve:

3x 1
y= log( e− ).
2 3x
un =∫ x n tan−1 x dx
(2)(a) If 0 , prove that for n>2,

π 1
(n+1 )u n +( n−1 )un−2= −
2 n.

(b) Find the volume of the solid obtained by the revolution of the cissoids

y 2 (2a−x )= x3
about its asymptote.

π π
2 2
I m , n =∫ sin x cos nx dx J m , n =∫ sin x sin nx dx
m m

(3)(a) 0 and 0 , show that

(m+n )I m , n =sin −mJ m−1 ,n−1 ; for m≥1.

(b) Find the area enclosed by the curve r=a cos2 θ .

x2 y 2 z 2
+ 2 − 2 =1
(4)(a) Obtain the equations to the generators of the hyperboloid a b c through a point of
the principal elliptic section.

Hence show that the projections of the generators of a hyperboloid on a coordinate plane are tangents
to the section of the hyperboloid by that plane.

(b) Find the nature of the quadric represented by

2 y 2 +4 zx+2 x −4 y +6 z +5=0 .
(5)(a) Solve the differential equation

dx y x3
3 +2 = 2.
dy x +1 y

(b) Find general and singular solutions of 3 xy=2 px −2 p 2 .

(6)(a) Solve

x (4 y dx+2 x dy)+ y 3 (3 y dx+5 x dy )=0 .

(b) Solve

dy 4 x +6 y +5
= .
dx 3 y+2 x +4

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