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CERADO, JUUAMA MARIE FIT! 7 namaste CEI28-2_ AFL. 2021084UT TRAFFIC PLAN TIME TABLE SATURDAY SUNDAY NONE | Nowe | none. | wows | nowe | wone | mone r00-gs00]3 Ta T TEP | are RP TP OE get coc DORM S164] poe seHoot] pyeat-scun PoM-ccrooUppperscann| POM 00-400 ‘NOTRIPS AM prs %00-10-00[ £1 ny pips yo Tr oso” lectoot os no pores (00-100 | | 00-160 Pips a +1 Gis NOTRIPS. |poreh-MALL 1:00-1:00 7 Te TPS r “Mm eM |serr00' “DORM wo C (2:00-4:00 | 4 TRIP 47RIP HP Prt ocean eon.fporar- nu] TRIPS — | Sajoovroes LTE oor] : No TIPS [or00-360 Pu NOTRIPS [02:00- 3:00 NO TRIPS OTP! Pa noTRips | NO TRIPS |03:00-4:00) 4 1RIP aver tee loopsn-ScHtoU| OEM: SRO AIL - Dome Ter lau-poee 4TmP UTRIP LTRIP ] [ose nat seapoor poo] MOTPPS | gcrott poe g note 4 TRIP Tr fat scaroot-DOPe seto0t oom Pears houts/ [y:00-4:00 Peak days eu Otherwise: © |a¥e0 -10#0°) fon peas : hours fdays [t0:00-12:00 NU TRIPS bw NOTES) Somers | yoapips | BETIS | wo tPres ji00-1a70] NO TRIPS * summary mM AM Ot next - Tine -h00 | page * ($200 “0:00 an 7 — jaa J SUMMARY: © PEAK NOURS (6300- p00 AM) wumeee oF TRIPS COAL) ® HHL-] = , ‘ TAL OF = 1D TRIPS © PEAK HOURS (4:00 -&:00 PM) 7 TorAL NUMGER oF Terps (forat) = [ill = 4 Qn TRIPS ® won- PEAK tours ($:00- 4:00 PM) i" jumper of TES croraly = THIL- HY = 10 @© WON Peas Hours (Gy:00PM- 5:00AM) AUMBER OF TRIPS (TOTAY = I] = 2 Tora OF = 12 TRIPS © Peaw pays (MOW~ FRI) NUMBER oF TRIPS (Torml) = TH TH- HAL-I =H bed 22 TRIPS NOW PEAK phys ( SAT-SUN) wunger oF TeIps (TOTAL) = tH} && Gey Juliana marie Fiiti T Cerado, a second-year BMCE student in Mapua university, atnerates a total of 22 triPS weexiy- sme generares a total of 10 tfp5 during peak howr and 12 tripe auring nof-peak hours ourind peak car, Mt Ceradio qenerater ly amps whine on non Peak dqur, she acnerarer @ fpr. ter common dertinationr would etter be sod) , oF the univerrity’, and me Malls niore (peciti cally, SM city Manila fr sMould be noted that Hs-Cerado only feavelr oy foot:

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