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Cheasca Mae L.

Abellar BHS 2 – A


1. If you have financial problems, could it be due to psychological defects like laziness, lack
of intelligence or is it because of the impact of society? Please elaborate.
- Based on my experience, the cause of our financial problems is of the impact of
- My mother, who is now the sole breadwinner in our family, obtains her household
income through her inasal business. She has a little pwesto just outside our home.
With my siblings and I still being in school. She is the only one that provides for our
income. Fortunately, her earnings are only enough for us to get by on our daily
expenses, especially our needs. She often asks for a loan from her trusted friends
and relatives in order to buy us some of our wants. And the money that she uses to
pay for it comes from the little pension that she acquires monthly when my father
passed away. It is enough, but in today’s time it starts to get more difficult because of
the inflation of the country. With the rising costs, my mother’s minimum earning as
well as limited source of income I ask myself if we are still able to get by for the
following days, weeks, months, and/or years to come if the economic status of the
country will not improve
2. In what way will you address such a problem if you use the biopsychosocial model?
- If I were to use the biopsychosocial model, I would address this problem in the social
3. Design an intervention plan to solve such a problem following a specific theory.
- According to the cognitive theory or cognitive approach of Albert Ellis, ”It is not the
event but the belief regarding that event that creates the negative consequences”.
REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy) says that it is in the nature of man to
desire for self-preservation, happiness, positive relationship with others, growth, and
self-actualization. Adding to that, individuals tend to self-blame and/or condemn
others because they tend to fail in reaching their desires. If my client were to drown
themselves in their financial situation/problem, they won’t have solutions to address
that problem. In order for it to be addressed or in order to help the client find a
number of solutions for his situation I would use the technique called Rational
emotive imagery wherein I, as a human service worker, would let my client imagine
the worst that could happen in their situation, as well as ask them what they are
going to do about those certain scenarios until we arrived at possible solutions for
them to choose from. Those solutions or choices would be weighed in, figuring out
which one fits best and let them decide which they want to choose. If that
intervention won’t work, we will be going back again to the remaining choices and
give it a go.

1. What have you learned about yourself in doing this Laboratory Activity?
- I have learned that what matters is not the hardships that you face in life, no matter
the extent of difficulty and level of pain you may receive from it as well as the
sacrifices you will make. What matters is how are you going to behave towards it.
Will you immediately succumb to the whirlwind, or will you stand your ground and
make it through the storm?
2. What are your strengths and the skills you have?
- I try to be resilient as I can.
3. What skills do you need to develop more to be an effective human service professional?
How will you improve or develop such skills?
- I wish to not get overwhelmed. Especially when a lot of adversities come my way. I
guess for me to improve this would be taking the challenges given to me as a
motivation to work even more harder.

Do a mock-up or simulation intervention following your intervention plan in Laboratory Activity


1. Choose your own actors to play the role of a client in your created scenario. You will be
acting as a human service professional.
2. Video record the simulation and save it in your google drive.
3. Copy the link of the recorded video saved in your google drive.
4. Paste the link of the recorded video below.



1. What have you learned about yourself during the simulation or the mock-up activity?
- I have learned that I tend to carefully think on the questions that I want to say
towards my client, and I find that really challenging. You’ll never know if the
questions you wish to ask could affect the client. Which causes me to blank out in
the middle of the session. I wish to improve on that part.
2. What are your strengths and the skills you have?
- Empathy
- Observation
- Understanding
3. What skills do you need to develop more to be an effective human service professional?
How will you improve or develop such skills?
- I wish to develop more on my non-verbal skills, especially in terms of my gestures. I
tend to move my hands a lot and I think that it would affect the session with my
- To improve this, I would be more self-aware.

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