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Influence of Traditional Wood Preservation Practices Used by Meranao’s on Five

Frequently Used Species in Baur Making in the Preference of Subterranean

Termites (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen) in Tugaya lanao del sur.

Chapter I
Background of the Study
Wood being a biological material is readily degraded by bacteria, fungi, and termites
(Walker 1993, Schultz and Nicholas 2002). However, some wood species are resistant
to these degrading agents while others are very susceptible to deterioration (Kityo and
Plumptre 1997). Wood preservation is a process of reducing and/or preventing attack
by wood deteriorating agents thereby increasing the service life of wood (Barnes
Lanao del Sur is the land where the Maranao people are located. It is where wooden
chests are produced, commonly known as "baur," which is highly in demand in the
community as well as in the rest of the nation as it showcases the craftmanship of the
Maranao people. Maranao Baur was originally hand-carved with intricate okir motifs.
The durability of wooden chests produced in the province of Lanao del Sur is
dependent on the species they use and other synthetic chemicals. The average size of
the Maranao Baur will take two to three months for the craftsmanship to be finished,
and it will last for many years due to the persistence of the wood used in the wooden
Based on their habitat, termites can be classified into three general categories:
Subterranean, damp-wood, and dry-wood termites (Baker and Marchosky, 2005).
Subterranean termites are closely associated with the soil habitat where they tunnel to
locate water and food, such as wood, fallen logs, and other cellulose-containing
materials (Suiter et al., 2009) and also have a habit of moving by forming networks in
the ground (Im and Han, 2020). Besides being found in nature, termites are also found
in human settlements, were termite attacks various valuable properties. Therefore,
subterranean termite species are well-known as the most destructive and economically
important pests of wood and other cellulose products (Adfa et al., 2020; Peterson et
al., 2006).
As it was observed, there are different wood species used in the making of wooden
chests, and most of them will easily be destroyed by termites, which makes other
wood species demand the artisan of Maranao Baur. Furthermore, the prediction of
wood's persistence by termites can be determined by the application of synthetic
organic and inorganic substances.

Statement of the Problems

Subterranean termites are the main considerable problem in making wooden

chests in Lanao del Sur due to their natural characteristics, which disadvantage of
wood furniture, particularly the Maranao Baur. Furthermore, the enhancement of the
service life of wood can be determined by the wood species and synthetic
preservatives. In conclusion, the objective of this study is to determine the wood
species and synthetic preservatives used to make the wooden chest “Maranao Baur” in
the province of Lanao del Sur. As such, this study will seek to answers the following
questions, to wit:

1. What are the preferences of the wood species of Maranao artisans in making
the wooden chests to considerably enhance the service life of wood?
2. What are the several advantages of the traditional wood preservation practice
of Maranao Baur in its service life of wood?
3. What is the most common wood species used to make a wooden chest in the
preference of Maranao artisans?
4. What are the scientific methods of choosing a wood species and the traditional
practices of Maranao artisans in the preservation of wood to avoid
subterranean termite destruction?

Objectives of the Study

The preservation of wood species preferred for use in wooden chests is important for
the quality of the product and its demand in the community. Specifically, the broad
objective of this research was to study traditional wood preservation and the
preferences of subterranean termites. At the end of this study, the researcher will be
able to seek the following objectives, namely:
1. To determine the wood species that's naturally resistant to subterranean
termites and most preferably used by the Maranao artisans.
2. To determine the wood species preference of Maranao artisans in making
wooden chests.
3. To determine the advantage of traditional wood preservation practice of
Maranao artisan in terms of life service of wood.
4. To determine the flow of pattern in picking wood for wooden chests and other
synthetic preservation for its durability.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is that the researchers will be able to determine the
traditional wood preservation practices of Maranao artisans in making Maranao's
Baur. as well as the synthetic preservation to enhance the life service of wood. This
study can be a reference for future students who choose topics related to this.
Moreover, the researcher will find out the importance of using scientific methods in
picking wood for durability and can raise awareness among the Maranao artisans with
their collaboration and help to accomplish this research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This thesis is mainly focused on the study of the traditional wood preservation
practices of Maranao artisans in making Maranao's baur and other synthetic
preservation practices that enhance the service life and durability of Maranao's baur.
One of the limiting factors of this study is the location data gathering that would be
conducted in the province of Lanao del Sur, particularly around making wooden

Operational Definition of Terms

Lanao del Sur- The place where the Maranao people are located, the research will be
conducted in this area.
Subterranean termites- Subterranean termites can cause the most damage of
any termite species. These termites build distinctive tunnels, often referred to as “mud
tubes,” to reach food sources and protect themselves from open air. They eat wood 24
hours a day, seven days a week, using their saw-toothed jaws to bite off small
fragments of wood one piece at a time.
Wood species- Wood species is a scientific delineation based on characteristics
inherent in the tree. While wood species identify and group types of trees, the names
are used by wood workers as a common way of referencing the various properties
inherent in each species.
Maranao’s Baur- Wooden chests made by Maranao artisans, which is the focus of
this study.
Wood- a readily available natural material that is used for many purposes [1]. Wood
is a biodegradable material because it can be destroyed by some categories of living
organisms, such as insects, fungi, marine borers, and bacteria (from the most to the
less aggressive) [2].
Conservation- the act or process of keeping something safe from damage or
Wood conservation- The term “wood preservation” means the process of treating
wood with chemicals or any other biochemical substances that can help to prevent or
slow down the deterioration of wood caused by either environmental factors or by
organisms such as fungi, insects, and wood borers.
Synthetic Organic- simply means making organic compounds from scratch in
laboratories or industries.
Thesis – a long essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a
candidate for a college degree.
Research – the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in
order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Research Study – are done to discover new information or to answer a question
about how we learn, behave and function with the end-goal of benefitting society.

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